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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • nickhit3
    Free Member

     There’s no way I’m getting involved in that Tom


    I knew my spidey senses were tingling earlier.. lol

    Free Member

    It certainly was a long, long way from my first ever gig – the Beast On The Road tour at Bradford St George’s Hall which was the first tour with Dickinson on vocals. £2.75 a ticket back then.

    thats v cool having been there right at the beginning of that era of the band. hats off to you sir. bet youve seen some absolute belting shows.

    Free Member

    Support act KillSwitch Engage are also worth a listen, been a fan of theirs for years. Cracking support for Maiden, a more contemporary genre of metal but its heavily flavored with the good times metal for yore. Jealous of all attending!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    East Lancashire? you might be closer than i thought! ;) I’m not native to the county as it happens, ironically I’m a bloody immigrant.. (I’m Scottish)

    Free Member

    I kept an eye on Dell outlet. This time last year I got an i5 with a 1080p 15.6″ screen, 256 SSD and 8gb RAM for about 350 quid. Way over spec but a great price. If exp advice about SSD. If much rather have a smaller SSD than a larger spinny disc. Makes the device so much nicer to use.

    great deal that!

    Free Member

    so sorry for being dumb, but if its got 128mb hard drive (even in SSD) how has it got more storage than a 1tb?

    it wont be 128mb, it will be 128GB. big difference…

    still less than 1TB obviously but usable certainly. tbh a 1tb portable HD isnt that expensive and it might be worth having as an all important back up..

    ps be careful using cracked/pirate Office software. you could easily bork your whole computer with malware that way.again, speaking from experience!

    Free Member

    SSD is a ‘Solid State Drive’ – a hard drive that isn’t mechanical that requires spinning at high speed to write your data. More akin to storage on modern smartphones. Bit like the difference between an old floppy disk and usb. These older hardrrives  tend to be much slower to access all that storage, but the older harddrives can be found on the cheaper laptops (I know because I have one!) SSD is the way to go. It means your laptop will be quicker in almost all areas from boot up to saving items etc.

    storage is a swizz I agree. Go for more if budget allows. Avoid anything approaching 32 gb- the operating system will take up about a third remember. Usable storage will be much less as a result- just like phones…

    Free Member

    @Binners : an apology

    Having re read my points above I can see that I owe you an apology. I genuinely was not in any way suggesting using those terms made you a racist or indeed a homophobe. I do detest those terms, and had a bee in my bonnet about it. The bee is dead now and my bonnet is hanging up. Apologies also to the OP for derailing what was an interesting read.

    Free Member

    you guys.

    It’s just cool to know what is accepted here and what isn’t. Its been enlightening today.

    Free Member

    lol excellent.

    So…. let me get this right….. I relay a story of how I had a barney at a load of gammon racists in my local, calling them out for their racism and homophobia, thus effectively barring myself from my nearest pub (which I used to frequent quite a lot) and because I quoted the actual words they used, I’m now the racist/homophobe?

    Does someone want to talk me through the logic of that one? Because to be honest, I’m struggling to see it.

    I certainly didn’t call you a racist, nor was i inferring it, I’m not sure anyone has called you an racist here- I just felt that it wasn’t needed to type out those words when other term(s) would have laded the points you made just as adequately.

    I was also surprised that the word was allowed at all REGARDLESS of the context. It has been pointed out that this is not a swearword and therefore eludes the ‘swear’ filter. I have also been told such moderation on STW exists as this is a website for all ages – therefore it seems that self-censoring that term might have been a good idea.

    If this becomes an exercise in free speech then you’ll love my upcoming next forum topic: ‘**** and other offensive terms: boo hoo or naw?’ see you there yeah?

    Free Member

    Didn’t do GSCE History?

    No, i did Standard Grade history back in the motherland aka F-all. The only WW history we covered was stuff about poetry, which was lost on me at the time. Of course i was aware of Jewish persecution in the wider context of history but it occurred to me reading this tread I have genuinely never had it explained why they were explicit targets for thousands of years. Go figure.

    Free Member

    Is that really a serious question?

    yes it was. I don’t pretend to know everything. I know some of it but Jewish persecution is not my wheelhouse. Call me ignorant if you like but I’ve never had a compelling reason to look into it and it’s never been a part of my life. See also religious hatred in Ireland/Northern Ireland- it just doesn’t factor in my life. Im not saying that’s right its just the way it is for me. Every day is a school day.

    No doubt antisemitism exists

    It has multiple roots from the supposed involvement of jews in the killing of christ to the way that in pre revolutionary russia Jews were forbidden to take part in many professions and trades so many ended up in money lending as their only way to earn a living giving rise to claims of usury etc.

    Add to this the suspicions many have of ” the other” and the tight knit nature of the jewish diaspora and you get the breeding grounds for predjudice.

    cheers, i liked that. I had some knowledge of it but didn’t know if i was wide of the mark.

    Free Member

    can someone explain, in laymans terms, why the Jewish communities are the focus of this hate or ‘alleged’ hate? I’ve genuinely never had it neatly explained.

    Free Member

    Look, if you don’t leave politely, sir, I’ll have cyclingwilly’s mate remove you.

    I’d like to see you try. The landlady is a close personal friend of mine. Cant a guy just have a pint and discuss the use of the word **** and offensiveness?

    Free Member

    I was going to say feeding the ducks but I’ve been Parklifed.

    Taking off your kneepads after a sweaty ride

    Having a ****

    in that order?

