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  • newrobdob
    Free Member

    It’s a criminal offence to spread untreated sewage sludge (e.g. Septic tank waste) onto farmland, see the Sewage Use in Agriculture Regulations.

    It is an utterly vile practice which can spread disease to animals and into food crops, contaminate ground and pollute watercourses, as well as spreading non biodegradable waste included in it to the soil and making local residents life a misery from the odour.

    Treated sewage sludge from water authority treatment works doesn’t do any of the above if spread correctly and actually has a benefit to the soil unlike untreated stuff which can actually have a negative impact on its quality.

    So please employ a proper disposal person to take it to the local treatment works rather than getting your farmer neighbour to sort it.

    Free Member

    I looked at hiring one but wow they are expensive and when you consider the price of fuel on top you can stay in some really nice hotels for the same price, probably much cheaper.
    You can’t just go to a national park and park up anywhere either. Mostly RV parks which aren’t always in the best places.
    I rented a really plush car and stayed in some properly nice motels and b and bs for much cheaper.

    Free Member

    Need a spec really as that price seems bonkers.

    Free Member

    £1500 for a second hand On-One?
    Actually, scrub that, £1000 for a second hand On-One????

    Is he on crack?? 😉

    Free Member

    Cost me £13 for a pair of RS lyrics recently packed very well, insured properly via MyHermes drop off service. Signed for too. Arrived in 2 days all ok

    Free Member

    Doubt you’ll get 2/3rds value of new bike. It’ll be one of those unrealistic prices and it won’t sell.
    If it’s a popular or common item just put it on for 99p, it’ll sell for what it’s worth. Whether that is the same as what the seller thinks it is worth is a whole other matter.

    Free Member

    Cougar – those fires are incredibly efficient. I went into a gas showroom recently and the guys there were saying they stil sell loads of that style of fire, the efficiency figures for them were way above any other style.

    Free Member

    Pasta isn’t crap carbs. Dude you are MASSIVE, there’s not many living humans as big as you. No fat but tall and stocky. You need some carbs everyday or your body will consume itself like it has some weird flesh eating virus. If I don’t eat carbs I soon start feeling like crap and I haven’t had all my insides poked and prodded and cut like you have.
    Get some porridge down you in the morning, then some carbs at lunch maybe pasta with a salad and some meat. Cut down on the evening meal as you don’t need the energy as much in the evening.

    Free Member

    You need to eat properly and rest. Your body is only just coping with the recovery from illness and you are stopping that happening by stressing it with dieting and exercising so it can’t repair itself.

    When I diet I always feel cold, don’t know why but it’s common for dieters.

    Eat a bit more, better balanced diet, few more carbs too. Knock the cycling back a fair bit.

    If you want to be riding for decades to come to you need to stop for a bit now. Not stopping could ensure you may increase the risk of not being able to cycle ever again if your body doesn’t recover.

    On a lighter note Ton, you rode past me near halfords this week as I was walking back to my car from work. Your Surly looks amazing in the colour!

    Free Member

    IF you are anywhere near Huddersfield I can recommend a private physio who myself and several friends have been too and cured us of stuff no one else could, by treating the root cause of problems rather than relieving the symptoms.
    In fact I’d travel a couple of hours to see him if I had to.

    Free Member

    What I would do is find parts you’d find on the more upmarket Yaris models. So look for T-sport parts for both exterior and interior. Maybe seats, dash parts, maybe wheels and bumpers/spoilers. Aftermarket stuff is a bit naff unless you do it very well. A t-sport steering wheel and gear knob will make the driving nicer as they are the bits that you touch.

    Giving it a good valet, cutting paint back and a good polish/wax is always a good way of making a car feel nicer too. Damaged scuffed plastics are cheap to replace and make a big improvement.

    I hate rattles so hunt them all out and tighten stuff up or pad it with rubber or foam.

    You don’t have to spend much to make it nicer.

    Free Member

    I know absolutely nothing about climbing but that bloke on the ground had an impressive reaction, just what needed to be done in a split second. Very impressive.

