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  • Fresh Goods Friday 661 – The Hard Lining Edition
  • nickewen
    Free Member

    DC came across as a right bellend on the podium on Sunday so he’s definitely on the list.

    Free Member

    Edit – Double post

    Free Member

    Could the bumps from Vettel have unsettled the headrest from its locating pin? Not outside the realms of possibility.. (I think!) but no one seems to have considered in the media? I’ve looked at the footage a few times and it doesn’t appear to move or jump immediately.. but could have weakened something that became loose later.

    Free Member

    The Ferrari and Force India teams did well getting those cars back out! Well played.

    Free Member

    As above – was expecting this to be a boring one.. Can’t believe Vettel just drove into Hamilton like that! Gotta be a nailed on penalty for Vettel?!

    Free Member

    Approximately 300 people in our office and maybe 25 spaces.. City centre location and only the top brass get a space plus visitors.

    We have a deal where we can park in a local multi-storey for £4/day which is a ten minute walk away..

    I try to cycle most days as there is secure bike storage and good showers etc. You still get people saying stuff like:

    “What’s up? Is your car in the garage?”
    “You cycle 6 miles to work, no way!”
    “Surely you didn’t ride your bike in that?! (rain)”

    Mental. I realise I’m lucky in that I can cycle to work because it’s only a short distance and the facilities are good – Having been at my current place for 7 years don’t think I could take a job somewhere where I relied purely on my car.

    Free Member

    We looked at the R56 Cooper S but ended up going for a Cooper due to funds. Google “death rattle” for the R56 turbos though.. this put us off a little but ultimately they were too expensive to buy/run at the time anyway.

    Our 1.6 Cooper petrol is on non-RFT 16’s and it is pretty damn firm.. I can’t imagine 17’s on RFT’s. The Cooper goes through a fair bit of oil as noted but otherwise has been extremely reliable for the last 3 years (it’s a 59 plate) – the only things we’ve bought for it have been wear and tear stuff.

    Free Member

    Unlucky with where it’s happened on track again.. long way back round to the pits!

    Free Member

    Wonder what the odds were on that yesterday..?! JEV likes flashing his lights doesn’t he? Him and Brundle are in the same class car so not sure what his craic is. This is all new to me mind.

    Free Member

    He’s away again!!

    Free Member

    Unbelievable scenes. They’re having an absolute nightmare!

    Free Member

    Aye, he deserves a medal the size of a bin lid for keeping howld of that bike. Seen it last week on the itv highlights – rewound it about 5 times!

    Free Member

    Good point Graham – We would have just gone to the pub either way I think! We were looking forward to a couple of walks, game of footy/rounders/frisby, BBQ and beers, etc. but it was just miserable.

    Only camping I’m likely to do in the future will be last minute chasing nice weather or Goodwood FoS.. actually maybe IoM TT if I ever get my bike license!

    Free Member

    Interesting topic. I generally really enjoy camping but it’s very weather/event dependent.. Me and my mates (and partners) used to go on an annual trip to the Lakes but it has rained EVERY time we go and because there’s a biggish group we have to schedule quite far in advance and can’t just follow the weather.. Last year it did not stop pissing down with rain the whole time we were there – we just went to pub and spent a fortune on food and drink. This years trip has been cancelled.

    Camping at events is often the best way to stay IMO. Take Goodwood Festival for instance – you can just walk into the festival each day, no traffic getting from a hotel/B&B, etc.

    In terms of keeping stuff cold when we went to Goodwood we managed to get to day 4 and still had cold beer on the last morning walking in. We just had 4 cool boxes with ice in them. We took frozen home made food (e.g. spag bol) as well for the later stages of the trip which nicely thawed so that it was fridge cool by the time we used it.

    Free Member

    Really enjoyed that! Shame we lost Max early on and Kimi had his brake problem at the end but very entertaining nonetheless. And Patrick Stewart and Danny Ric doing shoeys together at the end! Absolutely mint. Howling at th telly, wot a toppa!!

    Free Member

    Just heard the news about Davey Lambert as well. He was a local Gateshead lad from the same town I live in. Such an incredibly dangerous sport. Rest In Peace.

