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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • newrobdob
    Free Member

    DD – how do you apply that liquid baton? I can’t find how you use it. I didn’t think you could glue down solid wood floor onto floorboards I don’t really get how it works.

    Free Member

    I bought 38mm nails as I only have the shoe it came with – the extra shoes are very very expensive – as I bought it off eBay 2nd hand.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the help DD

    Free Member

    Where’s the like button?

    i can’t seem to upload an avatar in my profile page on my iPhone. Pressing the “upload” button doesn’t do anything.

    Free Member

    Something like this for liquid batons. You could prob find it cheaper but this + gun is what you need. Generally 1ish tube will do 2ish sqm.

    Crikey that’s expensive stuff. I’m only doing about 6m2.

    Free Member

    The floor is a bit uneven (old floorboards but I don’t have the height to underboard) so yes so I’ll stick with the screws.

    Thanks very much for the help.

    Free Member

    I prefer to approach art in utter ignorance of the artist.

    thats a good way of doing it.

    Free Member

    Still undecided then eh?


    I went to the MoMA recently and don’t remember seeing its sister painting (which I assume is quite similar?) so it’s probably didn’t catch my eye. So if this is the same I personally would probably just walk by it. It’s mildly interesting to me but thats all.

    Is it worth the money? To the buyer it must be. To anyone else, well, it doesn’t really matter does it?

    Free Member

    I’d like to see it in the flesh to comment more, currently one of the more interesting pieces I have seen is a huge and quite abstract but the detail close up is amazing, would be good to have the time to see the detail in that painting and the depth of it.

    Its easy to take the mick out of paintings when they are shown in a photo on a website, but most paintings are completely different in real life, you can see the detail and colour and scale of it all.

    If you were to present this as an unknown, or young, artist you would be told to come back later when you had learned to paint.

    This is the problem with most peoples view on art, that somehow it has to display some level of skill – most commonly it has to look “realistic”. Apart from photorealistic stuff its never going to look like real life and it isn’t meant to. Paintings are done to express things, they might be the artists feelings, desires, or maybe something about the subject. This has been true throughout art history, it’s nothing new.

    With modern art (remeber all art was modern at some point! A lot of very valuable paintings were completely revolutionary when they were painted) I always say to people

    1. Go and look at it for a bit.
    2. If you like it look at it a bit longer. Don’t worry about why you like it. You don’t have to have a reason for liking it, don’t read the guff in the description next to it as its always pretentious nonsense.
    3. Don’t dismiss it because it’s not a Rembrandt or a Van Gogh or like a photo
    4. If you don’t like it move on.

    I like going to the Tate Modern as my wife and I like modern art. But only about 10% ish of it. Most of it I think its a bit lame but some I just stare at and think “awesome” or smile or laugh or just enjoy the colours or whatever. Keep it simple.

    I have no idea why some paintings become extremely valuable, often its because the artist hit on something when he/she painted it that maybe no-one had done before and the ball starts rolling down the mountain from there. I do know that most artists who sell stuff don’t really care if it sells or not, very little art actually ever earns enough to make it full time occupation for the artist.

    Free Member

    Thanks DD. I have found it hard to find the builders paper so glad I don’t have to use it!

    Do you really have to predrill the boards? I was hoping I wouldn’t have to but its not a large room so its not too onerous.

    I already have the Portanailer and nails but if you think I don’t need them I may sell them on, bought the nailer on ebay for a decent price and they seem to sell well.

    Free Member

    Only other thing I can think of is something to act as an insulator of noise.

    Thats what I was thinking too. Most of the underlays seem to be for floating floors or self adhesive so you don’t need glue but I don’t want either. I’ve found a couple of websites that say you need an underlay with a nailer solid wood floor but they don’t elaborate with what exactly you should buy. Noise transferring from one room to another isn’t really a problem as it won’t be used as a bedroom.

