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  • newrobdob
    Free Member

    How do you know they have dropped in price?

    Free Member

    A lot of people who voted out are at the bottom end of society anyway, they’ve never had any money so an promise of “things will be better if we change our minds and stay in” wont be enough to counter the incandescent rage a change of mind would provoke.

    Change the decision and you’d better be ready for that sector to take to the streets. They don’t care about your multinational trade, tariff free zones, open borders and skills transfers, they just want their decision to be honoured. Sick of being talked down to, neglected and forgotten about, they’ll not back down this time.

    Free Member

    Got this reply:

    New message from: bikeworksderby (63Blue Star)
    Thanks for that information – we will be amending the listing accordingly.

    BW Derby

    Free Member

    If you extract damp air out it will just pull more dampness in through the below ground brickwork in the cellar rooms. Pumping fresh air in stops that, and damp air is forced out all the natural gaps.

    Free Member

    I’ve sent him a message telling them to change the listing as it’s misleading.

    Free Member

    Raving loony lefties
    Anti religion people who “touch wood” and won’t walk under ladders.
    People who argue for the sake of arguing, how on earth do you enjoy it? Get a life.
    Wanting an Audi.
    Believing VW’s are reliable
    Following fashion (something so ugly it has to be changed every 15 minutes, style is something versatile, it’s in the way you move and the way you smile)
    Men – Shaving your head when you’re not going bald.
    People who knock hats off your head and think it’s funny.
    People who are happily proud they are rubbish at maths.

    I think it’s best to stop now. 😳

    Free Member

    Just thinking, when I go on hols I like to sit and chat to my wife – are all the first class seats individual pods???

    Free Member

    Drives me up the wall that theee is never any way of cancelling a sub online, always ages on the phone instead. Last time I did it I just cancelled the DD, got a couple more mags (exactly what I’d paid for) and it was sorted.

    Sky/virgin are the same, easy to sign up but hard to downgrade!!

    Free Member

    This is one of the first paintings she did for me, it is a pic of an old clock radio I loved but eventually broke. Sort of abstract still life as the clock itself is unfolded if you know what I mean.

    I’ll never sell it! (Have been offered money for it buts its mine!!)

    Sorry about the poor picture.

    Free Member

    “None of them ^ work. Gopping.
    I think silver rims and a light coloured bike are the only way you can make them look decent”

    Just for you

    Ritchey WCS Alphabite tyres (NOS) on my 1994 Kona

    Free Member

    A friend of mine has been to Australia/New Zealand 3 times first class. Hers is quite a sad story as some of her family live there and a few years ago her husband and her went there and her husband died suddenly when they were there. Flying back with her husbands body wasn’t a great experience.

    So when she eventually went back on her own she decided to go first class as 24 hours on a plane isn’tbriliant for anyone – she is 70yo so it can be even tougher for her. She took pics of the flying experience and she loved it. She was picked up in a nice a Merc from her home, never had to lift her own luggage the whole trip. Luxury first class lounges all the way, and the cabin experience was amazing. She didn’t just have a big armchair, it was like a little room. Probably took the same space at least 4 economy seats take. She had a big TV to watch anything she wanted, IPad to use, any food she wanted at any time. She could also go to the bar to stretch her legs (not that they needed stretching with all the space she had) and had a shower and spa type stuff during the journey. The seat didn’t just recline to sleep on, it actually converted into a proper bed (someone did this for her) where she got a proper sleep.

    When she got there she said it was like she hadn’t flown at all and it was a great experience. I know it’s crazy expensive but from what she said the experience is great and considering how much space you take up on the aircraft and the extra staff/facilities/treats needed to make up the experience you can see why it costs so much.

    She has been business class too and said that is nowhere near 1st by a long long way.

    If I ever get the money I’d go for it!

    Free Member

    You mean Mercedes? He debuted for McLaren.

    Yes I did, got McLaren on the brain.

    Free Member

    Choose who is going to coat it for you first and see what colours they offer. I use LSN in Castleford (£40 frame and forks and proper good job) who have loads of colours but I can’t just pick out a RAL colour before I go as they don’t have them all.

    Free Member

    I’ve also warmed to Vettel since he joined Ferrari. Much the same as when Hamilton joined McClaren he seemed to have found his natural “home”, is much more relaxed in camera interviews etc. Love how he speaks Italian to the team, that probably will help in him fitting in!

