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  • Take Care Of Your Trails 2024
  • neverfastenuff
    Free Member

    I'm wanting to get a cat for the kids

    Thats not a bad swap 😉

    Free Member

    Drac, good point, I know for certainty that I can catch colds and flu from my daughter… everyone else around me can be dying but I never catch anything,, until my daughter gets a sniff.. then I know I probably already have a virus incubating.. its probably the very same with my granddaughter – I had not thought of that till now… good one !

    Free Member

    Hello Drac,

    Grandaughter has been at nursery 18mths, at first everything going came either to my daughter & SIL, although due to grandparental duties my wife also got 'bugs' but I never seemed to get. G/D does not have issues with nursery bugs now as I think she is battle hardened against bugs.

    One thing I always used to do when I picked her up from Nursery was wash her hands thoroughly and then antibac them..

    Free Member

    I think you can do too much exercise without fuelling your body correctly.
    This on top of work & normal daily routine is probably draining your system.

    I take vit c and others vits daily. Cod Liver Oil is a good one as well.
    I cut down on coffee, and unhealthy fats and replace with plenty of water and fruit and also oily fish.

    I am in your age bracket Ton and also a Granddad racing round after a 3 yr old, and am also starting to get niggles that did not bother me when younger – especially colds & flu .. I never suffered either until last year.

    Free Member

    The signs broken,

    Its LoanSharks Lane..

    Free Member

    Well I work with Polish people, and, they are great fun, like a laugh, like a drink, like their women, like a joke, they are normal people, as for sarcasm, the ones who speaka da englis are as sarcastic as you can get when you wind them up..

    Free Member

    Major Heart Surgery last Friday, and you are walking across a road yesterday ?

    You are one hell of a guy.
    Respect to your Meg.

    Get well soon.

    Free Member

    I think more like Massa vs Alonso, Massa would do similar to Barrichello Vs Button.

    Hamilton will obviously be a target for Alonso, I think this will be good for racing as a whole….


    Whats the point of it all if the stewards ruin it all with in race / after race shenanigans that have spoilt this season to a degree ?

    Free Member

    Clint Eastwood = Million Dollar Baby

    Kate Winslett = Little Children

    I could easily watch these two films over and over.

    Also, DISTRICT 9, want the DVD..

    Free Member

    Its subliminal advertising by Kelloggs – they are not really there, you need your intake of crunchy nut cornflakes to make them go away 😈

    Free Member

    Its either that or he is having a Marty Feldman moment;

    Free Member

    They'll be able to see my dangerous weapon
    lead underpants will have to be worn 😉

    Free Member

    Its the Essex girl thing ? so many fakes around, when you do get introduced to the real thing we find her 'dippy'..

    She's great, I hope she wins but I fear to much like Leona Lewis ?

    Free Member

    Get a raisin, and a frying pan..

    Put the raisin on the side in the kitchen,

    while mrs is distracted,

    Whack the raisin with the frying pan so it sticks to the bottom…

    Walk up to the mrs like a neanderthol hunter, give her a quick glance at the bottom of the frying pan…

    She will think you are a hero… 😆

    Free Member

    RedThunder "my other cars a tractor"

    Free Member

    Michael Flatley, a star in the car, top gear tonight.

    Free Member

    got yer multi tool? a little bit of fettlin and its a goer..

    Free Member

    He lit the fart, it took the car out and off he went – into orbit..

    Free Member

    Not being mechanically minded, he tried in vain to jump start the alfa romeo.

    Free Member

    I think you did yourself a favour there, honestly, the games graphics are up there with the best, the refresh rate is ace, theres a lot to 'earn' with skill. but the actual driveability – no matter how good you may be – is frustrating, my SIL is very good at driving games and he handed the game back to me after a couple of days …
    Been on Dirt 2 today, now thats a driving game –

    Free Member

    Just checking because I was about to buy shift tomorrow based on all the rave reviews people are giving it…. Are you guys really into your driving games? Or just out for a quick mess about? The impression I get is that shift is designed for people who really want to get into a driving game, taking agesw to master the controls and handling…

    Can you, lets say, complete Forza 2 on the hardest level with all aids turned off?