    Free Member

    I was hoping DD would chip in too…

    Free Member

    You can probably fix most of those problems yourself and save a fortune

    Free Member

    I’ve always had manuals but I had driven a couple of autos and loved them. My wife wasn’t keen on them but when she drove our Volvo (4sp torque converter) she loved it and I do too. Our new day-to-day car will be an Auris hybrid which is basically a Prius and that’ll be a CVT gearbox and I can’t wait, I just get bored of changing gear, especially when driving for 1.5-2hrs a day in heavy traffic like I do.
    if I bought a sporty car I’d want a manual so I could learn some stuff my dad can do (he used to rally drive) like heel and toeing but for everyday driving an auto is my choice now. I’d only be wary of complex paddle shift autos which haven’t been maintained properly or are know to be a bit weak.

    Free Member

    Injectors can only be cleaned properly by removing them and have them cleaned ultrasonically and the spray pattern and volume checked before and after. Its a job not many people do but it can have big benefits after a car is a few years old.

    Free Member

    ranso – reins are something imposed by the parents not a childs choice. My nephew was not allowed out of the house without them as he would run into traffic.

    If you used reins nowadays you’d probably be arrested for denying the child its human rights or some other cack like that.

    Free Member

    I hadn’t realised that the works my son was knocking out every five mins at the age of three some of which still adorn my home office wall could be classed as masterpieces ..worth hanging on to methinks ( certainly every bit as good as that crap )

    Yaaaaawn. You sound like a daily Mail reader.

    Free Member

    “cougar drops microphone and walks away”

    Free Member

    I’m ditching the Audiolab

    That makes me sad. I’ll take it though!

    Free Member

    Both those Yamaha amps probably sound pretty good for 2 channel music. Neither will be great, like your existing set up though.

    Not in the same league as this issue but I had a lovely Denon amp which was a stripped down no remote “audiophile” amp (about £250). Sounded ace. Had it for a few years and decided to change it for an Onkyo home cinema amp. Initially it sounded a lot worse but once I’d set it up better (and found the “music optimisation” button) it sounded really good, pretty much as good as the Denon.

    Cinema amps aren’t as bad as they used to be for music so getting a nice quality one to match the quality of the speakers should be fine and it gives you surround options and better connectivity for wireless (shudder) and all that other modern nonsense. ;-)

    Free Member

    Don’t think the amp mentioned is atmos compatible. OP seems to want a 2 channel set up?

    I think he has video sources too….

    All my video sources can connect into it and I’ll be able to reduce the multitude of amplifiers down to a single box.

    Free Member

    IMHO you are a complete muppet if you change those amazing speakers. There ain’t no substitute for cubes!

    I’d for something better with the amp maybe this

    Free Member

    I don’t really enjoy using them and only go on them for information

    Which you then ignore or rubbish.

    If you paid for a Cytech course it’d be cheaper than let this “mechanic” rinse you every time you visit him.

    Free Member

    The only thing that might happen with diesels is that there won’t be as many coming into the 2nd hand market in 3/4 years time from company car leases. I work for Defra and they aren’t ordering any diesel cars now at all from now on. So a few leases will be ending in the next couple of years but after that I reckon the diesel/petrol mix of cars will slew back to petrol or hybrid petrol cars.

    Free Member

    As far as I can see you have to pay a certain amount of money to buy somewhere to live. If you own (mortgage) a house paying the mortgage is always going to better than paying rent which you get zero return from.

    Renting nowadays is also incredibly expensive. We pay £460 a month mortgage on our house and I’d struggle to get a nice 2 bed terrace for that but ours is a big 3 bed semi in a lovely place.

    Free Member

    The basic issue is folk are not prepared to pay enough for LBS mechanics services IMO

    How is that the case here? And in any similar cases? People who can’t do stuff on their own are happy to take bikes to shops to get things fitted but they too often treat you like crap, damage stuff and in this case try to steal from you. This is why a lot of people do the work themselves as they have learnt by experience that the shops can’t be trusted sometimes.

    Free Member

    Jonnyboi +100000

    If it was any other shop you’d never darken their doors again – I’m surprised there are so few bike shops going out of business with the way a lot of them treat people.

