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  • Podcast: Racing, Reform, and Rumours
  • niallmb
    Free Member

    yes, arms are burnt after saturday’s epic (for me) ride but I had gloves on so I now look like a complete berk!!!

    Free Member

    I’d pay money to watch the first time you try to reverse parallel it in a town center!

    Free Member

    place the alarm clock closer to the kettle than the bed and you’ll get up

    Free Member

    my recommendation would be firmly in the don’t damage the cable if you want them to resolve it quickly, however theres nothing wrong with deciding to bury a small rare-earth magnet in your garden,maybe just next to some random cable you find there.

    Free Member

    best: angle grinding metal
    worst: the crew tour bus after someone has broken the golden rule of tour busses.

    Free Member


    definitely worth a try

    Free Member

    Mr Nutt: although I agree entirely, your post is the reason I am not going to show her this thread!!!!!!

    Free Member

    She’s on a whole health drive thing at the moment and I think that coupled with the feeling of wanting to be more disciplined was the reasoning behind it. I don’t feel like pointing out that cheesecake (whether cake or not) is not going to help as she’s just had a horrible day at work, I can’t think of a way to do it without sounding like I think that she needs to lose weight (which I don’t) and i kinda want to live to see tomorrow!

    Free Member

    apologies for sharing the marital strife limbojimbo.

    I now need to decide whether to share the findings of this rather informal survey and risk the consequences or to keep my head low and never mention cheesecake again

    Free Member

    that bruneep was my entire argument in a nutshell.

    Free Member

    she cited the whole jaffa cake thing, something to do with when it goes stale, biscuits go soft and cakes go hard. Surely cheesecake goes off. Or am I now just arguing against myself?

    Free Member

    thanks IA

    foam idea sounds like a winner as does the charger, although chances are that by 2 my work charger would have disappeared and I’d be back to carrying one in!!

    now, anyone got any good rucksack recommendations?

    Free Member

    the most annoying for me is still the whole specific/pacific thing. Its not even a question of spelling or grammar, its just wrong.

    Free Member

    we have a couple of these at one of the studios I work at.

    Suspect they’re a wee bit on the large side for home use though.

    general rule of thumb is that ideal viewing distance is 6 times the screen height away from it.

    Free Member

    another vote for endomondo. loads of different exercise types and you can even get it to tell you your mile times if you’re being anti social and have earphones in.

    Its also nice to be able to access all of your workouts online and compare stuff

    edited s there were to many ‘mo’s’ in endomondo

    Free Member

    Just thought I should share that upon seeing the bamboo bike, Mrs MB expressed disappointment at the fact that

    ‘it still has metal all over it, its not a bamboo bike unless its all made of bamboo’

    I’d love to see how that would work. Anyone for a bamboo tyre?

    Free Member

    a word is yet to be invented to describe how totally whatever-it-is you are, but you are one. And a total, total one at that.

    courtesy of Arnold J Rimmer

    Free Member

    My wife got signed off work with stress this morning, The doctor has told her to take a week and then come back for another appointment. She has spent the last 4-5 months getting barely any sleep, struggling to find any way to switch off and arriving home from work in tears and shaking most days basically down to crap conditions and management (she’s not the emotional type usually). Bottom line is, yes she could just try to battle through it for the sake of future work stuff but the reality is, the best gift she can give both me and any future employer is a whole, healthy person.

    To the OP, if you’re stressed, take the time out. Chances are you aren’t doing your job to the best of your abilities anyway. And for what its worth, My wifes company are properly panicking. Not that we’re going to but companies have been sued successfully in relation to stress related illness.

    Free Member

    thanks for all the answers folks, thought I’d do one post and answer some questions

    I’m based just outside Leeds

    When I say IT, I’m probably thinking networking side of things. currently looking into Microsoft cert or CCNA or similar.

    I’m quite happy to do the studying and the qualifications for whatever I decide to aim for but I’m still going to need a job in the mean time. Ideally, I’d like to get a job in whatever field I’m aiming for, regardless of how far down the ladder that start is.

    I think having written this down and thought about it, networking etc is where I want to be, I just aint got a clue how to get a foot in the door. Most first line jobs seem to need good knowledge of microsoft server which I don’t have, any suggesstions where to aquire such knowledge and how much knowledge I need?

    Free Member

    Its a kind offer Charliemungus but I think my wife would have something to say about it

    Free Member

    Thats the plan Bing but I’m not quite sure anyone knows where the money is right now!!

    Also, I hadn’t realised how narrow my skills had become. It would appear that I’m perfectly qualified to do what I do at the moment and nothing else.

    Free Member

    problem is, I used to be interested in live events, Mainly of the gig nature but then my hobby became my job and that kind of ruined it. Kind of fancy the IT route but struggling to see how to get into it without spending years getting qualifications first.

    Maybe I just need to get something a bit rubbish and mundane whilst I train for something else but Im kind of a 100% or 0% person and if I know theres not a future in it for me, I’ll struggle to get motivated.

    Maybe I just need to MTFU and stop looking for the perfect thing to fall in my lap.

    rob2, its now on my list of things to look into. Initial reaction is no but I’m refusing to rule anything reasonable out without some research.

