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  • Neil_Bolton
    Free Member

    Ah, that makes sense. Well if you like, let me know if you do, and we’ll get you placed with me and moonboy so you have someone to ride/banter with.

    I’ve already paid, moonboy is about to.

    Should be a good one :)

    Free Member

    Yes, quite a few lessons to be learned I think.

    As I mentioned, being sent the wrong way on stages lost considerable time – and when you’re at the upper echelons of results, those lost seconds can make a significant difference to whether you’re 21st or 10th. Mind you HobNob, I would have been just behind you with 3rd in Sport if I hadn’t decided to move up a class this time. I would suggest that you might perhaps consider it; that’s a significantly faster time than the rest of the field!

    However, it’s made me even more determined for September – the training is clearly making an impact and I need to sharpen the skills a little to get me back to how I used to be many years ago.

    And then, hopefully with a bit of luck, I might have the perfect runs and get a top 10.

    ETA: Learned/Learnt – I can never remember.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Results are up:

    Spent the first few minutes wondering how the hell I was a minute down on the fastest on Stage 1 until I twigged that I’d got sent the wrong way on the bomb hole and lost loads of time; in the region on 30 seconds or so. That and the same thing on that ruddy berm on Stage 3!

    All in all however, I’m pleased with 21st in Comp out of 70 ish – especially considering all that time lost on those two stages – shows I’m not over the hill yet and the riding legs are returning slowly.

    Maybe perhaps I might even come back next year even fitter and properly challenge the top boys…

    Free Member

    My Zesty is full XTR, Haven wheels, Haven bars, Thomson stem and Float forks.

    And yet it’s still about 28 pounds. However, I’m getting a lot fitter and finding it much easier to ride.

    I’d start there rather than chase down the pounds.

    Remember, you don’t want to have people pointing at you for your B2C ratio…

    Free Member

    ps DrP was it you I was in front of at FoD last time? Shame I didn’t see you yesterday!

    Free Member

    Bloody hell! I did sort of wonder, it’s a hell of a bike to rattle down on; I did the FoD on my Charge Duster hardtail and found that I bounced around a lot (although loved it).

    Anyone know the old dude on the retro Giant full sus? He seem to be really enjoying himself!

    Free Member

    ps, I was number 32, Moonboy was 31. Just sayin.

    Free Member

    I’m agreeing with chiefgrooveguru and Hob Nob; the point is not so much that they were there, it was more that 6,7 and 8 were a bit ‘in yer face’ with regard to everything coming up so quick and you would go around a corner to be faced with the 6ft ladder drop (which in itself was actually dead easy, but to a newbie, it would scare the shit out of them) and a huge 15ft fast double (again, easy, but you needed to know to carry speed).

    The fact that often you didn’t know where the trail went, and thus, where you could get around the chicken run, was where I think there is a few grumbles.

    For the more competitive riders such as I, I was more narked at getting into the flow of a run and then all of a sudden not having any idea of which way I was supposed to be going – which is chuffing annoying when you’re against the clock.

    One mans easy drop in is another man’s scary beyond belief drop in.

    Considering some of the bikes that people were riding (some hero was riding an old skool GT Zaskar!) certain sections must have been frightening!

    Moonboy and I were both agreed, part of the fun is that it IS unsighted – if we knew the runs we’d go so much faster – but then that defeats the whole object of the day.

    I guess the difficulty is finding the right balance.

    Free Member

    Morning all,

    Myself and moonboy both rocked up to a reasonably sunny morning, and looked forward to hopefully being reasonably competitive having bashed out a 20th in the 12hr Team last week in BikeFest.

    Off we rocked to the start, and got ready. Only for moonboy to snap his chain in the bombhole, and for me to do EXACTLY the same as MBNut – I went directly left into the trees and didn’t drop into the bombhole – again, a significant loss of time. Really rather annoyed #1

    I made it down the rest of the track and moonboy and I faffed to try and fix his chain once he arrived.

