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  • Gee Atherton to Return at… Red Bull Hardline!
  • nathb
    Free Member

    Missed both by minutes 😆

    I’m on their at the moment doing a lazy cycle if anyone wants to join.

    Free Member

    Thanks @crosshair – was just checking I didn’t need to edit the settings file 🙂

    Aiming for the PAC still I think, I want/need a light session.

    Free Member


    I’ve now managed to change the setting back to normal so I think I’m going to join the OZ recovery ride tonight. Anyone else in for this one?

    I was split between this one and the PAC Social Ride.

    I’m confused by it though, the map is on London today but the route for that ride says “Watopia Flat Route”??

    Free Member


    £837 with BC discount? 😆

    Might join the 6:45pm PAC Social Ride.

    Free Member

    I’m going to be spectating at Hillingdon and cheering on Crosshair if you make it off Nath.

    Yeah I’ll be there, aiming to get there for about 1pm.. I’m cycling and terrible at following directions so hopefully I will see the start! 😆

    david jey
    If that’s the case, your first objective should be just to sit in the group/hold a wheel safely. Watching a race to get an idea of the dynamics before diving in would not be a bad idea. At least you are aware of your group riding limitations, which is more than can be said for some people in 4th cat races! Until you are comfortable with it, don’t get involved in the finish, just roll out the back. 4th cat sprints can be (often are) chaos.

    Forget about through and off/any other kind of structured group riding – racing is completely different*

    Good luck, have fun, don’t worry about trying to score any points for the time being!

    *it can happen – either if you’re up the road in a break with a group who know how to work together, or say if a couple of teams get organised and decide to use their numbers on the front of the peleton to bring a break back. But you aint going to see much of that sort of thing in a 4th cat crit!

    Yeah I know now that on paper I potentially have the power to finish somewhere near the front, but I’m completely happy aiming for mid pack in my first few/year if it means not coming a cropper! Cheers for the advice.

    Would be a dream if I turned up and could just mind my own business at the front though, but that isn’t going to happen anytime soon! 😆

    On a side note I need to stop eating junk food, damn waitrose with their chocolate torsades, and lose a couple of KG to say 68kg. 😕

    Free Member

    Added you too crosshair.

    Took out silver membership and applied for my racing licence too this morning, which is pending.

    Exciting times. 😆

    Free Member

    Ah I see, thanks guys!

    Not going to lie it was a slow commute in this morning. 😳

    Just browsing for a friend and spotted two things:
    Vittoria Zafiro Pro Turbo Tyre picked an open box 700c one up this morning for £2.30 for the missus’ bike.
    Tacx Flow is down to £189

    Free Member

    How is it not clear NAth?

    On the RHS you have a list of people…. when in a race they’re the ONLY people. All non-racers don’t appear in your list. It shows the time ahead and beahind

    1s is about 18-20m distance wise behind.

    Ah my bad, I thought it was displaying everyone. There was a few times in the race where there was only 2-3 people being displayed so I had no idea where I was.

    Probably a limitation of using the iPad – the RH info is small.

    Free Member

    Nice ride Jakey.

    Looking forward to trying a race on Zwift next week, not sure which yet. That was good fun. My only gripe is that it wasn’t really clear to me how far in front the next guy was, or am I missing something?

    My legs are a little stiff today, but still attempting to commute in (pottering – no sprinting/racing) and may go for a 10 mile very gentle Zwift session later (sub 120bpm). Resting tomorrow!!

    Surprised there isn’t a STW team set up?

    Free Member

    Thanks mate, nice ride too!

    Not sure why my 15sec burst has been highlighted and 9th hasn’t? I was following crosshair’s advice. 😆

    That page is a minefield of numbers, you literally could spend days analysing it..

    Free Member

    Okay I found it on Zwiftpower. Just finished updating my user id and connecting it to strava, hopefully it’s all working now and you can click on my name. Just noticed my W/KG, hope I don’t get DQ’d?!

    I was refusing to let that Cat B overtake me, probably at the expense of being able to commute to work on the bike in the morning! 😳

    I think that was me saying Weeksy Adam 🙂

    Free Member

    So I led for about a minute, then I think 5-7 overtook and then I didn’t see anyone until the finish line 😆
    According to strava it was 21:39. Where/how do I check the official results?

    Improved my FTP too apparently, by a whole watt.

    Free Member

    Okay signing on in 18 mins 😆

    Free Member

    Anyone doing the SZR race @ 6 tonight? (Mountain 8 )

    I think there is a couple of us doing the KISS TT at 8pm.

    Ah right, team viewer seems to work well but switches the resolution on the mac to something much lower, and hence not needing as much bandwidth. Might give that a try.

    You can amend it to native in the settings if you require.

