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  • Renthal Revo-F Flat Pedal Review
  • nick3216
    Free Member

    You need to go balls out at the start or you have so many people to pass later in the race that you’ll never make up the places, even if you’re feeling fresh and the leaders are tiring.

    Free Member

    it depends

    Free Member

    Another gate. Another Turner.


    I’ve been riding up there on bikes and motorbikes for 40 years. Sod that no cycling sign.

    Free Member


    White balance is snafu.

    @pieface – good choice of gate.

    Free Member


    seen too many hanging off the dog and Lymes disease is not nice, so my first aid kit contains a tick tool

    Free Member

    Fill a kilner jar with sloes. Pour sugar into it till about half way up the jar. Top up with gin or vodka.

    Leave for at least three months – if you can wait that long.

    Rocket fuel I tell you.

    What do you mean it’s not energy drink – it’s got sugar in it.

    Free Member

    Wasn’t the best with hard lenses. In fact it was a nightmare. Moved to soft lenses ten years ago and I’venever looked back (ahem, sorry).

    I always ride with shades (lear lenses at night) to help keep out muck. Only problem is if I forget to blink during a really long technical section and they start to move around until I get them lubricated.

    Shades might sound like an oxymoron if you’ve got contact lenses but the time I out a branch through my cheek faceplanting a tree reminded me that glasses are for protecting against more than just grit.

    Free Member


    You can just make some flames out from this angle. Needs to be seen in the flesh for full, subtle, effect.

    Free Member

    she has. a pants beard.

    Free Member

    The opposite effect. Gloss black flames over matt black base.

    Kawasaki green is always good

    Free Member


    Free Member

    how out of touch are GM

    Google for the OnStar debacle. questions asked in congress about their abuse of customer privacy.

    Free Member

    If you thought the conditions were bad at 3am, you should have ridden from 6am onwards!

    I particularly liked the two new lakes near the end of the course that I’d definitely have noticed if they’d been there earlier, seeing as they were ankle deep.

    Free Member

    @adamandmatt – I’ve done it on another forum that both steve and dave can read.

    I’m happy to be corrected on my facts – thatnks to stevd for that. The “meh” was a sinking down to their level. It was a stupid and childish thing to do.

    Winding up Dave is just a little game that I find fun. That’s also stupid and childish, but I enjoy it.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    one word steve


    Free Member

    SSUK Commute[/url] by nick3216[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I just realised that Daves disappearance from races coincides with his invention of bivvying. In space the wilderness no-one can hear you scream be an arse.

    Free Member

    It’s not a living though.

    Free Member

    Firework incident was Dave A of this parish being an unfunny arse and being told about it in no uncertain gems by Guy Kesteven. Possibly the inspiration for Daves anti racer rant. very funny to see.

    This was a few years ago now. I don’t recall seeing Dave and his bullying, yes bullying not funny, hecklerphone there since. Which is nice.

    Free Member

    Have you tried looking for a rider dressed in black on a black bike in the dark?

    Free Member

    Crashing and hurting yourself shows it was not safe.

    Did you bother to read gees post or just wade in. The circumstances of the crash show nothing of the sort. It wasn’t caused by the passing manoeuvre but by a hidden stump.

    If we took that attitude to it’s illogical conclusion racing would be an orderly queue based on who lined up at the start first.

    leader coming through

    so you should get priority over other riders who will try and overtake later?

    That’s quite common, certainly for the first few riders in with a chance of a podium place. As someone who is usually lapped I like to know that the riders I’m potentially holding up are the ones for whom my staying out of the way might make a difference. So, yes, they do get priority.

    As has been said, what someone considers a safe pass someone else will think isn’t

    If you’re not comfortable being passed fast and close then, really, honestly, are you ready to be racing? Some of the team riders out there by 10pm when it was just starting to get sloppy were already way out of their depth to be even riding round that course, never mind trying to race. At least one person I waited patiently behind was sneery when we finally got to a section of wide enough track that I could get past his wobbling all over the place without risk of a collision.

    “On your right”

    “If you’re fast enough” – in a right tone of voice.

    Free Member

    IRC Mud Mads worked really well. Shame they don;t make them anymore.

    Free Member

    A lot of the riders out there by 9 pm were clearly out of their depth. I was passed by Gee during the night – no issues.

    Free Member

    I think you guys need to think about what you expect when you visit an internet forum.

    I expect the internet equivalent of the Daily Mail and you didn’t disappoint. You come on here stereotyping an entire class of people from a clear position of ignorance.

    I use the term ignorant here, in it’s meaning of “unknowledgeable or uneducated”, which I think we can agree, when it comes to horses and you, quite clearly applies.

