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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • neilthewheel
    Full Member

    Merry Christmas , you bloody hero.

    Full Member

    Still here, thanks to my usual expedient of avoiding leaving the house during December.

    Full Member

    I don’t see any reason to get behind Boris’ Brexit. I still despise him and what he stands for. Why should I want him to succeed? So he and his successors can shaft us and keep shafting us for decades? Yes we have had a democratic vote that gives him a big majority but we still have something called Her Majesty’s Opposition and I expect it to oppose, robustly – something it has failed to do in recent years.

    Full Member

    At this special time of year, why not carry a small tube of glitter in your back pocket? Then if you have the opportunity to wish the driver Merry Christmas face to face, the tube can be emptied into the car.

    Full Member

    That sounds like me, SaxonRider. Though I think I hid it well most of the time, I was rarely happy or positive. I also suffered panic attacks, though I didn’t know at the time (or for a very long time after) that was what they were.
    I’d suggest professional help to try and tackle this now, though I can’t imagine wanting to go through that when I was a kid. Things must be different now though – I hope.

    Full Member

    Nowt to say but I am listening.

    Full Member

    ^ re tonight’s running order on the radio news. On the BBC news app the lead story is Corbyn fails to apologise to Jews but you have to scroll down to 7th to find the Tories/ islamophobia story. In the middle of an election campaign this is not fair or balanced.

    Full Member

    Also, make sure the entry and exist for the outers are properly round and not crushed. You may need a file/grinder for the brakes. For gears, I poke them through with a cable and then open the hole up a little with a small nail.

    Full Member

    Follow the smoothest line from the lever to the stays that you can. Make the gear outers the same length on L and R sides. Cross them over so the LH lever cable goes to the RH frame stay and vice versa.
    Hold the cable outers in place on the bars with electrical tape; then you can wind the bar tape over the top.

    Full Member

    Roland HD1 is a good starter kit. It has a mesh head snare, doesn’t take up too much room and has at least 3 useful kits programmed in (and some gimmicky ones). There’s loads on eBay for a couple of hundreds.

    Full Member

    Colleagues at one place I worked were testing the fire safety system and found it worked very well – by locking the doors and filling the room with CO2, whilst they were still in there.

    Full Member

    Leaving the Foo Fighters looks like it’s agreed with him.

    Full Member

    I’d love to hear Johnson tell us what he would do if he was in Opposition: support Corbyn’s Leave deal or campaign for Remain? He’d have to do one or the other – can’t refuse to answer on this most important question of our age.

    Full Member

    What makes you think it was one of us?

    Full Member

    ^dunno why this is happening. Linked to 2 different pics and it keeps posting the same one.

    Full Member


    Full Member


    Full Member

    Bienvenue chez le Ch’tis
    Inspector Drake the Movie

    Full Member


    Full Member

    A baseboard that fits under a bed or can be raised up against a wall is a good start. If you want a boxed set rather than building up from individual bits look for a basic oval with a couple of points for added interest and you can address more track at each birthday or Christmas. What else you go for depends on whether jr likes steam or modern, freight or passenger etc. Re scenery,ready made buildings are very expensive but Metcalfe kits are very good value and fun to build- a great thing to do on a winter event.

    Full Member

    Is this thread actually an installation?

    Full Member

    A legend of the road.

    Full Member

    :-D I posted that before I clicked the link, in the grand Singletrackforum tradition. Apologies.

    Full Member

    eddiebaby, you do know we haven’t left the EU?

    Full Member

    Terribly sad news. Condolences to his family and friends.

    Full Member

    To be fair to horse riders using the Derwent Walk, some cyclists that use the Derwent Walk are dicks.

    To be fair to horse riders, most of the concerns weren’t much to do with bikes. It was just like a whole group of people got together, decided they didn’t want A cafe near them and then had to come up with reasons why not.

    Full Member

    It must have been carnage at Lintz Green when it was a working railway station. For about the first 60 years all the passengers and freight had to be brought in and out on foot or by horse and cart. All those steam engines puffing and whistling, bells ringing, doors slamming; and yet a rider could be pitched off the bridge by a horse spooked by “light reflecting on glass “. There must have been daily fatalities.

    Full Member

    Not seen any hilarious comments, just the usual things people will claim when trying to object to planning – some of them (such as there being no staff toilet and there being no need for a community hub) could be seen as being entirely reasonable.

    If you are not amused by the prospect of armed brigands robbing homeward-bound revellers, or an intoxicated person falling in the lake, then you are dead to me, johndoh.
    Incidentally, there was a heinous crime committed at this very railway station, in 1911, when the station master was shot dead. Nobody was ever tried for the murder….

    Full Member

    “No staff toilet”. Do they suppose the staff will be expected to shit in the woods?

    Did the Cafe open or not?

    I went past yesterday and still no cafe. Very dangerous though, with stones and banks.

    Full Member

    ^ And they were. The cafe won’t be allowed a sign from the road down the access track. Their opening hours were cut back from 10pm to 6pm. I think they got conditional permission but whether they’ll take it up given the limitations I don’t know.

    Full Member

    It’s the local authority. Just because the road is listed as Maintained at Public Expense doesn’t mean they have ever spent any money on it, or ever will.

    Full Member

    Lack of use is no grounds for having a right of way moved or closed. Report the poor state of maintenance to your rights of way officer.

    Full Member

    Gillian Anderson’s posture in that picture is shocking.

    Full Member

    Pink and yellow you say?

    Full Member

    Does the mech have a removable pin that guides the cable into the clamp? Make sure it’s in the right position and your cable goes the right side of it. Shimano supply a plastic gauge plate that helps you measure the line of your cable to get this right.

    Full Member

    As from today I won’t use BikeInn again. A week late with a pair of tyres they claimed to have in stock. The Royal Mail tracker was still saying “we’re expecting it” 3 days after BikeInn claimed to have dispatched them.

    Full Member

    I stood next to Joolz in the lunch queue at the BBC canteen in Newcastle once. He had chips.

    Full Member

    FWIW SaxonRider you are one of my fave people on STW so don’t do anything to spoil my day.
    I’m in the process of switching back on to Sertraline after my doc moved me onto other drugs a few years ago saying it wasn’t good to stay on it long term (can cause heart issues allegedly). Ever since, I’ve never had a quiet mind. If your symptoms are returning, consider going back on it.

    Full Member

    Aww. He did the voice by putting his head in a waste paper bin.

    Full Member

    I saw someone re-shape one of these forks, by riding into a parked car.

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