    Free Member

    That’s odd, my teamviewer is very smooth. Maybe freezes for a second every 10 mins or so? Teamviewer adjusts the quality for the connection, so if someone starts downloading something it reduces to the quality slightly (barely notice).

    This is how it looks: Clicky (bike boxes have gone now 🙂 )

    Free Member

    No, I use an app called Teamviewer which displays/allows me to use my pc on the iPad. Zwift is running on my desktop upstairs, everything is connected via bluetooth on my mobile.

    Free Member

    I use a Tacx tablet holder (my setup is a few pages back) it’s very neat: PIC

    I just tried to compare my Zwift power to real power… well according to strava – there’s a rather large discrepancy! 😆

    In the new year I’m definitely going to rent a power meter for a month or so to compare – purely to satisfy my curiosity!

    Free Member

    NathB KISS TT is that? It’s on the TT bike (you have to select it pre race) so no drafting of course. My biggest tip would be to NOT pace it like a real TT. Watopia flat has those few little kickers that really pay back a hard effort so save a little all the way and then attack the ramps like your life depends on it.
    My FTHR is 177bpm but I generally ride Zwift TT’s at 165ish on the flats in order to hit 190bpm up the few small climbs then recover on the next flat.
    (But then I’m 90kg so a steadier effort may suit you better?)

    Yeah the KISS TT, ah good shout about the TT bike!

    Thanks, to get the FTHR is it FTP HR x.95? So mine would be 184x.95? (From the FTP test) I’m 70kg at the moment, used to be 95kg then went too extreme at 65kg and then food happened ha. 😆 *

    *Apologies if it comes across as a humble brag, it’s just the first time I’ve had these kind of numbers to look at.

    Free Member

    @crosshair according to Zwift/Tacx Vortex (I don’t have a fancy power meter) my 5s is 1217w and I’m apparently an A (still not convinced this is correct).

    Tonight, if all goes well, I’m planning on sitting at 90% which will hopefully leave me enough juice for a sprint finish. 😆

    Free Member

    scaredypants –
    I’m at 700-900w when the race starts
    what, really or are you taking the piss ? That’d be a full-on sprint for me and even then 900 isn’t coming to a screen near me any time soon. No way I could finish a ride that started like that. What category are you ?

    I don’t think there is any resistance until the countdown hits 0?
    Have a look at your best 5 seconds, you’ll probably be pleasantly surprised.

    Free Member

    crosshair –

    Without sounding stalkery add me on strava – I’ll try keep an eye out for you.

    singletrackmind –
    As I understand it , from the fast boys at my road club , its as much about position in the pack,watching the breaks , power conservation ( winding your neck in )and avoiding trouble as it is w/kg.
    Can you ride in a fast paced group at 18 – 20 mph , and do a through and off safely ?
    That would be a sensible start point .

    I’ve never ridden in a fast paced group bar the Eisberg cycle a few pages back and regents park (which can get very busy) so I’ve never done the through and off – but I can do 52 miles solo @19-20mph (cringe sorry!) and get the principle of it. But yes experience like that would help.

    I read up on racing lots and lots before having a go and I hadn’t joined a club much before my first race either. You “just” need to remember not to overlap wheels, don’t weave, hold your line in corners and, similarly, shout out at anyone riding dangerously or not holding their line etc. You’ll be lucky if anyone does through and off in a 4th cat road race [whether they have done it on a club run or not, who knows?!]

    No rush to start scoring points, that will happen soon enough but for now just sit in and watch the guys who know what they’re doing, you’ll soon get it.

    Be smooth and calm.

    Don’t be the tit who tries to out-brake everyone into every corner.

    Cheers for the advice guys!

    Free Member

    crosshair –
    I’ll probably be the rolling roadblock being asked to leave the track but am ignorant enough to hope not

    Haha you’ll be fine!

    I start races an hour before. Just in case there’s a Zwift update or Windows goes haywire. Then I double check my name tag on the app before logging in and warm up for 30 mins. I join the race as soon as it’s offered to secure a front row spot and then faff around with water, fan speed and winding mates up on group chat. With ten to go I either set Nathan Guerra’s Beam feed going or my race playlist on iTunes or occasionally Discord for team chat.
    Then it’s another quick spin of the legs. With one min to go, I try and hit race pace then with ten seconds left, ramp up to a full on sprint so I’m at 700-900w when the race starts.

    Okay lesson learned! I’ll try again tomorrow night for the KISS TT event.
    I did an angry 15 miler 😛

    Free Member

    Well p%*{*} off. At 7:50 I plugged my turbo trainer into the wall in the garage and somehow it blew the fuse in the routers wall socket on the other side of the wall. By the time I’d found an extension cord and the router had booted up I’d missed the start by 2 mins. Was really looking forward it too!!!! Next time I’m giving myself 20 mins+ to get ready.