    Free Member

    I stopped caring at university. Listened to uncool music , rode a BMX when no one else did (mid nineties) around town. Only person whose opinion I really care about towards me is my wife’s, whose act of marrying me was an extraordinary act of charity I am always trying (and failing) to pay back.

    Free Member

    I have a Bertie which is a bigger version of a Henry. It has never fallen over. Agreed they suck up anything – screws, rocks, plaster dust and just go “yeah whatever dude give me a REAL challenge”.

    I do prefer an upright for the house though as they are better for larger nice carpet areas.

    Our church has about 15 vacs in use constantly. We’ve had Dysons and they were beyond crap as far as longevity goes. The SEBO one we bought after trying a few cheap ones have been faultless.

    I helped out a professional carpet cleaner friend once (not a £99 for your whole house bloke who turns up with a hired RugDoctor, my mate had £50k’s worth of diesel powered machinery and weird chemicals to clean with – his brother owned Signature carpets – google it – and he could clean those properly) and he said the only vacuums worth having were ones with separate motors for the brush bar and vacuum bits. He did say that he only used Karcher vacuums at home though as they were the best household vacuums.

    Free Member

    If you want to stay manual get a decent normal saw rather than a bow saw.

    Free Member

    If I were you I’d look at getting a mitre saw instead. Circular saws are really for cutting sheet materials. Mitre saw would be best just check its capacity. It’ll also be useful for doing angles for the fencing too.

    Free Member

    Back of house…..

    Free Member

    Could you daisy chain them?

    Hmmmmm. I see what you are thinking. It wouldn’t be that easy as the pipework is nearly all there already.

    I might be changing my mind again anyway, just checked the price of french doors. I might as well get a vertical rad for the side of the window and save up for french doors with a juliet balcony behind for the moment. Window is 6ft wide so could be a direct replacement with minimal building work required. Have them open inwards so we could enjoy having them open in the summer for the moment but then upgrade to a balcony in later years.

    Free Member

    It’s for myself. The window is 1 storey up over the garden. We do plan one day to have patio doors out to a balcony looking out over the garden and woods but it’s going to cost a huge amount of money we won’t be able to afford for a long time (years!). I can just move the rads at a later date if we do that.

    Free Member

    Nilfisk used to be known as Alto in this country. I used to sell those in the shop I worked in. Decent quality and I bought quite an expensive one but eventually needed a part and I couldn’t get hold of it so had to bin it – annoying when I’d only had it about 3 years and hadn’t used it much.
    I since bought a very cheap Karcher unit and have had it for many years now, it still runs perfectly. We never used to get any faulty Karcher units back at all, used to sell quite a few and they seemed trouble free. Spares easy to find too, not that I’ve needed any.
    Don’t buy a Bosch one, my shop sold them for about a year and I think we got most of them back faulty. Soon binned them in favour of Karcher.

    Tip – never run one dry. Connect hose up and squeeze trigger until water comes through properly before switching the pressure washer on. They rely on water to cool and/or lubricate them to varying extents so if water isn’t running through when you have it switched on it accelerates the wear. When finished turn power off THEN water and pull trigger until no water comes through. Also don’t store them where water might freeze inside them as it can expand and crack some internal parts. Also try not to drag the pressure hose around your house or walls – the hose vibrates slightly and any bit of it pulled against a rough surface will wear VERY QUICKLY and a split in the hose will happen.

    All the above was taught to me by various customer support folk at the manufacturers and extensive use of the machines to clean the garden centre I worked in.

    Free Member

    I think another change is that my grandparents didn’t live as long after retirement than people do now. That means a healthy estate to pass down to my parents. My parents will then have a much more comfortable retirement than I might as they will probably live a lot longer, using their estate to pay for caring needs. I’m not expecting to get the windfall my parents did.

    Free Member

    DOnt bother with the cheaper new ones, I bought one for about a tenner and it was beyond crap. Made of metal thickness of drinks cans.

    Free Member

    Daft thing I used to do is try and put both cups in at the same time with a threaded bar home made press. One cup at a time helps. I know this might sound a bit obvious but it wasn’t to me for years!

    Free Member

    P-jay – as a default it will record everything, simple changes in the menu will stop it recording everything.

