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  • Podcast: Racing, Reform, and Rumours
  • nacho
    Free Member

    Thanks all, I knew we would get some help here. A SS to go up hills seems weird to me but she likes the pain! I’m going to mail her the link to this forum and let her do some research

    Free Member

    Any of the above really, that is one of my pet (no pun intended) hates. They could really hurt someone.

    Free Member

    I thought the teachers might buy my kids a little pressie 😀
    Ours are at primary school and TBH not even thought about buying the teacher anything. If it was suggested I wouldn’t mind but I would be in the cocolate not bling camp!

    Free Member

    I think it must be best to try them all and see. Whenever I try Feathers they slice me up whereas Derby’s I hardly ever nick myself.
    I recently tried Sharks but still prefer the Derbys. FWIW I have only been DE shaving around a year and apparently Feathers are sharper and for the more experienced shaver, maybe this time next year I’ll be able to cope with them……..

    Free Member

    Doh! I should learn to read properly 😳

    Free Member

    Anyone know if Haldon ridge ride trail is back open? I just checked FB and it doesn’t mention it, due up there for a night ride tomorrow…….

    Free Member

    The might Exeter City v Man Utd, FA cup third round. I think it was January 2005. It finished 0-0. The City fans drowned out Fergies prawn munchers. At the end of the game as we stayed to give the City players a standing ovation there were little pockets of City fans all over the stadium. Best chant was possibly “Nice ground s**t fans”
    The coach home is a bit of a blur.
    Shame they beat us in the replay

    Free Member

    I’m not going to get dragged into any arguments so won’t post after this as everyone is entitled to their point of view. Danny’s family are trying to get as many signatures as possible onto the petition so maybe some from here might help….. The text below is a comment from family:

    “The two minute summary is that Danny Nightingale is a long serving senior NCO in the British special forces (SAS). Several years ago he was given a pistol as a memento by a covert Iraqi special forces team he helped train, Danny kept it, intending to present it to the SAS warrant officers mess, which has an extensive display of “war trophies”. Danny left Iraq suddenly to accompany the body of his best friend back to Britain. His belongings, including the pistol, were packed up by colleagues and shipped back later to his UK barracks. Danny never opened it up. The following year he went to South America to run in a fund raising “jungle super marathon” during which he became very ill and nearly died, his temperature peaked at 111?F and he had a number of fits. He made a full physical recovery but was left with serious memory loss. He was assigned to SAS selection and training duties in the UK for a while. Last year he returned to operational duty. Just before deployment he shared an army house near the SAS barracks with another senior special forces NCO. They went off to Afghanistan, but it turns out Danny’s house-mate was having marital problems. The fellow’s wife alerted the civilian police that her husband had illicit explosives in the house – they raided the place and found the stuff. None of it was Danny’s, but the search also uncovered the “war trophy” pistol that Danny had completely forgotten about. Both men were summoned home immediately and arrested. The police decided not to pursue the case and handed it over to the military authorities. The room-mate confessed and was given two years military custody. Danny felt that he was innocent – yes, he had the pistol and some ammo, but he’d completely forgotten about it – it was still sealed in the box his colleagues had packed up and sent home years before. Nevertheless the army court martialed him and on Nov 6th he was handed a draconian 18 month prison term, dismissal from the service and loss of pension. This for a man who has literally laid his life on the line in the service of his country numerous times”
    Is the website for anyone interested.

    Free Member

    oo er was gonna try riding there tomorrw night as Woodbury will be a swamp, might have to go to the gym 😥

    Free Member

    East Devon here. Several local villages flooded and roads closed yesterday. Yesterday morning was the closest the water flowing down our road has come to flooding the garden I have seen since we moved here seven years ago. Been dryish today so waters have receded but it is now proper lashing down. Not sure about tomorrows ride now!

    Free Member

    No fun being a Leeds fan ATM, hopefully things will change although TBH I think football as a sport is past it’s sell by date and I don’t follow it anywhere near as much as I used to, ruined by mercenaries, too much money and idiots running the game.

    Free Member

    well said phil

    Free Member

    Well, typical to STW I work in IT. Although I have no formal qualifications my field is very niche – sales of used HP Unix Hardware.
    I would say I am expert in my field (13 years experience and counting)and luckily I have a good set of customers who agree.
    FWIW I don’t drive an Audi or have an Orange 5 (I do have a Heckler though – the US version of a 5? Well they are both single pivot!)

