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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • neilwheel
    Free Member

    “Do they allow art inside the place of worship? I mean art as in like painting and not calligraphy.”

    I don’t know, another thing to find out? Christian churches are full of it.

    No, not really, images of sentient beings are forbidden in Islam.

    Free Member

    Frank, I understand it’s my problem, I was expelled from Sunday School too.

    On the other hand, I’ve spent some time in the Middle East, lived in Israel, spent some time Jerusalem, worked for both Jews and Muslims when I was there.

    I have seen quite a lot to do with various religions, I’m probably not the man you think I am.

    Free Member

    Does the Quran have anything to say about the Earth &c? What’s their take on it?

    Basically it’s the same early story for Jews, Christians and Muslims. The stories of creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses are all the same for all.

    The problems start when some people are claimed to be a Messiah or a Prophet and others disagree.

    Free Member

    If I turn up to a mosque on Sunday and start a debate about their religion, that might be seen as a bit disrespectful, don’t you think so?

    Free Member

    Fair comment Ernie, but can you not see, that seeking friendship with people who you feel have been programmed is in itself quite strange behavior?

    And I respect every persons right to be able to choose how they live.

    Free Member

    I still won’t be going, I have been to some very fancy places of worship, I don’t think the local ones will have much impact compared to the scale I have seen in other places.

    I just can’t get past religion being nothing more than ritual and programming, it’s main use has been to combat the fear of the unknown.

    If I ever, unfortunately, end up in a foxhole, (Who knows where the world is going?) I will be able to die knowing I have tried to live by the standard that I would like to be treated by. I will not be praying to any deity.

    There is nothing after this miracle of life, apart from being recycled. Hopefully someone will dig a hole, chuck me in it and plant a tree on top. Done and dusted.

    Free Member

    You f’ing Pillock.

    Free Member

    I bought something similar to what GFS recommended in that thread, I think it was the UV-5X which is weatherproof.

    Work very well in the mountains, and even to adjacent valleys in the right conditions.

    Free Member

    I would rather spend my money on mountaineering gloves for winter riding.

    Free Member

    I’ll put the sky fairies comment back in the bag if that’s possible? For the sake of a more reasonable discussion.

    Ernie, I have a decent understanding of the Abrahamic religions. I understand people need religion and accept that, but it is something I would not be able to give any time to. And yes the world is shit but my faith is in other places.

    Free Member

    Those who undertake work in the Roman Catholic Church include celibate clergy and religious alike, including men and women. There are limits to what the men can do and limits to what the women can do.

    The women are limited to the roles that men decide are suitable, where as the men are not.

    Free Member

    As above. Even the pope still doesn’t think women are good enough to spread the word.

    I will not be attending any sky fairy meetings.

    Free Member

    Most wood burners are in the region of 50% to 65% efficient, after ash, where do you think the rest goes?

    It’s not hard to see that the exhaust of random quality wood (and coal) burnt in a basic metal box could be more dirty than refined fuel combustion in a complex machine.

    Free Member

    It’s good to know what the local MO is.

    Last year we had a gang who started cutting the bike hoops in broad daylight wearing high-vis work gear. Then they would put the cut section back using tape to cover the join, they could then just keep doing the rounds, removing bikes and then re-applying the tape.

    Free Member

    The place where I bought mine are no longer carrying much stock.

    IMO you need a bloody good tool to crop a 16mm shackle.

    Free Member

    The cheaper Kryptonites are poor, the more expensive ones, as in the ‘New Yorker’ are good.

    I’ve been using the Abus mini D for a few years in London. A solid lock that’s too small to fit a jack inside but also too small to fit round a lampost. I also have an Abus 1000 cable lock that fits round my waist for anywhere i feel is dodgy. If you can double up it’s good.

    If i can find where I bought mine I’ll post links.

    I think that a battery powered grinder with a slitting disc is a bigger issue than bolt croppers now.

    If you will be leaving the bike in a regular spot, leave a big beast of a chain a a well lubed shutter style padlock in the area for you to use when needed.

    Wheels have security skewers, and torx security fasteners fitted to stem, top cap, seat post and saddle clamp. Sometimes you need to grind the heads down a bit to fit.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Like this kind of marking.

    Free Member

    The dot peen marking is like an engraving process. It’s a bit more sophisticated than just punching your house number and postcode into your frame. There’s a link in the article.

    Free Member

    This is worth a watch.

    Free Member

    Thanks all, I’m a first class luddite, and will probably use this computer for less than most of you use your phones. I definitely do not know how deal with scripts etc.

    The machine is actually on Windows 8.1, it has 1Tb HD, 6 Gb Ram and 2020M 2.4Gb Intel.

    Maybe I just need to relearn how to use a PC.

    Free Member

    Your friend could make a new clip. If there is no decent ironmongers near him there are plenty of sellers on ebay with the dimensions of their stainless washers given in the listings. You can buy 10 or so for a quid and give them as a present to your friend. That should be enough for your friend to practice their cutting and filing.

    Free Member

    It’s important to remember that the AQ test is relatively old and was designed as a screening tool for professional use. There are critics of Simon Baron Cohens hypothesis of a “Theory of Mind” deficit in Autistics.

    If anyone needs help with their problematic AS traits, I suggest anything by Tony Attwood as a good place to start. He also has plenty of videos on Youtube.

    Free Member

    The triangle videos are tests for children, not adults.

    Free Member

    It sounds like she will only use the branch to whip you a bit more.

    Free Member

    If you go, you’ve got to give them more than a card. I would also be, unfortunately, busy with some other thing.

    Free Member

    There’s fish around now. The bear furthest from the camera just got one at 18.53 and another at 19.02 UK time.

    Free Member

    You could try changing the oil in the damper, Stendec is a good brand as above.
    On one hand, at least you would then remove one unknown. On the other, if someone has put the wrong oil in them, you don’t know what has or has not been done to them, in regards of maintenance.

    They are not complex, if the local guy knows what he’s doing then these won’t be rocket science in comparison.

    Free Member

    OP – Have they been like this since you got them or has it started while you’ve been riding them?

    Free Member

    The recommended oil for mine is an MX fork oil which is harder to get hold of, and a slightly different viscosity than the usual MTB oils. There’s a chance that someone has put the wrong oil in them and it’s too lightweight.

    Free Member

    Also have a set of Slants which are great, very little maintenance, no bad noises and run at lower pressure than recommended.

    The compression should be either off or locked, don’t try to run them set in between.

    They have an extra 10mm of stanchion showing, the ladder pin adjusts in 20mm increments, you can add an additional 10mm travel reducer spacer if you need this option, which removes the extra 10mm of leg showing.

    All of the above is for the basic forks with the standard damper (RL2?) not sure how the DLA affects the workings.

    Free Member

    Anything moving within arms reach is a hazard to safety so entirely justified IMO.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Where’s the proof that you have even licked it.

    Free Member

    Maybe not this long though.

    Free Member

    One of them just made a fart noise, it was the girl, that’s all.

    Free Member

    Are there any houses on the other side of the road? They might not like to look at the side of a luton van all day, every day.

    Free Member

    Shirley, the wheels need to stay attached for it to have caravan status.

    Free Member

    It seems that he stabbed her a number of times afterwards too.

    Free Member

    clodhopper – He drove over his own head!

    He ran over his own stomach because he had eaten three giant baked potatoes with cheese, tuna and mayonnaise.

    Can we keep to the facts please.

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