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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • nickhit3
    Free Member

    anyone fancy a pint?

    Free Member

    I have been, one of the most beautiful places i have seen. V Busy in walking season but worth it. Sadly don’t have on the ground knowledge regarding routes- French family members were the guides at the time.

    Free Member

    apologies for my flippant remarks to the OP, the chronic is NOT the solution. Ironically back in the day, it contributed to 2 years of panic attacks for me but that’s another story.

    I echo the sentiments of others regarding counselling- i am a worrier, and always have been, but the only thing that i have found that helps is talking about It. Don’t isolate yourself, you’re not alone. Not by a long way. Professional help is valuable.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Have you tried/heard of bongs?

    Free Member

    “if we’re banning people for being nobheads, it’ll be a quiet week.”

    if a bomb went off in here though, frankly we’d all be better off.

    Free Member

    i think Perchy’s gag “Fake Brews” counteracts the personal abuse imo. Thus no ban should be enforced.

    Free Member

    “You couldn’t pay me enough to use hope brakes. Unreliable & poor power in my experience.”

    genuinely sot something you hear often, particularly the reliability issue! what sets and issues have you had issues with?

    Free Member

    There’s a nice bit about this very issue on in the second series of Extras, if anyone remembers. The outtakes alone are worth a search.

    Free Member

    “I used to be really anti these guys as the worst kind of bottom feeding scum. But then I realised a bit like Trump they do a tremendous public service by identifying the true dribblers of society. The blood lines that need preventing from multiplying. We just have to be brave enough to finish off what they started”

    I’ve seen some criticism of Prog bands but come on man.

    Free Member

    i saw the death of Dan Kneen mentioned on instagram this morning, but nothing on the BBC pages which i found surprising. I’m just a casual Moto fan but Its a hell of a blow to read non the less. The guys who do this are incredible.

    Free Member

    “I used to like coming here, but not any more. I guess I’ll have to do some work instead”



    Free Member

    “It’s unfair to tar all travellers with the same brush”

    say what you like but they’re not short of brushes and tar.

    OT: thanks to Cougar for the email. The evidence of my swearing is indeed damning and amusing to read after the fact. As to why I only received the last email informing me of my ban, is still a mystery. The policy, dare I say it, is still backward as this thread alone proves.

    Free Member

    “I’ve never met Binners but I think he’s a nobhead.

    Hope this helps.”

    it does.

    Free Member

    “I agree with the mods on this, I thought STW had a policy of not deleting stuff because it encouraged people to think before they posted”

    clearly a policy that is working well.

    Free Member

    “I’m more than happy to forward it on to you if you think I’m lying”

    please do, I was asking for this back when i was banned 7 months ago- not that it makes any difference to anyone. I only ever received one email indicating “time off” hense my attitude at the time of this being a petty boys club where **** behaviour is tolerated because they’re in the clique and somehow swearing is an unforgivable sin. Seems some above are alluding to the same clique within this thread above. funny that.

    Free Member

    “I am deeply concerned that a post on STW containing “I’d happily endorse a more Hitler-esque ‘solution” has not been removed after it has been reported. Do the mods think this kind of language is appropriate in any context?”

    here’s your answer:

    “There was a delay whilst we were discussing whether “pikey” was inherently offensive”

    takeaway? they don’t GAF.

    Free Member

    “No you weren’t.  You were banned for doing it repeatedly despite several warnings and the penultimate one advising that you’d receive a ban if you did it again”

    I’d love to see the correspondence regarding the ‘several warnings’ because i sure as hell don’t have it.

    I suspect I wont get it just like the last time I asked. Your language policy is a joke, swearing all over the place- asterisks or not. And yet this unit Binners wont get banned? Its a laughing stock mate.

    Apologies, lets get back to the badly tarmac’d driveways again. As you were.

    Free Member

    yeah lesson learned there. 99% of my time on eBay is purchase only for this very reason, had many a low value sale become absolute ball aches because of absolute dicks who cant read or start quibbling. Selling UK only is one route i also took. Its a shame, as 10 years ago ebay was actually quite fun to use to get rid of things.

