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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
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    1. I’ll ask the Oddsox.
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    I bought a pair last winter and they are great in dry weather. The 100% waterproof claim is rubbish: The waterproof membrane is underneath the insulation layer so that In wet weather the stuffing soaks up water until each glove weighs about a kilo and they become useless.

     Should have realised when I read in the instructions that you shouldn’t turn on the heating when the gloves are wet.

    Full Member

    I have a Chinese osteopath.

    He offers crick and correct. 

    Full Member

    Well , that’s me out, sabotaged by my wife who sent me a cat chaos video with Last Christmas as the soundtrack. A veritable Trojan horse.

    Full Member

    I’m in a Tory Red wall seat, I suppose poverty levels are much the same. I think I will have to write to my MP and ask him if that’s because he’s shit.

    Full Member

    @scaredypants soz I hadn’t read your post before I blundered in.

    Full Member

    Just shout “I’m taking back control of my country” and ride off.

    Full Member

    Hi Scrabble, you don’t say what the basis for your claim is- is it that you think it’s an ancient bridleway which never got recorded or are you applying because people are currently using it as such and have done so “as of right “ for 20 years or more? If the first, I assume you have shown some evidence to the RoW officer who agrees with your assessment. If it’s the latter, it’s now much easier than it used to be as you can use social media to appeal for other users to come forward to support your claim. I have also seen Strava stats successfully used to support your claim.

    Either way it will have to go to a council committee. If they decide in your favour the landowner (or anyone else) can object and it will go to a public inquiry for an inspector to determine.

    Your best bet is to talk to the British Horse Society who are currently firing on all cylinders submitting applications ahead of the 2026 cutoff date (now delayed) so will be in a great position to help if your application has merit.

    Full Member

    Sanny, just catching up on your posts. Inspiring stuff! I need to get out on those Skiddaw fells.

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    Full Member

    “Did your assault cause a national furore with demands for action from senior politicians? You’d be surprised how motivating that can be for Chief Constables.”

    Can you hazard a guess what the consequences will be for anyone at any level in the police if they fail to bring anyone to book? Or how many shits they will give?

    Full Member

    The penalty for damaging a scheduled monument is max 2 yrs or unlimited fine.

    some of you are watching too many tv forensics shows. When I was assaulted(by a farmer who tore my videocam off it’s handlebar mount and smashed it on the ground, the police refused to test it for fingerprints on the grounds that the camera wasn’t high value. Then they said they couldn’t prosecute because they had no evidence. They’re hardly going to throw resources at a tree worth zero. Best they’ll hope for is a confession or someone coming forward with more information.

    Full Member

    Two years ago I wrote to my MP in support of active travel policies and received an enthusiastic reply. He told me he was a huge fan of active travel and how proud he was his government had pledged £3bn in funding, how it would improve the quality of our lives and encourage us to give up those polluting motor cars.

    That man is Richard Holden. Since he became a Junior Transport Minister he’s overseen a 1bn cut in the active travel budget and when I wrote to point out the discrepancy fobbed me off with a standard response from the DfT.

    presumably from today he now believes active travel is a lefty, wokeist conspiracy to force us all to give up being British.

    Full Member

    I found a replacement clutch lever for my mech at SJS Cyles for a few pounds. If you look up the Shimano tec document for the part number you can enter that as a search. I seem to remember it was reasonably easy to sort – as per oceanskipper’s excellent information.

    Full Member

    No doubt the government will launch a scheme whereby  their friends and families can set up makeshift companies to supply emergency equipment to hold up the roofs.

    Full Member

    My approach has been to ignore these. You will receive a series of increasingly threatening letters. Ignore these too.

    Full Member

    Get a roll of stickers made up online that say “Yes Cycling” and stick them over any signs that should subsequently appear.

    Full Member

    What are the legal implications of taking some bolt cutters to a padlock on a gate across a legitimate RoW?

    i think it’s illegal to “go equipped” and would probably count as criminal damage. IANAL

    Full Member

    There’s a vast backlog of reports about obstruction, some deliberate, some the result of neglect. It all boils down to funding. I doubt the Tory-voting landowners lose any sleep knowing that the huge cuts in LA funding have fallen disproportionately on the “non-essential” services like RoW.

