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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • nickhit3
    Free Member

    I too have followed this thread from day one. To me, it’s not unlike the TV show Dexter from a few years ago- I suspect it might similarly end with a baffling conclusion frustrating many thousands of people feeling literally and figuratively short changed.

    About a year ago, I sent my old pair of 24/7 Dark Angel bars -at my own expense to them as a gesture towards the construction of some welded bars which I believe they received a couple of samples. They were handsome looking things too imo. It’s small beer here, but they kindly offered me a pair of the new ones as a reward for my generosity which was at the time, quite a generous offer I thought. Needless to say that never happend. I was and still am happy that I was able to send something of mine that might have helped develop something cool, I’m only miffed that it never became a thing for the wider customer base. I reckon they’d have been a good seller for them. That was long before the frame shipment debacle, but the writing was on the wall way back. For the record I don’t happen to think there is a scam at play, I think they got in over their heads. Doing so with apparently lots of people’s money.. eeek.

    Free Member

    They’ll be dead soon, no need to worry OP.

    Free Member

    when you build bikes no one ever sees, that’s pretty stealthy tbf.

    Free Member

    Could be worse, it could be 48 articles a day on the EWS.

    Free Member

    It’s probably already been noted but their “we’re back..” Instagram post has comments disabled. Presumably a mistake there…

    Free Member

    Mods, i asked in the other thread but is is possible to create a dedicated sticky thread to have a place to discuss these things collectively? Not to aggregate all peoples concerns in one place, but to be a permanent location for people to share help they receive and offer advice.? It seems STW has a base with a lot of experience here and seeing it front and center on the boards might be the help someone is looking for, regardless of the day they happen to log on. There’s a passion to help others and i feel it might be helpful?

    to the OP, you just took a courageous step. Strength to you sir. Seek that help, its out there- here and in ‘real life’

    Free Member

    I’m currently recovering from learning that a close colleague killed himself on the 4th of March, he was 28. No one knew of his struggles. I was going to post earlier about it on this forum about dealing with it but haven’t had the mental energy. It has been a life changing experience and i can only reflect the notion above that many affected are not alone. My heart is aching right now, but the only thing i want to say is that you are never alone.

    please seek comfort, your life is never worthless or not worth living for. Talking is the cure. Sorry for the addition here, but this is now becoming a part of my life that i want to help others with. I don’t know how yet but need to help others. Its the only good that can come of this. Take care of one another.

    Also, would it be possible for STW to have a sticky thread about this on the boards?- its striking how many are affected. It might make the difference.

    Free Member

    ah cheers, wanted to see this too. Never been in the mood previously, but now married with a mortgage and children so..

    Free Member

    depends if you drop the ashes cleaning out the burner…

    Free Member

    i think the gist PrinceJohn, is the endless pre-order loop several customers are seemingly trapped in. Very few seem to land in customers hands and there are some here who believe its all a stage managed con. And a lot of aggro when things like “where is the product i paid for/its been many months now” are raised with he company.

    Free Member

    show her this place. she’ll soon reconsider.

    Free Member

    Don’t be tempted by the slightly less expensive Huawei Freebuds- I got them er,free, ironically with a phone purchase last year. Great sound but very irritating motion control constantly setting off Google assistant-something that isn’t configurable. Shame because as a true wireless solution they looked great. The silicon ear bud style isn’t for everyone but they sound better imo.

    Now using some BeForce B4 ones which were around 60quid and are the short wired neck chain type but with a small in-line control which I had missed more than I realised. Solid construction and sound is brilliant. Calls and my extensive Carley Rae Jepsen back catalogue sounds mint.

    Free Member

    sounds normal to me and our two girls (now 10mo and 3yrs). Still seems v early to be self settling, ours were nocturnal for a good 6/8wks. Ps in my experience, take advice from midwives and home visits with a pinch of salt, dont view it as
    a hard and fast rule- we’ve found their advice varies massively, and you’ll both become increasingly anxious if a certain week is reached and something hasn’t happened..

    congratulations btw and best of luck!

    Edit- Perchy in there like a shot with the same advice. V true re taking advice, even from professionals like i said.

    Free Member

    my wife would love to ban my domestic gas output. right lads?