    Free Member

    Ahem. I’m not EXPECTING to be dropped out of the pack thanks I’m expecting to ride off the front after lap three and lap everyone!!!!!

    I’ll keep an eye out! 8)

    I need to man up and join you…

    In terms of zwift I’m pretty much set to join the KISS race tonight, anyone joining?

    Free Member

    Where are you racing @crosshair

    Thanks @Tired, I was going to message a couple of clubs this week to see if I can join their beginner rides out over the next couple of weeks. I’m hopefully going to head over to Hillingdon this Saturday to watch too!

    Free Member

    Cool thanks!

    Yeah I’m overthinking it all… I’m even overthinking zwift racing 🙄

    Free Member

    I’m nervous of wiping out the field @mrblobby 😆

    I’m also working on the club bit, hopefully will be gate crashing one this weekend.

    Thanks @crazylegs – I’ll go for the silver then. It’s nice to know I don’t have to join a club too if they don’t seem for me.

    Do you still get CRC discount with that too? It’s only listed on the gold one.

    Free Member

    Going to purchase my licence/membership on Friday, assuming I can add a club at a later date.

    Should I just go for the Gold one?

    Going to try and pop down to a race at Hillingdon this year – first just to watch & see how things happen. 🙂

    Free Member

    weeksy –
    Yup, that’s the way buddy… What Cat you going for ?

    Ah good!

    A. But I’m not convinced on my FTP test so I’m probably going to get spat out! 😳

    It’s 4x laps of the Watopia Hilly Route.

    Free Member


    Yeah that’s a potentially good shout for me that.

    See you there!

    Going to try and make the start of the KISS Europe Race later this evening too. I’ve just added the “KISS (X)” to my surname in anticipation (If that’s the way you do it 😳 ).

    Free Member

    Open cat race, 41st out of 59.,

    2.4 w/kg which over that time is about my peak currently.

    Congrats, is that Asia Tuesday?

    Tempted to do the “KISS 10 TT” race on Wednesday night @ 8pm, anyone else?

    Free Member

    Final stupid question, if someone is new and doesn’t know their category. They won’t be DQ’d for running as a Cat A and putting out Cat B/C/D W/KG? 🙄

    Free Member

    You can change the world you’re put into very simply by just changing some text in a settings file. So if say we wanted to host a STW ride we could arrange to meet on particular map then we’d pretty much have it all to ourselves. I don’t see why races couldn’t implement this too?

    Free Member

    jam bo –
    was just looking at the results for the race I missed last night (KISS 2nd Base). the ‘winner’ averaged over ~5 W/Kg, there are numerous > 4 W/kg in a Cat C/D race. Zwift must be able to restrict entry to an event based on FTP & weight figures entered.

    They should be DQ’d soon.

    Those pushing out over 5w/kg will be DQ’d & Zada’d soon too:

    That’s why I was asking my earlier question, about them just sitting at 2.49w/kg. I agree the FTP should automatically put you into the correct cat.

    Free Member

    I’m commuting at the moment (6.5 miles each way), then jumping straight onto the turbo – working quite well as I’m already warmed up and it’s keeping my mileage at an average. Aiming to do 3/4 weekday sessions of which only 1 is intense, the rest I’m trying not to go beyond zone 2.

    @alexx have you done a FTP test to begin with? I’d probably do one before starting the training program so you have it on record how much you have improved by in the 6 weeks?

    Free Member

    codybrennan –
    Ah, so I did need an ANT+ dongle for the 2240 & Mac….should be here tomorrow.

    You don’t have to, download the Mobile Link app and use your iPhones bluetooth. Providing your speed/heart rate and cadence sensors are also bluetooth..

    Free Member

    Nathb, shall report back on what turns up

    V. jealous! The boss would kill me, I’m pushing my luck at 3 bikes. 😆

    Couldn’t find you on strava/zwift @mrblobby, I think I’ve added weeksy & jam bo?
    Here’s my profile if you’d like some company or a stalker 😈 out on zwift: Strava

    Free Member

    Out of stock though. Be interesting to see if / when / what you get.

    They always seem to keep to their word on these sorts of things. I can’t afford one to test this theory though.

    I’ve added / starting stalking a couple of people from this thread..

    Free Member

    Cheers! I was just wondering in case I missed my cats start time.

    Is there a STW race team yet? 😆

    Free Member

    The tacx neo has come down to £852: Tacx Neo

    I did the FTP test which wasn’t a nice experience but Zwift made it a little nicer. I have my W/KG now, so ready to try a race. Which races would you recommend?

    I was wondering; is there anything stopping a cat A joining a cat D race and just sitting at 2.49kg/w for the entire race?

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