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  • Team GB squad for MTB World Champs (plus how to watch it for free)
  • niallmb
    Free Member

    Elaine, Can't say I've found they wear out that quickly, maybe I'm just not riding enough but I've had the same pair for about a year now, 2-3 rides a week. They look scruffy but soles are still fine and they are comfy.

    Free Member

    currently wearing merrell chameleons to ride. I used to wear DC's but got fed up of how heavy they are.

    Free Member

    looks to me as though someone bent their top tube and added an extra tube to strengthen again. why would you design anything to look broken???

    Free Member

    I had an op on my back about 7 years ago and apparently whilst coming round I was insisting that someone got me a guiness in a coconut shell and actually got quite upset when they wouldn't.

    Free Member

    my worst (that I'll admit to on the internet) was feeding seagulls bicarbonate of soda on bread and watching them fall out the sky at the age of 8. (DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, BIRDWATCHERS DON'T LIKE IT).

    Speaking to the house tech in one of the venues on the last tour, he tells of when, in the late 80's, he was on tour in the states with a new guy in the crew. They were all a bit bored and being off their faces on all sorts of interesting things, they went and spent some time with some local hookers. The new guy managed to catch a rather nasty dose of crabs and was paniking about what to do. Roadie X (names disguised to protect the guilty) handed him a bottle of liquid and advised that If he applied it liberally to his problem, it would clear up in a few hours. Later that day, they found the new guy lying on the floor doubled up and screaming his head off. Turns out that the bottle contained moisturiser mixed with bleach. Apparently this was hilarious for all involved, except the new guy who went and got a job in another industry quite quickly!!!

    Have to say, I viewed him quite suspiciously when he brought us all coffee's later that day

    Free Member

    I'm currently driving a 1.6 petrol focus (X reg) and its great for what it is. Things to look out for are suspension issues (apparently, but I've never had any with mine) and I've had a few niggles with the brake lines but overall, so long as you don't ever take it to a ford garage, they're reasonably cheap to keep running etc.

    Free Member

    you sure you're not in a lambo garage??

    Free Member

    I'm not a domestic electrics expert by any means but in a lot of the theatres/ venues I work in, I come accross trips that go for no obvious reason. Often it is purely a question of the trip is old and it no longer holds itself properly, sometimes it holds, sometimes it flicks off. Plastic etc inside going brittle can do it. I'd try swapping it out and if it still trips you know you've got a bigger problem.

    If however its reasonably new, then I have no idea so please disregard everything above!!!!!

    Free Member

    greatest city in the world (not that I'm biased or anything!!). Do no under any circumstances mention the trams to the locals!

    Free Member

    request to have it sent to me would have gone better if I'd included my email address!!!!!! niallmb at gmail dot com


    Free Member


    can anyone email me the stuff that idave sent out. This looks interesting and I fancy giving it go

    Free Member

    iphones are the marmite of the phone world.

    Free Member

    sounds like a good way to use some time, any chance you've got a map or some directions or something idave?

    Free Member

    sounds like theres some good riding to be had. Turns out I'm actually going to be at keele uni so not in the middle of stoke. I think the bike will definetly be going in the car and it looks like ill be finished by about 6 each day so should get some evening riding in.

    Free Member

    so….. 3 evenings to kill and the only suggestions other than leave are

    1- take the bike
    2- smack and hookers
    3- drink enough that i dont know i'm there.

    think the bike is definetly coming with me!!!!!!!! may even take a drive down to birmingam and visit the relatives one evening

    Free Member

    well if it adds any perspective, I live in Bradford so you never know, when I get there I may find it to be very cultured place!!!

    Free Member

    great, sounds like a dull week is coming up. idave: as soon as i know if i can take the bike, ill drop you a mail. thanks

    Free Member

    its known as the stagehands creed but probably applies in most jobs:

    We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful; We have done so much, for so long, with so little; We can now do virtually anything with nothing!

    Free Member

    I was hit in edinburgh by a woman in a mondeo. I was riding along the cycle lane and she was turning on to the road and swung too wide, forced me into the kerb and ran over my front wheel with her back tire. She waved sorry and drove off and unfortunatly, I was too dazed/bleeding to get the plate and had a front wheel shaped like a pringle so couldn't follow her.

    It was also really nice the way lots of people saw it and all continued driving rather than check I was ok.

