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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • nacho
    Free Member

    I rode Woodbuy today for the first time in 4 months after my knee op. Only for 1.5 hours and fireroads, nowhere near rooty/rocky stuff but felt GREAT to be back on the bike again. Cannot believe how such a short ride could be so rewarding. Tomorrow Haldon take my little ones round the green run then let them play on the pump track

    Free Member

    I haven’t been up there for a while and some of it is rubbish when wet so depends on current conditions. No mapping, basically you’ll need to ask locals or watch for the little trails cut into the woods around the blue and red runs. There is some nice stuff if you can find it. There are also some big gap jumps over the cafe side but they are hidden in the woods a couple of miles down the road, you’ll need to ask locals for directions

    Free Member

    Got the apartment, we are going to Supetar so if anyone has been riding out there please let me know (or any other info welcome)

    Free Member

    Thanks wrecker, that’s great, we will be going to Supetar as we might have an apartment available to us for around £150 for the week, full self catering facilities etc, waiting to find out if we can get it. That pic of Bol loks beautiful!
    EDIT – just seen the bigblue website, looks great, thanks again. WE want somewhere with a pool as two young kids who love the (warm) water and the complex in Supetar has indoor and outdoor pools. Heated pool is #1 priority for kids, somewhere to ride is always a bonus 😉

    Free Member

    Cheers wrecker, found out from mrs nacho we would be in Supetar. Apparently air temp is down to around 20C end of Oct / early Nov so should be fine and the sea is still warm.
    Don’t suppose you know the name of the bike rental place? If not will try google. Any other info would be appreciated…..

    Free Member

    TurnerGuy – have you ever taken it? Or been to a rave where everyone around you has? If so you will understand what everyone is telling you, if not you won’t. 8)
    I saw the programme last night, thought it was pretty good and balanced. Although most peoples experiences are generally joyous there are some effects that need to be seriously studied if they are looking at using it medicinally – for example the 2-3 days later comedown that can leave you grouchy and exhausted and the different effects it can have on people – that ex-SAS bloke just didn’t get it!

    Free Member

    Did bit of raving during my time (mid 40’s and kids now so not for a while) and E’s affected different people differently, even amongst a group of us taking the same ones and simolar quantities. Some danced all night, some chased women, some talked, some dribbled. Some had terrible comedowns, some of us enjoyed it 😉
    One or two I know had some mental health issues later, whether that was from the drugs or not I don’t know. To be fair we didn’t always know the ingredients of what we took and for sure they weren’t always MDMA. I think diffrent strokes for diffrent folks is apt, same as some people laugh then fall asleep taking alcohol whilst others want to fight. We could have safe clubs with controlled sales, medical advice, tested and measured doses of drugs etc. I don’t know for sure but I have read most deaths attributed to E are caused by either other drugs, drug cocktails or allergic reactions .
    FWIW IMHO no way should MDMA be illegal, I can say some of my best nights out, parties etc have been on E. Go to a dance club or rave and you don’t see fights unless it’s dealers (or pissheads) and cut them out by legalising it. Whereas go to a “drinking” club and it’s almost always violent. On the flipside I’m not sure if my views will change when my kids are old enough to show interest.

    Free Member

    I use shampoo around once a week. I’m thinkin of stopping – my wife stopped around a year ago, she occasionally uses vinegar to clean it. Her hair took a while to adapt as previously she washed it daily with shampoo, I guess it took time for the natural oils to come back after being doused in chemicals.
    It is now in better condition than it ever was and shoulder length so not short!

    Free Member

    I despise all politicans equally so you could say an unbiased view here 🙂
    If I spoke to a policeman like that I would expect to be arrested, although TBF to the officer involved to arrest a chief whip for a fairly minor offence could mean BIG repercussions, I don’t think many would have. Shame really as that would have been a great story.
    He should have been arrested. He wasn’t so really it should be forgotten about. Apart from the fact he is a (famous?) politician and publicy lying. But don’t all politicians lie anyway?
    So basically us plebs can certainly expect to be arrested in the same situation but the lying cheating two faced *****s that rule us can say whatever they like to any pleb, be he in uniform or not. Then if they are found out just deny it, like they deny everything else. Barstewards all of them.