    Free Member

    i have a pair of sixsixone gloves that work absolutly fine on the iphone. on the basis that there seem to be a lot of options, my suggestion would be, take the phone to your lbs and try some

    Free Member

    not exactly exciting but i’d take some time off from the business and do absolutly nowt!!! i can imagine it now, absolute bliss.

    Free Member

    we’ve got friends who had a baby boy yesterday and have called him ‘Rivers’ if you want to really push the boat out

    Free Member

    I had one of these the other day. apparently my computer had logged a problem with microsoft that meant they needed my login details and details of my internet connection (passwords etc.)

    He hung up fairly quickly when I questioned why my macbook would be logging faults with microsoft but not before he tried to convince me that mac OS is mearly a skin for windows and that macbooks are actually made by microsoft!!!!!

    Free Member

    we went for a church service with about 75 guests followed by a buffet for them all then we went for a meal as just us, parents, siblings and grandparents. All in it cost us about 2k and some friendships but it was the day we wanted and relativly stress free

    Free Member

    we go for everything into one pot then equal amounts to each of us and the same to savings. everything else is left to cover bills etc. If the bills account builds up spare cash, it goes into savings. Both of us have fairly unpredictable salaries (me being self employed and my wife working on commission) so the savings pot is the most important!!

    Free Member

    ctrl+alt+CMD and 8 is a good shortcut, inverts all the colours. Useful for nothing except practical jokes.

    Free Member

    greatest piece of advice my wife and I were given before getting married was ‘love is decision and a verb. the decision to love someone and to act on that is often based on a feeling but it isn’t the feeling itself. There will be days when you don’t like each other and if you’re love for each other is based on that feeling, you will stop loving each other’.

    Its served us well for almost 7 years now. there have been periods of time when I most certainly didn’t have the feeling but my decision to act in a way that shows love to her has so far brought us through to a place where the feeling comes back.

    just my $0.02

    Free Member

    have it as cash and set yourself the challenge of turning it into as much money as you can by next christmas.

    It’ll teach you a lot about business which is useful later in life and you’re young enough that the tax man can’t have any.

    To give you an idea, I started my business 3 years ago with £130 and it now pays a reasonable salary.

    Buy stuff, sell stuff and save the cash. The way things are going, it’ll be useful if you ever want to go to uni or buy a house or the like

    Free Member

    Glass is definitely double the size it needs to be. Adjust expectations to within 10% of reality and you’ll feel much more fulfilled.

    Free Member

    I retract my lottery comment!!! nice find iDave, Thanks.

    Any knowledge on what they are like for those of us above average height??

    Free Member

    unfortunately, the lottery win is yet to come in so my budget is probably more near the £500 mark

    Free Member

    Round our way, They’re not just selling ice cream.

    Free Member

    I have to say as a larger bloke who's lost just over 2 stone in the last 6 months, the idea of a gastric band seems ridiculous. Losing weight is all about self control and discipline. No its not easy but its about a change of mindset towards food, its about an understanding of nutrition and surely all that would happen with this band thing is that your lack of self control and discipline will just move to another area of your life.

    Very few people who are seriously overweight are eating because they feel hungry despite what they (and I previously) may try to claim. IME, I used to eat when I was bored or stressed (therefore most of the time!). I'm inclined to think that the money spent on these bands could be better spent on taking up a hobby that involves some exercise, thereby alleviating the boredom eating, reducing stress and contributing to building a healthy lifestyle rather than pretending not to have a problem. For me, it was MTB but theres so many others out there.

    I know there are many people out there who will claim to be the exception and maybe there are one or two but up until January, I saw myself as an exception. I wasn't one.

    I'm fast getting to the stage where I feel that if an illness is treatable by M'ingTFU and taking some responsibility for you own actions, the NHS shouldn't be spending money on it. The amount spent on 'helping obese people lose weight or smokers give up, kind of stings in a week where Bowel cancer sufferers have been told that the NHS doesn't see provision of a drug that extends their life as cost effective.

    Here endeth the rant, I shall now return my soap box to the cupboard.

    Free Member

    religion is allowing a fixed set of beliefs to determine your identity and the way in which you live your life. In my books, dawkins is religious about his atheism. He believes there is no God, preaches on this topic and trys to share it with the world and convince others to believe it too. Dawkins is religious about his atheism in the same way that anyone who follows one of the main religions is.

    surely the only school that would be unreligious would be one that said there are lots of thoughts and any of them may be right.

    just my £0.02

    Free Member

    best place we've stayed recently was Appleby manor house hotel. Its more westmorland than lakes as such but some great riding off the doorstep and not far to the lakes. Food was excellent and the room/staff really nice

    Free Member

    Have to say, i'm pretty much in my dream job. I spend my time travelling round the country, continent and as of september,the world with a variety of bands as their lighting designer or backline tech. I work for a few months, have a couple off then out again.

    On occassion, I have to do the odd bit of corporate work to keep the bank balance where it should be but nothing beats being self employed and doing what I love.

    There will come a time when the wife gets annoyed at how much I'm away and I'll get the "I'm too old for this ****" feeling but for now, my work life is pretty sweet.

    Sorry to sound happy about work but hey

    Free Member

    If housemate A watches barely any Tv then its probably no great loss to him and therefore not worth him replacing it. If its his TV and he chose to keep it in the communal area then thats his choice.

    That said, Its probably the decent thing for B + C to chip in.

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