    Free Member

    I’m no Alonso fan but with him starting in 7th made me egg him on all throughout the race! Wish he had finished in 7th, shame he dropped those places – didn’t he pit just before the safety car so kinda missed out there?

    I think that if they sort the Maclaren Honda package out (Honda will keep trying until they sort it so not to lose face) it could be unbeatable. Hopefully they see some real improvement over this season. I just wish the livery didn’t make them look like BSM learner cars.

    You can tell the drivers love these new cars, they all seem to be putting in max effort too. Hamilton admitted they had to drive at 80% a fair bit in previous years but was giving 100% yesterday all through the race.

    Free Member

    vomit inducingly twee commercial illustrations

    I was about to have a go at you for that remark as i am the wife of an artist who can’t make any money from it despite being very very talented and (I think) original – I wanted to defend them. But I think you’re right, cookie cutter twee caricature countryside pictures I’ve seen a million times in touristy art galleries. Not impressed.

    My wife would do anyone an original for £200, because it’s £200 more than she gets now and beats working her knees to dust in her current retail job. 🙁

    Free Member

    My wife and I hired a nice quality tandem in SanFran when on hols but it didn’t work for us. My wife is 4’11”.and her face was literally behind my bum. Apart from the obvious real chance of choking on poisonous air it meant she couldn’t see anything at all unless she looked at right angles to herself. At least if you are closer in heright the stoker can see over the pilots shoulders – pretty essential on a sight seeing ride!
    It was a shame as we were used to the tandem in about half a mile but we went back and swapped it for 2 solo bikes for the ride round the bay.

    Free Member

    Sorry you’re only coming though in waves OP, your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re saying.

    Free Member

    So the situation is that the van was already coming through the gap and the Audi somehow thought he could muscle through and now won’t back down?

    If I was in the van I’d turn the engine off, get out, apologise to the people behind and explain what was going on then just sit around till he/her moved. No confrontation with the Audi driver, just let their slow brain eventually realise what they will have to do.

    Free Member

    I blame the lack of cold and hard frosts in winter. Lack of freezing means what water we had on the moor puddled rather than sank to the freezing level and has since evaporated (primarily via the wind rather than the sun one assumes). It takes a good few days of cold weather to get the ground frozen beyond the first inch or so.

    Doesn’t make any difference. It’s just lack of water falling from the sky, simple.

    Free Member

    Nice one, will check when I’m next in.

    Pink floyd on MP3? Sacrilege!!

    Free Member

    All you need is a shim which will make up 3mm difference so 27.2 to 30.2 should be ok if you can find one. As it’s for clamping something on the whim will be crushed and any slight diameter difference will be taken up easily.

    Free Member

    When I got my new mortgage recently I was told that people are living longer so life insurance is much cheaper, but unfortunately people do get serious illnesses which they survive more often as a result so critical illness cover has increased in price.

    We had a £55k level term critical illness/life cover for our last mortgage which we have kept as it’s joint cover and really cheap per month, and topped it up with a new life insurance policy for the new mortgage amount. So if one of us becomes ill we get half of mortgage paid (could sell up and get a smaller house mortgage free) but we get mortgage paid off and £55k (plus workplace benefits) as well if one of us dies.

    Critical illness cover on the new mortgage was £90 a month so we kept the old one.

    Free Member

    Thanks, replies were a bit late so we ended up at the Potting Shed. Pizzas were delicious, I was driving so didn’t have beer but family were happy. We ate in one of the sheds and we all really loved it!

    Free Member

    You could hire a plumber from the North and put him/her up in a B+B for a week to work on your house and still save a fortune.

    Free Member

    Blimey that Evil bike – its not a looker is it? It appears to have been squashed between 2 cars or something.

    Those Giro shoes are ok, might be a nice touring shoe which I’m looking for but that colour is erm, a bit bright!

    Free Member

    How many people on the job? Because that labour cost is £1044 per day inc VAT. Which is beyond crazy for 1 or two people, maybe more reasonable if 3 people needed but still £340 a day per person!!!

    Free Member

    Blimey thats a fast £10k!

    Free Member

    I had a black limestone hearth cut at Hoylands Rec just off J30something at Barnsley Turn off.
    I’m thinking there is also one nr Hudds or Halifax[edit: as above]

    got our lounge hearth from there – great guys to deal with

    Free Member

    Andy Thornton’s in Greetland (Halifax) used to be utterly amazing. It has gone a bit upmarket now but it still worth a look.