    Free Member

    I’m afraid I can’t add any positivity either here. 3 years commuting from Preston to Manchester. It cost me £350 a month then in 2015, and it became the reason I left a job I really liked. The line from the north is horrendous. Frequent bus replacements. I was almost always late for work and NEVER home on time and maybe has a seat either way 50/60% of the time. Friday nights were the worst with the traffic heading north to Edinburgh from the airport. Standing all the way crushed into the doors of the empty 1st class carriages. Absolutely unrelenting utterly utterly utterly utterly god forsaken hellish experience. Northern, First Trans all appalling. First only just squeaking into top spot because their heaters would be jammed on, compared to Northern who’s rolling stock didn’t have them.

    You will regret this decision and you will hate your commute. Sorry but that is unfortunately the reality.

    Free Member

    Hang in there. Nearly wrote a very similar post myself the other day. There will be some excellent advice in this thread no doubt as many will absolutely identify with this. Some might suggest the early signs of depression- somehthing I’m also experiencing particularly the irratibility!

    Without being too tinfoil hat about it, the ‘media’ has alot to do with this modern burn out. Try consciously avoiding the news. If you listen to the radio, try finding podcasts or anything other than current affairs. “If it bleeds it leads” as they say in the news world.. it’s no accident it’s always bad news. It hooks into us. It is insidious. Fwiw I’m also trying to take my advice above at the moment. It’s hard, as I genuinely find current affairs stimulating.. Always here for a talk man even tho I’m a stranger. You’re never alone, remember that.

    Free Member

    so, is there anything in the theory of putting a bike upside down for a while to lube the upper seals etc? the fork is a 888 CR fwiw. Any suspension ‘gurus’ out there care to comment?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Hi guys, thank you for the responses so far. It is helping with some much needed perspective at this time. there are a few contributions that confirm my instincts on being ‘happy/life too short etc’ i get all that believe me. For what its worth, I’m not in any danger of turning any hobbies into making a living. A few also happily telling me they work with great teams, have respect and are fulfilled… im happy for you, i really am, but that’s not that constructive, sorry! Its just not my experience and hasn’t been for a long time.

    – re changing career vs the people around me: It is true that a career change might be sounding drastic, but ive done more or less the same thing for the last 13 years. Im feeling wasted and unfulfilled with this line of work and crucially feeling isolated in this type of environment.

    – ‘clearing the air’ this has only been done with my boss, who as mentioned has been ineffectual and largely kicks emotional problems into the long grass. Hes’ knocking on retirement himself, and i get the impression there’s just not the investment in me as an individual. Others have has serious issues (ironically inter team conflict not related to me) and his head is in the sand. Direct colleagues, wont even talk about their weekend to me, let alone tolerating me standing there and saying “hey, what’s you’re freaking problem huh??!!, you’ve got a face like a slapped arse and its pissing me off” ;)

    Has anyone gone through career counselling or had meaningful contact with anyone/services that might help me actually look at where i am, and what strengths and weaknesses i may have? Sitting down and ‘thinking about it’ has got me sweet FA so far..

    Free Member

    Gosh, alot of familiarity here in the last few posts.

    Regarding whether its particularly prevelant in my line of work, I’m not sure. Working for a thriving top 10 university, my experience can seem somewhat isolated from wider industry. I don’t think it’s unique to the job- I think some people just go out of their way to shut down any interaction regardless of career. The demographic in my team is varied although it’s a small team. There’s two amongst the team who are particularly tough going and they’re the youngest with you’d think all the joys of spring… Not so.

    I think the thoughts above regarding moving on are confirming my instincts.

    Free Member

    reading with interest. i have a detached single car (new build) garage which has my very modest gym equipment and bike stuff/workbench in it. Don’t have the funds to deck it out with creature comforts, but training for me in the winter is more enjoyable when its actually below zero inside the garage. Makes me work harder, and I’ve managed to train shirtless as low as minus 5 inside. Its never been an issue with the temperature. I’m a bit weird though. The animal carcasses/punch bag whiff a bit when warm.

    Free Member

    lets be honest though, this is all that Motorsports fans want isn’t it. ;)

    Gonna need a fair bit of T Cut after that.

    Free Member

    Ha Gary Lager.. you’re so right re creativity. I am, as it happens, a product of a creative background and education so i wholeheartedly agree- though my current job isn’t in that arena- I’ve seen friends really suffer in spite of incredible talents. Many years of a degree and postgraduate work and qualifications down the pan.

    and yes, you have identified very astutely the basis of the personality issues at play in my situation- it is bleak.

    Regarding, county borders- being not native to the area I couldn’t possibly comment… for the record though, I’ve found almost every single person I’ve met since moving from Aberdeen to the NW has been ‘bob on’ in many ways. And dare i say it, I’m not sure the reverse is true, of my beloved Aberdeen city and shire… I love you Aberdeen, but you have issues with outsiders lol

    Free Member

    re boffing /sports car buying. Those options are currently under review. a statement is expected on March 29th. Probably a good day to bury bad news..

