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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • neilthewheel
    Full Member

    We’ve locked this into our way of life, by building for cars instead of people.

    Full Member

    Have you looked under the fridge?

    Full Member

    You have to draw a line somewhere. It was so windy today it would put you in the ditch. It’s a shame, because it was a beautiful blue sky – until it started hailing, then snowing…

    Full Member

    E: Dry roast nuts
    D: Festbier from Lidl. Recommended at 99p
    L: Festivalis by Whapweasel.

    Full Member

    Jolly good. Carry on!
    And great to see a :-) in the thread title…

    Full Member

    Also from Wolsingham you can ride up the road on the south side and follow the byway west to the Elephant Trees, then either drop down into Frosterley or continue on as far as you can find a track through the heather. Some unrecorded rights of way are just about to be added to the Definitive Map here so if anyone bothers you, tell them you’re looking at them for research purposes!

    Full Member

    Or ignore the gobshite. That’s what I do.

    Don’t forget the Waskerley Way runs high above Weardale on a variety of surfaces. The descent into Rookhope has been rather sanitised lately but is fast and fun.
    Also from Wolsingham there’s Hexham Lane, a Byway to Saltersgate. You can link by tarmac to the WW.

    Full Member

    Genesis Tarn? Comes in XL and is massive!

    Full Member

    You’re fine until the landlord gets arsey. Then the local authority will suddenly find they don’t really know why the track is recorded as ORPA and maybe it shouldn’t be and…oh dear, time for a long-drawn-out legal wrangle that leaves everyone cheesed off. (Yes, I’m looking at you Durham County Council)

    Full Member

    You’ll need gloves. That rock is…pumice.

    Full Member

    Well, I didn’t get the gig :-(
    Sacked by text:
    “Hi Neil, how are you? We all really enjoyed your company last week, we all agreed you are good fun, but we have found a drummer who is a bit closer to home and is already attached to the band. So I’m sorry to say we won’t be taking you as our drummer. But I hope you keep trying to find a band, you deserve the joy it can bring. I hope you aren’t too disappointed…”

    Note no mention of my actual drumming :-D

    Full Member

    I’m back!
    It was good fun- they were lovely and made me feel at home and it was all pretty relaxed. We played through a few of the songs on their last album which I’d had a chance to practice and then they played me a couple of new songs they’re working on and let me try a few ideas and I thought we got a few good grooves going.
    Then we went to the pub!
    They thanked me for coming and said “nice to meet you “ but I didn’t get any hint that they were going to offer me the gig.
    I think they still have another drummer to audition.
    Thanks to everyone for the tips, they really did work.
    I will let you all know asap

    Full Member

    Well, we’re about to find out… setting off in 5 minutes!

    Full Member
    Full Member


    Full Member


    Full Member

    ^ have you been eavesdropping on my practice?

    Full Member

    I am taking the e-kit with me as that’s what I’ve been rehearsing on and I’ll have enough to contend with. If they like my playing then I’ll have a go at transferring it to the acoustic kit but I like the versatility of the e-kit and they might too.

    Full Member

    Brexit bonus!

    Full Member

    Tpbiker – what on earth gives you that idea? 😀

    I’ve played with all the greats though..

    Full Member

    Thanks for the tips! The bassist is one of the best around in folk rock music. I believe the previous drummer was sacked because he and the bassist weren’t gelling. “Don’t play it like he did- less is more!” Is the advice I got from their singer. So no need for any fancy fills.
    I feel like I’ve been invited for a trial with Newcastle United after a few good results at table football!

    Full Member

    I knew I’d come to the right place…

    Full Member

    Do not confuse incompetence with corruption.

    Full Member

    I bought a 2cv from Laura Kuenssberg

    Full Member

    Brown paper packages tied up with string.

    Full Member

    “I can’t under stand why they can’t just get on with it.”

    Full Member

    The end.

    Full Member

    Telling my kids a teacher once called I me a spastic & a pratt seems to shock them enough 🤔

    Yup, I got that too. “You run like a spastic!” from the PE Teacher.
    God I hated games. The school was only interested in rugby, which I was not built for. I hated doing anything I was told if I couldn’t see the point of it and there was no actual “teaching” involved – you were just sent out in the mud and rain and left to work out the rules for yourself.
    “Peep!” The whistle blows again. What can it be this time? “You were standing forward of the school giraffe when the ball was not in play and it’s a Thursday”. Oh, OK. Scrum down.
    Same with running or Cross Country. Off we all go; the fit ones disappear into the distance and the likes of me hit max heart rate in 30 seconds trying to keep up, resulting in a stitch and a long walk. Did dear teacher ever explain the idea of “pacing yourself?” Did he heck. He’s in the staff room with a cup of tea.

    Full Member

    Can I interest you in funding my new film? Ticks on a Snake On a Plane

    Full Member

    How could he tell if it was a large drone, far away, or a small drone, near?
    Am I stupid, or wouldn’t a shot gun do the job with little risk to anyone else?

    Full Member

    “I’m writing a novel.”
    “Oh yes. Neither am I.”

    Full Member

    They’re probably girding their loins for another hard day of Making Britain Great Again.

    Full Member

    Nice one Ned, but probably true.

    Full Member

    We were fed up with the kids searching the house and finding all their Christmas presents.
    Some friends told us to lock them in the attic.
    They complained about it for hours. In the end, we had to let them out again.

    Full Member

    you may want to build it bigger to account for 29er or fat tyres.

    Full Member

    The Antrim coast is brilliant. Then head for Donegal.

    Full Member

    I never knew Lyanda, but do you think she would have preferred you to stay at home and stare at the walls?

    Have a good weekend.

    Full Member

    A spliff makes the worst stereo sound fantastic, I think the problem lies there. But life moves on.

    Full Member

    Slowoldman – you’re right of course.

    The OP has it upside down, of course.

    Full Member

    If you like the action on your guitar, why not get it rebuilt and change the pickups?

Viewing 40 posts - 481 through 520 (of 2,168 total)