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  • Save £178+ on Your Food Shopping: Singletrack Discount Of The Week
  • nickewen
    Free Member

    If it’s mainly for driving I’d look at some polarised Serengeti’s. I managed to pick up a pair for £80 in costco which was an absolute steal. I’ve had them 5 years now and will be gutted when I eventually lose/break them as costco don’t do them anymore and they’re about £200 normally.

    They really are very good sunglasses. I’d had Rayban’s prior to these and I think the Serengeti’s are better.

    Free Member

    As has been mentioned previously – inconsiderate parking.. On safety grounds you could argue that it probably should make you go AAARGHH but it really boils my piss to whole new levels.

    The main street in the small town where I live is absolutely shocking for it. Cars parking in bus stops (whereby as soon as a bus comes it causes absolute carnage and blocks the road), double yellows, disabled bays and yesterday’s absolutely howler – smack back in the middle of the zigzags on the pedestrian crossing! What really pissed me off was the AMG badge on it (a C220 DIESEL)! I had a good old shouty/sweary moment as I drove past this trying to see if people were waiting on the crossing through his car.

    Free Member

    I just went for the old fashioned and cheap method as per thread above. 3:1 mortar mix and VERY dry. Used sharp sand and not building sand so looks quite rustic and I wasn’t fannying about for ages trying to get a really smooth/tidy finish.

    Free Member

    I had a towbar rack on my old car and much prefer it to my roof carriers on current car (fitted as towbar not possible on current motor). Easier to mount bikes and if you get a removable bar the car looks no different whereas a roof carrier (to be any use) is always fixed to the car. Plus having a couple of MTBs on the roof ruins fuel consumption.

    The faff of fitting a towbar yourself depends on the car I think. My E90 was a bumper off remove big bit of metal the width of the car then fit towbar and refit bumper.

    Free Member

    Ha! I still ride a 26er.. (have 2 of them) but she doesn’t ride anyth..

    Free Member

    Haha, aye I really should know better and just stick to STW! I often burst out laughing (a “lol”?) reading threads on here. My wife calls you lot my “little bike friends” :-)

    Free Member

    It’s a funny one the owld Volvo parts shop. I’ve got a Thule Euroclasic g-whatsit in the garage that was a good £50 cheaper than anywhere else a few years back cos it’s got Volvo written on the side! Mounted on a Beemer naturally..

    Free Member

    Oh dear.. I’ll just leave it on the time/date screen for another 17,000 miles and continue ignoring th fact that I’m at the petrol station far too often

    Free Member

    I’ve never done the computer vs manual test before but I do know when the computer says 100 miles to empty it’s on zero a damn sight sooner than 100 miles.. Does this mean the computer is over egging the 25.6mpg and I’m actually getting less?! :?

    Free Member

    Aye way overpriced. I got it for free after a cock up with my new car and didn’t think it was much different to having had a good wax. If it’s for nowt take it otherwise take it for a new car detail somewhere local as above.

    Free Member

    All of that looks flipping excellent! Quality van you’ve got yourself there. I now want a van!

    Free Member

    Check the oil on my wife’s car with a dip stick.. Mine doesn’t have one and is done through the computer. I prefer the old fashioned method (any excuse to open the bonnet and look at the engine).

    Free Member

    The “look” is important though.. as is the “sound” which they’ve already bolloxed up.. Whenever I’ve had the pleasure of hearing one of the old V10 screamers up close all the hairs on my neck stand up, they really are something to behold. 1.6 turbos… not so much.

    Free Member

    Oooh! That is pretty easy on the eyes. I still can’t believe this Halo carry on mind.. Absolute eyesore and having that thing right in the centre of your vision can’t be nice

    Free Member

    Aye, the volume certainly added to the realism of the whole experience! The soundtrack worked really well too and there were absolutely no lulls at all throughout the film IMO.

    Free Member

    Ha! I very nearly launched my Greggs coffee at a car that come through a red while I was crossing with the green man on once

    Free Member

    I’m not sure Matt – My brother was telling me lad from his place used to do it (at warp speed) at more than 1 junction on the going home from work in and got pulled by the plod for it one night.

    I think the danger on the Birtley roundabout is that if someone tries it in the right lane they could take someone out legitimately going off at Durham Road (after A1 exit) in left lane?

    Free Member

    Re. that junction in Gateshead – I seen the police sit on the Birtley roundabout once pulling people for blatantly leaving the carriageway at that exit to avoid traffic and then joining again.

    I leave at that point anyway and get home over the back roads but do see loads of people trying to save 60s with this little cheeky trick.

    Free Member

    I agree with all of that ^^^ Garagedweller – especially the bit about driver behaviour. People that can’t manage a journey without constant harsh accelerate/brake/accelerate/brake sequences should be shot at their journey end. As you say it’s dangerous and not good for the environment but what really gets me is that it’s also costing people more money in fuel/brakes etc. and IMO doesn’t get them anywhere quicker but they still do it.

