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  • 2025 Mountain Bike World Cup Series calendar revealed
  • naokfreek
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    Here be my ten pence….happy with the result really…Alonso’s jesture to Petrov at the end sums him up for me…did he really think he would just move aside? Er Good driver but really a bit of a ****t. I’m no hater, just seems to be the case…his post race piece was contrived to say the least. My prediction this time was good. The man who thought he had it in the bag…didn’t.

    Well done Vettel…made a few errors along the way, some of them rather huge! But came through. ~Fair play.

    Next year can’t come fast enough…gonna be very good if this year is anything to go by 😉

    Free Member

    He is a funny chap…just makes shite tunes….which he seems to be more than aware of but it pays the bills and some so…..

    Free Member

    Courage Best soon to be followed by…..London Pride of course 😉

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    Free Member

    Will be getting her first proper spanking in Wales next weekend…

    Free Member

    Meantime London Stout…dark dark dark…and very nice 😀

    Free Member

    Yah …bring it on indeed, as my prediction for last week was way off, i predict a massive upset for someone tomorrow…all possible winners would be well deserved now..but webber would be my ideal unless the predicted upset favours Hamilton…vee shall zee.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    how to embed?

    Free Member

    Won’t even really be using mine for riding…just a pair of trainers, but the option is there 😉

    Should have them tomorrow morning hopefully. Then i’ll find out if CRC is a good idea after the pub 🙄

    Free Member

    Took the plunge…why not eh!

    Free Member

    I’m with TJ on this BTW, certain junctions in London for one are way, way safer if you’ve got a clear road ahead and behind. having been stopped by the plod for doing so, he agreed with my arguement and said good day.

    The traffic lights in towns are there for motor vehicles. Bikes are now a part of the traffic and this inturn presents problems. I really consider cyclists in London as no problem, if you wanna risk your arse doing something dumb, go ahead. If it’s clearly a considered move, taking in all aspects of potential danger..fair play.

    Drivers on the other hand belting through reds 2 seconds after they’ve changed is a far, far greater danger to every road user. Drivers in London jump every set of lights i’m at…possibly hundreds a day.
    The police appear not to really give a toss. Black cabs as a group of individuals are the worst offenders by miles.

    Free Member

    I red light jump only for my own safety.

    Sometimes it is clearly the safer option.

    Free Member

    The one and only fine i’ve had in London was for riding on the pavement; going down the strand, hopped onto the pavement to take a little short cut to a loading bay and rode straight up to a policewomen. It was actually very funny and we both laughed at how dumb i was, she was very pleasent and we had quite a chat 😉

    Actually thinking about it I have used the edge of dropped kerbs as little jumps for amusement a few times. However I never use pavements to avoid traffic

    Same, for the record, it would be slower to ride on the pavement than anywhere else in London. A waste of time. Although one place that is good is Temple, loads of maze like routes, drops, steps…good fun!

    Free Member

    Had a feeling this would be rather heated. My rules are, pay close attention to everything around you, then, should you decide to break the law, you are less likely to be caught.

    This also helps avoid being runover or indeed hitting someone else.

    I’ve covered 40000+- miles in london and am yet to have an accident.

    For the record, i used to jump red lights like it was going out of fashion, but i do it rarely now..but do do it, if it’s safe to do so.

    Everyone breaks the law doing something they shouldn’t, so i wouldn’t and indeed don’t worry about it.

    Free Member

    Thinking your right there Elf, would like to catch some autumn colour too…it is getting very exciting! Just watching the Q3 session yesterday had my pulse raging.

    Free Member

    I have many Brazilian colleagues on circiut in London, this is part of the reason some of them are here not there.

    Free Member

    I reckon…..that today will throw up 😐 a number of suprises, with things not going to plan for some drivers in the title fight. Not really sure as to what that’ll be but we’ll soon find out. Should be a corker. Not sure as to go for a spin around dusk, in richmond park, have a pint at the Robuck and watch the sunset, then iplayer, or watch live and miss the dusk view…hmmm.

    Live would be ideal i spose.

    Free Member

    Well, fell asleep and have just finished the iplayer rerun, drank far to much wine….my redbull prediction was spot on…roll on the next race!!

    Note to self, must stay away from the internet whilst drunk.

    Free Member

    i rappppppeded yo maama

    Free Member


    Free Member

    i’d rape his nose

    Free Member

    could be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    **** mi this is silly

    Free Member

    3 crashes you’re noy german ayoooooo

    Free Member

    farking hellllllll gimmmireee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa start innit

    Free Member

    pook …..not gonna happen dude, no way. im not sleeping till the last drink

    Free Member

    ahhhhhh it’s damp

    Free Member

    F1 on good headphones…………..

    Free Member

    oooy yess as you may hav

    e gathered im online…..
    but thats good hd 25-1 allgood

    Free Member

    my compuuutoor is not playing ball /…… it’s of to my flat mates 40 ” led haha he’s in bed, i’m up. All good lets see what goes down…..i’ve really no idea

    Free Member

    havent looked yet …..into that bottle of red and spotify…….must pay attention at ye back

    Free Member

    Hmmmm, red bulls looking good, but, i say this now, i think they have had a good run that is gonna end today 😯 could well be wrong, but my predictions so far have been perhaps 70% right from pole to non podium or worse…but hey Webber seems a good bloke so ………..but but but BUTT and HAM need to get some shit down…otherwise they’ll be rather pissed off….that’s def a good start to this thread..jesus.

    meaning non podium i actually mean pole to podium but not 1st 2nd or 3rd.

    you have my appollogies.

    Free Member

    Woosh and away… did a good thing. At least you’ll have things. A night or two on the town….regrets.

    (maybe a tad severe)

    Free Member

    It’s the way it is and has been for a very long time.

    Free Member

    When i did mine (drunk, curb, slip, sprain..) was off the bike for around 3 weeks, used it as little as possible but kept it moving with gentle excercises at home, went back to work couriering and had to be very careful with it, had a few moments of searing pain when i slipped my pedal… moving it seemed to aid it’s recovery, although it was 6 months before it felt completely normal but is now fine…I sort no medical advice and just went on how it felt, perhaps not the best thing to do but all was well in the end.

    Just be careful with it, don’t get stuck in to soon. 😕

    Free Member

    I stick with Hayes, any part you need you can get, job done.

    Free Member

    Still spotify and on the white now… friday nights..

    Free Member

    Making my way through this lot

    Been much the same, with a little red too, and spotify…..all sorts.

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