    Free Member

    I’d try and go to see it as soon as possible before making offers and agree that a lowball offer initially isn’t the way to go.

    I’ve bought a couple of cars long distance (300+ miles away) and found very little wriggle room TBH – one was private and one was an independent garage. I think in both cases I got maybe 2-300 off the price (7.5K and 11K cars). I basically said if it is as described (immaculate in both cases) I’ll give you £X.

    I think with the availability of info on internet classifieds/autotrader people have to be relatively competitive with their pricing from the off.. Although there will always be exceptions where people take the mick (but this will result in little interest because you can see all the other cars stacked up next to it on your AT search).

    Free Member

    This is a difficult one and will depend (in my view) to a large extent on the seller’s circumstances.. If they need the cash for deposit on next car, pay off finance, etc. and they’ve had zero interest so far they may take a hit. If they don’t need the money and the car is a good spec (right engine/gearbox combo, colour, options, SH, etc.) then they may just stick.

    I was selling a 325 a couple years ago and had little interest at 8K and it was getting close to the point where I needed the deposit for my new car.. Someone came to look at it after 3 weeks on Autotrader and offered me 7K.. I think we landed on about £7.6K (it was a good spec/history etc. and although I needed the money I wasn’t willing to go too low).

    If it’s local and you’re able to go and have a look it helps massively as you’re not beginning the negotiation process over the phone without having seen the car.

    Free Member

    Nee way! If it’s ugly enough to distract the eye from a **** cat flap in the wall… well then.. I’m not sure what.. speechless.

    Free Member

    Back on the bike this week after being out and about or working from home last week..

    At least it’s not just me given some of the experiences described in this thread!

    I agree with the primary comments above – even in a full fat primary position some people will still always go for it.

    Had ANOTHER half baked overtake today through a 20 zone outside a school with 5 sets of speed bumps by a Fiat 500, she drops back after attempt 1 before going for it AGAIN – overtakes on wrong side of road (as I’m in primary) cuts in and immediately slams brakes on for next set of speed bumps (as she had to do 30+ to get past me) and an emergency braking manouvre from me to stop me having a head/Fiat interface.. Then I roll past her and another car at the lights 50 yds down the road that are on red. FFS.

    If only there was a fully off-road route to the office with nice berms and drops.. Sadly not too many of them on the way into Newcastle city centre.

    Free Member

    But I give my permission so my insurance company came after me for the lot

    Free Member

    Bingo Zilog – If he’d TWOC’d it I’d have been off the hook. I should have checked insurance details or said no.

    Free Member

    Sympathies to your brother OP – this is a messy one and I’ve been in a similar position myself. Friend borrowed my car and said he was covered 3rd party because of his own policy on his car.

    Ended up going into the back of someone. He wasn’t insured because it turned out his partner was the principle named driver and the 3rd party cover only applied to her. My insurance company paid out on the 3rd party claim as noted above because of the RTA liability thing where they are the insurers of the car (even though I wasn’t driving).

    They didn’t pay out for my car and then sought to claim back the amount paid to the third party from me (not my friend). Extremely tricky. We ended up having to get a solicitor because it was clear they’d taken the piss with the amount of time the other car was off the road, hire cars, etc. etc. The solicitor got the amount down but we had to pay. Legally it was me that was liable but we split it. Expensive mistake for the pair of us…

    My advice – get a solicitor NOW. We didn’t and that was a mistake.. Insurance companies are an absolute nightmare to communicate with and you need a legal expert doing this on your behalf to limit the damage.

    This was 10 years ago.. I don’t know if things have changed much. Just my experience.

    Free Member

    I do try to take primary when appropriate but I don’t think it would have stopped this idiot – she happily went on the wrong side of the road not knowing what was coming anyway. Stinger sounds like a pretty effective revenge tool!

    Free Member

    I do need to chill out a bit.. but it really does boil my pee. These people just HAVE to get past as quickly as possible no matter how dangerous and just see cyclists as a nuisance when in actual fact I’m doing the bloody mouth breather a favour by leaving my own lump of metal on the driveway and therefore reducing traffic into the city centre.