    Free Member

    They were quite prepared to steal things off you even when you’d done everything to make their job as easy as possible. Even when you confronted them the bloke lied to your face multiple times until you got your bits back.

    I don’t know why anyone would give them the benefit of the doubt. I’d name and shame them without a seconds thought, there is no excuse for that.

    Free Member

    Maybe people would find other threads on the subject they want to talk about if the forum search wasn’t so abysmal.

    Free Member

    Only alarm bell that rings for me is that it is “performance orientared” and 18 months old but not done enough for first service? I’d expect it to be service annually and if they can’t afford the car they won’t have spent money on decent fuel etc. I’d get it serviced straight away with all the proper stuff just to make sure.

    Free Member

    Always been excellent with me. Sorry to disappoint.

    Free Member

    some very cold bullocks in it

    well those folk should have put thermals on shouldn’t they?

    Free Member

    I’d have an auto Jazz instead. I used to dislike them but I have a grudging respect for them now, older ones still look pretty fresh in their styling, they are a lot bigger inside than they appear on the outside and they have the legendary bullet proof Honda mechanicals. I can’t beleive how cheap they can go for now – they don’t attract the premium prices VW do.

    Free Member

    The last crematorium funeral I went to the coffin didn’t go on a conveyor belt through a curtain, they just took it away to another room IIRC. Might be worth talking to the crem to see if they can do something different for you?

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t acid dip a frame personally as I’ve had bead blasting done to great effect before on some suspension forks which would have got the finish you wanted.

    Problem is this sort of company probably don’t deal with delicate aluminium bike frames and might not know that major damage can occur from even slight defects. That’s the risk you take though, using harsh industrial processes to treat delicate bikes. Personally I don’t think you have any claim against them, maybe a chat with them might stop it happening with someone else though?

    Really sucks though. :(

    Free Member

    I think you can fire a cannon at a proper Record vice and it would go “yeah, so what”. The new Irwin Record vices can be very expensive but they aren’t a patch on the original ones.

    Free Member

    My volvo was £400 and insurance is £130…

    Free Member

    Governments of any colour can only do so much though. When I moved into my new house I got to know all my neighbours in the first few days, I’d look out for them and make an excuse to be outside to say hello. My next door neighbours are an old retired couple who most people would think are fine but I now know he has some sort of serious illness (not sure what) so I make sure I say hello, offer any help they might need etc. Not needed yet but they know I’m there if they need it. One neighbour has offered to lend me his ladders as we got on well, we now put each other’s bins out, take post in etc.

    If I was in charge the first thing I would ban is any boundary fence over 4ft tall – I used to sell fences to people and everyone wanted 6/7ft high fences “for privacy” and seemed completely dumbfounded when I asked if they might want to speak to their neighbours.

    People bemoan the lack of community and do absolutely nothing about it, expect “services” to deal with everything so they can stay in their own little bubble and not lift a finger. That old bloke living on his own a coupo of doors down, have you ever invited him for dinner, that old lady have you taken her shopping, bought her flowers etc? The new young couple that moved in, have you made them feel welcome by inviting them round to a BBQ? It used to be only old people who got lonely but as we are all cutting ourselves off from everyone around us in our houses/cars/workplaces this is an issue for younger people now too.

    Free Member

    This might sound a bit anti-tech but why not stay traditional and buy a nice big paper map, mount it on some wood or cork and use pins and string (or cotton). It’ll be something you see every day to keep you motivated, it’ll look great on the wall (you might want to keep it more than a year!) and you won’t have to open an app which you might get bored of/forget about and end up not using.

    If you record the route on “insert tracking app of choice here” then there is no need for anything more.

    Actually I reckon I might do the paper one…. maybe with this….

    Free Member

    Marks and Spencer slippers, firm sole, dark blue – no fluffiness to make your feet hot and they make you look like a man who means business e.g. you like comfort but not overt luxury, you like practical but not technical.

    Nothing else is acceptable.

    Those North Face things? Oh deary me….

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