    You pretend to be seeking enlightenment of your ignorance when what you were actually after was justification for your prejudices from other people who also clearly have an opinion on horses but, like yourself, actually have cock all experience. Frankly I’ve never heard such sanctimonious shit from those who wouldn’t know one end of a horses from another. For instance look at all the pseudo risk-assessment on the dangers of horses to their riders and other people that is being floated about ostensibly to stop people from hurting themselves, but is actually being spouted to stop other people from doing things the risk assessor doesn’t like. It comes across as selfish not selfless.

    Let’s look at one. “Ooh horse shit is dangerous for motorcyclists”. No it isn’t. If I see a fresh pile of horseshit on the road it means there might be a neddy in the area so I’ll ease of the throttle – V-twins being rather raucous – until I’m past. At least horseshit is visible. If the writer of that piece of bollocks really was concerned about motorcyclists instead of just looking for some stupid justification to hate horses he wouldn’t be making stupid remarks about non-risk from horseshit and he’d be doing something positive about the real risk from diesel spills.

    As for anonymous internet bravery, I’ll happily call you ignorant to your face. But here’s an offer. I can try to cure you of your ignorance. Of horses at least. If you are prepared to get yourself a BHS approved riding hat and some insurance I’ll give you an hour on top of this neddy. If you’re as competent as you think you are you should be up through the gears and onto the highways and bridleways for a gallop well within that time. And I know where there’s a five bar gate for you to have a crack at. You have got the balls for that haven’t you, seeing as you’re so brave behind your keyboard?

    If you still don’t get it, then fairs fair, but at least you’d be speaking from a position of (limited) experience.

    They don’t really add anything to the discussion

    Please don’t even pretend you wanted a discussion.

    Free Member

    Anywhoo nick3216, whoever said I promote cycling side by side?

    @faaz – you want to be respected as an individual when you don’t extend that courtesy to other road users? My point was that car drivers see som cyclists riding side by side and lump all cyclists together as “effing cyclists”. They don’t care that you as an individual might behave differently to the behaviour that’s anoying them.

    In the same manner you have quite happily lumped all horse-riders/horse box drivers together.

    Do you not see the parallel?

    Free Member

    @faaz – thanks for displaying exactly the sort of attitude motorists use when they are held up behind two cyclists riding side by side.

    Free Member

    Bonty Mud X are good, but IRC Mud Mads – if you can still find any in stock anywhere are the dogs bollocks of mud tyre.

    Free Member

    Some people who ride horses are dicks. Most of them aren’t.

    Heres a shocker! Some people who ride MTBS are dicks. Most of them aren’t.

    You can’t stereotype people based solely on their chosen hobby. Note hobby, not not mode of transport. Unless you’re a dick. Which brings us nicely back to OP. Making sweeping generalisations about horse/bike riders based on one experience of a friend of a friend is up there for twattishenss too.

    At the risk of then being hoist by my own petard and grouping individuals indiscriminately it appears that some MTBers these days are getting as bigotted as the ramblers we had to put up with when we first started venturing out on the trails. When did we start letting **** ride fat tyres?

    The trails are everyones to share. OP and his bigotted supporters need to get over themselves and learn to get along. Or **** off and leave the trails to people with a bit of courtesy towards their fellow human beings.

    Free Member

    Shame no one could fix Saturdays weather…

    Why? Was it broken? A mere bracing dampness in the air, and it added character to the course.

    The guy shouting in his megaphone late in the evening, ‘will you shut up, people are trying to sleep’ made me giggle

    Glad you liked it 🙂


    Free Member


    I’m there…

    Yes, two entries with the same name did cause the organisers some confusion.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Blackburn Voyager 3.3
    Used it overnight at Mayhem as a main light.

    Free Member

    chain pup?
    cool tool?

    retrobike crew in the area?

    Free Member

    Ace, just so long as you don’t get anything prior to ESP…

    Free Member

    Moved from the North to the South this year and as far as I’m concerned TIm is still my Local Bike Shop.

    tim can either be fantastic or cack depending what day you catch him on

    Cack? Take cake.

    Free Member

    Anyone have any real life experience’s with the Rab storm bivi
    are they roomy, water proof, pack small enough and light

    Roomy. Yes, but I’m only small (5’8″). Plenty longer than that, and I can fit all my kit in there with me.
    Waterproof. Fortunately not had to find out.
    Pack small. Yep. You could (at a stretch) fit one in your middle jersey pocket.

    Free Member

    Apparently not.

    TBH I get annoyed by the constant disparity between Daves words and his actions anyway so I tend to blip right over his articles.

    Free Member


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