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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • neilthewheel
    Full Member

    Thanks for all your advice, funny and wise as usual. I may post a link to the corrupted video files and anyone who fancies a go, do your best.
    I will allow my 30-day Right to Review go through the process and I have been assigned a case officer for my official complaint so will work my way through this.
    Otherwise, an application for an historical but unrecorded Bridleway over the Moor where they were grazing those sheep has suddenly gone to the top of my list.

    Full Member

    Benpinnick that’s very interesting. I can’t help thinking I am already a marked man and even if I get the investigation reopened no officer will take my side against a colleague. As far as the police are concerned, I will have nothing more to say to them that does not directly relate either to that investigation or my formal complaint.

    Full Member

    So really it’s your word against his,

    Yes, apart from his fingerprints all over the video camera; but how can the police tell me on the one hand that I have no evidence, whilst in the next breath saying they won’t test the camera for prints because “we only do this for high-value items”?
    The value of the item is not germane – it’s the value of the evidence.

    Full Member

    All views welcomed, for or against.
    I know I am easily aroused to anger, I hate idiots, feel I am surrounded by them. One reason I cycle is to get some mental peace. I have been on medication for almost 10 years, I have been diagnosed with Huntington’s disease which causes mood swings, violent outbursts and worse.

    My reason in pursuing this is the absolutely dreadful police handling of the case. Yes, it galls me that this farmer and his solicitor have told a blatant lie and got away with it but I am more disgusted that the police have refused even to compare his video evidence to his statement. It seems that at every stage where they have met resistance their reflex has been to say “case closed”.

    My reasons not to pursue it are – the same! The sleepless nights every time the police tell me they’ve “done all they can” when they plainly haven’t are insufferable.

    Full Member

    Seeing as the camera was on why would it not show he picked it up and smashed it?

    The SD card popped out when he smashed the camera. I have two corrupted files which if they could be recovered would convict him. However, I haven’t found a way to do this and the police of course won’t.

    And why would you stop to get into an utterly irrelevant argument?

    Who knows how we react how we do when we come under attack? I had two farmers swearing at me, evidently thinking I was responsible for their shambolic shepherding when I had acted absolutely to the rules by pulling over to let them through. I was really aggrieved.

    Full Member

    Hi Dickyboy, not quite. The guy on the hillside shouts “**** bike!” Which the camera mic doesn’t pick up. You can just hear me asking “are you swearing at me?” But not raising my voice at him. Then the guy with the quad shouts “will you get a **** move on?!”. Again he’s too far away for the mic to pick it up. Sure, I swear back at him because as far as I can see I had done nothing wrong. When the PC first came to look at the video I asked her about this – would it just be a matter of tit for tat and therefore no case for him to answer but she said absolutely not – she said his reaction was completely unjustified.
    This week she tells me he was shouting at his dog so she won’t be charging him with a public order offence.
    In fact, there’s no dog in sight (I have rear-view footage as well). Also, in the video he admits he was shouting at me. He says “I’m asking you to get a move on and you’re standing there looking at what he’s doing “. He certainly didn’t say, “I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to the dog”.
    Fact is, he was in a filthy temper and because he hates cyclists (“you freaks”) he decided to take it out on me.

    Full Member

    Very sad. We were lucky enough to see them live a few years ago and they were splendid. The BBC recently showed their Glastonbury set, which dates from the same tour. Look it up if you can.

    Full Member

    Is executive stress release different again?

    Full Member

    By gentlemanly, did he mean rotund

    I lost a stone in weight on my broken-jaw diet. Look bloody amazing in Lycra.

    Full Member

    Imagine of all our roads, pavements or motorways had to be designed, funded and built by a charity and volunteers. Preposterous. And yet that’s the way we’ve organised cycling provision.

    Full Member

    I had a 12 year old Orange E2 taken, of which the only original items surviving were the frame and the shifters.
    The insurers just asked me to cost up the nearest equivalent build taking into account the upgrades, then sent me that minus the excess.
    They couldn’t have been more willing.
    That was Aviva.

    Full Member

    You’ve earned a chocolate biscuit 🍪

    Full Member

    Gnusmas, thanks for your update. It means you are still alive! Believe it or not, there’s loads of people who think that’s a fantastic state of affairs.

