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  • SQ Lab 6OX Infinergy Ergowave Active 2.1 Saddle review
  • nickhit3
    Free Member

    I think some folk overthink tyre choice (I’m probably guilty myself). I think that there are tyre types that clearly offer better traction in various/untypical conditions. Slicks and Mud tyres for example. But beyond those broad terms, what you have on your wheels probably makes less difference than most people think.

    Having said that, some are better than others (within a grid of Slidey grippy, rolling resistance etc) but for mortals (most of us) I’m pretty certain it makes next to no difference in the real world

    That’s what I tend to think. The point of gaining confidence-real or perceived- is clearly massive, and if it works, it works right? but can the average rider REALLY tell the difference? I get the feeling some like to think they can. No two runs, down the same trail are ever the same for me- and that’s what makes it challenging and fun. The inconsistency of every piece of terrain under a tyre contact patch at any given moment seems to me to be an almost impossible task to compute let alone compare.

    Free Member

    I’d run those tyres the same way you are, but I don’t like the HR2 as a front tyre.

    You’re still wrong of course, it should be DHF up front with the DHR2 on the back like what I run


    Free Member

    It may be placebo but the end result is real

    That’s what i was getting at really. I’m now in the quandry of doubting a set up that 24hrs ago i had the utmost confidence.. how odd.

    Free Member

    So sad. I wondered if there could be a device of sorts that could sit in or over a tram line that crosses the forward path of a cycle lane that allows the tram wheel to pass through but ‘close’ after the tram wheel is passed-allowing for a road surface that doesn’t have a metal trough in it. Kind of like a rubber gaiter of sorts that is stiff enough to part for a tram wheel but close and ‘seal’ the tram track- akin to closing a zip. There must be a good reason this doesn’t exist but when lines cross or are in cycle lanes, some solution should be found. Thoughts are with all affected.

    Free Member

    Rationalisation is an evolutionary thing in my experiance – I suspect after The Apprentice she was looking for a gig, I think she liked the spotlight more than the prospect of becoming a soulless suited business drone afterwards. I’m not really inclined to go back through her history to find it, but I’m sure she started with a slightly inflammatory remark that she probably meant, got into a bit of trouble, but wait – trouble isn’t always a bad thing in her line of work, suddenly they want you to come on This Morning and defend it, your twitter followers doubles, even if half of them are just calling you a ****. Exposure, followers and likes, that’s how you make a living in that corner of the media – she probably told herself “oh it doesn’t matter, no one takes me seriously” or “it’s not a very serious topic” I seem to recall she was known for saying daft things about famous peoples daft kids names, pretty far removed from the sort of crap she spouts now, so you say something else inflammatory, and then something else, each time chipping away at what you think makes you moral, but pretty soon you’re not Katie Hopkins the person, you’re Katie Hopkins the brand, you’re the head of a team of people who work for KH Shitspouting Holdings Plc, and usually mentally separating yourself from what you’re doing by making it the business of a company of some type is enough to absolve yourself of any wrongdoing.

    One day her star will fade, they always do, even famous types with proper real talents fade in the end, we forget about them, until they die anyway.

    Whether this current age of fear pandering is near the end or just getting started who knows, I personally think that Trump could be the turning point, the point when the western world stopped and realised it’s all gone a bit far now.

    nailed it.

    Free Member

    Do or say bad stuff and get a bag load of dosh, screw the consequences, but I think that would be quite cynical personally!

    That suggests she would have had a restless night moralising about taking the £££. She didn’t and likely never has in her career. Not for a second. I feel sorry for her children. That’s got to be tough on them. Knowing your mum spends her days being pimped on a digital street corner by the dark lord. No not Alice Cooper.

    Free Member

    Yes, you want to earn some money … I understand that …

    But my question is if you (you lot) object to her views (regardless of that they are) and you know she is on … why tune in to listen after all you (you lot) have already made up your mind?

    I dont think the majority tune in to be willing in their own offence- some will but I certainly don’t. For me, when her name crops up in, say, a global news site like the BBC, I just think “oh, yeah theres that hateful figure again” Thats as far as it goes in terms of participation. I suspect alot of people just associate Katie Hopkins’s name as a byword for all that is wrong with the cult of celebrity/mankind.

    Free Member

    It must require some impressive doublethink and moral gymnastics to be able to justify doing this as a job. Can’t these people not see the influence they have and the link between what they say and the suffering it causes?

    Can’t get my head around it. You must have to be so cynical about your life, society and humankind.

    OR… perhaps, just maybe, the cash people are willing to pay for this act is too good. Maybe.

    Free Member

    Yes, good, yes let it out, … (Sith voice from Star Wars)

    I do feel markedly better now ta.