    Free Member

    I voted Lib dem as I was dismayed with the alternative choices. I can’t see myself doing that again. MAYBE they have stopped/diluted some of the worst Tory policies but they have compromised too many of their own morals to be trusted by the public IMHO. If they believed what they stood for they should dissolve governemnt now on the basis that none of us seem to be getting what we voted for. Blue. Red or Orange. Although I suppose we’d be in a different but equally bad scenario after the next election. Vive la revolution anyone?

    Free Member

    Can’t see anyone who could support this lot, but as said above there is no alternative. Are the monster raving looney party still going?
    No wonder people are turning to the more extreme parties, if I had to vote now I think would vote green although I’m pretty sure we would be in another big (but different type of) mess if they got it. Or vote the same as JEngledow!

    Free Member

    If anyone else gets a medium that doesn’t fit I’d take it……..

    Free Member

    ggrrr missed out, but mrs nacho says thanks to somafunk as they had a small one left for her!

    Free Member

    Reading this thread it seems this government (and I’m not saying the previous one was any/much better) are royally shafting public services generally and paying their chums in the private sector large amounts of money at the same time. Scandalous and in my mind criminal. I think most people seem to agree with this POV. I would hazard most in the private sector agree in principle but just say “we have already been stitched up, why shouldn’t you be?” – a sad way of looking at things especially as most of the jobs where you are in danger seem to be public – police / army / ambulance / nursing / prison service etc. I’m sure there are a few private workers that face the same risks but they are probably the ones working for crap wages whilst their bosses rake in the ££’s from their political chums. And the inevitable rotten eggs in each service are the ones the media focus on 🙁 Unfortunatley there doesn’t seem much any of us can do about it?
    +2 for Mildred’s comments!

    Free Member

    cheers all, most of my riding will be in the winter so thinking of seeing if I can get the LBS to swap/upgrade for contiGP4000’s or buy some of the cheap(ish) vittoria’s and e-bay the stock tyres. I nearly came off going round a corner on the test ride, not used to these skinny tyres!!!

    Free Member

    cheers geetee1972, the tyres look great but a bit expensive for me, if I get into road riding properly maybe in the future but they are too expensive to warranty buying now! Maybe I will ask the LBS about better wet weather tyres (mrs nacho came off today on a wet corner)

    Free Member

    thanks atlaz, you beat me to my edit! Probably not great quality roads – I don’t like cycling on main roads so lots of back country lanes.

    Free Member

    Are we not all aware by now? All politicians are liars, none of them are really any better than the others and Clegg having his bit of power has proved this. I despair at our politicians and the political system. Unfotunatley I have no idea as to how we can make things better.

    Free Member

    Sunshine outside. My 4 year old boy coming back from school and running in to see me. Being able to pedal forward on an exercise bike for the first time in 3 months – I might even get to pedal a real bike tomorrow (been off the bike since May after a knee op – been a crap summer). Kaesae’s USA thread.

    Free Member

    drac could be involved – he posted early in the thread then went starngely quiet.

    Free Member

    Based on my limited understanding of this conflict (I am sure there are many more knowledgeable than me on here) I think Syria is far more complicated than (m)any of here on here understand. Many of the conflicts are religious and/or tribal. If Assad is overthrown that won’t be the end of it, the country will probably descend into further chaos. Many of the tribes will turn on each other in a power battle. For sure some of the factions fighting are either directly involved with and/or support Al-Quaeda whilst others vehemently oppose them and their beliefs. The west I am sure is arming the insurgents to help them in their battle – why and what harsh reality will result from this I don’t think anyone really knows. But we can be confident it isn’t going to be nice. It’s sad how human nature is generally so destructive to the world around it, as it is now and has been for millenia.

    Free Member

    As above, kaesae picks good thought provoking topics to discuss, his thoughts maybe a little off the wall, but hey I expect mine are to many and many are to him! Grahams’s reply did give me a good LOL though.

    Free Member

    I think jonah tonto has hit the nail on the head for one part of this debate, which part I am not sure 😀

    Free Member

    Thanks stanfree, will post when I’ve seen it!

    Free Member

    Cheers, did a quick search and can’t see it on DVD yet but one I will watch out for….

