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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • neilthewheel
    Full Member

    The TV show is unwatchable now

    It was unwatchable then.
    Did you know that Derek Griffiths himself played the whistle on the Bod theme?

    Full Member

    Dear Richard Holden MP

    On Friday 25th March, the Prime Minister backed Grant Shapp’s call for the boss of P&0 to resign because he broke the law.

    Shapps said; “I cannot believe that he can stay in that role having admitted to deliberately going out and using a loophole – well, break the law – but also use a loophole.”

    Yesterday the Prime Minister finally admitted, once he had no choice, that he too had broken the law. Yet he has not called upon himself to resign.
    Does he think people don’t notice this kind of utter hypocrisy?
    He must go; and take his wretched Chancellor with him.
    Best regards

    Full Member

    We get swallows on our street, usually on May Day, give or take a few days.
    Loads of Curlews and Lapwings about.

    Full Member

    {drumming joke} Obviously a flam

    Full Member

    Very sad indeed.

    Full Member

    It must be Illegal to park on pavements because it’s illegal to drive on them. Unless you want to claim your car was lowered into place by a helicopter.

    Full Member

    I bought a Genesis Tarn steel hard tail 4 years ago. It’s needed nothing replacing beyond pads/cables/chains/tyres. It’s nearly all Deore spec with a hint of LX, RockSox Reba fork which I recently had serviced at TF tuned for the first time. They said it was fine inside. It’s used in all conditions and mostly left covered in mud. It goes anywhere I’m technically capable of riding. That’s all I need from an mtb.
    So, no. For me it’s got cheaper.

    Full Member

    I know that apparently closely related insects often can’t interbreed because of incompatible genitalia.

    Full Member

    Jubilee clip will sort that.

    Full Member

    I’ve been working with the BHS to record lost routes before the 2026 deadline. Obviously we’re delighted the deadline has been dropped but I am deeply suspicious of the Government’s motives.
    In County Durham, where I live, we have identified over 600 unrecorded or under-recorded old roads and bridle roads and submitted over 300 applications so far. These are being recorded on the register of RoW and DMMO applications at County Hall, which I always understood was the minimum required to ensure they don’t die on “deadline day”. The Council has so far passed 3 of these applications. These were all “easy pickings” with no objections.
    Any objections to orders made would result in a public inquiry and these would then pile up at the Planning Inspectorate. These can take years to deal with even with the low number being gxenerated prior to the campaign to identify them all – I know of some in Co. Durham that took 30 years from application to waymarking.
    I suspect DEFRA has seen the huge flood of applications the deadline produced, decided they could never get them processed and have decided to “consult”, i.e. do sod all of practical value.
    However, the genie is out of the bottle and the people who’ve spent the last few years scouring archives for evidence are unlikely to set it all aside and stop making applications.

    Full Member

    So is it just walkers and horse riders that can register ROWs? Sort of explains the issue in a way

    Anyone can register a Right of Way, if you can search historical archives for documents that may or may not exist, or perhaps are only to be found in the private libraries of large estates, then write an application setting out the historical evidence, track down all the landowners and fill in reams of paperwork.
    I understand the Govt has also abandoned plans to make the process easier.

    Full Member

    It’s very easy, you just have to be Prime Minister.

    Full Member

    Nice to know it was such an equitable and open applications process with a fair equals opportunity policy.

    Full Member

    Look at this from this perspective. How many people have been prosecuted for cycling on a footpath or pushing a bike along a footpath? Answer: none at all.

    How many people have been successfully sued in the civil courts for cycling on a public footpath or pushing their bike along the path? Answer: none at all.

    Full Member

    Overblown operatic drivel, but sad all the same.

    Full Member

    I thought Holland Bike Shop had stopped exporting to the UK?

    Full Member

    Completely fantastic breads in Northumberland:


    Full Member


    Full Member

    and then there’s the moron kids pulling wheelies past peopledrivers driving onto narrow pavements to park, a fatality waiting to happen.happening weekly.


    Full Member


    Is a word, the past tense, or plan in advance. Do you get wound up by prearranged, or premeditated?

    “I’ve preplanned all my cycling activity for the coming year”.

    “I have planned all my cycling activity for the coming year.” What’s wrong with that? How does it differ in meaning from your sentence? Surely “in advance” is implicit in the meaning of “plan” – that is, to make arrangements about the future.
    “prearranged” – definitely annoying. I have arranged to see my dentist. Why would I also need to prearrange to see him?

    Full Member

    You might want to consider a Peugeot Partner. My Teepee came with a surfboard rack in the roof space.

    Full Member

    “I have rode…” – it’s “I have ridden”, you uncouth oik.

    “Pre-planned” – how does a pre-planned attack differ from a planned attack?
    Likewise “pre-arranged”, “pre-booked”.
    My dentist has a sign on the door saying “No entry without a pre-booked appointment.”
    I nearly cancelled mine.

    Full Member

    I’ve more or less stopped riding in groups because I cannot tolerate the feeling that I am being pressured by riders behind to go faster. It’s all in my head, I expect.

    Full Member

    Blokeuptheroad That’s far too late. Yesterday I had dates And tonight I’ve been drinking Belgian beer and the wallpaper’s already peeling off.

    Full Member

    Standards are slipping.

    Full Member

    As a general rule, the newer it is, the sooner it breaks.

    Full Member

    I hope you avoid dry socket 😨

    Full Member

    I can resist everything except temptation

    Full Member

    It’s a it rough looking but works ok in my (3years) experience. The chainrings are better than the cranks.

    Full Member

    We used to tip the coal man, out every week whatever the weather, lugging huge sacks of ovals into our bunker. This year he fell off the back of his wagon, broke his shoulder and died in hospital. Turned out he was 77 years old.

    Full Member

    If the NFU has anything to do with this, it’ll be a precursor to a request that the government ban cyclists from country roads “for their own safety “. They have already, and with a straight face, demanded they be allowed to close any public right of way, at any time and with no warning and no diversions, for up to 5 months of the year, because 4 people got killed by livestock last year.

    Full Member

    Whammed at the Sunderland Glass Centre. It’s not like I ever go anywhere!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I had to wash down an entire nicotine-coated flat before painting. Sugar soap etc made little headway. I found that an ammonia solution was the answer.

    Full Member

    We had a Charnwood Aire 5kw wood-only stove fitted to replace our open fireplace. Fantastic.
    Easy to light, two or three logs of an evening gets the room glowing.
    The rule of thumb is it’s better to run a smaller stove flat out than fit a bigger one and be constantly damping it down because the room’s too hot.

    Full Member

    Ooh, are Crank Bros pedals still doing that? How quaint.

    Full Member

    We were on the Gower peninsula in the spring, there were no roads with a speed limit above 40mph. Even the M4 at Swansea is limited to 50, for air quality reasons. It was excellent for cyclists (not the motorway, obv.)

    Full Member

    Can anyone link to a court case where a member of the public has been successfully sued for trespassing in connection with outdoor leisure pursuit?

    Full Member

    A chapter closes.

    Full Member

    Galvanised ones are shit.

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