    Have you brought it ? be interested to know if you have and how you find it..

    Free Member

    it's about rating's and phone call's

    To True !

    Free Member

    IN THE URINALS ? why were you watching ?

    Free Member

    I should be ashamed… you bad bad bad boy, naughty naughty bad boy,

    CHIPS ?


    you bad bad bad boy, naughty naughty bad boy,

    Free Member

    I know its not a big deal nowadays, someone should tell Danni that though, it seemed as tho' she really wanted him to feel bad about himself.
    He should have got off the stage and kicked her stupid arse up in the air.

    I think next week will be a bit interesting (if she is still a judge),

    It must be hard for her tho' judging people who have shit more talent than she has ever had..

    Free Member

    Why will the fact she says that ruin his career? In fact why would the paper revealing he sleeps with both sexes ruin his career ?

    I didnt say it would ruin his career, its the fact he has entered a competition, and just cos' he has does not give anyone credence to spread his private life all over the gutter press and then again on live tv, he was clearly taken back by Danni's comment, as was Simon Cowell who also made his thoughts very clear to Danni..
    Its a singing competition,end of…

    Free Member

    Buy a comfy pair of trainers – take laces out – slippers ! 😉

    Free Member

    Just got Flashpoint today, COD2 is on order, Roll on November..

    Flashpoint looks pretty good though, just started !st mission, plays well and graphics are fine. 😀

    Free Member


    Good Luck taming this pile of shite 😉

    (I went through loads of set up combinations both controller and in game tuning)
    I traded it in today and got Flashpoint..

    Free Member

    trade it in and get dirt 2 if i was you

    My SIL has a copy of Dirt 2 and says its ace so will be having it sooner or later off him.

    Having to drive SHIFT with all the girlie buttons and the cars as low as poss.. anaethetised version…

    Free Member

    Seems to state it is the same battery charger here, so it seems you are in luck.

    Free Member



    Its supposed to be based on personality – not wedding tackle 😉

    Free Member

    A teacher at school asked her pupils to write a poem with the word 'fascinate' in it..

    After a few minutes the teacher asks the class to stop writing.
    She points to little jonny,
    Jonny, please read to the class what you have written..
    Jonny recites…
    I love to wear my coat,
    I think its really great,
    My coat has nine buttons,
    but I can only fasten eight.


    Free Member

    my gaffer likens me to a Jack Russell that wont let go of something cos I like to attack and beat any problem I have at work and to hell who gets in the way (I have been warned a few times)

    So a Jack Russell it is then (Plus I have only got short leags anyway) 😉

    Free Member

    I work for a huge global company (IMI) ultimately, they are very rich, however, they are at the mercy of investors, so in a nutshell..
    IMI buy up companies that fit their portfolio.
    The company I work for are owned by IMI, investors in IMI want a quick return on their cash.
    So IMI invests the investors cash across companies within its group.
    To make this cash work hard for the investor (and IMI) we have to work to very close budgets and every penny spent in making our widgets has to be accounted for, we are therefore reliant on being an attractive investment to the investors during the current recession.
    I doubt wether or not if the government were to freeze pay or not that I will be seeing a pay rise anyway this year. (I have just returned tonormal working week after being on short time since Feb) I am just thankful I am not related to the car industry as the workers in these factorys and their suppliers have felt the brunt in the engineering world. I think of builders and the support services that the building trade employs as well at this time.. a whole lot of people out there are having a hard time. No pay rise will not upset me.

    Free Member

    Yes, Ross Brawn…
    Pressure without the sweat, 2 cars running in a GP and all he wanted to know was how the cricket was getting on…

    Free Member

    Did you do the belly flop intentionally ?
    I very much doubt it, you cannot change your mind in the 1/10 of a second it takes for you to hurl skywards and backdown again.

    Free Member

    Saw it the day it was released.. want to but the DVD if it ever comes out… brill

    Free Member

    Been keeping an eye on this but never posted.
    You have commanded a great deal of respect with your courage and your strength of character will see you shine through to a full recovery.

    let us all be strong for you tomorrow.

    Free Member

    All actors are pantomime dames – so how can any of them be cool ?

    Ross Brawn is top of the cool wall.

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