    Your Spanish PS1 game guy there is a great example. Can you refuse the sale given that you specified uk only? i thought that prevented EU/worldwide bidders etc..

    Free Member

    “Sounds all sorts of hassle – even if it’s genuine you’ll have to then start a new auction so that their new account can win. You can’t just sell someone something direct without a listing in eBay.”

    true although i think- reading between the lines- the buyer is just re creating a new eBay account and wishes to purchase from that. It seems like they’re asking the seller/OP to hold on to the item and wait for payment from the new account. I wouldn’t give them the option personally as i said- you cant be sure of the motive.

    PS is it the case that the buyer has to cancel the winning bid? if so i did not know that, seems open to abuse and takes the power away from the seller.

    if the OP wants to waste his time, he could speak to ebay to see their take. I suspect in the first instance it will be ” wait 7 days for payment, then we’ll look at it”

    Free Member

    fishy. tell them to do one, and re list the item.

    Adopt a zero tolerance approach on eBay. There’s too many dicks out there. State in your listing that winning payment must be made within 24 hrs or a case will be opened. Perhaps I’ve been lucky but it seems to work for me. After sales communication is rarely genuine or anything less than trouble.

    Free Member

    “I for one am yet to come across a group of travellers who leave an occupied site as they found it, Has anyone else?”

    hear hear.

    Bring back our lovely BRITISH lay-bys and waste-grounds. Lets’ not let them harm our nation’s hidden eyesores. I’m old enough to remember our dead-ends, un surfaced car parks and lay bys once having some stunning dumped aggregate or a burnt out fiesta. Now look at them. These lot just ruin that for all of us.

    Free Member

    Yet weirdly the report post link is missing from that post which has stayed up for over 2hours now. Post a picture with some swearing on it and its deleted almost instantly along with a ban.


    I have to laugh now, I was banned for a WEEK for <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>using asterisks in a swearword not even the complete word</span> in a lighthearted post a couple of months ago. Invoke the genocide of millions? nothing.

    And what is with the lack of report button on his post?

    Free Member

    interesting about that Applebyfair thing- never knew it existed, its quite near me. It explains the several horse drawn carts etc and (LPG/transit powered) caravans I saw yesterday on the back roads out of Lancaster. The traditional caravans are pretty impressive looking, works of art.

    The action taken at the brewery was horrific, hope there is some justice for the parties involved.

    Free Member

    Clarks have never let me down. I’ve had a 203 floating on the front for years now. No noise or rattles. As good as the Hope floater on the rear ime.

    Free Member

    water lot of trouble. I have to ask, how big is your cock? can you DM me some pics? asking for a plumber friend of mine, who says he knows an expensive cock when he sees one. He did say these days if its old and dirty he wont touch them, what with the easy availability of cheap foreign cocks out there.

    Free Member

    don’t think anyone has mentioned the elephant in the room: its always old people who do this. Blue rinsers. Men with sticks. With no exceptions. GET IN THE SEA.

    Free Member

    wait, isn’t the target here the ‘walker(s)’ given that the first sign states ‘now f-off walker’? Im not following this as anti-mtb as such..


    Free Member

    OT but STW, your forum is awful since that update sorry. Don’t know whats happening with the random scripts above in my text there. Your quote function is also balls.

    Free Member

    OP, I think you’ve already pulled the trigger, but i am a happy BT FTTP customer (new build development) for what its worth.

    That said, the set up of that brand new service was to date, the worst customer service experience I have ever experienced with any firm of any kind ever. Too boring to go into here but I did recently renew the BT contract to a marginally cheaper tariff for another 2 years with them as the product has been stable and ideal for us as a young family. Speeds are 51 dl/10 up as advertised on Infinity 1 (iirc) and hasn’t shit the bed once. Router hub has been great.</span>

    I know that the FTTP customer dept is currently UK based <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>only</span>, but I’m not sure about the regular FTTC customers like you and if they are screened as all other BT customers aka, potentially overseas call centres which i’m sorry to say are generally utterly appalling in BT’s case. And i say this as an ex BT empoyee.

