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  • International Women’s Day is Every Day at SingletrackWorld
  • nickhit3
    Free Member

    Heated wing mirror?

    hard to tell. I steamed up the spy glass in the door huffing so much. And i knocked my boiled eggs over leaving the table in a rush. I’m penning a stern note for his door mat now.

    Free Member

    wow. this changes everything.

    Free Member

    Was the car on a slope?

    right we’re all having a laugh here pal, but there’s no need for those kind of terms.

    Free Member

    Was there much damage to the vehicle or was it total car loss?

    cracked the wing mirror housing. electric one too. I’m taking some comfort in that. He just got out and lifted the bin up like it was nothing and drove off. now I’m left with the mess.

    Free Member

    mock all you like. “its only a bin” i hear you say but, although the damage is minor, i know its there. That’s what hurts.

    Free Member

    but if you’re going to be deliberately obnoxious, at least be correct and obnoxious.

    want a hug hun?

    STW does my head in sometimes. Glad the OP discovered his spy plane.

    Free Member

    Def not a B1. It was fixed wing

    how do you know? did you see the wings operating from swept to open?

    Free Member

    second that it could be the B1, they have recently been deployed to the UK. A swing wing bomber that when its wings are extended at low level, do look comparitively thin agianst the rest of the somewhat beefy fuselage- they dont however look much like the U2, very different sizes. Amazing craft though, had the pleasue of seeing one up close once. The U2 is indeed still in service but they don’t fly from UK USAF bases… or do they… #watchtheskies

    Free Member

    Q:Whats a vegan’s favourite meat substitute?

    A: The high horse.

    Free Member

    I would encourage everyone here to recognise that we all have opportunities to be good people evey day; to realise that small things make a big difference and that these small things are everywhere if we only take the time to look for them.

    I was at a family funeral yesterday, and these words absolutely ring true. Well done OP, you sound like just a fantastic person, and stepped up amongst the most testing of situations. Good luck in your own recovery from the trauma.

    Free Member

    Yep – I fell off twice this week and

    christ its only Tuesday!

    Free Member

    Luckily it was just my banana exploding

    Free Member

    its a nice problem to have: £400 washing machine and having the £££ to even consider hope wheels. Hope you get it sorted OP and you’re not taken to the cleaners by the LBS… *drops mic

    Free Member

    I hear ya OP. I had a fairly big off in July which scared me. Dead sailor to nose manual to ground, off a lip I knew was a bad idea as soon as my wheel hit it. Landed square on my left hip/buttock and the pain was incredible. I almost always ride alone, but as luck would have it.. i spannered myself right in front of two teenage lads who were up messing about where I ride.Literally the only two people i saw all day, about 5 minutes from my car too. To their credit they were really good and helped grandad to his feet. There was a moment though were all three of us thought this might be an ambulance job. Thankfully not. The bruising and inflammation took 5/6 weeks to subside. The element of the crash involving my lower back scared me the most there for sure.

    Free Member

    Apologies if this this is the same link posted earlier – I couldn’t open it.

    Listened to a prog on R4 earlier in the year and was astounded that the practice is legal.

    On a par with the developers who make a deal with broadband providers, leaving first time buyers stuck with shite broadband. Also legal, also shoddy.

    This is currently the situation I am awaiting information on – I am a new homeowner who is one of millions now hoodwinked into this leasehold shitstorm. Our ground rent (not including a separate estates management charge) is £250 per year and as I understand it, tied to the RPI. Sadly not £2.50 as the OP states in his suspicious email hunt.. very interesting read.

    Suffice to say my wife and I now know more about the ground rent we pay and as mentioned there is a government inquiry looking to ban the practice. It remains to be seen what will happen to our, and all out Neighbours rents. I’m in the NW of England, apparently a hot bed of unscrupulous practices with conveyencing.

    I almost started a thread about this (don’t know if there has been one) as it’s caused my wife and I a ton of worry- ultimately looking a a house that we may potentially not be able to sell given the ground rent situation. The industry itself and associated conveyencers have conceded this a problem of the order of the PPI scandal. This is affecting millions of first time buyers.

    A quick google throws up numerous Conveyencing advice forums and articles, all of which offer advice to those ‘professionals’ who may well be inline for legal action by disgruntled first time buyers. Nice eh.

    Free Member

    holy 1975 batman

    *mods can you move this to the EU in/out thread?

    Free Member

    Claudio was sorely missed on the commentary!

    “Greenland is nine seconds back from Seagrave!”

    No Rob, he’s nine seconds up on him. GREEN not red.