    I understand your point that some of these vehicles would have once be state of the art but if they aren’t now then they need updating or scrapping IMO.

    Free Member

    So be it – why is it acceptable for vehicles to spew filthy black soot out the back? Plenty of buses round my way don’t and there’s even some electric buses. Not that I get on them I prefer cycling

    Free Member

    I’ve had this from a piece of shit old jag diesel on my commute. Fella overtakes booting it ejecting a load of black crap which I then breathe in. This is definitely not a regen thing and if I’m coughing immediately because of it then I definitely think it’s something I SHOULD worry about. I’m with the OP it’s a pisstake. In my view any DERV spewing shite out the back needs taking off the road and fixed or crushed.

    OP what plate was it on? Not the full reg just year?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Went with the dry mortar.. worked quite well as it looks “rustic” and meant we weren’t fannying round finishing the joint trying to get a perfect finish! Really happy with results but dear me my legs are in pieces! I’d have given up if my dad hadn’t helped out with the pointing.. £15 and a lot of elbow grease has transformed a fairly ropey looking patio.

    Cheers for the posts and advice all.

    Free Member

    That is some fairly excellent bicycle riding that! Thanks for sharing.

    Free Member

    Two of my mates have them – one for about 18 months and the other for about 6 months. Only complaint was from the “big lad” who said the recaros were cutting into him something rotten and that he looks like a gorilla driving it..

    I’ve been passenger in them a few times and think they’re cracking little cars – a little harsh but if your Mrs has been cutting about in a Cooper S she’ll be fine!

    Free Member

    I was planning on sticking with the dry mortar (ruling out gun) as I think I’ll make a mess of the slabs with wet mortar.. unless the gun is the silver bullet to doing in a tidy manner?!

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    Free Member

    Cheers all. We’ll phase 1 is complete.. about 50% of the original mortar was already gone but grinding/raking out the remaining and then jet washing was a much bigger job than originally anticipated!! Thankfully I’ve roped me owld man into helping me re point it tomo..

    Question is given some of the gaps are inch and half what should I use as a brick jointer given th big gap? I can’t find a tool that wide.. will try and get some photos of the job on here.


    Free Member

    Thanks for all the responses above. Colour matching is not an issue as I’m not lifting the flags and this is just a patch up on a patio with a limited life span.. plus I’m going to do the whole lot as there’s literally nothing left of the original mortar.

    BigJohn – Do you think the mortar gun will work with such a dry mix? Or is the gun assuming I’m going to use a wet mortar? I think a wet mortar will be too messy for an amateur like me!


    Free Member

    Cheers for the link Natrix – theres a lot more science there than I’d given credit!

    Cheers Ned – was planning on jet washing, forgot to mention that. It’s a messy job but one that needs doing nonetheless!

    Free Member

    Thanks both. That’s helpful and I’ll get some pics up when I’m back home. It’s an existing patio that I’m trying to tidy up for a few years so I’ll not be lifting the flags but will ensure the gaps are properly cleaned out – most of the mortar is long gone but still some to chip away.

    Free Member

    Feel your pain, I’ve been driving my invisicar today.. Bright metallic orange with a sodding great bike rack on the roof and super bright LED running lights.. I must be mad wanting a motorbike.

    Free Member

    Can’t say I’ve noticed a step change up in the North East. Same old really. Some close passing some fine. I have seen a fair few of the “let’s have a head on collision” brigade as well mind both while driving and cycling.. scary the lack of awareness to even try it. The ones that really get me though are the ones that attempt to overtake when there is nowhere to go and just hang around alongside as you’re keeping pace with traffic. Oh and close passing when there’s nowt coming the other way is extremely worrying – huge downside and no upside so either they’re thick or doing it on purpose or both.

    Had a cracker a while back where a learner really squeezed me as I was overtaking parked cars.. all the instructor did was point his pen at the mirror on the passenger side (window was open). Arr aye cheers mate – just let the 17 year old jam me between your car and a row of parked cars and then point at me in the mirror AFTER the incident.. hopefully it was a test and they failed.

    Free Member

    Bottom line is people are selfish, it’s all me me me and nobody gives a shit. Take the fella a couple of weeks back who (I presume) took offence to me filtering into the ASL box and stop at a red light – he drove into the box and revved his engine waving and jumping about DIRECTLY IN FRONT of Newcastle police station! He then close passed me before slamming his brakes on to join a queue of 20 cars. He was rather sheepish when 5 seconds later I asked him to pull over get out his car and explain WTF his problem was. Didn’t even make eye contact the massive tosser.

    I really need to take the advice from my engaging wth drivers thread..

    Free Member

    Thanks for the posts everyone. Sounds like I’ll risk disappointment if I stray away from coil.. think I’m going to order these lyriks.

    Thanks for the offer Dango but I’ve never had a new set of forks and I think I’m going to treat myself.


    Free Member

    Interesting, thanks vmg. I’m kind of in the opposite position having had relatively little experience of air forks other than some pretty old Fox 32 talas something or others.. which I thought were a bit shite!

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