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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • Neb
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    It sounds like a fairly common thing then!

    Latest feedback on the X-ray from the doctor (via a receptionist) is that it is just swelling. Not quite sure what to make of that, as i have a floaty bit of bone that can be pushed about, suspiciously the same size and shape as the bit missing from the bone just next to it…

    Anyway the next available doctor’s appointment is in 3 weeks, so i guess I’ll just have to wait and see what she says.

    Full Member

    The doctor is giving you the option as it is your health service and as the service user you get to play a part in the decision making process. There has been a big push for patient centred care for a while now. Ideally, though, the pros and cons will be explained to you first!

    I don’t mind being given options and helping the doctor come to the most appropriate solution. I hate being shrugged at and being asked what I’d like them to do.

    Thanks for advice about surgery, all the web articles seem to suggest it’s worth getting it removed (however most are American and therefore money is involved so they tend to over medicate stuff)

    I’ll see how it goes, range of movement was never affected, it was just sore with contact, which seems to be getting better.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the info, we’re not blessed with lots of doctors to choose from, but I’ll see if i can see a good one and explain my concerns.

    I figured the X-ray would see the blatantly obvious movable lump on my elbow and that would kick off fixing it.

    I’m guessing once the bone has started to heal (8 weeks after the event) it’ll be removal of chip rather than pinning it back in place?

    Full Member

    I’ve had the new dmr v12s, they are a bit small but otherwise great, until you need to replace the bushes and the kit is £28… The vault spares are available much cheaper, but don’t fit unfortunately.

    There are magnesium dmr vaults going cheap at jejames, minor cosmetic damage £120 -> £75

    Full Member

    A few years ago I bought a cheap suntour durolux on the bike to work scheme, £300 new i think. It was a cracking fork, really good. The only thing I struggled with was local spares. I could buy stuff from Germany no bother, but no bike shops seemed to stock spares.

    The spares were actually very cheap, so shouldn’t complain really. £50 for the full damper etc.

    Full Member

    A Xiaomi of some kind, the value for money is amazing.

    Full Member

    Cheap gopro copy from China?? I’ve got one that is a copy of the gopro hero5, has dash cam mode and obviously works really well on the bike as well….

    Full Member

    If in the future MTBers were banned in national parks (for example) what do you think is likely to be the cause??

    Fair enough it’s not necessarily directly related to ebikes but you can see that the likely causes are potentially worsened by more numbers, more distance and more speed.

    If ebikes didn’t allow riders to go further or faster, what would be the point of them? Since they obviously do, can you see how that might affect other people’s opinions of all mountain bikers, myself included. Which is why I’m not that keen on ebikes although I do hope to be proven wrong.

    Full Member

    My way of looking at it is that for every 1 mountain biking mate, I’ve about 5 that don’t go mountain biking due to being unfit and not liking climbing up the hills. They’d love it if they didn’t have to pedal as much and could rag down the local paths.

    At the moment you need to invest a bit of time to get fit to start venturing far out into the hills, this typically introduces a bit of respect for other users / the countryside. I’m worried that there will be a large increase of riders, going faster + further and causing issues with other users.

    Obviously my thoughts are just a worry, hopefully everyone on all types of bikes behave themselves and there are no issues. Like i said earlier, I’ve no issue per se with ebikes, just the secondary effects of more people, more distance with more speed. I’d have the same issues with anything that enabled multiple times the number of mountain bikers, doing bigger distances at a higher speed. Maybe if EPO was commonplace to make hills easier??!

    We are currently tolerated, I’d hate for that to change.

    Full Member

    It’d be nice to get all my unfit non riding mates and ride up keppel cove on Helvellyn and do half a dozen laps of sticks pass, on an August bank holiday. Do you think the other holiday makers would mind??

    Or do you think it might upset the balance a bit and actually do us mtbers harm in the aim of future equal access rights?

    Most non riders i meet in the Lakes are surprised to see a push bike up a mountain, they are generally curious but impressed that it is possible. Multiply the number by 10, add electric motors and suddenly we’re not an interesting thing at all we’d just be a pain in the a**e.

    Full Member

    If we presume everyone rides responsibly, on whatever bike, and give other users plenty of room, don’t pass too fast etc.

    That’s a hell of a presumption!

    I see it fairly simply, more people, riding further, riding faster. That can’t be a good thing on shared trails.

    That’s without factoring in modifying bikes to go faster or removing the power limitation. There is also the fact that it is emerging technology, so in 10yrs time e-mtbs will be much more efficient, lighter and cheaper = even more people, riding faster and further = even more issues between trail users.

    Maybe in other parts of the country it isn’t as much of a potential issue as here in the lakes, but i can see it coming and i dread the Lake District National Park Authority clamping down on the use of all mountain bikes whether E or not.