    True, timing was all over the shop for the first 5 televised riders. I have to say though, I didn’t miss Claudio one bit. Getting a little tired of him- his insight is really lacking imo. He seems to phone in his commentary these days on the WC. The ‘course previews’ of course have their merit but… his commentary is a little meh these days I’ve found, and the clowning is a bit tiresome. Ed Leigh (i think thats who the commentator was at Hardline) by comparison was a breath of fresh air- kept the pace up- and was on the money and paying close attention. I’m not sure you can say the same of Claudio most of the time.

    Free Member

    bike bags for goalposts

    Free Member

    genuine article.

    Free Member

    David likes his bacon extra crispy thanks.

    Free Member

    Glad I watched it online, no parking issues aside from squeezing my foreign car past a caravan…

    lol i remember that from the other thread. was it ever established what constituted a ‘foreign’ car in your neighbour’s eyes..?

    Free Member

    so how much were people paying all in for turning up/parking/food on the day? It’s the second year I regret not going – despite the reports of boredom!

    Free Member

    or the GE ones

    Never had an issue with the GE ones.

    is there really such a thing as ‘winter’ lights? Do ppl really go to the bother of changing to brighter bulbs in the winter?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    there is no positive spin. only John Pienarr and Death.

    Free Member

    Jeyes fluid?

    Free Member

    my wife asked me too recently who i was talking to. I thought i was having a breakdown for 45 minutes until i remembered i was asking Siri to make a reminder. Which ironically, is pretty much like having a 21st century breakdown.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    ^^^ that was my next question… lol

    can you post any screenshots Bikebouy?

    Free Member

    if… you can find them. They’re like a less useful A Team.

    Free Member

    Do you mean the ability to animate an emoji with your facial expressions?

    That’s an iPhone X only feature as it needs the FaceID camera to do the face-mapping*

    no, its ANY animated emoji – not the iphone10 ones which indeed need the fancy cams. I have never seen an animated emoji in ios9/10/11. yet im told they exist. Infact every single piece written about ios11 highlights new ‘animated emojis’ Bikebouy up there claims he’s using them even..!

    I’ve not seen or found them. They don’t appear as any option when creating a message as far as i can see. My message tray/keyboard is the same largely as it always has been in 9/10 when typing in ios11.

    Free Member

    Who knows, but you seem rather miffed about it.

    ? I don’t actually give two shits, but I’m just confused based on the coverage about them – you just said yourself you’re using them, but aren’t explaining how? that’s all I’m asking. Your instructions don’t point to anything that contains emojis other than the app store. did you have to download them or find them there waiting to be used?

    not talking about AR gifs no. Just animated emojis. The ones you are apparently using.

    Free Member

    When you get to this point, at the very bottom of the screen you should have a few option icons – the ‘A’ symbol for App Store bits, then the Digital Touch Icon, then the Image Search Icon?

    yep. got that. nothing suggests or contains any new emojis. Is this a new ‘capability’to host animated emoji’s for the first time OR something that is actually shipping with ios11? Thers a million articles about all these new emojis dating back to the early beta days but… not one explains where they are, if they exist, and how to use them? I expected to find them as an addition to the traditional emoji’s which you know, seemed reasonable, given all the sodding talk about them. If this is just a new way to download pointless animated fluff for my messages, like a paid sticker pack etc then… that’s not really what is being suggested in the media. They’re not there… Are they coming in a further update?

    Free Member

    Hit the A (AppStore Icon)
    Once done a load of animated Gifs appear and a menu at the bottom

    nope. its a link to visit the store “to add stickers etc” it says.. so i have to download some third party PAID emoji pack? that’s not intuitive and or ‘baked in’ to the OS as everyone and their mother suggests is the case..

    Am i being unreasonable to suggest the ‘new emoji’s’ should just be under the smiley emoji tab on the keyboard?

    Free Member

    used a Neil Peart Sabian Paragon ride cymbal and his sticks in my set up for many years. Can’t really stand Rush but his endorsed gear sounds amazing.

    Free Member

    They do say a womans work is never done

    amazing. loving your work.

    Free Member

    They call it ‘Women’s Hour’ but its only 58 minutes long

    nail. head.

    Also, if you’re looking for Bonus unsanctioned WH content, have a listen to Emma Barnett on 5live. Often a rich seam of oestrogen fuelled turbo nattering. With cricket.

    Free Member

    dat hornets nest

    Free Member


    The gif ones are hilariously hilarity …

    But ya can’t insert them in here……

    where are you seeing them? cant find them..

    Free Member

    If it’s distant relative, I wouldn’t be going. Not that I have any distant relatives left!


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