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  • How To Support The Brands You Love – Without Spending A Fortune
  • neilthewheel
    Full Member

    We saw Mark Steel live last week and he was doing an anecdote about white people in Barbados (apparently 1/5 of the population is white.) He said a white man came up to him in a bar and said:
    “You waaaan game Pool?”
    Steel looked around and whispered, “You can’t take the mick in here!”

    Full Member

    That’s the same operation that killed my mum’s partner :-(
    We saw Wilco when the film about Dr Feelgood came out – they showed the film first, then Wilco and his band came on and did an hour set. Great! I’m pleased to hear he’s on the mend.

    Full Member

    Oh no!

    Full Member

    synergistically utilize state of the art growth strategies :-)

    Full Member

    I think this is what you are looking for DezB

    Full Member

    I went for the Pro but got it for £1440. It’s certainly the most fun I’ve had on a mountain bike.

    Full Member

    Think across the piece.

    Full Member

    LOL at Rusty Spanner. The same could be said of Sting, and the bloke out of UB40. Thoughh they weren’t particularly trying to be funny.

    Full Member

    I don’t remember any talk of withdrawing Concorde until the Paris crash. My memory. May be faulty.
    I do remember my class being herded down to the school hall to watch the first commercial Concorde flights on the telly.

    Full Member

    Cool wash, slow spin. Do not tumble dry.

    Full Member

    Malcolms claim that “if elected” he would campaign to have a trail built somewhere nearby

    And if a trail were to be built, how long would it be before it was used as a stick to beat riders who prefer to ride in the “real” countryside?

    Full Member

    imba uk collapsed. CTC was meant to be developing its mtb advocacy but iirc recently got rid of its off-road officer.

    Full Member

    Cycling Plus once included a set of free allen keys, this in a magazine full of reviews of £8k road bikes.

    Full Member

    I don’t know how long the woods have been owned by the Wildlife Trust, but if people had been riding there without let or hindrance before that there may be a case for claiming the paths as rights of way under the CROW Act. Since cyclists can only make claims for restricted Byway status, this would also mean the Trust would have to open them all up to horses too. Of course, the chances of a claim succeeding are small, but even the threat might concentrate the minds of the owners and make them more cooperative to negotiated access.
    I am a member of my local wildlife trust, but if I found they were behaving in the way AWT seems to be, I would be returning my membership card with a letter explaining why, and with a copy to the local press and media.

    Full Member

    Donner und Blitzen! (not sure which is which)

    Full Member

    It doesn’t seem to be going well, does it Mr Cupis? When I read the comments on the article you seem to have attracted support from a foaming USA conspiracy theorist and, er…yourself.
    You’d think if it was such a problem many of the maimed walkers or their surviving relatives would be on voicing their support.

    Full Member

    Does anyone know who the 20 were?

    Full Member

    First video – carnage! those walkers went down like skittles. NOT.
    People leaping for safety? no
    Dogs run over? No
    High speed riding? No
    riders careering down 100ft cliffs. Sadly not.
    Riding off-path? Nah. What kind of rider does that anyway? Everyone I know actively seeks out paths. And paths don’t appear out of nowhere, you know. They are lines worn by human (or animal) use.
    Haven’t watched the others but if they are all as dull as that I don’t think I’ll bother.
    This all sounds like some pet rant by some tuppenny wannabe politician who’s bought himself a newspaper so he can make his opinions and prejudices sound more important than anyone else’s.
    I was born and grew up in Bath, btw. It was always full of people like him.

    Full Member

    Alu gives you alzheimers, allegedly

    Full Member

    That, sir, is magnificent. Well and truly bookmarked

    Full Member

    Comedy is all about timing punctuation…

    Ooh, ooh, I’ve written a joke just for you! copyright and all that….

    “God says to Noah, “Noah, the world is full of evil. I intend to flood it and drown everything on it. Only your family will be spared. I want you to build an ark and fill it with two of every kind of animal.”
    Noah says, “Yes, Lord!” But secretly he’s a bit peed off because he wanted to go mountain biking. So he leaves building the ark until the last minute, and what with fettling his bike and so on it ends up a bit of a rush job.
    Well, the storm clouds are gathering so he starts rounding up two of every kind of animal and herding them onto his ramshackle ark. On they go, two by two, except for the gorillas. They are about to embark but one of them takes a look at the state of the vessel, jumps onto Noah’s mountain bike and pedals off.
    “Where’s he going?” Noah’s wife (Nellie) asks the other gorilla.
    “Oh, he’s just realised,” the Gorilla replies, “Noah’s Ark is worse than his bike!”

    Full Member

    Sad haystack

    Full Member

    Ha! I was going to make mike’s point, but from the other direction:
    He doesn’t need to. They are already in his power.

    Full Member

    Squeezebox Man is Alastair Anderson.
    I think this cover of the whole of Dark Side of the Moon almost eclipses the original

    The Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain does more and better cover versions than anyone

    Full Member

    I can categorically state that the least pleasant feeling is that of having a video camera pushed up your old man, all the way into the bladder. Not painful (mostly) but the constant torrent of water sent up there at the same time made it feel as though I was having a never ending, uncontrolled piss and it was really, really not nice. I never knew it was possible to pass out whilst lying down…

    Full Member

    Had any GOOD news lately?

    He is risen!

    Full Member

    Just wait til the Muslamistick insects arrive

    Full Member

    I have taken my tax disc out of my car and stuck it on my tent. I will be leaving it there until March…

    It’s my winter of disc on tent.

    Full Member

    …and a fave of mine that used to appear in rag mags of the era:
    An American tourist is walking along a street in Dublin. He stops a local and says, “excuse me sir, what does that yellow line painted along the edge of the road mean?”
    The fellow says, “ah, sir, that means no parking at all.”
    “I see,” says the tourist, “and what does it mean if there are two yellow lines?”
    “Ah, that means no parking at all, at all!”

    Full Member

    Dear God, cougar. Actually, up until the punch line, that sounds like one of my dreams.
    Well, if we’re doing old jokes from the eighties…
    How many rock stars can you get in a mini? Five…two in the back, two in the front and John Lennon in the ash tray.

    Full Member

    Drac, that’s alarming. I’ve always looked up to you as one of the stalwarts of Northern riding. For me, the last few weeks have rekindled my passion. A new bike has helped, but just this week I’ve been out for two lovely rides on my old hard tail, skimming over the local BW’s and woodland paths, poking into some nooks and crannies I’ve never investigated before and feeling my technique come together. Rather good.

    Full Member

    Two chaps meet in the street. One produces, from his trouser pocket, a rather poorly-looking octopus and hands it over, saying, “here’s the sick squid I owe you!”

    Full Member

    I prefer his bike maintenance manuals

    Full Member

    footflaps – best one yet

    That made my sides hurt

    Full Member


    Full Member

    EZvid – forget it!

    Full Member

    Don’t eat fly agaric, they have a cumulative toxicity and you will die if you exceed it.

    Full Member

    WMM is hideous, keeps crashing. I’m just in the process of downloading EZVid and might report back.

    Full Member

    Wasn’t there a character in Swallows and Amazons called Titty?
    Fat Pussy looks like our cat.

    Full Member

    Fluffy kittens

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