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  • Orange Stage 7 LE Review: A Jaffa Smasha
  • neilthewheel
    Full Member

    It’s a state of mind.
    Visit Peterlee. If you recoil at what you see, you are middle class.

    Full Member

    ^ Quite. Any instructor who doesn’t read this report in detail and assess his or her own practices againt it would be foolish.

    ‘ve not read every post (very few of them actually), neither have I read the full report; but why didn’t the guy just say no, this isn’t for me?

    So, just for you, here it is again: the judge agrees with you and that is why he held the claimant 20% liable. I hope this helps.

    Full Member

    I might watch you dance a little longer before I press the off button.

    Full Member

    Many of those terrorist attacks have been pre-planned, you know.
    Some have been pre-prepared.

    Full Member

    when it follows up someone else’s scoop it fails to credit them using the mealy mouthed phrase “The BBC has learned”.

    I thought that was the BBC’s way of flagging an exclusive. It was when I worked there.

    Full Member

    +1 for Mavic. Would fit Charlie Brown.

    Full Member

    ^trouble is, how do you get rid of the apalling smell of Febreze?

    Full Member

    What a stupid way for the BBC to act.

    Full Member

    Fine band and as a Christmas song one of the least awful. Wizzard, on the other hand….

    Full Member

    Negative length stems. It was only a matter of time.

    Full Member

    Talk to Windwave, you can buy BBB parts from them. Buying through a wholesaler usually attracts postage costs, thoug, unless your order is large, so as others have said it frequently works out cheaper to buy through the internet. Not true though for cables, brake pads etc!

    Full Member

    Invisibility ray.
    A viagra-like pill that turns you into a demon guitarist for an hour.

    Full Member

    Get that thumb looked at. Likely detatched ligament.

    Full Member

    Another series of Just a Minute.

    Full Member

    Taking the wheels off, removing outer plates and oiling seals EVERY wet or muddy ride is not onerous?
    Thats ~3x wk for 10 months of the year. F* that!

    It doesn’t say that.

    Full Member

    OK but if I erected a gate across the road outside my house and told drivers they had to use an alternative route I think the police would be round fairly promptly!

    Full Member

    Jonba, turn left from there towards Consett and through the Waskerley junction switchback. Red House is the next farm on the right hand side. It’s the track that links to Oxen Law.

    Full Member

    Some good tips ninfan, I will approach the parish council. Not sure how to force L.A to act though…they keep trying to pretend they don’t own UCRs whenever money needs spending or they get troublesome in some way but there they are on the list of streets.

    Full Member

    Report to DCC Local Access Forum as well as the council rights of way team

    I am on the LAF. It doesn’t get involved in stuff like this. Only intersted in “policy” and “strategy”.
    It’s not RoW, it’s Highways authority. As I say, it’s been reported numerous times.

    Full Member

    Can you not just climb over said gate. Doesn’t seem worth the hassle.

    It’s heavily laced with barbed wire.

    Full Member

    BBB Ceramics:£30 at CRC

    Full Member

    ^ that hardly sounds onerous. I tend to use BBB pulleys which are cheap and easy to find. Bearing life is short – treat them as disposables and keep a close eye on signs of seizure. I am in the habit of taking the seals off and putting grease in even when new but I can’t say it’s led to a great increase in useful life.
    For the record I recebtly fitted some of BBB’s aluminium/ceramic bearing jockeys to my 10 speed Dura Ace mech and cured a peristent shifting problem. I don’t think the ceramics or aluminium have anything to do with it, but the non-float design probably has everything to do with it.

    Full Member

    Cheaper just to buy a new light and take the bar mount from that, I would have thought.

    Full Member

    Czech (one of my 3 words, along with “please” and “beer”!)

    Full Member

    My brother’s ex once recorded a radio interview with William Hague and didn’t realise til the end that she hadn’t pressed record. She was about to apologise and ask him to do it again…. then she decided she’d rather pretend she hadn’t noticed til he’d gone a’s she couldn’t bear the tedium of listening to him twice. We need more of that sort of spirit in journalism!

    That’s excellent.

    Full Member

    Well, I emailed my Police and Crime Commissioner (does he commission crimes?) about this with a link – and heard nothing. After a moth I sent a reminder and 2 days later got a phone call from an Inspector at the traffic division who was polite and sounded interested but said “we don’t have the resources”. However, I did persuade him that making the public think you are doing it is nearly as helpful as actually doing it so he agreed to talk to the press office about a possible publicity thing.
    Not very encouraging really.

    Full Member

    If the sora left hand shifter will work with a triple, go for a triple.

    Full Member

    Why are these people not in a hostal ? I assume the council has a few at its disposal

    I assume the council has some skools at its disposal too.

    It’s a funny thing, but every time we have a spell of Tory government, people move out of their homes and onto the streets. Those of you too young to remember the Major/Thatcher years won’t know what a common sight it was. The Labour government to its shame did not do enough to straighten this out, especially with reference to building more council houses; but it certainly never had a policy of making the worst off worse off.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    How do you make a Venetian blind? Poke his eyes out etc etc

    Full Member

    An ebike for your wife? Sounds like a fair swap.

    Full Member

    Very disappointing, given that I actually don’t feel too bad, have a good range of movement and put in 45 miles on the bike today.

    Full Member

    The UK is shit at most things so why should this be any different?

    Full Member

    Thanks, yes that’s me. They are sending me for a ct scan but I can see which way this is heading.

    Full Member

    Oh ffs I will try again later. Trying to link to Flickr images on my iPhone is giving me a nosebleed..

    Full Member

    Well, 13 weeks in, anyone care to assess my progress?

    Full Member

    Nobel prizes are only for the living.

    Full Member

    Well, I think it’s very nice.

    Full Member

    Duke of Edinburgh.

    Duke of Edinburgh? I bet I can guess what his parents were like.

    Full Member

    We had to share a line with the old lady across the road.

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