    Went in recently, its a mixture of really high end architectural salvage and newly produced stuff (made to look old). Not much for normal people there.

    The antique shop on the Holmfirth side of the Lockwood lights is quite good too – I had some furniture from there when I lived in Meltham.

    I must have driven past that place thousands of times and never gone in, other people have mentioned that too so I’ll have to pop in, thanks for reminding me.

    Free Member

    Monde – that FrenchHouse is taking the wee!! have you seen the prices they are charging – some nice stuff but a lot of cack….

    e.g. – £280 for something dull/worn out(not patina in this case, knackered!) and uninteresting. Crazy.

    Free Member

    You need to like long stems though, for the retro thing to work. The frames are shorter in the toptube and the headtubes steep (by modern standards), hence the long stems to get he bars in the right pace and slow the steering down. If you want to do any serious offroading then you’ll be slow… especially on steep stuff.

    I put a shorter Velocity stem on mine and was worried it might upset the handling but I had to as my back isn’t as it used to be. However I did team it up with some wider flat bars as can be seen in the pictures which I think cancelled out the change.

    Free Member

    99p Hahanna frame i built up for a friend. Absolute blast to ride and I’ve said I want it back if they ever don’t use it any more!!

    I did up as sort of a promo bike for my friends company – EatMyDirt so had custom decals made for it.

    Free Member

    Also – my experience with my Kona was that I did it up with period correct narrow flat bars then added Marzocchis and wife riser bars. It changed the handling but not to the better I thought. Lost some of its zinginess and character. Changed back to the P2’s which are miles better.

    All the Konas of that era ride really nicely BUT if you want the better ones try to go for a double butted tubing model and IMHO a pair of triple butted P2’s. A lot lighter and peppier. Mind you saying that I did up a 95 Hahanna for a friend, put 1×9 drivetrain on it with rigid forks, fat slicks and a wide riser bar and it was ACE, felt like a BMX!

    Free Member

    Any excuse to post my lovely Kona yet again!!

    My 1994 Kona Kilauea, owned from new, stolen and recovered so I didn’t own it for 15 years and managed to get it back!!
    Full bare metal and nut and bolt. Rides like an absolute dream, I love it and will never sell.

    Just don’t ask me how much I had to pay for that NOS Tange Prestige Concept tubing decal, had to buy that one from Canada (and I’ve got a spare too!!). 😯

    Free Member

    If it was a UK flag it would bother me due to the racist connotations.

    And it’s that sort of thing when repeated reinforces that stereotype.

    I’d look at the person rather than what ornaments they have in their garden.

    Free Member

    Those are the people who buy sofas based on looks. eg. from Ikea

    I know what you mean. Our IKEA one is probably the least trendy but it’s the higher backed type that is actually comfy. Can’t be doing with these low back modernist square things, they just aren’t nice to sit it.

    Free Member

    Where are you flying into, JFK? And how are you travelling back out? Takes a while to get to Manhattan from JFK and if you need to travel back out it might eat up more time than you think.

    Free Member

    That’s pretty bad and a job for a professional body shop. Panel might be saved – could be pulled out with a slide hammer – but maybe not, new metal (repair panel) may need to be welded in with appropriate refinishing/painting. Door is damaged too.

    If you go to the dealers or a big national company it willl be expensive however a local quality body shop will be a lot cheaper but go on recommendations.

    I can’t see it being less than £1k to fix though, there’s a lot of work involved in that one, lots of complex shapes have been damaged in the panel and around the wheelarch. Would probably be quicker, easier and have a better result with a new panel.

    Free Member

    We don’t like a lot of the modern desjgned sofas and we ran out of money to buy one anyway for our new house. We did find one we liked in ikea but couldn’t even afford that so I set an eBay search going for the same sofa. Within a few weeks I had got the same ikea sofa for £50 in almost brand new condition (I’m picky about that sort of stuff) for £50. Well chuffed!

    If you want a traditionally styled leather sofa eBay has some amazing bargains. Just be patient and you can pay 10% of the price of a new one. Leather is good as long as it’s not ripped as it gets better with age if it was decent quality new and you can buy products which can revive the leather with some elbow grease.

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