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  • nathb
    Free Member

    To confirm – I would just need 820-02-370-kit for the Z2s + oil / grease?

    Free Member

    Like the Z2 + air shaft option. Means less faff than second hand stuff.

    I’ll YouTube how to change before committing :)

    Free Member

    I went for Vudu Glu VM100. They didn’t list a specific glue as they said any generic would do, but I wanted to do it right first time lol.

    Might try without first then see what happens. As per my original picture it’s mainly clamping on carbon at the top anyway.

    Good luck @tired

    Free Member

    Arrived along with the glue.

    I can’t believe they were £58 but at least they’re engineered well. Also it’ll save me having to buy brand new forks and getting them painted to match I guess!


    Will report back once fitted & glued.

    Free Member

    VM100 has 2 votes, I’ll pickup a tub thanks @steve_b77

    No spacers involved @tpbiker :)

    ah that’s reassuring then thanks!

    It’s a combined bar/stem and I’m using no spacers, it’s for crit racing so it’s nice and low ha.

    Free Member

    Hi @tired long time! Interesting you’d do without. I guess I’m just being over cautious then… 6nm and a long bung should hold it. It’s just to give the stem a little more bite.

    I’ve actually got two sets of forks for this and two sets of handlebars as I mashed the first bars (pictured) lol.

    Free Member

    Cheers @dovebiker

    It’s an ex pro bike so it’s been run like this, I’m just being extra cautious. :)

    Free Member

    We got a Hyundai Kona Eletric a couple of months ago.

    It’s been great so far! It’s not the fastest EV but it’s got a good punch in sport mode (far too much go for it’s skinny tyres to cope with in the wet).

    Can tell it’s a petrol car that’s been converted to EV though, for instance the boot has nowhere for you to put a charge cable, they give you a bag that floats around in the boot?! Also looks really good from the front but not so much from other angles haha.

    But having had fast BMs for the last decade I’m a total convert to EV, but I think I’d try and get a purpose built EV next time.

    P.s. does anyone know why an EV still has a standard 12v battery? or is that because of the petrol -> EV conversion?

    Free Member


    Pod-point got somewhere with UKPower and I have a 32a charger being installed later this month WITHOUT digging up my neighbours drive.

    What a faff, but cheap convenient motoring woo!

    Thank you all.

    Now I just need to my current energy supplier to fit the smart economy 7 meter & then I can ditch them and get myself on an EV tariff.

    Free Member

    So I sent off three emails last night to installers for the Zappi, 2 of 3 said that it would work with my current setup.

    Interestingly one of them stated that Pod-point would work with my current setup and the DNO might only give approval to an installer not the general public!?

    So after button smashing my way through the options I finally didn’t reach a dead end on Pod-points customer service number and spoke to a human being. They’re going to contact the DNO using my reference and see if they can obtain permission that way.

    Fingers crossed since they already have my money it’d be so much easier!!

    What is completely evident though if you go through this process, get 3+ opinions on everything…

    Free Member

    Hmm not seen the “commando” option, to be honest I want to do things properly given it won’t just be my house that the fuse goes on – trying to be a good neighbour after all ha.

    Think I’m going to go for the Zappi, just sent off for a few quotes but it’s looking like 7-800 after grant. That unit seems to be the smartest and most protective, if being a big pig ugly plastic box ha.

    Basically I could have had one fitted weeks ago if Pod-point just said “our solution is probably not the best for your supply, unless you’re wanting a new power supply at the same time”. I’m imagining a refund is going to takes weeks too :( Oh well, at least this way I haven’t caused a weeks worth of obtrusive noise on our road.

    Free Member

    Yeah I’d like a charger to make it safer/faster. It will take 33 hours via the 3 pin.

    Just got a reply from a local fitter who said that as long as the charger as load balancing I can fit a 7kw that means:
    Eo mini Pro
    Pulsar plus
    Project ev

    Argh Pod-Point direct, that’s hours of my life I won’t get back…

    Free Member

    Yeah the DNO came out to survey / review what would be required to cut the neighbour off.
    I’ve been speaking with the DNO via phone – they’ve been pretty good.

    I’m based in Tunbridge Wells.

    Is upgrading the fuse for the charger or just general upgrade?