    Free Member

    Looks very nice indeed, lovely base van (I think the transits are the best looking vans by far and well done for getting it in a nice colour!) and the conversion looks like it’s got loads of room.

    Just wondering, where are you sitting to watch the TV? In the front swivel chairs? Probably not a good place to put a TV if watching from the bench seats at the back. I also would have thought a 40″ TV might be overkill if sitting close too.

    Well done, looking forwards to updates.

    Free Member

    I think my roof rack might hurt my MPG.

    However I don’t track the MPG on this car unlike every other car I’ve owned (or my company Focus) as I’m just too scared to know the truth. 😯

    Free Member

    I still wear DC and Etnies skate shoes. Never gone back to them, as I never stopped wearing them! For casual use I could never wear walking type shoes or trainers, can’t stand either of them. Skate shoes are very hard wearing too!

    Free Member

    There’s a difference between wouldn’t and couldn’t!

    I was thinking more about attitude really. Younger fold just can’t be bothered. Whether it’s genuine laziness or just an acceptance that life isn’t going to be as good as previous generations no matter what they do I don’t know.

    Free Member

    Core +1!

    I’m 40 and overweight and do an office job nowadays but I would still get my hands dirty and graft all day better than 20yo’s can do.

    Free Member

    I wish there were more apprentiships for older people. My wife is 40 and an incredibly hard worker, she’d love a trade apprentiship but if you are older than 21 forget it. The bizarre thing is that an older person knows what they want more and want to do an apprentiship in something they really like, not just as a means of getting the cash.

    Free Member

    Forum has always been crap. It got crapper. Maybe there’s some sort of prize they are going for? 😉

    Free Member

    I ordered a set of FSA Wing drop bars from an online retailer, the alloy ones. I was sent the Carbon ones which were £250 rather than the £50 I had spent on the alloy ones. I rang up straight away and told them and they said I could keep them. I was gobsmacked but very chuffed as I really wanted the Carbon ones but couldn’t afford them. Still got them as they are the comfiest drop bars ever.

    Free Member

    i wear a shirt about 20 times and then it goes to charity; let me know if you want some cast-offs.

    Surely a joke?

    Why would you only wear a shirt 20 times then get rid? Even if its still perfectly ok? Please don’t say you are so vain that you couldn’t wear one longer for some unfathomable reason… 😥

    Free Member

    how long & how many trucks does does it take to dump that much rubbish?

    From the looks of it it was a couple of walking floor or compactor trucks, maybe 20mins at the most.

    Free Member

    That looks like rubbish from a transfer station, its already had all the good stuff taken out of it (wood and metal) and therefore has probably been through a trommel and from that grainy pic looks like its been partially shredded too.

    Its too big for the local authority, thats organised crime dumping which the EA will investigate.

    By the way, it is very very hard to prove flytipping offences in a court.

    Free Member

    Another instance where Kaesae is sadly missed. 🙁

    Free Member

    I used to work in a record shop. I am not exaggerating here when I say I used to get 2 people a week saying they needed a refund without a receipt as the person they bought the item for had died. 2 a week – honestl!!

    I didn’t do hundreds of refunds either.

    Free Member

    Or maybe just don’t vote for him? He is allowed his freedom of expression and opinion isn’t he?

    If you don’t like it so much put yourself up for election and educate his followers in a different way, but that would take more effort than whining on a bike forum wouldn’t it? 😉

    Free Member

    I like paying by cash as I know when it comes out of my bank and there isn’t any issue with wrong bank transfer details or anything.

    I’d want a proper receipt but so far in my house renovation no one has had a problem with this, even the £3500 I just paid for new windows and door. That person I paid I know pays his tax properly but he just prefers cash or bank transfer as cheques are a hassle. Probably easier for him to split it up to pay various suppliers quickly rather than waiting for a cheque to clear.

    As far as I’m concerned the tax issues are the workmans problem, not mine.

    Free Member

    Agreed. That’s the classiest vehicle I’ve seen on here in a while.

    Thanks! 😳

    Fast, top of the range when new so every extra you’d ever want, comfiest car I’ve ever sat in, and now it’s been lowered/stiffened handles better than it has any right too.

    I’d love a C6, in light blue with cream leather. Mmmmmmm

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