    Full Member

    <p>A very welcome decision. </p>

    Full Member

    ^ I went to the Tour of Flanders in April and rode the 90 mile sportive. There were fit club riders flying past me all day but the next day the pro men rode nearly 300km at an average 3 x my speed. If those fit club riders had been up against the pros they’d have been passed all day just like I was.

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    Full Member

    This is going to come as a shock to fans of Queen’s Park Paths for All Volunteers.

    Full Member

    Have plans for different temp weather, but my wet weather stuff is all rather warm…
    But better warm and dryish than cold and wet (I’ve done that there before).

    Yes, my last training ride was 100m around the Scottish borders last weekend and the weather was cold, wet and miserable. I will be doing all I can to keep warm and dry and sod looking fantastic at all times.

    Full Member

    The salad shortage has occurred in the same week Nicola Sturgeon resigned.

    Full Member

    Thanks for all your replies, wise and helpful as usual. To answer a few questions: I live on a Terrace of 18 former mining cottages, which stands alone next to a B road. The  little sewage works deals with our street and probably a couple of other houses further up the hill.

    The information about what was tipped, where and how much came from the Northumbrian Water people who came to pump it out. They said they removed 20 gals of dirty engine oil from the settlement tank. They own this and are responsible for our sewage too.
    I guess what scruff9252 says is true: it’s a combined storm drain/sewage works. Not sure when it was built but probably when people started getting indoor netties in the 60’s or 70’s.
    As someone asked, we don’t have mains gas here so some people do use oil including both our neighbours so at first we suspected a leak. It possible that this is true and we have two problems to deal with, but since others people at houes further along the street have also complained about a smell of oil in the house it would seem a weird coincidence.

    The only guy who does his own mechanicking has lived here over 40 years and is as sound as they come. Their house is one that’s been hit by the smell and they alerted NW while I called the Environmental Agency. NW say they are treating it as a major incident which means they will investigate it but who knows what that might amount to.
    The whole thing seems very strange. Why would anyone choose to tip the oil into the drains on a street directly overlooked by all the houses?
    We had already thought about calling our insurance company and I think that might be the next step.
    The worst smell is in the cupboard where our washing machine lives and it’s too heavy and confined for me to pull it out.

    Full Member

    A net of left-over chocolate coins. 10p at the Co-op

    Full Member

    A selection of six vintage silk ties. £2.50 each on eBay.

    Full Member

    I’m beginning to think a few heads stuck on pikes might be the only effective solution.

    Full Member

    Montgomery – good work, but the ruling will make no difference to people who don’t give a toss.

    Full Member

    Winter conditions at Hamsterley are the reason why the Trailblazers started building there!

    Full Member

    Durham traffic is crap. If you want to be able to get into Durham and Darlo, best pick somewhere on the east coast main line. Northallerton ideally!

    Full Member

    This moves the history of writing back by about 15k years. Nobel prize winning stuff.

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    Full Member

    Awful news. Be kind to yourself.

    Full Member

    I’d love to do Hurtigruten cruise right to the top of Norway, pricey though. In fact any trip into Norway is pricey, for food & drink anyway.

    Yes it’s pretty dear but not outrageous for what you get. If you book a cabin with no view you can save money, we spent as little time as possible in there because the panorama lounge was fantastic. We stuffed ourselves at the breakfast buffet each morning and a few items may have fallen into our pockets which made sandwiches for lunch. There are plenty of opportunities to hop off and visit a local supermarket, even if the ship is only in port for an hour. We avoided alcohol and either had supermarket picnics in our cabin or ate at the not-so-posh restaurant. It’s 14 years since we did this so not sure what if anything has changed since.

    Full Member

    Hurtigruten is great because they’re working ships so regular folk get on and off for short hops. Cargo gets loaded/unloaded too. We sailed from Bergen to Nordkapp; the best parts were up to Tromso, after that it gets pretty bleak! Lofoten was incredible.
    Personally I found being onboard for a week a bit much and kept wishing we could hop off and get into the landscape rather than just looking at it. If we went again I’d take a tent, travel as a foot/bike passenger and hop on and off as required. There’s a boat each way every day.

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    Great prize kayak23 🎄

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    12 minutes to go, I believe I’m home and dry.

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    Leaves don’t compost in the same way as other green materials. Usually you pile them up in a wire cage or put them in binbags and wait for 3 years.

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