    Full Member

    If it’s the latter (which I presume it is) then what difference would it make if we’re an ebike doing 15mph uphill, or a non ebike doing 15mph downhill or flat.

    It’s the fact that previously MTBs might doing 3mph uphill, 10mph on the flat and 20mph downhill. On the same trail, E-mtbs can now do 15mph, 15mph, 20mph. Can’t you see how that might be an issue for other users of the same trail? It’s pretty obvious on a path which direction a MTB might be coming from at speed (downhill!) An e-mtbs could be uphill as well. 15mph is pretty quick when you’re out walking, or on a horse.

    If you give plenty of room, and are courteous, it makes no difference what bike you are riding.

    Completely agree, however the main argument for e-mtbs is how good it’ll be to introduce more people to the ‘sport’ now that the required fitness level is less. So more people on ‘mountain bikes’, travelling faster, able to cover more distance or do more laps = increased tensions with other users = potential to affect access for normal mountain bikers, especially in national parks where they are a bit touchy about mountain bikers already.

    I love the technology of ebikes, on the right trail i bet its great fun to hoon about, uphill and downhill, but that’s kinda my point.

    i cant see it ending well for the rest of us.

    Full Member

    Is there the same “risk” from fit riders riding faster than average too ?

    Not really. An extra 250w upto 15mph is loads, especially for minutes/hours at a time.

    15mph isn’t that fast, plenty of riders doing that already without assistance, nobody seems to be telling them they are a risk to access rights.

    Again, not really. 15mph is actually pretty fast. Most rides around here average significantly lower than that, that’s with the descents skewing the flat/climbing speeds.

    Just a convenient stick to hit ebikes with, to justify your dislike ?

    I think it’s a fair stick to hit ebikes with, hence my comment.

    Full Member

    They will never catch on for road because even a slightly fit person can go faster than the speed limiter with ease.

    Not around here they can’t!

    They wouldn’t be welcome in the road bike scene because quite clearly, they aren’t road bikes.

    For me, e-mtbs are not mountain bikes either. I can imagine they are great fun but there is a risk that it just aggravates the access issue with other users on mixed trails.

    Trail centres, purpose built MTB venues, I’ve no problem with them at all, i bet they are ace fun.

    Full Member

    Because roadies aren’t wet lettuces

    That made me chuckle!

    I don’t think e-mtbs will replace normal mountain bikes, i think they’ll have their place with a certain type of person. I’m just a bit worried about the impact of those certain types of people on the access rights of the rest of us!

    Full Member

    Do you think they’ll catch on with the road bike scene?

    If not, why not?

    Full Member

    I like the 77 designs one, if you’ve a BSA bottom bracket you can couple it with a bash guard as well which looks a neat solution.

    Full Member

    I have no problem with ebikes other than the effect it has on other trail users and therefore me by association.

    Full Member

    as for the idiots flying up footpaths, well you get them in all walks of life..

    Obviously. My point was it allows idiots (not all e-mtbs riders by the way) more of an opportunity to be idiots and piss off those that we currently precariously share trails with. I can’t see how that can be a good thing.

    I’d also argue that if it allows people to jump on a bike and be an idiot without needing to gain much fitness, then we’ll end up with a higher percentage of idiots on the trail. The needing to be fit kinda acts as a filter to get discourage those who haven’t fully committed to the sport. Like the stag do i saw the other week, those lads would have been pissing off everyone with a half mile radius if it wasn’t for the fact they were busy breathing out of their arses.

    Edit* i should clarify, a stag do of non mtbers, riding a footpath on a busy Saturday in the Lake District.

    Full Member

    I think ebikes are a great idea, my dad (who’s 76) has one and it allows him to get out and about. This is on a road, no one minds or even notices he is on one.

    I think e-mountain bikes are a terrible idea on trails/paths with mixed usage. For example, the lake District. I saw a lad the other week pinning it (far faster than a normal bike) up a path near Keswick turning around and pinning it back to the bottom again. He did it many more times than he would have done on a normal bike. At a much higher speed going up the hill. Other users of the path, myself included, weren’t particularly happy. I’m sure he was loving it and that it was really fun, but that kinda misses the point that it probably upset a dozen or so other people.

    I don’t really care what other people do / buy / ride, unless it affects me, which in this case it did. It also affects me in that it prejudices people against mountain bikers, which isn’t going to end well for us all when e-mtbs become more widespread.

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    Full Member

    The limiting factor for me riding bikes at the moment is time. As a result of not having enough time my fitness isn’t great for the odd occasion when I’d like a big day out in the hills with my (much fitter) mates. I’m not sure how an ebike would help me get fitter. I kinda think for me it would be a slippery slope towards never being fit enough to ride a normal mountain bike again, especially as ebikes develop, get lighter with a bigger range, etc. Which makes them a bit pointless imo, i could only see my fitness / health deteriorating.