    Free Member

    I’ve started back up racing in zwift, I’m doing the British Cycling South East championship – it’s bloody killing me! I only restarted cycling from running Mid march, naturally the first thing I did was hit a ramp test and got an FTP result of 301w, then mid April I started this series and my FTP quickly jumped to 336w. I did a TT race a couple of weeks ago racing Alex Dowsett where my FTP rocketed to 352w (and I beat him (but he’s at altitude) )!! This naturally is completely unsustainable as I have no base for it so I’ve got some serious DOMs I’m stuggling to shift ha.

    Anyway, the reason I’m posting is that next week (thursday evening) we are doing a TTT as part of this. What are your top tips for it?

    Free Member


    Sit thinner than my old wheels, but I think that’s a good thing as there really wasn’t much clearance on the seat stays. Only been on a quick 20 min ride but they seem to roll nicely.

    Also bought some pressure relief valves for some tubeless in the future, but I’ve got tyres to wear down first.

    Thanks all :)

    Free Member

    I was one of the riders Dowsett was complaining about on the TT video (this race )

    Zwift has gifted us both with perfect CDA’s and he’s at altitude….

    The difference with those guys is they can do those watts in a TT position or 6 hours GT, not just a 20-60 min race.

    Free Member

    They use Novatec D792 hubs which apparently weigh 420g for a pair (150g front and 270g rear).

    Free Member

    Cheers all.

    It’s for my commuter/Sunday club run social bike so not too fussed about weight (to an extent) but want to keep costs below £500.

    Also spotted the Prime 38s for £360 which is a bit of steal, but I want something a little deeper…

    Free Member

    These were the alternatives:

    Free Member

    From the Q&A they will run 23-28c tyres, my frame ony fits 25c max anyway. Plus conversion kits & new hubs seem really cheap. Think I’ll get them ordered.

    Might clash horribly with my frame though:

    Free Member

    Sounds like it’s time to upgrade to the A’s?

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 10% off code for Jabra. If anyone wants it drop me a message, expires today.

    Free Member

    Oh not used them for a call yet sorry. I’d expect them to be average given the mics locations.

    Free Member

    Just picked up some Jabra Elite Active 65t’s – they’re noise cancelling with pass through (from the mics) if you want to hear the outside world.

    Loving them so far.

    Free Member

    You did, cheers @nixie

    Free Member

    Thanks Weeksy. I think once you have trained the base fitness it’s very quick to get it back to a certain level again. For me that seems to be around an FTP if 315 – so quite lucky I guess. I wasn’t completely off the bike, maybe a cycle a week for an hour, but certainly a few periods were I didn’t touch a bike for a couple of weeks.

    Lol Nixie, I was in my own team representing STW :lol: I don’t want to formalise anything as I will struggle to commit due to unreliable trains out of London. But please do send me an invite if possible?

    Free Member

    Just got back into using/racing on Zwift.

    My weight has crept up to 76kg, lost my will to cycle… but then I signed back up to Zwift and the buzz seems to have come back! I’m doing it alongside 30-45 mins gym every morning and jogging 4km at lunch most days so my results aren’t going to be at the level they were in my head :lol:

    I’ve returned as an A as my base FTP seems to be around 315 and even at my new weight it’s 4.1w/kg+.

    Saying that though, and I’ve picked flat routes on purpose lol, I’m not doing too badly with two silvers and a top 10 so far.
    (Btw in the handicapped race: B was A and A was A+ :lol:)

    Plan is to enjoy cycling/running/gym for a few months, then start a training plan for some real life races next year!

    Free Member

    Also TBW here.

    I head to bedgebury quite a bit, if you like it it’s worth grabbing an annual membership as parking is quite expensive. I’m a roadie so I’ve still not managed to get up on the black section without falling off yet :lol:

    As for commuting into the city, I’ve yet to find a decent route. Although the club I’ve joined (SDW) has a commuter express that departs at 5am that I’m going to try.

    My problem is I work near kings cross. So my issue is getting through London, the cycle up to that point is okay. I got knocked off last time so I haven’t done it since. :lol:

    Free Member

    My direto just died, contacted support and have to send them a video of the issue.

    How’s Elites warranty generally?

    Free Member

    Boo thanks for looking.

    Wasn’t any races that appealed last night so went out into the new desert section and mashed the pedals. Got a 12w FTP increase!! Now matching my highest ever, but 5/6kg heavier :lol: Hoping I can push on to compensate as I’m feeling healthier than last time..