    Free Member

    im with you Big John on the social side of things. Its probably important to point out that i have no meaningful social circle currently- something that has been an issue for a long time. In short, moving to the NW of England in 2012 from Scotland to be with my GF- now wife and mother of my children- meant consciously leaving those male buddies behind. Those friendships limp along via social media- something that has its own issues. Although MTB is a thing in my life, a young family for the last 3 years means that there just isn’t the time to meet others, in or out of the MTB world- let alone maintaining a real friendship. Moving around in the area also means connections have come and gone but as depressing as it sounds, I haven’t had someone i have met on my own terms- to go for a drink with in 6 years. We have no shared family friends nearby, although my wife has maintained a couple of mums she occasionally sees. She also suffers from this isolation sporadically, but crucially for her, she is in a demanding and fulfilling career. Muggins here, not so much. I know that’s all woe is me stuff, but its where i am at the moment!

    ps “And whenever I hear anybody use that phrase “I loved every minute” I think “well it wasn’t worth doing then”. Everything worthwhile I’ve done – all day rides in the lakes, windsurfing in strong wind and waves in Tarifa, building some fantastic wardrobes in a customer’s 3rd floor bedroom, I’ve hated it much of the time. It’s hard hard hard, but the highs vastly outweigh the lows”

    love that. so true.

    Free Member

    interesting reading guys thank you.

    To the person who suggested it may be ‘me’ that is the problem, Firstly i take no offence to that suggestion! I have considered this at great length for a LONG time. My behaviour has undoubtedly changed, but when i have set a course correction to ‘lighten up a little’ for want of a better phrase, i am met with unrelenting gloom and complete apathy from colleages-personally and professionally. Its very difficult to distil how changes in my colleagues have affected me, but anecdotally, when i have openly questioned that it might be ‘me’ to my own boss (over a year ago) he said immediately “its not you” alluding to his own stilted interactions with certain colleagues who adopt a stonewall approach. He puts his head in the dand though for an easy life i am afraid to say.

    This isn’t the crux of my issue i should add, but it is bothering me to a degree that its making me uncomfortable and verging on proper depression as i understand it.

    how i answer my own question about what the hell i would want to really do is the tough one for me though. Binning my current job isn’t the problem emotionally, that loyalty has eroded. Career counselling sounds interesting. For a long time ive not felt good at much beyond the niche technical areas i work in- I’m lacking perspective on my strengths hugely.

    Free Member

    How easy is it for you to move? If you can find another job then why not?

    – in reality, no harder than at other times in my life, notwithstanding the fact i have a family and mortgage. although im leaning into other more significant career directions, like teaching even for instance- something i have flirted with in the past. My partner is a primary teacher and supports this idea though crucially, needs hear that its truly something i want to do, such is the investment in time and emotionally in that career. lots of it does appeal though!

    Free Member

    Can you not find interaction outside your working life that compensates for the grief within the 9-5?

    – in a past life i had those releases creatively which helped me cope with moments like this in the past. Having a 9mo and a 3 yo makes those freedoms challenging. I should say i have a very supportive partner who is helping me, but there’s only so many times you can tell a partner how shit your job is before it becomes a burden.

    I rock up, do what I need to do, go home then live my life.

    – until now, this was my MO. This period is impacting my mental health and I’m bringing it home. Frankly this particular job is not that important to me to justify this pressure, but of course need to provide for the family and pay bills. feeling v trapped atm.

    Free Member

    Can you explain where I stated I felt I was doing them a favour? That’s some stretch going on.. I chose deliberately NOT to state that one poor low value transaction ruined my life and the MTB industry. And that’s doing them a favour? I won’t buy anything from them again personally but it’s not ruining my life. I’m not sure how you’re arriving at the conclusion that I’m doing them a favour by publicly adding that I too had a bad experience.

    This site is a mess. Your hot take is stating the obvious that many others already have – “they can’t send a tshirt so can’t build bikes, they’re a risk you idiot etc”

    I UNDERSTAND THAT. why are you all piling in saying the same thing?!!

    Free Member

    So the pitchforks are out I see because I dared to share a part of my experience buying a tshirt that didn’t immediately get a lawyer involved? Yes it was late- no it wasn’t great but it wasn’t a big deal for me at the time and I was willing to forgive them and move on with my life. Why do you all insist I submit to the view that one MUST eternally hate on something. You guys are somehthing else sometimes.