    Free Member

    Ooh, well done you on exercising your right to be offended. 😆 Did you not notice binners was <em class=”bbcode-em”>quoting? It’s very different from using the words in a racist or homophobic way, which is when they actually are offensive.

    Thanks for the English lesson there chief, really enlightening. Please tell me why is it an issue for you that I was offended, and feel I shouldn’t have to read that term? I’m all ears.

    Free Member

    all of this makes me glad I’ve sent my brakes to Hope for a service every couple of years. They truly come back clean and like new. Never had great success bleeding them- bubbles always remain.

    Free Member

    EDIT: Oh, and get a dog, it will support you in what ever decision you make. Not like those shitty cats holding you back.

    im a cat person, but i endorse this message.

    Free Member

    great replies above, thank you again.

    Free Member

    The swear filter is a blunt tool to **** out a few of the more common swear words.  It is not, and was never intended to be, anyone’s personal censorship filter.

    lol explains a lot on STW. Finally a platform to bring back the word **** amongst our anecdotes, its not a swearword or offensive so I’m told above so its fine. I cannot think of any other forum that would not stamp on this type of language and not hide behind some BS ‘personal censorship’ argument. what a joke.

    Free Member

    Air B&J – the new way to enjoy a brothel?

    Free Member

    Are they swear words?

    if i called a black person that, do you think they’d whip out a dictionary and check the definition?

    It didn’t need to be used i don’t think, and a substitution wouldn’t have changed the context of Binner’s anecdote. The characters he were describing were already painted as fools and bigots. dunno, just seems like ropey moderation.

    Free Member

    OT but, the n-word not on the swear filter, or ‘queer’ for that matter?  quite a shock to read it there above- did it need to be used there really? the phase ‘racist abuse’ not enough?  I got the context but seems odd that its allowed. surely more offensive than the f’ing used in the rest of the post.

    //Blanked out for you now. Chipps//

    Free Member

    Was it shouting or raising a voice? I raise my voice a bit sometimes (perhaps more than I’d like, but they drive you to it sometimes) but only properly shouted at them the once when they were really playing me up trying to get them ready for school. The embarrassing thing was that it was in the open front doorway so the whole street would have heard my caterwauling.

    pretty much this- a shout. it was loud enough to hurt my throat. i think it was only a few words.

    Free Member

    Thanks peeps. We’re all in the trenches together then… Most of her tantrums I can cope fine with, even in public- my wife is the firmest there in public typically. The nonsensical ones are almost always fleeting. I think someone mentioned the VOLUME being the trigger for me, which is ironic. Shes’ like a stun grenade.

    Free Member

    Anyone up for going halves on the rent for Nickhit365 bookies?

    Free Member

    “Anyone dibbed the mobility scooter, vape and tattoo emporium yet?”

    nope. I’ve got a man with a mobile phone unlocking/accessory cart if you’re interested though. He’s keen so i can put you two together, quite the folio. Could make a killing.

    Free Member

    “a VAG tuning service”

    brothel! of course!

    Free Member

    “Ahem. Out And About bikes was proposed on page 1…”

    do you have:

    a) customer toilets

    b) espresso bar

    c) settees

    d) a framed Shaun Palmer jersey above the till?

    CalmDoon cycles has all of these and more. first 100 customers get 20% off too. Im not impressed with your Decathlon-meets-Rapha look either. You’ll be gone in a year.

    Free Member

    interesting that no one has decided to open a bike shop. I’ll do that. I’ll even match online prices.

    Free Member

    I got an email from Npower the other day saying ‘thanks for asking us for a smart meter’ despite not asking at any point. I’m v happy with Npower generally, but thought that was a little odd. Ignored it until this thread reminded me of it.

    I’ve always been dubious of the whole system but also from a data security POV. How easy would it be to exploit the system maliciously? can customer info be accessed in this way? Basically, can anyone search my private browsing tabs via my smart meter. I have a reputation to protect here. All of this is just speculation and ill happily admit to donning the tinfoil hat here but…

    Free Member

    that must have been canard to see. thought with you.

    Free Member

    Im just a random STW lurker but my condolences to you sir as with everyone else. Sounds like your family have an amazing and compassionate dad, and your wife knew that doubtless. “When you’re at the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on” Love to you.

    Free Member

    Them Crooked Vultures. Whole album. rip that knob off.

    Free Member

    just a shout out to those who gave me advice about the Chromecast. Its excellent and one of those items i wish I’d had much sooner. The test will be the WC this weekend but its already has some sterling service with Netflix and Youtube etc. Thanks lads.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys. And DezB there- I’d been aware of the chromecast, but looks like this might be the way forward.

    Free Member

    Ah cheers for that- looks like a Chromecast might be a slicker way to do this. Can you explain the casting procedure using a chromecast and RedBull app?

    Free Member

    nice work there PP. tip of the hat.

    In all seriousness, I had to start slowly agian before this snowballs. My parody of Travelling People on long-haul flights to the Pyrenees, earned me a much coveted email warning for using offensive derogatory terms relating to fictitious Travelling Folk on Long Haul Flights to the Pyrenees.

    The atmosphere was rather frosty.

    Free Member

    with the utmost respect to the OP, your partner’s grasp of nutrition is moronic. The only issue any human would face with eating ”too much fruit” is adding a calorie surplus to your daily energy needs leading to weight gain over time. As other point out, demonising fruit or vegatable of any kind in the diet is utterly nonsensical and harmful at best. Get them down you. Or up you if you prefer., its 2018 after all.

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