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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
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    Thank you for the responses all. Seems like I did eject the toys from the pram a bit prematurely.. After a lot of back and forth with Elite (mainly on how to send them a large video attachment) they sent me a fix procedure which was successful and I’m back up and running.

    They give me a sub code so I could access the bit of the app I needed and it was then a case of cleaning the thread and getting the magnet housing moving again. There is evidence of thread damage and the two magnets in the housing have definitely had a chat with the flywheel and look to have some cosmetic damage so not sure how long the fix will last. Will report this back to Elite and see what they say.

    Thanks again

    Free Member

    I’ve got a big heed @ 63cm. Very happy with my TLD Stage I’ve had for a few years now.

    Free Member

    Thanks Paul. I’ll give them a buzz if I hit a brick wall with Elite.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies all. I think I’ve managed to capture enough of the issue on video without the need for the app. On start up, a motor with a long thread should move a magnet housing left and right through its full range of motion. The levels bit of functionality in the app should then move this incrementally which is what Elite wanted a video of. However, mine doesn’t even do the first bit.. it looks like the magnet housing has come off the thread completely and is now rattling around near the flywheel somewhere. Proper **** ed

    Free Member

    Coolant. Or rather missing coolant, specifically from my car which weirdly has two reservoirs, one of which appeared to be bone dry.

    I had prepped like a boss too. Had all my gear ready night before, had brekky and rolled bike out of garage to car, freshly brewed coffee for the drive. Nope. All back in the house while I spent the small window I had to ride sorting car out. I’m like a bear with a bad heed now as I was looking forward to a crisp morning ride testing out new dropper I fitted mid week. FFS

    Free Member

    Not sure if it’s been covered up thread but our ID3 has a row of buttons (touch not physical but can’t have everything) for basic stuff like heat, fan speed, etc. great.. BUT the **** things aren’t backlit! Unbelievable oversight. So you can only use them during hours of daylight FFS.

    The only thing worse than this is when it kicks me out of gear into park while reversing if you even slightly unweight the drivers seat. Coupled with me living on a busy main road near a corner and reversing into the drive it’s very dangerous indeed! It has in the past done it THREE TIMES in one manoeuvre. I was ready to burn it to the ground that evening.

    Other than those two monumental issues its been a great car 🙂

    It’s getting replaced with an EQA soon though as there were some great deals on my salary sacrifice scheme. I’m not a fan of SUVs whatsoever but they don’t make an equivalent hatch, it’s mainly my wife driving it, it’s the smallest one they do and not offensively large/tall. Footprint isn’t a lot more than the ID and the boot is a tiny bit smaller!

    Free Member

    Nailed it @BadlyWiredDog it’s absolutely terrifying when you think of it like that!

    Free Member

    Aye drives me potty that too @stumpyjon

    Takes a special kind of stupid to tailgate when there is a clear lane to get the **** past!

    Free Member

    Glad it’s not just me that seems to get tailgated constantly. I think most of the time it’s just people being thick TBH, not paying attention and having no real concept of what the safe distance is or why it’s important. There are a few exceptions where people are doing it deliberately to intimidate but this is the minority IMO.

    The amount of times the driver behind me has absolutely zero contingency is frightening. Like if I hit the brakes hard in an emergency their airbags will have punched them in the head before they even hit the brake pedal. Morons

    Free Member

    Coupe SUVs

    Just being near one in traffic elicits an episode of swearing and spitting at the inside of my windscreen that is wholly disproportionate. I saw a Merc today that made the transit connect in front of it look like my son’s baby walker! And the **** prat driving it had the driver/passenger windows limo tinted. **** me. And breathe..

    Free Member

    We’re sitting on 50 years of sustainable gas apparently.. whatever that means!

    Free Member

    I normally get asked for it and just forward email or attach in some portal or other. My current policy is based on 0 years NCD (but 2 years “other” no claims on a co car). Difference in premium between 0 years and the 12 or so I had before the co car? About a tank of fuel. Think it went from £450 to £550 or something over the year.