    Look for the record, I wouldn’t spend any serious coin with them for the reasons already set out by others. That ok?

    If that’s not black and white enough, GFYS.

    Free Member

    “That might have cone across more patronising than I intended Nick, if so i apologise.

    I just think a lot of people had their cards marked from the start”

    No offence taken man. 100% agree on the marked cards though. People love a drama eh. As far as this tale goes, I was choosing consciously not to pile in with the lazy hatred based on hearsay etc. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt, because like everyone else here, I don’t have a clue what the situation is with them right now. I don’t have a horse in this race and frankly don’t GAF that others feel compelled to state the obvious. I too see the problems that have emerged with Sick. Do i think a broken phone is important or even a valid excuse for a trainwreck of hacked off customers, no I do not since you all asked so nicely. Just felt it wasn’t brilliant to come out the gates with that hot take that was already out there there pages and pages ago.

    I get that it’s off brand to be evenhanded on here but give it a rest guys.

    Free Member

    “You are very fair-minded Nick, but some of us are old and wise enough to know a gobshite when we see one”

    Well, I know what you’re saying there. I’m practically a feteus at 36, but just felt on this occasion id try and take a different route with my opinion. Im pretty judgemental and I’m trying to reign that in lol. STW is like an assault course for me ha.

    Free Member

    Ha well possibly yes. Particularly if that brand relies so heavily on a very healthy social media presence as others have alluded to. Losing your main device for that for whatever reason is a major headache I would imagine.

    Free Member

    It’s poon over the age of 45 I think. So I’m told.

    Free Member

    Re their drop off on social media I believe from what I have seen on their IG that Jordan one of the founders has had phone issues. Either lost it broken so his social media continuity has been interrupted somewhat. Personally I can believe that and I’m not so much into the conspiracy theories around them. I’ve had my own dealings with Sick and whilst I’m never going to be in the market for their core products, I did purchase some of their early merch which, you guessed it, was months late.. however they were v patient with me, courteous and the raport the whole time was fine for me.

    That was about a year ago I should say and it’s been exiting to watch them as an early fan, push some big ideas out there since. I’m torn these days by the reports of poor service but have to concede there’s only so much you can read (and hear first hand I should add) that makes me worry for them. I don’t believe for a second all the crap about them setting this all up for some sort of gain on the merch front, and I genuinely think their hearts have always been in the right place- and their vision, in my opinion, has been really spot on. The retro feels with the modern tech, the ingredients are there and I think we all agree that theres the DNA of good MTB stuff in there if we take the mud slinging out of it.

    Believe me I love watching the world burn as much as the next spiteful rage filled online see you next Tuesday, but I think the world is actually a poorer place without things like Sick happening, particularly in MTB. I don’t know how it will end or survive but I wish them, and their customers the best personally. It’s sad.

    Free Member

    FWIW when i bought my Bell Full 9 in 2015 new boxed from Evans, its manufacture date was July 2013. It replaced a TLD D2 that was from 2005. I’m still alive.

    Free Member

    “If thats directed at me, I’m not your pal.”

    ?? It was a joke you bell, bikebouy. The post I quoted to execute the joke wasn’t even yours so I don’t know why you thought it was? If I haven’t said joke enough it was a joke. A joke about thick leave voters.

    Stress is a killer though you’re right…

    Free Member

    “There won’t be a lot more humans roaming the earth, there will just be a huge amount of ancient humans sitting in pools of their own bodily fluids. brains turned to mush, just waiting for one of the few things that medical science hasn’t yet cured to do them in”

    Inevitably someone brings Leave Voters into this discussion. Not big or clever pal.

    Free Member

    “Odd one that, they didn’t want to fork out for Gwin again but did they not even try to get anyone else on board? And what about Vali Holl?”

    Holl has frame support from YT as before for 2019 but not a Mob rider currently- or is slated to be for that matter. Martin Whitely commented on a discussion on Pinkbike that the plan for the true ‘Young Talent’ model had been in place since October of last year and has been a significant project to get moving. It corroborates Gwin’s admissions that he was told the night after the World Champs that his services were no longer required. One has to think that his salary becoming liberated played a part in this new approach. I certainly haven’t seen any team before holding open auditions globally for their team roster. Angel is a phenomenal rider, looking forward to him in 2019.

    Free Member

    its reckoned that antibiotic resistance is the next global health disaster around the corner. I hope to see a cure for cancer in my lifetime.

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