    Full Member

    More important is to tighten them evenly. I do every other bolt , then the remaining 3 in the same alternating order. This ensures all bolts are taking their share of the load and none will work loose.

    Full Member

    Don’t try riding a mountain bike across NT land. If you want to chase foxes*, fill your boots.
    *Only accidentally, of course.

    Full Member

    Hard to beat the good old Bullworker II if you can find one.

    Full Member

    Just today, having emailed twice and had no reply, I rang them up to check the state of my order.
    I was in the queue for 30 minutes before I got to speak to someone.
    Not impressed.

    Full Member

    Living in Co Durham I will now be saying, “I’m sorry, I’m not from round here. Is this the road to Barnard Castle?”

    Full Member

    Has he told anyone to inject themselves with bleach?

    Full Member

    Epicyclo +1

    Full Member

    Is the wheel in straight?
    Have you routed the cable correctly at the clamp bolt?
    Is there anything interfering with the cable run, such as a down tube mounted mudguard?

    Full Member

    You see very few horses on footpaths. Have you tried getting one over a stile?

    Full Member

    What became of Deaf Shepherd?

    Full Member

    I don’t really have anything helpful to add, except supporting thoughts.

    Full Member

    One of my neighbours was thrown by her horse yesterday Has a fractured vertebrate.

    Full Member

    Being told you are God + vast quantities of drink and drugs = messiah complex, often with highly fascist overtones. Roger Waters wrote about it in The Wall (Waiting for the Worms).

    Full Member

    I thought there would be 17.4 million people queuing up to do this work. Call me naive.

    Full Member

    He also produced Dylan’s Oh Mercy which is a marvellous album.

    Full Member

    I’ve been using Continental sealant for a few years now. A litre bottle lasts ages and I’ve never had any problems with it balling up inside.

    Full Member

    J.J. Cale.😟

    Full Member

    Yes, white roads are a grey area (ha ha!) As well as the definitive map of Rights of Way (shows fp, BW,byways and restricted byways) you need check the list of streets maintainable at public expense. This shows all classes of roads and “unclassified roads”. In theory if a road is shown on here it’s a public road but in practice this is very wobbly. However, I have heard that so-called Other Roads with Public Access” will not be lost in 2026, even if access is challenged after this time.

    Full Member

    Historic rights yes, user rights no. But since any claim for user rights always ends up as a search through the historical record, if there’s evidence of historical highway status you might as well pull it together now!

    Full Member

    I’ve been working with the BHS on this where I live and between us we have registered 160 unrecorded or under-recorded bridleways and byways at the county council. It’s a lot of work and needs a methodical approach, but it turns up some fascinating stuff.
    The 2026 cut-off is for recording historical rights only. If you want to record a path you and other people have been using, simply on the basis of usage over the last 20 years, this is not affected.

    Full Member

    I had a Halfords ad. appear in my Facebook feed. It said, “Looks like you might of missed a bargain”. I corrected it for them in the comments. Next time it appeared, it had been corrected.
    I’m brilliant, me.

    Full Member

    I have solved similar issues in Shimano mechs by replacing the jockeys with non-floating ones. Makes them shift like Campagnolo!

    Full Member

    I’m glad I don’t own a dog. What’s your house going to smell like after 3 weeks of not being allowed out?

    Full Member

    Early adopters are already queuing up for Covid 20.

    Full Member

    There’s a lot of releases that say trad arr. Price but not all of them.

    Full Member

    That must be credit for the arrangement I think

    There was a shot of the label at centre of the record saying “Words and Music by Alan Price”. So he got all the royalties.

    Full Member

    I seem to remember that Bob Dylan claimed he’d written “House of the Rising Sun”, and that Simon and Garfunkel said they’d written “Scarborough Fair”. Now that’s dodgy behaviour.

    And then Dylan took Scarborough Fair and wrote Girl From the North Country…
    I watched a doco about Eric Burdon the other week, who said the reason he fell out with Alan Price was that Price took the writing credit for House of the Rising Sun without anyone else knowing until they saw it on the record label..

    As for Stairway, here’s Eric Clapton, 1974

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