    The logical answer for me and others struggling for time / fitness is probably a road bike.

    Full Member

    If however you want to service the actual damper it contains 400~psi of nitrogen and you can do it if you have the right tools and compressed nitrogen…

    Or you can use air. It says so in the service instructions. Air is 78% nitrogen after all…

    You just need an adaptor to fit a shock pump to the nitrogen valve.

    Full Member

    I think the rs shocks can use bog standard, readily available air. It just needs a bit more frequent servicing.

    I’m pretty sure all shocks are like this, however the cynic in me thinks they want our money… Looking at you fox…

    Full Member

    OP happy to show you round setmurthy when your in Cockermouth. Just let me know when.

    There’s also the 4play cycles shop ride on Tuesday night at 6pm, i wouldn’t have thought you’d have a problem scrounging a lift. Worth visiting the mountains while your in the lakes!

    Full Member

    They seem to get miracle weather that side of mount blonk, last time I was down there Morzine was under a foot of mud, the passportes were misery, and we were all getting annoyed about the amount of dust

    We had a similar experience, clay like uber slippery mud in chatel/morzine, we were camping so it was pretty grim. Drove to Pila and 30 degrees baking sun. Dust everywhere! Great stuff.

    Full Member

    Sun in the Lake District! Only for a few minutes, but it was there!

    Full Member

    Pila is worth the trip. Especially if the weather forecast is poor, the passportes du soleil is shocking when its wet. Pila is the other side of mt blanc so has a different weather pattern

    Full Member

    I’ve got the Garmin edge 25, it’s a cracking wee GPS for everything other than twisty off piste tree covered stuff… It records using smart recording and can’t be changed so it changes the sampling frequency of the GPS depending on how fast you are going. So twisty off piste stuff is no better than using a mobile phone.

    I was tempted by the vivoactive, but it is also smart recording. Next on my list was the lezyne micro GPS, but i believe it uses a similar system to the Garmin smart record.

    I think the bryton 310 does 1 second recording. I’d probably look there if I was buying again

    Full Member

    My experience with the mountain rescue was very frustrating… Very cliquey very political, everyone vying for power… Huge amount of training to prove competence ( 20 competencies, each with 3 levels) mandatory attendance at 80% of non call out events. Expectation to patrol area at weekends just in case. Not much banter.

    My dad’s experience in the 60s with Keswick mountain rescue could not have been more different. All best mates, no experience required (just being keen + fit), very welcoming, usually finished in the pub, lots of laughs and loads of tales.

    Full Member

    Don’t superstar components and uberbike sell 11sp narrow wide jockey wheels?

    Full Member

    That’s kind of the conclusion I’ve come to. I wouldn’t want less than 20% sag or more than 25%. So the coil looks a goer now rather than in 6 months after I’ve lost a bit of weight.

    Full Member

    I put on a bit of weight last year, didn’t bike much for various reasons, so I’m a fair bit heavier than I have been when I’m fit. I also often ride my bike with no rucksack and sometimes with a heavy rucksack for a big day out. So there’s quite a variation in my riding possible weight…

    I reckon that the lightest I’d be ready to ride is 80kg and the heaviest is 94kg.

    Am i right in saying a 17.5% increase in riding weight = a 17.5% increase in sag (in mm)? So 20% (32mm) sag at 80kg = 23.5% (37.6mm) at 94kg??

    Full Member

    Does the enhanced model have the option for 1 second recording frequency? I’m sick of my edge 25 removing data points and smoothing out the GPS trace.

    Full Member

    Sunday jumper, are you up in the north west? That sounds exactly like my work!

    Full Member

    OP – why don’t you try a sunrace ms3, 11-42 10 speed cassette and a 30t chainring. It’ll cost you £50 all in and you can see how you get on.

    If 1×11 hadn’t come with my bike when I bought it, that’s what would have done.

    Full Member

    I get on with giro helmets, a Troy Lee A1 is also a good fit.

    I recently bought a kask rex helmet, as good a fit as the Troy Lee but much better cooling and finish. Comes with a handy light/gopro mount as well. Currently for sale for £80 down from £150

    Full Member

    That’s ace! What does it drive like? I’ve always wondered what a disco bus is like to drive.

    Full Member

    Doesn’t SRAM claim the normal hoses are designed on purpose to flex to give some modulation and feel? I always thought Hope brakes were designed to be used with braided hoses. So that might explain the difference

    Full Member

    If UV damages helmets, then I’m ok to use mine for decades as we never get any bloody sun up here!

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