    With moonboy still trying to get a new chain fitted, I rushed off to Stage 2, which having fitted a CrossMark to the rear, I instantly regretted such a choice and dabbed all over the shop.

    Still no moonboy.

    Rode off to Stage 3, and arrived. No moonboy. Just as they announced his his 1 minute call, he appeared on the horizon, and pedalled flat out, to arrive 8 seconds before his off!

    I then set off a minute behind and had relatively quick run UNTIL THAT SODDING BEND WITHOUT DECENT TAPE! I, just like pretty much 50% of others whom went through there, went off the the left totally confused – completely screwing up my run, losing probably 30 seconds or so. Would it have been so hard to have applied a bit of common sense to the taping there? It was awful. Annoyed #2

    Stage 4 was uneventful, and Stage 5,6 and 7 and absolute riot – although I was pretty confident on the drops etc, I do agree with everyone else that perhaps putting such extreme obstacles into a blind run was a little brave – there are quite a few newbies on a range of bikes (I saw one dude on a 29er!) and a big 6 ft ladder drop isn’t probably what they’re expecting…

    However, I did enjoy my day overall, and although very annoyed at the marking of the course in places, just as MBNut feeling miffed at all that training and preparation being thrown out of the window, I felt that it was a good event in hindsight.

    Absolute credit must go to the army boys whom were absolutely professional and gave up their day to help us moan all day. Some were absolutely hilarious in their banter!

    I’m going to write an email to Carlos to thank him for the event, and the army’s help, but also point out that taping needs to be carefully considered – it’s very annoying when it isn’t or is confusing – it happened at FoD last time, and it’s quite critical in order to keep a race series alive…

    Free Member

    Ran Fox Van R 140’s on mine, Tim at TFT recommended it as the lightest, simplest and cheapest in the range at that time (2010).

    I was very happy, especially with them pushed. Quite sad I sold them in the end, they were excellent forks.

    Free Member

    I’ve been recommended them by my physio to help get my glutes moving, and help my sciatic issues – are they a good exercise to help burn fat?

    I take the mantra: If it hurts = good for you.

    Free Member

    I personally love them; I frequently found myself catching my ankle on my Saint cranks when descending and it would really cause some nasty cuts over time.

    Changing to DX’s stopped it all because they had a really useful built up ankle protector on the inside.

    However, I don’t have the same problem with the cranks I use now (XTR), but I very much like the stiffness of the shoes, added with the protection that the heavier build gives me.

    Additionally, I found that the grip on them is more reliable than the XC race shoes I used.

    They do look a bit daft I grant you, but that said, it’s all about getting the clothes to match – I tend to wear black kit with white gloves and helmet, and so therefore doesn’t look quite so bad.

    Additionally, being a bit of a gravity assistance preferring rider, they’re not out of place…

    They’re good shoes, don’t be put off by those who just think they look sh1te and are following the herd by slagging them off. Find them at about £50 delivered and you’ve a bargain.

    Free Member

    Anyone had any problems with bike security?

    I’ve had my roof ripped off my garage and some tea leafs attempt to nick some stuff out of it. Luckily nothing gone, but I do need to spend a day securing the garage roof up.

    Bit suspect considering that it was the day after BBF.

    Free Member


    Did I hear you say sunny all day?

    Here-say I thee!

    Free Member

    I believe that we are currently aiming for attendance in the:

    a) Drink a beer per lap category
    b) Drink quite a bit of tea category
    c) Rather shite banter category
    d) Keep the roadie members of the team out for longer and aim for a ‘die trying’ single flying lap in aid of Strava’ category

    Think that’s it so far.

    Free Member

    Wool; quite likely.

    Assume the worst case scenario regarding security, it’s pretty rife up there.

    Free Member

    They said mine was 26, as if I knew what that was good against.

    The doc seemed a bit rushed to be fair, it was first day back after the holidays.

