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  • Fresh Goods Friday 648 – Sort It Out Edition
  • neilwheel
    Free Member

    And then use a standard QR?

    Free Member

    It’s not clear to me where that adaptor fits.

    Free Member

    There were a few people recommending those a short while back, have you tried searching.

    The Endura are good pads but always found them to be hot and sweaty.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t going to mention the amount of bar turning but………….too late.

    Free Member

    The rest of their site has the normal range of filters.

    Free Member

    I’m quite sure they are not entering website of the year awards.

    Free Member

    Similar position and bought some from BigDug on ebay.

    Free Member

    There’s a filter for price and brands in the top right corner.

    Free Member

    I’m sure most motorists will leap at the chance of paying for something they don’t use, and it’ll help make cyclists even more popular than we already are! Result!

    They would not have a choice when it’s compulsory. What cost for <8 hours cycle training compared to gaining a driving licence. If it convinces 10 out of 100 drivers to use a bike to go to the local shops, I’d be happy.

    If that’s true, I’d rather it went to child protection, or healthcare, or helped combat poverty.

    No argument there but a lot of wasted money could be rained in, in a lot of places.
    What’s the cost to tax payers for RTCs including cyclists?

    Including the disabled? How’s that going to work?

    Really? Stabilisers obviously……………..

    Free Member

    Pretty much.

    I think society can afford to cover free training for those who don’t drive.

    Those who do drive, have to pay for, and pass cycle training, whether they ever want to ride a bike or not.

    Therefore all drivers are cycle trained.

    My original point still stands, that many experienced riders could still do better, would fly through the course, learn something and present a more consistent roadcraft.

    I would be happy if drivers had refresher courses too.

    Free Member

    Brooess – I can totally see all of your points above.

    For e.g. I ride primary around parked cars and through pinch points and twice in a month I was tailgated to the point of getting myself off the road because I was scared I was going to get run over – the training of the cyclist did nothing to help me keep safe – training of the driver to know why cyclists ride primary and to keep hold of their own anger, would have avoided the danger 100%.

    It could be possible that if 9 out of 10 riders were in primary in this situation, rather than (my estimate) 1-3 out of 10, then the driver would be more likely to expect a cyclist to be there rather than in the door zone or the gutter.

    If it became a compulsory part of the driving test and licence renewal then within 10 years the majority of the public would have received training, some may even be encouraged to ride more and drive less.

    Free Member

    Brooess – I feel the benefits of compulsory training are much higher than any negatives.

    If the standard of riding on the road was seen to be more consistent then the helmet debate could, hopefully, disappear and drivers would, usually, have more of an idea of what to expect in traffic with riders.

    If we could achieve most cyclists behaving in a similar manner at pinch points, junctions, roundabouts and zebra crossings too, accidents would be reduced, ignoring who is at fault.

    As for enforcement, I propose that cycle training would be a compulsory category on the driving licence:

    Voluntary at school with accreditation carried over.
    Completion is a condition of holding a provisional driving licence.
    Refresher course when completing your first successful pass.
    Refresher course to renew licence every 10 years.
    More frequent for commercial drivers, every 2 years, minimum.

    Training sessions organised at places of work and health centres for those that don’t drive.

    Anyone who is caught committing a illegal cycle riding offence, for the first offence only, receives free training course if unlicensed, or a paid for refresher course rather than a fine.

    Free Member

    No chance on reusing the spokes I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    New democratic right could allow local residents and firms to trigger a council led review of road restrictions in their area.

    So the petition will ask the council who introduced the restrictions to review their own work……………?
    Sounds good.

    Free Member

    Out at the front, in at the back.

    Free Member

    I’m against compulsory cycling training but very, very pro cycling training when I hear/see riding of this quality…

    Why Brooess?

    IME even good riders gain something from training, shirley, it’s better if riders all have a standard to aim for.

    Free Member

    But she can dismount and instantly become a pedestrian, so I figure it’s essentially the same thing, I don’t see any practical or common sense reason why she should hop off to become a ped, cross then hop back on when it makes no difference to you or anyone else whether she’s on the bike or not…

    I think this is another case of riding appropriately. If the cyclist approaches the crossing too fast, or not clear in their intended actions then there is less time for the the driver to react.

    It does mean that the rider in most cases is riding on the pavement, up to, and after the crossing.

    Seen it often cause problems in London town.