    Free Member

    “Assuming actually what you want to do is lose fat rather than just ‘any’ weight, Don’t cut too much or you will end up losing not just fat but also muscle. 10 percent calorie deficit is about what you need for long term FAT loss. Look up basal metabolic rate and calculatioins around this. Also to avoid muscle loss lift heavy weights so your body realises it still needs them (and doesn’t prefer dropping the muscle in preference to fat)

    Oh yeah and myfitnesspal.

    And look up macronutrients and ‘cutting’ for how the bodybuilders do it (i.e. scientifically)”

    This. So much this.

    OP,firstly well done on tackling it head on. However, how did you come to the conclusion that 1200 calories daily was:

    a) sustainable (spoiler: it isn’t)

    b) not going to contribute to muscle loss (spoiler: it will in all likelihood)

    c) not going to impact your hormones, sex drive and/or testosterone levels? (spoiler: you will feel like crap)

    Unless you are an 8 year old girl, 1200 calories is an astonishing low daily amount. You truly only need a SMALL deficit over a LONG period of time. You didn’t gain fat over night, nor will you lose it over night. Give yourself many months if not years to get there, accept it and keep consistent-fat loss is not a linear process, it fluctuates. Spend time working out your TDEE, Lean Body Mass and BMR to give you an accurate defect. And diet is NOT more important than exercise- both are important. My Fitness Pal for me has been very eyeopening on my own health and body composition journey- the basic food tracking is effective. Its good for beginning this process before you become more adept at ‘eyeballing’ portions- dont think you have to calorie count for life , but you need to get your head around how the calories in vs calories out process works. MFP or any food tracker does help. Oh and keep your protein intake up but not at the expense of overall calories.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    “Are you both happy with your sex life?”

    hers or mine?

    this thread is such a bummer. i can relate to some aspects here. good luck to the OP.

    Free Member

    I cant think of a racer I don’t like on some level. They all bring something to the table and I’ll always respect someone who takes the risks they do over such a typically short career. SH deserves all the praise he gets in my book.

    Free Member

    what would a typical spend be at BPW to give you the ‘best’ experience in most peoples view? Or what have most found to be an average coinage for a good day there? I’ve not visited but hope to one day- im a fair bit away up in Lancaster but its always looked rad.

    Free Member

    Are they looking for Tom Donaldson and his Triumph Stag?

    Lovely Stuff..

    Free Member

    Interesting replies echoing the questionable quality control that had until now put me off. I have to admit that I felt the current reviews and marketing addressed the previous failings and I handed over my money. They feel every bit as substantial as the 2fo that it replaces for me. The current impact is a world away from the old one it seems. Happy camper here.

    Free Member

    I believe other races held at the venue finish at the marina as indicated here by Mr Pilgrim.. but yet the Spec Gravity team recently did pre season work there and Loic mentioned it being “only a 2 minute track” (its on a video interview) with no reference to any urban sections. That would by my reckoning see a finish area BEFORE the street section, somewhere around the first car park area Sam comes across.

    Has the track layout been officially released by the UCI? people seem to be quick to complain about an apparent street section and i suspect if that was the case with the opening round at a brand new unproven track..we would have heard about this a LONG time ago.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    so sad. I actually have a SoHo Bikes Tee on today! I noticed on their social output (which was excellent btw) that a few months back they took some unusual changes to their openings- including closing completely at weekends- which always struck me as troubling especially in retail. I couldn’t work out what benefit that was to them. This can’t have been an easy decision. I haven’t seen Rob mention anything on social media either given that it very much was his profile that kicked it off in 2014. And only the other month, he/they heralded the return of the great ‘SohoBikes TV’ His name was missing from the official notice too i saw, with only Nick’s on the press release.. potential falling out?

    Loved the store, and although I’m not local it was always a destination when in London for me. Their media presence was great, production quality and the YouTube interviews and general brand was brilliant. Feel for the guys involved.

    Free Member

    Yeah that’s not great if you want to set the bars for a standing position though

    you mean, the way i have it now? more or less vertical?

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