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  • Pinarello Dogma XC Now Available To Buy If You Are A Hardcore XC Racer
  • nick3216
    Free Member

    For communities rather than cars. Is it really so hard to understand?

    No, I understand.

    But if its a community of crusty wasters – which is what it looked like in London – then I’m out.

    Free Member

    £6 is a quid less than I paid for a copy of The Ride, which lasts a damn sight longer as a read.

    Free Member

    Instead of whining why not get on your bike and join them?

    was on my bike trying to get through London last night tryimg to get to the station. except this lot were in the **** way. they didn’t endear themselves to a fellow cyclist never mind anyone else.

    reclaim the streets? for what? mobile parties or getting somewhere?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    misspelled letter

    Free Member

    X7 and x9 use a different cable ratio from Shimano there’s no one shifter that does what you want.

    The Shimano compatible ones are coded SRT IIRC.

    what deraileur do you need to work with and I can see what I’ve got.

    Free Member

    landed on south just in rain. got snowed on in the afternoon. in september. then had a gloriously sunny evening. it’s a mental place.

    Free Member

    You need one of these…

    oddly enough I was in a bike shop a couple of weeks ago trying to work out if I could fit fat tyres into a 5 Spot rear end (I think tscheezy already did it) and Boxxer forks. what with fat tyres, suspension and a suspension seat post the stoker wouldn’t eve feel the tins of cat food as you rode over old ladies*

    * no points for the reference

    Free Member

    Take the redundancy.

    I did and I don’t whinge as much about my life as much as someone I know who’s been threatening to leave his awful employers for years but never does.

    Free Member

    “The economy is in the bin”.

    Comes across as Ben Elton, “Bit of politics”.

    Yet the magazine and website do little more these days than promote product and consumerism and new kit and kit reviews. What happened to the good reads? Where’s the breaking news and inside track from your industry connections? Total lack of any coverage of whats going on at Maverick recently (flavour of the month, issue 6) is a case in point.

    Free Member

    Savings and price rises. Read it three times and still can’t see a good justification. That’s not going to win this ex-subscriber back, sorry.

    Free Member

    how about something that takes AA batteries?

    Might be the best idea, and the one I like most just now. There’s gonna be lots of places on the route I can buy AAs

    Phone will mostly be off, I suspect that the iPod will be biggest user of juice.

    Free Member

    As some US judge remarked whe trying to distinguish between art or porn. “You know it when you see it”

    Free Member

    If only GW was here to belittle everyone and point out how he rarely uses lights when riding on the road at night!

    there is something nice about country road, middle of nowhere, miles from light pollution, moonlit night, lights off riding. Jeep a taillight on in case anything catches up with you but you can usually see oncoming cars in time to get lit up again. I’ve gone all nostalgic for the Trough of Bowland loop at night now.

    Free Member

    Track pump and manly pumping it is.


    Dare I ask, what tyres? I like Bontrager Jones and I can steal them back from my wife’s bike. How do all my new tyres end up on her wheels?

    Free Member

    I used to do it a lot. Less so these days, but still on occasion.

    I find traffic not so bad on lit roads. For unlit roads get a powerful (mine was 50watt) light to use on drivers who won’t dip.

    Attaching an additional flashing LED light to the back of my helmet (fnaar fnaar), seems to help in terms of room given. I think just because it’s higher.

    For road night rides I also recommend flourescents, reflective ankle bands (or wings, see below), reflective wrist bands (for signalling), maybe even a Sam Browne belt. Reflectors may look gay but help if you’re lights fade. Those noncy wheel reflectors you can stick in your spokes to make yourself visible from the side help too.

    Free Member

    Middle Class = You don’t live in a council house, but you ain’t got a butler.

    I live in a council house, but I’m definitely middle class.

    Free Member

    Bitstream Vera Sans

    Free Member

    WD40 is a homeopathic lubricant

    Free Member

    I was being facetious.

    Free Member

    IAM are the lot that recommend (or used too) sitting at a red light waiting to turn left with your indicator off. an invitation for (usually women) cyclists to ride up your inside them get cut up when you turn left.

    Just saying.

    Free Member

    Strictly speaking WD40 is a solvent which is why it can knacker some stuff.

    Always prefer proper lubes for, er, lubing. Will happily use GT85 or WD40 for cleaning.

    Free Member

    How is it a consultation period if they’ve identified the redundant roles?

    The key is roles not individuals. They might have 300 widget wranglers but only need 200. All managers will, of course, be essential.

    Free Member

    Check the voluntary package.

    Stay positive.

    Redo your CV and start applying for jobs. Don’t know what your line of work is, but be open to sub-contracting if it’s an option.

    Stay positive.

    Keep working and being seen to be working an keen.

    Stay positive.

    Get someone legal on your case to make sure the company doesn’t pull a fast one. Have someone independent minute every consultation meeting, verbatim if necessary.

    Stay positive.

    Best case – you might find alternative work and get a payoff to go with new job.

    Middle case – you might be made redundant, but at least you’ll get some from it and have started steps to a new career.

    Worst case – they might keep you on only to do this year after year.

    I went through that annually for five years, and finally saying enough was enough and taking voluntary was the best thing I ever did. It is only when you’re no longer havnig to go through it that you realise how stressful it has been. I got myself a job to walk into the Monday after I finished. ’twas 200 miles away mind, but it was a job. Those who had no positive outlook were the ones who got laid off and then struggled to find alternative work.