    Free Member

    Tasty……………and sort your garden out.

    Free Member

    His words, not mine.

    Issues, problems, whatever……………

    Free Member

    Hands up anyone who didn’t know Palmer was “****ed in the head” anyway.

    It seems he is over the past by still dwelling on it, which is sad.

    Good luck, I hope he does get shot of his demons.

    Free Member

    The Urge full face lids seem to be sized on the smaller side of what the chart recommends.

    If you haven’t already tried one on, and you are close to the listed size, it may be worth getting your hands on the Archi-Enduro.

    Free Member

    You could give it a go with some Maxxis Beaver/Medusa or similar.

    Cheap over trousers with a long or full length zip for venting and some cheap neoprene overshoes, just the simple pull on type that you don’t need to faff around with.

    Free Member

    He grabbed a knife and tracked the guy down using the find my iphone feature. What would have happened if the mugger had just sold the phone to someone in the pub?

    Or you could argue that he went out immediately to avoid that situation.

    the father didn’t know that tho, his son was robbed by a stranger and he went out to do something about it, whether he actually meant to harm the mugger is the question but going out in numbers and carrying a knife doesn’t help with your defence.

    But he did know the guy was armed with a knife, had threatened his son, and possibly took the son in question to identify the mugger.

    Free Member

    I feel sorry for the guy who got 6 years from this, he deserved to be sentenced for carrying a knife, and he must have known the risk, but……………


    neilwheel said » 6 years and an eye.

    AtP – And, he’ll only do 3 of those years inside.

    The judge added: “I take into account you will have to live with the physical consequences of that event for the rest of your life and I have reduced the sentence accordingly.

    The point was he made a very bad choice, and with people on here calling him a thug. If he had gone with a blunter instrument, it’s probable that his son would have got his phone back, the mugger may have ended up with some injuries and possibly learnt a lesson, and he would have both eyes and not be spending any time in jail.

    I don’t think anyone on here knows if the phone was insured or could be replaced. This all happened on a Friday night so what realistic chance was there of the Police turning up within a reasonable amount of time to recover it.

    Free Member

    6 years and an eye.

    Free Member

    Only if you set fire to your forks.

    Free Member

    A 70/30% mix roughly.

    Free Member

    Are they the same brand?

    Some will mix, some won’t.

    Free Member

    I assume city riding is completely void of all dirt, fly’s, dirt etc to get this gear mucky?

    You just leave them outside the bedroom door and your butler, batman or valet returns them to your dressing room clean and pressed.

    Free Member

    That’s a bit more like it.

    Free Member

    If this happens again, use the damage on the tube to see where the problem is on the wheel and tyre.

    Possible causes:

    Burrs or sharp edges on valve or spoke holes, rim tape not covering spoke holes. (sounds like you have already checked this)

    Old tyres with wire beads where strands are exposed.

    Running too low tyre pressure.

    When you change a tube, are you seating the valve tight in the rim before fitting the tyre to the rim?

    You need to get the tyre bead in place on the rim, go round a squeeze the tyre together, look down into the rim to see if you have trapped the tube anywhere. Check the valve stem is free to move, add a little air to lock the tyre beads in place, again check tyre is seated properly all the way round rim on both sides. Fully inflate, the screw down valve lock ring.

    Free Member

    Who does the most overpriced shoes and socks to complete the look?

    Free Member

    Shared space is rubbish..everyone hates it. Walkers one side of canal..cyclists on t’other

    And your real world solution is…………….?

    Free Member

    I think you are missing the point Stoffel, many cyclists using the towpath treat pedestrians as some car drivers treat riders on the road. A shared space needs to be shared.

    Free Member

    I’ve met a lot of muppets who think it’s acceptable to ride towards someone else with their lights on ‘high beam’ and set way too high.

    Free Member

    The BB is usually higher on a CX frame.

    Free Member

    In orbit.

    Free Member

    I would just go with the Igus, I use them often and they are a lot tougher than they look.
    They also make bike specific parts, known as Iglide I think.

    Free Member

    Magnet or go fishing with some wire.

    Who is going to be hanging around waiting for the spanner to drop while you are driving like a maniac?

    Free Member

    Is the shock shaft out of shape too?

    If it’s just the arm you could fit some Igus bushes from RS Components, will be a pack of ten so you should get another five years out of it.

    Or these, 6mm ID, 8mm OD, 6mm OA Length.

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