    Free Member

    She has no agenda, no ideology, no politics other than self promotion. never has.

    very true. It doesn’t excuse her behaviour.

    Free Member

    she needs to be in a 6ft box

    You stay classy….

    I stand by that statement, I don’t give AF frankly. I’ll offer to kick the chair away if you hold the camera.

    Free Member

    I believe it may have something to do with a tweet about the Manchester situation that stated there must be a “final solution” to the problem.

    yep. that’ll do it.. some horrific “it was a typo” back pedalling from her followed. Incredible scenes.

    Free Member

    Thats a shame, I liked her. At least she is still in the dm.

    she needs to be in a 6ft box, not a ‘news’paper.

    Free Member

    to be fair, if I was an enduro bro, I’d be happier with them on my bike. My bikes are steel hardtails or rigid, and I don’t ride with pads, so it’d look a bit odd riding with handguards, especially with gorse and bramble scratches over my unprotected calves and forearms!

    That’s interesting actually, I would argue that on the right hard tail, they’d look fine. Seems like they’re a marmite option for most riders in spite of seemingly having a genuine functional benefit. Such is the way in MTB..

    For me its definitely the hands that are the issue- I’ve had the odd infected splinter from a trail brush with scrub and whilst not a huge issue, it’s a bummer and can be painful.

    Free Member

    Of course!! the colour!!! the single most important thing in 21st century MTB culture. smdh. For the benefit of the OP, the ones I ride-and that are still available in several retail stores- are all black fwiw. Imelda Marcos above, seemingly unaware.

    Free Member

    Specialized 2FO and some good Sealskin socks- used over two winters in NW England so far, Quick drying and only ever had damp BUT WARM feet with this combo.

    Free Member

    yeah, the hand guards are quite tempting. I’m no ‘enduro-bro’ though so dgaf about whether they’re fashionable or not- only interested in a solution here.

    Free Member

    seriously considering those red ones. useful for young daughter decontamination. cheers.

    Free Member

    That’s exactly what I find, I’m also to shy to use it and make errors.
    My Wife is Danish and she is annoyed that after 8 years I still know more French than Danish, and I know very little Danish.

    yep! same reluctance here. Once told my French mother in law ‘i loved her’ instead of ‘i love it’ now she’s always popping round..

    Used to date a Danish girl a few years back as it happens, found that a fascinating language to listen to but only ever picked up one or two words. Her father was Scottish like me, but would address his wife and daughters only ever in Danish. Always thought highly of that and it was very impressive to me at the time. I really should make more of an effort! next thing ill know my daughter and wife will be chatting away in French and ill be sobbing into my haggis..

    Free Member

    My wife is French, also a teacher who teaches French and we are raising a daughter to become bilingual- which for her should come naturally.. and my own French language skills? appalling. I’m not proud of this. When in France I do ‘tune in’ to the language and find it a little easier but I find the biggest issue is a fundamental lack of knowledge with grammatical terms in ENGLISH. My wife will casually explain an error I make attempting French, and explain the grammatical structure to help me and all it does is confuse me further.. The critical emphasis on understanding grammar between the french and english education system is a galaxy apart it seems. c’est merde.

    Free Member

    the SKF kit pictured WON’T work for internal mods or upgrades. The kit in the link is the Dust wiper seal/foam ring upgrade and is not an internal part of the damper assembly. I know as I run them on my 2014 888 CR’s.

    Free Member

    mrmonkfinger – Member

    I know nothing about Brew Dog, but I like beer.

    Doom Bar, Butty Bach, HPA are current favourites.

    What Brew Dog Brew for me?

    well, its a safe bet to start with their ‘Dead Pony Club’ which is 3.8% iirc. Very nice session style ale and a good in to their product- which contrary to alot of the opinion above- i really like. Punk IPA is also good with a little more citrus Bitterness but not overly so like some US ipa’s that are very bitter. That tends to be the one most go for due to its average ABV (5%) and accessibility in supermarkets. From there there’s a huge variety. A personal fave of mine is Elvis Juice which has a grapefruit flavour. Very nice.

    Id also recommend trying one of their bars if you can. Some bores seem to equate a bar that doesn’t have wood panelling and a juke box with ‘pretentiousness’ but that is a load of bollocks reflecting the type of anus who parks in disabled spaces/books anniversary meals at a Jamie Oliver/wears cargo shorts etc etc… (that’s a joke btw calm down) The staff are knowledgeable and are happy to let you try all beers on draft before committing.