    Free Member

    Yep, its definitely your arse that’s the cause of your woes!


    Least it’s not broken.

    Free Member

    ETA, I was wearing heavy clothes, and those bloomin heavy Shimano DX SPD shoes, so I’m a bit peeved to say the least. Next time I’ll go in with my shorts on and flip flops.

    Free Member

    Regarding BMI: Went to the docs yesterday.

    “So, yada yada, lets check you out. BP, yep, perfect, lets now weigh you”

    Me: Ok happiness I’m not about to keel over, but approaches the scale with trepidation…

    “Hmm. Your BMI seems a bit high” >cue lecture from doc<


    How to knock a man in one easy throw.

    Irrespective of how fit(ish) or strong I might be, BMI rules supreme and I’m now categorised as overweight.


    Free Member

    Zesty isn’t exactly light and efficient, as compared to my hardtail at least.

    But I do know that after 3 hours of traipsing around AC, my arms would fall off, and I’d be crying for my Zesty.

    So I’ll stick with it. And enjoy the fun bits.

    Free Member

    I’m in with Moonboy and we’ve a budding wannabee winner in our team who seems to think that bring a XC hardtail carbon rigid thing is a great idea for a 12hr team event.

    We’ve also one of those lycra dudes who what can ride a bit quick. We tried to convince a KOM holder of most of the AC/LW trails to ride for us, but as he’s a sadist, and dreadfully disorganised, he’s doing 6 hour solo.

    Either way, I’ll be horrifically slow up the hills on a way over bouncy Zesty for the AC trails, but enjoying the DHy and flowy bits, whilst swearing loudly as I approach the hated Red Barn Woods section.

    Tyre choice: well, I think seeing as it’s comedy, I think a totally inappropriate CrossMark/Larsen TT combo should be used. Or should I go completely bonkers and use my Larsen up front and my High Roller semi slick up rear?

    You know, for drifts and shizzle fo sho.

    Free Member

    Ernie, that video you posted just made me well up a little.

    What a great video, to those moaning about appropriateness, well, I can’t help you.

    If you’re not touched by something that is nearly 70 years old and yet still sounds the nuts, and did so much for Britain, well, I’d suggest you’re a little dead inside.

    Just sayin.

    Free Member

    My wife and I went to watch it (read: I was dragged) and we sat down initially enjoying some of the visuals.

    Then it got a bit boring.

    Then it got to the (I think) rebirthy bit with the stars and stuff, and my wife eventually gave up (I think my huffing and puffing may have added to the irritation) and suggested we leave/

    As we left, we observed a couple of other couples getting to leave and the envious glares of dates/boyfriends/husbands being forced to stay and watch this utter guff.

    My wife is into all this stuff, but even she had to concede defeat and admit WTF?

    If there was ever a movie coined for that phrase (in the mainstream), this one gets it.

    Free Member

    To be honest, I’m in the same quandry; I need the same stem myself.

    However, I keep coming back to Thomson, for a reason – my 50mm is bloody awesome and reliable (and you can ‘dress’ them up now with finishing kits).

    I really like the Easton Haven stems, but I just can’t get over the fact that Thomson just seem to have utterly reliable kit that just works, like, forever.

    Free Member

    I suffer from Sciatica, and have recently been going through some sports physio to relieve it.

    Aside from the treatment itself, I’ve been recommended a swiss ball if I can go for it, mainly because it helps on many levels; it’s a great way to strengthen the back and glutes.

    Additionally, learning some proper exercises to ‘floss’ the sciatic nerves helps massively to relieve the pain.

    ETA: See here for why:

    Free Member

    Isn’t cheating a bit really to:

    A: Have a parachute just in case (no matter how mental)
    B: Land on a load of cardboard boxes?

    I thought he’d do a superman and land it properly in his pants.

    GOD, can’t anyone do anything right these days?

    Free Member

    Bristol Pablo, that and many MANY great stories like that are told by Brian Schul in his most excellent book ‘The Sled Driver’.