    Free Member

    Aye, I put them away in the little soft bag mid ride not the hard case. Also do the run under a tap thing when there is visible dirt on my glasses. I bought them from so they’re not fake just shite 🤣

    Cheers for the other recommendations. Those POC ones do look good value

    Free Member

    The marketing blurb says “impact protection” in the list of features but can’t see anything about scratching.

    Agree that they’re not fit for use. Interesting I’m not the only one that won’t be going near them again. Actually looks like you can’t even buy prizm trail anymore judging by their website.

    Free Member

    Thank you very much indeed to everyone who took the time to respond to my post. From memory the initial deal was maybe £35-37.50 then it jumped up considerably when that ended then one or two inflationary jumps “per the T&Cs” as they always say.. add in me being a lazy **** and here I am sat paying £67 for internet.

    Sounds like the answer is I don’t actually need the broadband I’m currently paying through the nose for. I had a terrible experience with talk talk before virgin where I was getting about 10mb in the room where the router was and about 2mb in my office at the back of the house which meant I couldn’t get effectively WFH. I think this has probably painted a (inaccurate) picture of all non-fibre broadband for me. Sounds like I just a had a shit experience with that particular supplier.

    I now have a mesh network setup so any degradation with distance from router is a non-issue. I’ll give them a buzz and just go for cancellation, if they offer me an amazing deal great if not I’m offskies.

    Thanks again

    Free Member

    Yeah well played Carlos. Feel for Russell! Awful way to end that race

    Free Member

    I think a Merc will be on top step

    Free Member

    Yep me too. Looking forward to this!

    Free Member

    Interesting to see what the top 5 do here with the VSC only

    Free Member

    Safety car Shirley!

    Free Member

    Yeah will be really interesting to see how it pans out in practice. I’m surprised at how much of a fundamental drop in performance it has been from such a dominant car. Perez is dead last just now! 🤣

    Free Member

    And aye watching the RBs go backwards has absolutely made my weekend 🙂

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    Before the race Horner was saying it’s track specific the issues with the RB but how can it be? Surely there must be combinations of/individual corners at lots of other track that replicate bits of Singapore and they have a ton of data on it? Really interested to see next week in Suzuka and if it is related to this flexi technical directive and therefore going to harm them longer term.

    Free Member

    Always good to get a pork pie recommendation, thank you @Kramer. I shall reciprocate with a recommendation for Appletons in Ripon. Absolutely delightful pork pies and they also do a “breakfast sausage roll” with tomato on the inside and bacon wrapped around the outside. Absolutely tremendous.

    Free Member

    I wanted to say thank you to the posters on the previous page for the GNR advice. I decided to run it and just deal with the fall out.. and it hasn’t been too bad this week. It was my first ever half marathon and even though the conditions were horrible I enjoyed it in a weird way.. the atmosphere was absolutely tremendous! I limped over the line with my knee brace on in 2hr 15m which I was over the moon with TBH, I was ecstatic just to finish at all. But my target when signing up was under 2 hours so I may have to go again next year.

    I too was very worried to see a number of people needing medical attention along the way. I hope they were all ok in the end. I started quite far back in the green wave after missing wave assembly so only ran half the race in blistering heat. My race pack never turned up so had to stand in a monumental queue on the day to get a replacement one, so was messing around with safety pins etc. while everyone else was getting into position and doing warm ups!

    Free Member

    Generally people not keeping things moving when out and about. Some great examples already in this thread like people acting shocked when they need to pay for goods at the checkout. FFS give your heed a wobble and just be ready to pay! It’s not hard.

    My latest episode of rage in this area is the tip. It gets busy, really busy if you time it wrong, but still you get people opening the boot of their car and it’s utter chaos.. picking out 1 or 2 bits of metal at a time from in between garden waste, plastic, metal and goodness knows what else! At least have some semblance of organisation before you just drive down there. I mean generally our local tip is a brain out at the door place but this particular bad practice makes me want to throw them in the landfill skip.

