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  • Move Over Chris Akrigg, Hello Leo Smith
  • neilthewheel
    Full Member

    Good outcome! What changed? And are you now starting a thread on complaining that you have lost your road Mojo? 🙂

    Full Member

    That’s a whole short story compressed into two sentences. 🙂

    Full Member

    you can bet that Blair and his misses would trying hard to get in as head of state. then the cost would really mount up.

    I’ll keep the Queen if the alternative was some …. like Blair, Brown, Thatcher, your politician of no choice.

    Would anyone vote for them?
    There’d be nothing to stop Elizabeth Windsor or any of her family from standing, and if the public decrees she’d get the job.

    Full Member

    Apalling breach of trust.

    Full Member

    Aldi make a fruit one and a nut one. Both yummy. They have no added sugar but a lot of dried fruit, which is sugary.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the update! I aim to go myself next year.

    Full Member

    We could put all the technology in the world on board

    You would still see people cycling up the inside of them at traffic lights
    The first video shows what I suppose is a Cycle Super Highway. Why has this got a lorry in it? If the clear road markings show cyclists should be in that lane, why should cyclists (particularly inexperienced ones) not suppose they should then be on the left hand side of left-turning lorries? And the lorry driver, knowing he is in a cycle lane, should expect to find cyclists alongside him.
    In the second vid, well the gap is tight but at least the guy knows the vehicle on the left isn’t going to turn right across his path, and the vehicle on his right won’t turn left.
    But the bottom line is, why do we imagine mixing all this stuff up together on the roads is a reasonable approach? It’s like suggesting pedestrians have to walk on the railway lines, then blaming them if some of them fail to step out of the way of the train in time.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    You’ll be the belles of the ball. Enjoy the day and report back.

    Full Member

    Looks like Quake 2 in HD. Which is nice.

    Full Member

    I found plenty of old Maillard 120mm hubs on fleabay. They build up into nice wheels. Much cheapness.

    Full Member

    Nitroglycerine for the win

    Full Member

    I used to wear lederhosen as a kid owing to my German heritage. They’re great do-anything trousers, especially suited to high speed bannister sliding.

    Full Member

    there’s no such thing as too much curry so I’d go with that.

    Full Member

    Has the cable dislodged inside the shifter so the nipple end has got stuck in the works?

    Full Member

    Great project! Isn’t polishing the metal parts woman’s work?

    Full Member

    Nickc is a radio 4 listener

    Full Member

    Did he really call the tyres “wheels”?
    OP – at least you weren’t on the Muddy Fox.

    Full Member

    Jura for merino

    Full Member

    Bread and wine with about 12 friends

    Full Member

    This “story” has absolutely nothing to do with me.

    Full Member

    Hmmmm – anywhere good to ride in the Ventoux area? Let me think…

    Full Member

    The hollow pins fill up with dirt, or if you use dry lube, they fill up with dry lube.

    Full Member

    One of the great things about being married – you never have to think about other women.

    Full Member

    It looks like a penis, only smaller.

    Full Member

    ^ wouldn’t you rather be breathing the fumes of the lorries around you?

    Full Member

    I think even when the polit ical will is there, councils are too quick to bow to the recommendations of their officers. Highways depts are loaded with road engineers and they are stuck in old ways of thinking. They really believe that what they are providing for cyclists is of a high standard. And if anyone suggests taking space away from cars and allocating it to cycles, they can’t even get their head round the concept. “That would hold up the traffic!”, they cry.

    Full Member

    We called ’em scrubs when I were a lad in Bath in t’1970s.

    Full Member

    Above mentioned scrote, one Sean Patrick Nelson, given a conditional discharge and ordered to pay £500 in compensation.

    Full Member

    Even chewkw’s waking world is a dream.

    Full Member

    Tell him you were there first and if he wants to stop you he’ll have to get a court order.

    Full Member

    Some beauts here! Special credit to codybrennin.

    I swear these jokes came to me in a dream one night. As soon as i woke up I told them to my wife. By the evening I’d forgotten them and had to ask her what they were:

    What’s grey and hot?
    Elephant curry.

    What’s grey and cold?
    Elephant curry in the fridge.

    And here’s one i made up for the roadies among us:
    What’s a policeman’s favourite brand of bar tape?
    Deda deda deda deda deda….

    Full Member

    Oldmanmtb +1

    Full Member

    Stay out of the ruts, tank slapping on a tandem is not funny.

    Full Member

    I wonder if any of the commentators said “I don’t know where he finds it!”, like wot Lygett does?

    Full Member

    The tyres are Panaracer Pasela 27 x 1 1/4. A bit chunky from a looks point but good quality and a forgiving ride. Ideal for l’eroica I would imagine.

    Full Member

    tlr – nice! It looked pretty good to begin with to be fair.
    The sidepulls actually seem to work well. The only thing I might have done differently was use 700c rims as 27″ really limits the tyre choice. Mind, the Panaracers make for a lovely floaty ride.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    First picture is rather depressing, though.

    Everything finds a home. They get rebuilt by volunteers and sent to Africa, or sold locally.

    Full Member

    Highway authorities don’t always help. Near my home is a steep hill leading up into a village. The approach has an overtaking lane to allow people to pass slow moving vehicles climbing the hill, but this continues beyond the 30mph limit sign right into the village. Unsurprisingly a lot of people are speeding through there.

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