    Free Member

    Is the Giro TT still live? Can’t find it on the companion app and I really fancy a go!

    Free Member

    @nixie I just logged onto Zwift, selected a race and joined. Lesson learned.

    There was 26 cat A starters though. 17 dropped out (or aren’t on zwiftpower). :lol:

    Free Member

    It was 3,868ft of climbing

    I was busy on Sunday climbing too

    Quite about had it with hills this week :lol:

    Rest up!!

    Free Member

    Congrats on the upgrade @weeksy – 300w is a fine achievement!!

    I’ve done a couple of races over the last few weeks, but never have I done one quite like Tuesday nights.

    I turned up with a bottle with a bit of mix in it, expecting a 45-60 min crit style race.

    90 mins later I was still on the bike, had run out of water and gears weren’t happy. The race had split into two sets of 3 up front with me in the second group, riders were dropping out left right and centre as the realisation of this races length and brutality hit them. My counterparts kept attacking so I would try set the pace on the hill climbs high so they couldn’t lol. Final lap and I couldn’t get into the big ring (yep first time on Zwift I had been racing in the granny ring, ever!) but even if I could have I would have probably ended up in the same place – 6th.

    It was Grand Central Reverse x8 – a hilly and quite frankly absurd circuit do race 8 laps on! Never again, will research the circuit before committing to a race next time!

    To add to my woes I realised I’m down as a 76kg rider, I’m currently 74.5kg – this would have helped on this circuit!!

    I don’t think the stats do this race justice but here it is:

    Going forward I’m going to try and keep my fitness up by racing one or two times a week – in preparation for some outdoor summer racing.

    Free Member

    Congrats @tomvet – think I raced with you at Abingdon back then!

    I raced at Brighton last weekend in the 2/3 race. The course itself is pretty boring but this means you can concentrate purely on tactics, so in that respect it’s pretty fun.

    So I turned up with 30 mins to go, pinned on my numbers and did a couple of laps before the start. BIG mistake. My legs had nothing and pace was high from the get go, if you left a gap you knew about it! I was tailgunning getting used to racing again, big mistake again. People in front kept literally dying, meaning I had to go around them and bridge which was taking a good 700w+ sprint to get back on. This meant after stupidly letting this happen 4/5 times I didn’t really fancy my chances at sprinting. Plus the 2s seemed to know each other and just rode off the front as a mini bunch leaving us 3s to fight over 9th & 10th, I would have at least tried to wheelsuck them if I wasn’t tailgunning…

    So to summarise my fails were:
    – no warm up
    – didn’t eat enough
    – turned up in thermals on a hotish day
    – only took water
    – tailgunned to much which isn’t an option on this circuit (there’s no slowing down on corners)

    But on the plus side:
    + 3s didn’t drop me
    + didn’t feel uncomfortable in the pack when I did move through
    + no mechanicals
    + bloody good benchmark workout
    + lessons learnt

    I finished 18th out of 35.

    Think I’m going back on the 10th to have another go…

    Free Member

    I’ve just got a 1TB Xbox one S as a gift.

    It plays 4K UHD discs and my 4K TV is saying it’s receiving a HDR signal – Red Dead and the Forza’s picture look bloody good to me!

    Free Member

    Not as many corners, it’s basically a squircle track. Feel I could concentrate and anticipate things more than on an open road.

    Free Member

    Trying to decide between a local road race (50 miles I think) and Preston park.

    The road race would be more interesting, but the crit a lot safer for me and others around me :lol:

    I have no expectations other than finishing in the bunch…

    Free Member

    @weeksy if you used race craft and hid in the bunch you’d be fine! If it’s somrthing you wanted to do then some structured training would have you there in no time :)

    Lots of gap year(s) like me then :lol:

    Free Member

    Did the Tour De Zwift Stage 8 race earlier.

    Wasn’t fit enough nor had the mental capacity to do 3x up box hill. I broke on the second one as I got a stitch :( Ended up with an Italian chap and now stitch free we ended up picking off A’s that had blown up.

    Ended up 15th, haven’t decided if I’m happy with that or not to be honest:

    Also adding into the mix I’m playing around with seat height as my leg muscles are really tight as my saddle was too low…

    Going to try an incorporate a zwift race into the weekly training plan now so should see more of me (sorry!) :)

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