    Free Member

    Awful news. My thoughts go out to all those impacted by last nights truly evil attack.

    Free Member

    Some interesting comments about hot hatches/saloons.. What’s wrong with a 4/5 door car you can take to the tip, get bikes in/on, seats 5, but that goes like stink and handles better than some sports/convertible cars etc?

    Don’t get me wrong, I’d have an Elise and a Golf if funds/space allowed.. but a hot hatch is an excellent compromise.

    Free Member

    If it’s a double flashy distance travelled between the two photos job then I expect not. He’ll have triggered it but even if there were lines painted on his side I’d imagine his vehicle would only be in 1 photo and not 2..

    Free Member

    I have some clear rubber (soft plastic?) ones from a previous job in manufacturing that were custom moulded to the shape of my ear. They are comfortable and great at shutting out noise but not that good if lying on your ear for sleeping!

    Free Member

    Aye – same here. Found that video hard and busy pubs/bars are a nightmare. I assume mine is linked to my tinnitus in some way but maybe not.

    Free Member

    People who (try to) overtake me on the bike when there’s nowhere to go because I’m travelling at the same speed as the car right in front of me and they just end up sitting alongside me on the wrong side of the white line until inevitably another car comes the other way and they just gradually force me into the gutter/to brake.

    Oh, and people who seem to think I’m just going to quantum tunnel through a Nissan Micra parked at the side of the road rather than go round it.

    Oh oh, and as noted above people who drive onto their drives on main roads. I live on one and nearly got wiped out this morning by someone reversing off their drive.

    Can you tell I had a bad commute this morning..?

    &^%* dickheads the lot of them.

    Free Member

    Don’t get the wingbar edge bars if you’re planning on putting 4 up there and the bars are quite short (i.e. don’t extend beyond feet).. 3 would be doable on my 1 series but 4.. not a chance!

    As above – on the proride 598 you can switch the loading side so you can access the controls from the side of the car. It’s a really quick straightforward job on the 598 – not sure about other models

    Free Member

    Aye the “merge in turn” thing is funny mind. Even when the signs are up telling people explicitly to do it, it always ends up with a howking great queue of vehicles in the non-closing lane you couldn’t get a Rizla paper between.

    Free Member

    Sound advice that Ian. Wish I’d done that the other week.. Instead I had Mr Angry chasing me threatening to kill me and offering me on.. I didn’t even have a pistol.

    Free Member

    Aye standard behaviour for some people.. well done for reporting it.

    I really let myself down in the car the other week and had to have a word with myself afterwards. I was in the outside lane of a dual carriageway when the car in front on the inside swerved violently to the right with no signal (nothing in their lane to overtake so no reason for me to expect it) then swerved back into the middle of both lanes and then finally settled in the right. Car behind had been up my arse for miles (seen all that ^^^ unfold) then tried to undertake me and Mr Swervy at the same time.. Ashamed to admit I just cut him off and went off up the road..

    Well.. he went absolutely mental, chased me for miles, finally got alongside telling me to pull over, the works.. he just got a heartfelt &*^% off from me. I’d cycled in all week and was just going to the office for switchover of clothes/towels (reminded myself why cycling is better).

    Free Member

    Looks like a 3dr S5.. that’s the Audi nobber sweet spot.

    Free Member

    Bloody hell! That Dubai video is scary. Looks like the driver of the van at 25 seconds in spotted the boat and hoofed it!

    Free Member

    The quieter smoother stuff is definitely great at reducing noise at low speeds as well. About 1/4 mile of main road just round the corner from our house has recently been re-surfaced with some lovely smooth stuff (different composition entirely from the road it joins).

    The difference in noise is massive as a car goes from new to old.. I almost shat myself on me bike as a car went from the new to the old at about 35-40mph! (the fact that it’s a 20 zone is another matter for a different thread)

    Free Member

    Well I thought that was some rather excellent motorsport! More entertainment and excitement watching the cookstown highlights than the whole 2017 F1 season to date..

    Free Member

    Thanks Lyrikal. Just found Cookstown now in the listings cheers. It looks like listings only accurate for today and not +24hrs, 2 days etc.

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