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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • neilthewheel
    Full Member

    Lol at Martinhutch!

    Full Member

    What’s the best way to deal with roadies?

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    Full Member

    With reservations.
    I ‘be been riding on a pair for about a year and they’ve been really good- no punctures, roll well,don’t go soft as quickly as latex.
    I also had one in my winter/utility bike’s back wheel. The other day I went to put the kick stand down and must have caught the valve stem with my toe as it snapped off. Tube now useless which is £30 to replace.
    However, for best bike use, worth a go and cheaper than setting up tubeless.

    Full Member

    Alloy nipples are gash.

    Full Member

    When landowners start using permissive access as a stick to beat cyclists with I lose interest in retaining their “goodwill”. We have a local landowner with a terrible reputation for refusing access (even where it legally existed) who allowed a charity event to use some tracks. The next thing we hear from the organisers is that they are threatening to withdraw permission because people rode the same tracks at other times. Therefore the charity would not get the money. I’m all for advocacy and keeping channels of communication open, but being a dick can apply just as much to landowners as users.

    Full Member

    They will be much the same. Broken spokes are often down to lack of tension which allows them to move in the spoke holes at the hub, causing fatigue. A re-true may help but it may be that all the spokes have suffered fatigue.

    Full Member

    Cut down on the caffeine.

    Full Member

    Good god. That’s the Malvern knocked off the list of places to spend a weekend.

    Full Member

    The clue’s in the name. I’ve marshalled on the last two. I’ve seen some broken-looking riders.

    Full Member

    Open access to cyclists and work on users getting along and being courteous would be a lot more beneficial all round.

    It would help if the Ramblers Assoc. didn’t object by reflex every time somebody tries to get bridleway rights recorded over footpaths.

    Full Member

    I asked them on twitter and they said “only where there are bridleways”. When I asked why they made vague noises about erosion.

    Full Member

    People who don’t like cyclists sharing the trails with them for whatever reason should still have that space they can go.

    Which is what open access gave them in spades but I don’t see many using it.

    Full Member

    I’ve been working with the British Horse Society on Project 2026 to record lost or under-recorded rights before the cut-off date. So far we’ve submitted 60 formal applications in County Durham with no sign of the supply of work drying up soon.
    A large number of these routes are currently classed as footpaths but should be bridleways or restricted byways.
    It’s a nonsense to say footpaths are only for walkers- the sub-clause which is so often omitted is “unless higher rights exist “.
    Of course, all these hundreds of hours of research and form-filling could be saved by changing the law to make all rights of way available to all users.

    Full Member

    To answer the OP’s question, I made a snap decision to ride a shooters path along a ridge in the north Pennines, just to see if it was worth the trouble. After a hundred yards it was clear it was bobbins so I turned back. I hadn’t made it back to the gate before a Land Rover pulled up and an irate gamekeeper got out.
    So – earful of grief for no gain (apart from the pleasure telling him his boss is a ****).

    Full Member

    Let me think about that…for a year.

    Full Member

    Looks good!

    Full Member



    Full Member

    Since therealhoops took a week to make his decision, won’t his season ticket have expired?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    My Genesis Tarn

    Full Member

    Hola! Been around since I bought my Orange Evo2 in 2001. Still nobody will talk to me.

    Full Member


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    Full Member

    If you are an Important Person and a Bad Thing happens to you, the least that should result in is a change in the law.

    Full Member

    I had an amazing discussion with a man in Durham today. He was wearing a union jack bowler and holding a sign saying “we must leave the EU. It’s God’s will”
    I couldn’t resist this. Let me summarise his argument as “Nazi/Catholic conspiracy to put Germany in control. Book of Revelations predicts the EU and tells us we must leave”
    Cue arrival of a little old lady. She says to our man;
    “Have you got a form I could sign? Because I’d sign it. I agree. Mind, it’s for the grandchildren I’m doing it”.
    Me: “Do you think they’ll thank you for stopping them from being able to live or work anywhere they want in the European Union?”
    Her: “This country’s over-run with immigrants.”
    Me: “So here I am with two leave supporters. One delusional and the other a racist.”
    Her: “I’m not a racist!”
    Him. “What’s wrong with racism?”

    I mean, I know it’s funny, except this level of thinking is dragging us by the nose. Help!!

    Full Member

    Parliament is sovereign. You should be pleased.

    Full Member

    Just emailed my MP again to flag up the contrast between the petition and the numbers who turned out for the Gammonball Run last week, right here in the supposedly solid Leave North East .

    Full Member

    A word to the wise. Making plans to up and leave when your head is the way it is now is a normal response. It’s the old “fight or flight “ reflex telling you to do a runner. Trouble is, when you get there, your head will still be in the same place and you will be carrying the same baggage. Plus you will have a whole new load of stress to deal with.
    Speak to your GP about how you feel, get the support you need to get you through the bad time and consider the plan with a clear head.

    Full Member

    The Tarn is as slack as a slack thing with 120mm fork.
    Give it a go and report back!

    Full Member

    As ridden by Sean Kelly.

    Full Member

    Has anyone had Seven Sisters?

    Sven, apparently.

    Monument. In my pants.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    The first one looks at full stretch.

    Full Member

    Like pineapples voting for gammon.

    Full Member

    Not only does it hurt, but it takes longer to cover the same ground so it hurts for longer.

    Full Member

    I’m very much looking forward to voting in the next European election!

    Full Member

    Yesterday we announced we would take back control of our borders by not having any border controls with Eire and not having any border in the Irish Sea.


    Full Member

    Reba on mine

    Full Member

    Have people forgotten the LibDems propped up Cameron’s government, thereby getting us into the current situation?

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