    Another fine example was at the petrol station recently. Half the pumps are off so a bit of waiting involved but not mad busy. Bloke in front starts filling up while his missus jumps out and starts wandering around the shop.. good I think, she’ll pick up what they need and when he goes in it’ll be bish bash bosh tap your card and gone.. Nope. Pair of them wandering around like they’re shopping for some new clothes or something. FFS you can see me sat behind in my car. Ended up reversing and using another pump where the driver arrived a good 5 mins later but was done and dusted long before these wallopers had finished whatever in the wide world of **** they were doing in the shop.

    A separate one for me is people standing far too close in queues. We’ve just come out of a global pandemic FFS but still I have some people so close behind me they’d lick the back of my head if they stuck their tongue out. Just **** off. You’re not getting to the till quicker if you stand 2 air molecules behind me you **** prat.

    and breathe..

    Free Member

    Thank you @thecaptain that’s made me feel better that I wasn’t doing something too outrageous last week.. just moderately risky. Don’t think there is much chance of running growing on me.. I **** hate it.. said to my wife last night “never ever again”

    Free Member

    Thank you @johndoh that’s really helpful. Good shout on focusing on suitability of the brace for the injury with the physio this Thursday.

    Free Member

    Good morning all,

    I need some advice please. I have the Great North Run this Sunday and I’m currently suffering with pain in my left knee.

    Bit of background. 38 years old, 82kg and generally fit from a cycling perspective and do quite a bit of resistance work. I have NEVER liked or done much running at all my entire life.. never done a race before and all training has been solo.

    Training started in earnest maybe 5 months ago with purely 5k runs nothing more. After a few months I managed to get this down to the 25 min mark and then started longer runs with a few 10ks and then a 15k and then finally last Thursday a full 21km distance. In hindsight this was a MASSIVE error and I should have capped things at 15km this close to the race. Hindsight is wonderful isn’t it!? My thinking was that I wanted to prove to myself I could actually run the full distance at least once before the day. Anyway it’s done now and I can’t change it..

    The day after wasn’t too bad.. I mean I was hurting and getting up and down the stairs was tricky but I was by no means immobile. On Sunday morning I felt like I could have went for a run but my left knee felt weak and some pain. It’s still hurting now, nothing bad but just a present dull pain which is worse after walking (did 10,000 steps yesterday with work, kids, etc. and was a bit painful but maybe a 2-3 out of 10).

    My plan now is nothing more than generally staying active, walking, school run, some stretching, eating well etc. and just hope it feels ok on Sunday. I’ve been to the local running shop and bought a fairly robust knee brace, and also invested in some foam rollers. I’m seeing physio on Thurs (went for 1st time last week for bad back which is now fine!) but would really welcome any thoughts on what I should be doing between now and Sunday? Short of pulling out of the race (which I would be upset about as I’ve already raised a chunk of money for charity) my backup plan is to just head to the last wave at the start line and walk the thing.. reckon I could walk 21km in 4 hours ish..

    Any thoughts and advice welcome.

    Thank you

    Free Member

    Haha aye the gym bros hogging machines is definitely one of mine too. They seem to be in groups of 3-4 in my gym. Recently, a group of the absolute whoppers were on the cable lat pull-down machine while I completed my entire workout. **** **** wits.

    And the pops and bangs dickhead brigade as well. There’s a particular cockend on our estate with one of them Toyota gt86s who has an absurdly loud exhaust and likes to drive past my house (and probably everywhere else too) in a gear or three too low for his road speed. I mean I like the sound of an exotic engine on song as much as the next petrol head but I can do without being woken up by some 4 banger piece of shit slow as piss Toyota at 7 on a Sunday morning. The prick.

    Free Member

    It’s quite depressing when you put it like that. I didn’t realise the Focus was a gonna too!

    Free Member

    Sad sign of the times unfortunately. Ford are getting rid of the fiesta as well FFS in favour of these **** stupid crossovers and SUVs. I’ve recently got my first estate car after a run of hatches and saloons, and it’s absolutely superb! Not an actual Superb or a Volvo for that matter.. it would have been a V60 polestar if I could have afforded one mind. I think they look absolutely MINT:

    Ohlins adjustable suspension FTW and you could do plenty of local trips without bothering the ICE motor. Seems like the best of all worlds. If I come into a bit of money I’ll get a minter and keep it forever.