    Free Member

    Hey stanfree – was it on recently? What channel? I would like to watch it if it’s on catch up… first single was Abba Dancing Queen (first album was much more cool though – Blondie Parallel Lines)

    Free Member

    I’m a parent and I don’t understand either. My daughter is 5 and we ahve never taken her to a full length film yet.
    FWIW I would have moved as well 😀

    Free Member

    I have lived in Yorkshire, Devon, Somerset and Dorset. Based on personal experience Devon wins hands down.
    Making a decision for me only and not the family (for the biking) I would consider Cumbria but it’s colder and wetter oop there!
    And all our family are darn sarf which helps.

    Free Member

    True, I wouldn’t class humans as a rational race.
    If someone asks me a question I prefer to answer with the truth and I consider myself generally an honest person.
    I try to be polite and cordial with people although if I think they are a **** I just avoid interaction where possible.
    But what has this to do with how long humanity has left on this planet?

    Free Member

    Nope. I wasn’t going that deep. Just stating that IMHO your threads generally are. 😀

    Free Member

    I think kaesae’s original point was to question how much time humans have left on the planet if the climate related changes we are seeing now continue to escalate (and if the few who denied climate change is happening still retain their original beliefs and are they still in employment to further those beliefs)
    Maybe I am wrong, regardlessI have no idea how this thread ended up here, however I have found it entertaining and to be fair I often find kaesae’s threads entertaining if somewhat irrational and eccentric!

    Free Member

    Might show this thread to mrsnacho. I currently have 3 bikes (old 29er Kai Tai HT pub/road/emergency bike, Whyte 905 HT and Heckler FS) and she thinks that is too many.
    Have been saving up for ages now and could buy a new bike – do I join my wife on the darkside and get a road bike? Or maybe a light 120m FS or a decent 29er? Or swap the 905 for a titanium HT? Or save it for upgrades? Or put it in the family holiday fund?

    Free Member

    Hmm, I have always thought I would never go to the darkside. The main reasons for not road riding is same as others here – the roads, either busy A-roads or quietish country roads where the locals race round or just not as much fun as in the dirt. I hope to start pedalling again in a couple of weeks recovering from an op and road riding will be possible before riding trails. I have an old Kai Tai 29er, gonna put the semi slicks on and try a bit of dark side riding them maybe, just maybe……….

    Free Member

    peanut butter always works for us, we normally get them a bit later in the yeasr when (I guess) they are looking for somewhere warm to spend the winter

    Free Member

    My wife did the Jurassic Classic this weekend, (whilst I waited for her at the finish on crutches!)
    I saw finishers on alsorts including hybrids and 26″ mountain bikes (even an Apollo with what looked like original tyres)
    I did notice most people seemed to finish individually or in groups of 2-3 people so certinaly for the 6hr+ riders not many seemed to cycle in groups of any size.

    Free Member

    Realman – read my post. I was talking a hypothetical situation about MYSELF in SOUND MIND. Glossing over that step is it?

    Or do you just like to disagree 😉

    Free Member

    It’s not him sending a message out, it’s some dodgy photographer. No-one would know he’s sneaking a crafty cig/spliff/candy ciggy if they hadn’t invaded his privacy.

    Free Member

    He is on holiday. Free choice for all including Brad. I must admit I am suprised though. Doesn’t make me think any less (or more of him).
    But I think he’s great anyway. Even like the sideburns.

    Free Member

    5 minutes – back from kids before eating!
    Realman – you have moved away formn the point again (IMHO)
    Or maybe due to the joys of the internet we misunderstand each other? I don’t for one minute think you go around killing people because they are depressed. My view is that if (for example) I am terminally ill and/or suffering a lifetime of pain, am in sound mind and do not want to carry on enduring this for the rest of my life why should I not be able tohave someone help me peacefully and with dignity leave this planet (as opposed to jumping off a cliff, trying to drown myself etc)

    Free Member

    Thanks for the post rickmeister I think so far it’s been a credible debate with people expressing alternative views.
    I also hope it stays that way.

    I must though ask of realman before I go put the kids to bed:

    I ask you again – put yourself or a loved one in that position. Does your viewpoint still stand?

    I might try to get back later see how the debate is going

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