    Free Member

    I’m not too concerned about Bike ‘X’ or ‘Y’

    Good, cos you need year too.

    2004 Turner 5 Spot with big brakes and bolt thru front forks. Flats or big platform clipless.

    Oh, and a dropper post.

    Whatever happened to being satisfied with QR seat clamps?

    Free Member

    43. Mojo comes and goes. A good bit of twisty singletrack usually restores it. That and I have to do MM every year until either TIm Flooks or me drops dead.

    Free Member

    Dry, mud frozen hard. Frosty tyres. Ace.

    Free Member

    Sorry, what was the problem?

    Free Member

    Ive got an award winning tattooist, with nearly 30 years experience doing the tattoo, plus ive seen his work first hand on some work mates, what can go wrong?

    good on you. JFDI.

    Was discussing my fourth with a potential tattooist on Friday, and thinking ahead to my fifth.

    Free Member

    whereas spaced cassette hub I can run it out nearer the end of the hub and get a wide BB…

    Does not compute. On all my SS hubs the sprocket is nearer the dropout than any spaced out freehub I’ve ever seen, and the problem has been getting a wide enough BB to get a good chainline. So a SS hub actually gets you what you want unless I’ve misunderstood something.

    Free Member

    Keef – Member
    screw on SS hub,then you can enjoy the benefits of a White Ind. freewheel !


    For a custom build go with a proper hub, never mind saving a few quid on a botch job. In 15 years I’ve only once needed to put a singlespeed wheel into a “proper” MTB as a spare, and that was just to take photos of a bike that I got given that just had a front wheel.

    No problems with Hope SS hubs (the “proper” ones that take a BMX freewheel, Spot, Phil, or White Industries. Can recommend any of those. On-One s/s hubs weigh a ton.

    White Industries freewheels do work better/last longer than standard Shimano ones IME. And Tim at Sideways is a lovely man to buy one from.

    Free Member

    So you’ll see that I do have some experience In the use of Revelate products as well as the Wildcat stuff.

    Then why not just say that in the first place?…

    Revelate sling is quite unstable from the ones i’ve seen used before.

    It’s even got the same number of letters to type.

    Free Member

    Revelate sling is quite unstable from the ones i’ve seen before.

    -1 for the bit I emphasised.

    I actually gasp! use one and I’ve had no stability problems. The straps also quite coincidentally fit the compression straps of my old North Face bum bag/fanny pack* which is a bonus ‘cos I get extra load carrying ability for free.

    *choose terminology according to you British/US English prejudices preferences

    Free Member

    Disclaimer: I was brought up and lived as a vegetarian for many years. I’m now an ex-vegetarian. You will miss bacon.

    From what I have seen of people who have a go at being veggie is that they focus on replacing the meat rather than finding what they like


    Don’t make the same meals using a meat substitute. It will not be as nice as what you remember.

    Make vegetarian meals that never had meat in them in the first place instead. Japanese food is a good place to start because soy beans a a complete protein source – otherwise you have to mix your grains and pulses to get all the essential amino acids. Watch your vitamin B12. Learn to love different vegetables and enjoy them for what they are.

    I never did discover the point of Artichokes though. Boiling a big thistle then hacking at it for twenty minutes to get at the bit you can already buy all lovingly oiled up in a jar instead.

    As an ex-vegetarian I think that if we must eat meat (and there are some areas of the UK that are only suitable for raising meat not growing crops), then we should respect the animal and buy ethically grown and sourced meat. And we should eat as much of the animal as possible, not just the meaty muscley bits. ( You will never see anyone pick a chicken carcass so clean as an ex-vegetarian.

    Though I freely admit that if I have to eat lips and arseholes I want them in anonymous twizzler form.

    Free Member

    Should have ask the copper about horse riders…

    -10 points to gryffindor for non-sequitur

    Free Member

    tumblr is shit. not da shit. just “shit”.

    IME you’ll also need more HTML/CSS knowledge if you want to style tumblr cf. WordPress and it’s mainly full of skinny angst ridden teens reblogging sub /b/ shite. Oh, and occasionally you will be taken down in the DDOS wars between the aforesaid /b/tards and tumblr

    Stick with WordPress – it’s a widely used CMS so WordPress skills may help on your CV. I would imagine most of what you want to do regarding images can be achieved by defining some CSS classes. For instance classes for centred or “hanging caps” positions, whether they are photos or not so have borders or not… and so on

    Blogspot is also good though I found it less flexible than WordPress. Haven’t use it since 2005 so it may have got better.

    Typepad is another choice but I have no experience on which to recommend or otherwise. Drupal is another popular CMS.

    Oh – if you’re uploading images, try the NextGEN Gallery plugin, Allows you to upload a bunch of images in a single zip archive. Made my life a whole lot easier than managing an integrated WordPress/Gallery2 site.

    Free Member

    A good poo. About 1lb there.

    Free Member

    cyclists do not hold up traffic – they are traffic


    Free Member

    OK, my money’s on the wrath of the STW IAM posse now


    This thread demonstrates to me again why a reputation based system such as StackExchange is better. Yes, I am aware that I may not have been able to post that.

    Also, what is this “cyclist” or “motorist”?

    I am not defined by my mode of transport. It’s all just “people” trying to get somewhere.

    Free Member

    solid axle. proper nuts. 15mm spanner in toolkit.


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