    Free Member

    We had a manual 2006 Cooper (1600 petrol motor) and it was a great little car! More fun and better to drive than my car at the time (M135i) and would often take it over the BM. Only fault we had in the few years we owned was a failed head unit.. not expensive to buy a second hand one but nearly the whole bloody dashboard needed to come out to replace it!

    Free Member

    Harsh penalty that mind, not like he came in hot from miles back. They were side by side FFS!

    Free Member

    Agree with the above, there’s going to have to be some compromises somewhere. I’ve got a current shape 4WD 5 tourer which is a big car and with the seats down is an ideal companion for MTB/camping trips (just back from my 1st and it was great). However, I wouldn’t dream of getting the bike in alongside me for a nights kip. Interestingly, my SiL has an XC90 which is a big old motor and the two cars are nearly identical in length at a smidge under 5m. Obviously the Volvo has a bit more height but not a ton more useable space in the rear IMO.

    Free Member

    Whatever you do, don’t get a manual 20i around the 2015 era.. we had a 320i and it was by far and away the most difficult manual car I’ve ever driven to drive smoothly. I posted a long thread on here a good while back on the clutch delay valve (CDV) on that particular car. I imagine manual 420is have the same. Compared to my lovely older e90 325i the box wasn’t even in the same league. 6 cyl probs helped but not as much as the lack of a CDV! You can do a CDV delete but easier just to avoid TBH.. I think the manual Golf Rs have similar.

    I think the CDV was meant to reduce drivetrain shock and increase the life of components if my understanding is correct. However, a side effect of that was having to be VERY precise with your inputs in lower gears in order to get a smooth shift. Automatics all the way for me now and if you’re looking at 6 pots you often don’t get a choice anyway. My 540i is auto and x drive only for example.

    Free Member

    I had damage of a similar nature but longer, deeper and further up the sidewall on both nearside tyres after being forced into the curb by a truck coming the other way on a country road last year.

    In my view, both tyres were scrap but you would not believe the carry on I had getting them replaced. It was a company car and whilst I spoke to the lease co and they were comfortable after some photos and discussion that they needed replacing, KwikFit kept saying they didn’t even though it was chargeable work like any other customer! Even up to point of picking the car up after the work the miserable **** got one more “nowt wrong with the ones I took off” before I left.

    Unbelievable. It was a Tesla M3 Performance with thick end of 500 brake so not an insignificant amount of energy being put through the tyres! Back to a private car now thankfully.

    TLDR – I’d replace them.

    Free Member

    Chronic tinnitus sufferer here. Get custom moulded ones, I have the ultimate ears ones that @benbrownuk linked to and they’re great. Once you’ve had custom moulds done you realise everything else (in ear) is a compromise. I have aviation grade over the ear ones for stuff like power tools/garden equipment etc. as it’s more convenient.

    Also agree with the cinema comments, too loud and crappy audio in a lot of places.. haven’t been in donkeys as much prefer my OLED + 5.1 system in house.. plus ability to pause, take a leak and get a fresh beer!

    Free Member

    Thank you! Sounds like shimano SPDs/recessed cleats are the way to go. Little bit of a weight penalty to save a lot of money sounds good to me.

    Free Member

    Thank you for the continued advice and info all. I popped into Edinburgh cycle co op in Newcastle to look at this yesterday:

    Unfortunately they didn’t have one built up but they had one in a box in my size so it’s getting built now for me to have a little test ride over the coming days. Think I’m set on this bike TBH unless something unforeseen happens.. It did take a lot not to just gravitate towards MTBs and order something with big knobbly tyres!

    Now the question comes to pedals.. I ride flats on all my bikes.. what sort of disco slippers/clipless pedals should I be looking for?! I don’t want something I can’t get out of easily at the lights and struggle to walk in when buying cake/coffee.. probs get them from the bike shop too with the c2work vouchers. Any advice most appreciated.


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