    Free Member

    best test to see if its your phone is next time it does it, move the phone closer to your headphone cable. it will get worse if its the phone

    Free Member

    unlikely to be anything other than your mobile. Mobiles send out signal every few minutes to try and locate a signal. This will happen more regularly in an area where the signal is unreliable

    Free Member

    at the risk of giving a serious answer (although before all you physicists out there shout me down, I know this is the simplified version)…..

    audio cables (like the one on your headphones) are often affected by mobile phones, power cables near by and basically anything else close to them that can cause or modify a magnetic field around the cable (generated by passing electricity down a wire)

    It is however possible to get headphones with decent shielded cable on them which will minimise this problem as much as possible but they get in to the territory of big bucks quickly. Reality is that you will struggle to get rid of it completely, short of moving the phone away from the cabling.

    You will find that different phones cause the effect to different levels, my iphone for example is particularly bad for this (as are blackberry's before you all start).

    i will now put my geekyness away until it is next required!!

    Free Member

    have to say, I think mr Tim Minchin has the right idea…

    Free Member

    these bad boys although that's only coz that's what I have for work and to be honest its reasonably rare that I ride with earphones in. When your job is music related, its sometimes nice to have silence during your hobby!

    Free Member

    +1 on the hardrock, I'm currently riding one that's now 10 years old and its still a barrel of laughs.

    Free Member

    yep, 2 shows to shoot today and also got to give a projector a swift kick as its decided it doesn't want to play ball. Still, at least I'm in a venue where i cant see the sunshine!

    Free Member

    +1 for final cut if you're running a mac or adobe premier if you're on PC

    Free Member

    I've tried Innes and Gunn and have to say its pretty awesome stuff.

    Free Member

    well, when I introduced myself earlier today, I was advised I'd be fine if I stuck to the bike forum and stayed clear of the chat forum and I can now kinda see why. Opinionated bunch aren't we!!!!

    my only contribution to this is as follows

    Opinions are like butts, everyone has one, not everyone should share theirs with the public

    Free Member

    has anyone suggestted a STW outing to go visit said scrote. I'm sure theres a few of us who'd be up for it!!!!

    Free Member

    have to say, the last thing I want on a ride is easy access to a device that lets people track me down!! Iphone tends to live in the back pack (albeit with cyclemeter running) where I can forget I have it and that there are clients etc out there trying to get hold of me!

    Free Member

    sounds like my level meehaja!!! are you bradford aswell??

    and re hit the north having wifi, my actual excuse for that one is I'm away on tour from the 6th july till the 28th

    Free Member

    thanks for the image advice, although to call it my pride and joy would indicate fairly low standards on my behalf!!!

    as for the compulsory events, you lost me at the word camping! If there's no wifi it ain't for me is unfortunately my rule on these things

    Free Member

    sounds like a plan baz, just need to wait for cashflow to be in my favour!! the joys of being self employed!!

    Free Member

    Based in sunny bradford (well sunny for today anyway!). suspect I'd just be holding everyone up at the ,moment but give me 2-3 months and it would be good to get out riding socially

    Free Member

    headfirst – yeah, brakes would be worth more than the bike, that said, my current plan is to only stick stuff on the specialized that I can move to a new frame when I am allowed to buy one (target weight etc.). Being a fairly hands on kind of person I fancy building my next bike myself so I don't mind starting to buy parts now so long as they can be transferred

    pearlbaz, that looks spot on, thanks. Even better given AT cycles is my LBS!!

    Free Member

    thought I'd show you my bike but before you all tell me, I know the forks are crap and need an upgrade, its next on the shopping list!!!

    edit: can anyone enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong with the image link? link is

    Free Member

    i see you describe yourself as an LD, does that mean white gloves are a pre-requisite?

    I have white gloves but they haven't come out with me for several years!!! I believe firmly that if you're paying me to do lights, my reponsibility is to do lights and that means rigging, focussing, programming, stashing empties and driving vans in needed!!!! nothing worse than an LD who thinks he's too big to point a few fixtures or climb a ladder.

    I could hardly describe myself as working hard for 10 – 15 days a month if I was white gloves now could I? (just to pull it back on topic before people kick off!!!)

    Free Member

    mrmichaelwright – freelance lampie. I occassionally dabble in the corporate world but i have an allergic reaction to suits and therefore can't really be in the same room as several for a prolonged period of time!!!!

    Free Member

    mrmichaelwright – no, concerts. can't be doing with all the lovies in the theatre side of things (no offence if any of them reside here). Used to do theatre but the money's verging on offensive for how hard theatre techs work and there's just a much bigger buzz with music.

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