    I’m from Aberdeen and saw the effect Brewdog (their flagship bar is in the city- one of two) had on the extremely tired ‘auld manny’ and chain winebar shitholes that were/are ten a penny. There are now several independent bars and breweries in the city and beyond which has been great for the pissheads among us. I see them as a positive force. Some others as this thread would suggest, have something against the company which is- in my opinion- odd and sad. However, some genuinely think the beer is not very good, so its all subjective of course. They certainly should have at least one beer you’d like.

    Free Member

    You’ve already wasted time you wont get back debating this. List it again. Tell him to do one. “selling again due to time waster” or similar in new listing. If he moans to ebay (unlikely) then you’ve got by the looks of it legitimate reason to refuse the sale. Wouldn’t touch that with a bargepole. If he’s bidding on something with an high value, he should have the funds to clear it immediately. sounds like a plonker.

    Free Member

    I have to agree with Epicsteve- I don’t really see the offence either. The written account of the advert is better than the real advert. Still surprised it was made mind you. Scraping the barrel.

    Free Member

    Er, what’s a CD?

    Free Member

    its anyone’s guess. This quote was taken from a BBC article on controversial advertising. This was a genuine Snickers ad that made it to air but was eventually pulled. Still staggering but you wont read a better quote on any subject today in my opinion.

    Free Member

    Peaty did almost exactly the same thing years ago when he was on Orange, promo shot from Arthur’s seat etc. Agree terrible photo though from a creative POV. Should have removed the stupid orange beanie. even a snapback would have been an improvement.. (still love you though Danny xoxox)

    Free Member

    scaredypants – Member

    see, that’s how come you’re a top supersleuth

    I thought facebook just had loads of needy tossrags on it –

    Bit harsh, and quite sweeping don’t you think?

    its an accurate statement. I love my friends and family just not their online personas. Almost universally annoying. Binning it off was the best thing I’ve done for my health in the last 12 months.

    Free Member

    shi*ting myself to death in a cold bath full of vomit.

    Some people pay good money for that…

    PM me, cheers.

    Free Member

    this thread was not about what I hoped it was..

    Free Member


    This is the seller. The tool I bought, the ‘Heavy Duty’ version for Headsets isn’t currently listed as i assume he makes them to order so to speak. If you want to see my own pics in use etc there’s a few shots of it on my Instagram @joyopposite

    Cheers, hope it works for you!

    Free Member

    If it makes you feel any better, at christmas my two year daughter got it first followed by her five year old brother followed by father in law followed by mother in law followed by me followed by my parents and brother in law!! My wife managed to dodge it luckily :o)

    All made worse by the fact that the in laws were staying with us in our small house with only one toilet! still boxing day evening was nice and crisp in the moonlit garden standing over a bucket.

    good luck

    *stares into middle distance “My god”

    Free Member

    If it’s norovirus then it’s mega contagious. Bleach in toilet every time you go and make sure the lid is down when you flush it or there will norovirus particles all over the bathroom. Wash hands, wrists and face after you’ve been sick. Don’t eat anything until 24hrs after you were last sick or on the toilet.
    AVOID DAIRY PRODUCTS for the next week. Sip boiled water and a little bit of flat coca cola. You will still be contagious for at least 48 hrs after showing symptoms.

    Sound advice here. Had this twice in the last 12 months and it completely f*cked me. All with an 18 month old at home to. Not easy, you have my sympathy man! Ride it out, its unbearable but at least you know it wont last more than a few days. And keep out of the bath, that just sounds like making a bad situation worse. I’d rather be warm and dry than shi*ting myself to death in a cold bath full of vomit.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Whereas, I, on the other hand

    Big hand or little hand? Minutes or hours? which one is it. Stop writing Loose by the way.

    Free Member

    these signs are blots on the landscape and scaring people.

    any pics possible?

    Free Member

    re nitty gritty, from the same article above

    There is no evidence to support the suggestion that ‘nitty-gritty’ has any connection with slave ships. It may have originated in the USA as an African-American expression, but that’s as near as it gets to slavery. It isn’t even recorded in print until the 1930s, long after slave ships had disappeared, and none of the early references make any link to slavery.

    so… not racist then?

    Free Member

    does anyone actually have the etymology of ‘Chinky’ ? where does the word actually come from?

    Free Member

    Sounds like they need to build a wall. A big beautiful wall. Who’s gonna pay for it? The Ramblers Association.

    Free Member

    The spider can be a little thick on Hope’s and in some situations can rub on frame/caliper mounts, I’ve had to slim down a Hope caliper mount before to gain the 1mm of clearance i was needing to clear the rivets.. but never had an issue with the effectiveness of their rotors in use. I happen to use a Clarks 203mm floating on the front (couldn’t afford a Hope floater at the time) and its been great.

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