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  • Vote Now: Best Trail Team – Singletrack Reader Awards
  • neilthewheel
    Full Member

    The thermos flask museum in Delsbo, Sweden was slightly disappointing. Especially as it was closed the day we were there.

    Full Member

    You will enjoy this.

    Full Member

    If it’s any help I’ve been on STW since about 2003.


    Full Member

    Go to the chemist and buy some glucose powder. Mix a couple of scoops with a good sloosh of fruit juice, add a fizzy electrolyte pill or a pinch of salt and top up with water.

    Full Member

    Araldite for everything

    Full Member

    This bloke?

    Many a time I have been walking my dog on well used paths and bridleways and these so called ‘bikers’ have literally ridden past me dinging their bells and sent my poor dog mad. One time my dog was mid ‘business’ on the footpath and the ‘biker’ distressed him so much he was still shaking when I got home.

    I’ve even had ‘bikers’ telling my to pick up my dogs poo, but what business is it of theirs? They say it sticks to their wheels and flys up in their faces, but they should look where their going. I can leave my poo out in the country if I want.

    Full Member

    Oooh, I like this version!

    Full Member

    In fact, that website might well be as near as we have to a Total Perspective Vortex.

    Full Member

    I got as far as Mars before I started cheating. That’s just the solar system. Multiply that up to the size of the known universe and you would have to wonder why Humanity matters at all!

    Full Member

    I’ll have to scan some in! Summer 2001 if I remember rightly.

    Full Member

    He even manages to get an “I like cycling….but” into the article. Next week: Andrew Frankel: “I;m not a racist, but….who let all these darkies onto our roads?”

    Full Member

    If the mech is a few years old it may have developed some play in the pivots. In this case the pressure of the chain against the mech is enough to overcome the mech’s inbound movement a bit and prevent it dropping.

    Full Member

    I guess that was for h&s reasons? not because someone might subvert some Creme Eggs.

    Full Member

    I was once turned down for a job for having a gold stud in my left earlobe. How times have changed…

    Full Member

    They couldn’t even find someone who can sing in tune.

    Full Member

    Mine too. I marked the racist bits for them, so they can tell.

    Full Member

    I thought this was going to be a thread about some mountain biking blues singer!
    Seriously though folks…it can just be down to the caplipers not sitting squarely over the rotors. slcacken the mnount nuts, pull on the brake, re-tighten.
    If you are using IS mounts, it often helps if these are faced with a cutting tool to ensure the caliper can sit squarely.

    Full Member

    Virgin on the ridiculous

    Full Member

    The first swallows arrived on our street today, the earliest arrivals are usually May 1st.

    Full Member

    For god’s sake, hasn’t anyone seen the important issue here?

    It’s “‘My lad and I”!
    Not “Me and my lad”‘, “my lad and I”!!!

    Full Member

    I much preferred it when nothing happened, ever. Latest plot developments lack credibility.

    Full Member

    Oooh, a man’s bottom

    And how would you know?

    Full Member

    If you squint a bit that looks like a hedgehog with a fishes tail.

    Nope, not getting that, though I do think I see a pathetic shark.

    Full Member

    It’s a good job you can’t see my lawn.

    Full Member

    They’re leaving an indent! – G-string perhaps? sans pics tho…

    everything’s leaving an indent. My buttock is larger than normal (see original post).
    I don’t think the angle is flattering.

    Full Member

    Bjorn Borg, I’ll have you know

    Full Member

    My arse, yesterday…

    Full Member

    ^ exactly! :D

    Full Member

    jimification – yes, I hear Hey You in there! Is that Frank Sidebottom in the vid?

    Full Member

    Oops, forgot this:

    Full Member

    Gilmour has the touch, for me. This may deliberately be emotionally cold, but the phrasing and spareness of it makes it spine-tinglingly lovely – from 2’07

    This is one of the best pieces the band ever did, with Gilmour’s solo striking right at the heart of it…at 2’52 if you have to jump straight to it, but it’s worth spending the time getting there.

    I always found this beautiful and restrained.

    This George Harrison track deserves to be better known, because the guitar playing is sublime.

    I think also it’s George playing guitar on this minor masterpiece by JL>>>

    I think JJ Cale deserves to be in here somewhere but I can’t pin him down to one solo!

    Full Member

    Ha! Oldfield Park, where I grew up.
    There used to be good back lanes between the streets which were “singletrack” of a sort and didn’t involve climbing but they all seem to have been gated now. Anyone know of anything around Beechen Cliff? Also, easy access to the Sustrans Green Park route that leads out through the Combe Down tunnels now which might give access to some woodsy trails. Not lived there for years now though so my knowledge is a bit rusty.

    Full Member

    He’s entitled to wear his poxy sweatshirt.
    You are entitled to gather together all your friends and anyone else who feels the same way, make some banners and stage a noisy gathering in front of his stall.
    That’s what people did in the 1970s when the NF was prominent.

    Full Member

    That’s me! No tats though…

    Full Member

    Delighted to hear you are out of the woods and thanks for the sound advice.

    Full Member

    Credit to the lad for pleading guilty. He could have elected for trial by jury and would most likely have walked free without a blemish on his character judging by recent outcomes.

    Full Member

    I used to work in a hotel kitchen. One day during the course of washing up,I scraped a plate with a knife.
    “Ooh, I hate that sound!” Said my nice but dim colleague, “it makes my teeth stand on end!”

    Full Member

    Q. Why do Lancashire folk who use Persil never find 1970s Belgian cycling champs wearing their cycling gear?
    A. because it gets the Merckx out of their sweaters.

    Full Member

    ^ by Jove! I think he’s got it!

    Full Member

    Oh, and on a non-cycling theme…
    There’s a new camper van being built in Sunderland , specially for opera fans.
    It’s called the Nissan Dormer.

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