    Good luck searching one out, I managed to blag one for about £70 second hand off eBay – they’re truly collectors items, but oh so worth it. So many gems in there, including little known facts about the aircraft.

    ‘The Skunk Works’ book by Ben R Rich is also a very very good read and takes you through just how the managed to come up with the U2, SR-71 and ultimately the F-117 Night Hawk bomber.

    Free Member

    Incredible aircraft; not only in that it’s a feat of engineering, but also that it’s such a historical one too – there are few aircraft that did so much to keep us safe yet no one ever knew.

    I’m reading the book Vulcan 607 and it just shows how incredible British guile, knowledge and ingenuity helped to pull off an impossible operation; simply mind boggling how the logistics worked to get them from Ascension to the Falklands and back.

    Emzs, as entitled as you are to your opinion, it cannot be dismissed that without military technology, development and budgets, we would simply not be where we are now in terms of human technology. Without these planes, helping to keep us safe, and without the guys who quite simply broke the mould in terms of development, we would not be enjoying the delights of hydroforming for our tubes on our bike frames, we would not have titanium tubing at a reasonable cost and there certainly would be no carbon technology. I could go on, but I won’t.

    From my perspective however, many of us have relatives who developed these machines; aircraft many of which could be argued to have characters due to the handmade nature of them, some flying with certain characteristics, some with the need to be given a thrashing to get the most of – this leads many of us into a personal attachment to the aircraft and the emotional connection. To see the Vulcan or the Concorde or even the SR-71 be decommissioned breaks many hearts, and for XH558 to be flown today from donations warms the cockles mightily.

    I would hugley love to see a Concorde fly again, as would I like to see a SR-71, both accelerating full tilt and showing us just how amazing the guys engineering these things in the 50’s were.

    Yes. The 1950’s. And yet, we still can’t build anything comparative…

    Free Member

    If you are buying a home to live in, then now is as good a time as any.

    If you are buying a house to flip on and make a profit, think again*

    *Unless that’s your job and you know how to do it. However the days of making 10%+ on the market rising in a year has gone (not that I’m bitter or anything, no).

    Free Member

    Nothing bar specification (i.e. drivetrain, wheels, shocks F&R, finishing kit).

    Buy a 316, there’s nowt in it.

    Funnily enough, I’ve a Spicy 316 frame for sale…

    Free Member

    That grass needs trimming.

    Free Member

    @Rusty Mac; ah, fair cop.

    Still, the rate of which I drop fluid on my garage floor/jeans/eyes I’d still buy a Shimano 1l bottle!

    Free Member

    Mind you, they are trying to flog the Shimano mineral oil at 50 and 100ml for the five quid more than you would pay to get a litre from Chain Reaction – pretty cheeky really:


    S’pose it’s business tho.

    Free Member

    I find that now I notice a gap in the 9spd cassette ratio vs the 10spd I ride.

    It’s certainly less of a jump. As mentioned above it’s more useful when used on single or double, but that said, it’s a treat on my triple setup.

    Free Member

    Works absolutely fine on my Duster, XTR M970 triple chainset with 10 spd up t’ rear.

    Very happy.

    Free Member

    Yep, now use it everytime; I try to make their lives as awkward as possible for being overcharging twunts.

    If you have any Euros, you can make their lives hell by paying in that.

    ETA: Someone paying by card holding you up for an extra 30 seconds is nothing compared to the absolutely ridiculous 50mph crap you have to endure now once through the bridge…

    Free Member

    @coogan Was that 19th hole in Squamish? Looks like it – I loved that trail.

    Free Member

    Mk1Fan + hora: Nope, the shocks were shagged. However, it’s example of how to slide into a corner at about 100mph.

    To be honest, I didn’t need new pants as I know that corner well, and I’ve taken all sorts of kit through there at over 100+ and let them slide…

    Now this is the proper car to do it in. Gawd I miss her.

    Real video:

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