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  • Team GB squad for MTB World Champs (plus how to watch it for free)
  • naokfreek
    Free Member

    Lots of us are idiots, some of us are not, both will apply at one time or another.

    Free Member

    Blooody ell!

    Free Member

    On antibiotics for 7 days from now for an infection after root canal first round. Going to Bestival tomorrow so gonna be a sober afair for me. Have other options as it were but inclined to steer clear from what i've read this afternoon…bit of a lame show but it'll be cheaper by miles and i won't feel disabled on monday. Although half my face is swollen so look quite odd 😀

    Free Member

    It is fun, lots of fun. 😀

    Free Member

    We got caught out last year in Switzerland. Heading back to Champery, it started to rain, alot. We still had some climbing to do before we could ride down (all on big bikes so it was a push up job). Sheet and fork lightning all around atop a mountain with very poor visability….It was pretty scary to say the least, but we battled on and got back very, very wet, but in one piece.

    I Remember the guy running the chair lift, gave us a 'your completely mad' look, as apart from him and us there was no one else around.

    Free Member

    Yes, i will sprint form the lights and were ever possible ensure i'm infront of the leading car so the driver has to wait to pass rather than pushing me aside.
    Become Part off the traffic not something it tries to avoid. Occupy your space and don't deviate, stay put. If you get a beep or two because a driver thinks your in the way, stay put unless there is more than ample space for a pass to be made. If this holds up traffic or more likely one driver, tough. You've every right to ensure your personal space remains just that so don't take any sh1t. As a courier in London for nearly 5 years and no accidents this works for me.

    Free Member

    Bleak Bleak Bleak…..BLEAK!!!!

    Free Member

    As a Londoner, born and bred, i think it's a truly amazing place. I ride around it all day and it never ceases to amaze me one way or another (unless of course it's p!ssing down and 2 above zero). But, the rest of our fine country is also amazing has has many undiscovered gems that i'll find in time.

    London and the UK rocks.

    Free Member

    It's complicated…

    Free Member

    Easiest way is to keep the whole system fully bled, take the pads out and pump the piston out…done….failing that a track pump with a football attatchment and some gaffa take to take up the space where the hose would screw in does the job…just watch it though, it'll fire across the room once out so put a towel over and round it.

    Free Member

    Either RTL or MOP …been caining them lately, both excellent but in different ways!!

    Free Member

    I'm not an expert in the law, but I would have thought anyone riding a fixie in Shoreditch High Street could be arrested and charged with being dangerously stereotypical in a public place?


    Free Member

    **** me, shotguns in biathlons! Whatever next


    Free Member

    Yep, won't change a thing….education on the other hand might….but i doubt it….this country likes providing situations to argue over..guns are's who owns them that might be a problem, like cars.

    Free Member

    I suspect you mave have done so…

    Free Member

    Remember to counter sink your screw holes, you'll get a much better finish and also drill the holes for the screws on the peaks not troughs on the decking, more wood to hold everything in place.

    Free Member

    My old nokia gets wet if it rains as i work outside…been soaking to many times to remember take the battery/sim out and put on the radiator… works for me.

    Free Member

    As already said, loads in London been around for a couple of years now, saw one of the very ltd ed lambo murcielagos' in a mad mat grey colour last week, looked mental….on the other side of the fence….there is a RR Phantom in the west end….bubble gum pink paint and a bright red interior…nasty nasty nasty.
    The new trend is mat white now which looks kinda cool on the right car…

    Free Member

    A true nutter and v good actor as well…

    Free Member

    +1 superglue

    Free Member

    Yep..figured something along those lines, but i'm gaffa tape ghetto so easier said than done, but will be having a tire swap soon so will do so then i guess..ta.

    Free Member

    Slight hijack, does anyone have an issue with blocked valves? Even with the core removed mine are airtight, have to get an allen key and poke it through, but then the amount of air being released is small and as for adding more jizz through the valve…next to imposible …but they stay inflated so not all that bad.

    Free Member

    Always liked the idea of a tuna smoothie… 🙄

    Free Member

    Livid she was/is, will be forever more. Perhaps she needs a celery smoothie to take the edge off.

    Free Member

    CK +1

    Free Member

    If everthing was this simple…..

    Free Member

    Do your homework on this, not usual for this kind of thing ime…How many letters have you had from the council? I would do my upmost to keep him out of my house if i were you…it don't ring right to me…and i have been in the same position, albeit 13 years ago, but still, seems well suspect.

    Free Member

    It is the Mumm-Ra thread…the ever living.

    Free Member

    Yes, it is.

    Free Member

    Good stuff chaps! Like it alot.

    Free Member

    Now I know what it's like to ride like a bike courier.

    Yep, all sounds about right, now you need to do it for 50 hours a week without any accidents, i've managed 4 1/2 years so far without a single crash (Switzerland and riding to pissed has taken care of that) Yesterday was getting a bit much in the heat, but it's all good fun! Riding in London is quite mental really. 😀

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sunline V1, tis nice.

    Free Member

    Return of the Mack or summink………so, where were we?

    Just thrown out some rotten celery…and the magic cat we were looking after for 3 months has now returned home.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Nice one!!

    Free Member

    We always drive, 5 times now, although i don't drive myself. Nick, who does all the driving(complete petrol head) loves it. It's an easy journey and fast with him driving, last year , got to Nyon, our first stop before Champery at 2:30 pm having left Calais at 7:30 8 ish that morning. Good good fun. No bike holiday to the alps this year but doing a two week road trip through france, will be excellent!

    Free Member

    It will never end.

    Free Member

    It had to happen

    Free Member

    what's the ConDems policy on celery BTW?

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