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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • nick3216
    Free Member

    My first bike…

    Biker[/url] by nick3216[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    b r – Member
    There is only ONE King Kenny, and he ain’t a wendyball player!

    ^^^^ this.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I got knocked off my bike a few years back overtaking stationay/slow moving traffic, on the right.

    au contraries I was knocked off my bike overtaking stationary traffic on the left using a cycle lane. someone, who had passed me just seconds before, flashed a car coming the opposite way across the front of me into a car park.

    FWIW I prefer to pass on the right, and it was only the cycle lane that made me do different.

    Free Member

    Having been in hospital* in a ward full of men in their forties with seriously **** one more drink may cause total liver failure and kill you problems I’ve been very wary if drinking to excess.

    * in my case not for liver problems

    Free Member

    Try 4% carb drink. 8% might be pulling water from your body into your stomach.

    here comes the science…

    Free Member

    Sorry, wrong thread 😉

    Free Member

    Serious question, whats the point, I mean except from looking like a transvestite.

    Serious answer, trichophobia. Interesting explaining that one away at the gym.

    Free Member

    Small Block 8

    there’s reason enough to bin it. never ridden a tyre with so little lateral grip.

    Free Member

    climbs are much more fun since I lost a shitload* of weight.

    * 3 stone

    Free Member

    Those Veet reviews are proof that metrosexuals are full of wit.

    Free Member

    If hair shorts ate good enough for George Hincapie they’re good enough for most.

    Otherwise, up to the HRM.

    Free Member

    Keeley Lockey?

    Keeley Lockey, 1994[/url] by nick3216[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I always tend to be quicker on my SS. I suppose its because I become lazy on my geared bike and just drop down the gears when it gets tough, where as on the SS I just go for it.


    Free Member

    120mm white fork. They suit Maguras. SRAM XO. Silver hubs, rims (optionally white) and finishing kit.

    Free Member

    September 1991. GT Karakoram

    Ny the time Id finished upgrading only the frame and forks were original, and even the forks had been modified by Dave Yates…

    GT, early 1993[/url] by nick3216[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Henrik Djernis?

    Free Member

    In the early 90’s people didn’t ride with clogs, they used these. Where did I put those spikes?

    Brant was referring to the favoured footwear of myself and Guy Kesteven at NEMBA races in the early 90s. Somewhere there’s a picture of Guy towing me behind a tandem at Eston generating sparks.

    Wish I hadn’t lost all my NEMBA results when I left the ex.

    Anyway, Will Cogger…

    Will Cogger[/url] by nick3216[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    But if you raced in clogs, it didn’t really matter.

    I never actually got round to screwing cleats into them!

    Free Member

    Eats meat

    beef. c_______s

    Free Member

    Those paint splattered GTs weighed a ton before you started adding suspension forks and mechanical disk brakes.

    Free Member

    Tinker Juarez still rocks for Cannondale no??

    Steve would still like his pump back.

    Free Member


    Don’t want a family. cant meet women my age who either don’t have one already or are desperate to start one before the change.

    Free Member

    Surprised noone has mentioned Karen Van Meerbeck…

    Karen Van Bareback

    Goes for a long hard think

    Free Member

    Darren Tapp once lent me a go on his GT Xizang LE so is alright in my book

    Jamie Hibberd?

    Free Member

    came 2nd, beaten my an end to end challenge, Pretty happy with my 1000+ miles per month i’m doing just now every month


    it wasn’t a challenge tho

    Free Member

    The lad who rode downhill for Fat Chance was never as good as he believed.

    I think his first name was Elwyn, but can’t remember his surname. I’m talking 1992. Don’t recall seeing him in 1993, I’d remember the tantrums.

    Free Member

    Jason Shackleton was a decent downhiller BITD

    The lad who rode downhill for Fat Chance was never as good as he believed.

    There was some handy Tim Flooks wurzel riding for GT. Wonder what became of him?

    Free Member

    Need to see it next to a Rema Tip Top puncture repair kit before casting judgement on the colour.

    Free Member

    mark king

    are you trying to put him off ?

    Free Member

    Those muscle cramp articles are interesting and would suggest I get less cramp just because I’m fitter.

    I can accept that 🙂

    Free Member

    You sweat out lots of water and a very small amount of salt.

    I hate subjective statements. Some numbers from skratch labs.

    400 to 800 mg per litre of sweat. 1 litre of sweat per hour at 150 watts. 2 litres of sweat per hour at 250 watts.

    Free Member

    Real food, especially chorizo.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    NFT is best enjoyed at speed on hard tail or XC oriented full susser

    IME YMMV ect ect

    Free Member

    the world is nuanced not black and white. therefore I think it’s silly to say that “all tourniquets are bad m’kay”

    none of my first aid kits include a tourniquet

    Free Member

    tourniquet trousers were developed by an MD

    Free Member

    I never like frames where the seatstays join the seat tube higher than the top tube.

    For that reason, I’m out.

    Me too. Neutral axis of all tubes should pass through a common point. Failure to observe this rule was observed as the reason for failure during destructive testing of one of my engineering projects many years ago. It has stayed with me ever since.

    Free Member

    Tourniquets did not go out with the Boer War, or have I misread ^^^?

    Some modern combat trousers (Blackhawk) come with in-built tourniquets.

    Who do I trust more, an MD or TJ? Not a tough call.

    Free Member

    Il Pompino

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