    Free Member

    Great thread, I think modern food and diet is a hugely influential part of our lives for a myriad of reasons.
    I personally try to eat the minimum amount of processed and imported food for two reasons, my families health (I am sure all the processes food goes through must be one of the reasons why cancer is so prevalent in modern society although this is only my own theory, not proven in any way!) and the other environmental
    I also eat sugar (never white, it’s treated with bleach FFS, only unrefined or molasses) banana’s, satsumas and other imported fruits as well as various other imported foods so cannot pretend to be any better than anyone else. I buy organic when we can afford it to avoid the chemicals, especially as I have young children whose bodies are still developing.
    FWIW lunch wass home made daal with spinach grown in the garden and a couple of processed chapatis (time dictates how much home made food we can eat, I haven’t learn’t chapatis yet and even then the wholegrain wheat would be processed) We rarely eat white rice (they take most of the nutrients out aaaaahhh!) or pasta, almost always wholegrain. We eat meat but not daily (jeez organic meat is expensive!) and try to source organic from local farms when possible.
    Just been called by mrsnacho, chicken and fresh vegetables await yum yum, back later 🙂

    Free Member

    OK, after this I’m out as it’s personal, which probably influences me somewhat.
    I haven’t read the media reports (or the court transcript) and as per my previous post I don’t pretend to have all the facts. Also I’ll probably end up losing my temper which is pretty silly on a forum, especially with fellow cyclists, many whose comments on here I often respect and agree with.
    I do know that the police originally passed it over “as there was no criminal intent” and many feel that this is a harsh error of judgement by the army that will hopefully be put right by the powers that be.
    Best of luck to Danny.

    Free Member

    Does anyone of you keyboard warriors know the full facts? I don’t and I don’t pretend to so cannot make a fully informed comment. I also don’t normally get into these debates. I do however know friends of the family. I also know the police were not interested in pursuing the matter any further, which I am sure would not be the case if he had an arsenal in his bedroom with no explanation. So all we collectively know is what is reported and that the Army legal eagles decided to prosecute. Some people on here seem very keen to judge someone who has served his country for 17 years, had done nothing wrong in the eyes of the police and is just about to have his family evicted from their house. FYI he was threatened with the minimum 5 years unless he pleaded guilty. And a lot of the forces are very upset at the way he has been treated. Try doing something useful instead of slandering someone you know nothing about.

    Free Member

    Just wanted to say thanks to v10 for helping me out, cheers. appreciated! And bland, cheers for the offer but I needed small, the medium wouldn’t stay in place. I do have chicken legs though!

    Free Member

    tried them thanks v10, only large in stock 🙁

    Free Member

    Cheers Rich, will wait for CR to get stock if I don’t find any sooner.

    Free Member

    Cheers Pauly, they must be busy as I can’t get through on the phone! Website doesn’t reveal much either….

    Free Member

    I work from home. My office has the following I can see:
    A pair of old cycling shoes, a camelback (took one into the garage earlier) couple of cycling tops, pair of shorts drying on the radiator (for tonights ride) chain measuring tool, new rear light for road bike. Riding glasses. Energy bars/gels. Pile of STW/Dirt/MBUK mags, 2 light chargers, couple of hooks free in recent bike mag, old brake pads on desk to remind me to buy new, new road shoes I can’t use as I have a dodgy knee so bad time to learn how to clip/unclip (always worn flats) big blue book of bicyle re[pair. Kneepads for tonights ride. Probably plenty more if I start looking around 🙄

    No wonder mrsnacho refuses to clean my office!

    Free Member

    mrs nacho started tri’s a year or two ago. She was a good swimmer from school and did a bit of running. Never really cycled. She started on a sprint tri, did a HIM this summer and wants to do a full IM in 2014. She loves it. Training time is quite difficult, especially as I want to ride as well and we have 2 young children. She is lucky as in I work from home so I get the kids ready for school she cycles/runs/ goes to gym in the mornings (probably 3-4 x per week) and I can ride of an evening. Saturday is family day, Sunday am she does a long road ride then I go out on my MTB.

    Free Member

    Don’t wanna put a downer on you but, I had a knee arthroscopsy back in June. They told me I might be able to walk out without crutches straight after the op. When I woke up a had a knee brace on and it had to stay on for 6 weeks to stop me bending my knee past 60 degrees. They told me the op was “more complicated than we thought”. TBF I seem to have been very unlucky as some can pretty much walk unaided straight after the op. Be prepared to potentially miss the gig though.

    Free Member

    Hey footflaps, I know nothing about brickies or bricklaying but have been watching this thread with interest, (sorry your misfortune has entertained others)
    I hope it all turns out well for you, hopefully the STW collective can rustle up brickie near you then we can all be amazed at the wonders of this forum………

    Free Member

    somafunk. Congratulations! Not only have you built a lovely bike but the whole of STW seems to agree. Is this a first? What is happening?

    Free Member

    Wow! Thanks for all the responses, I am so out of tough with modern technology! Loads to keep me going there! Going to try Endomondo for tonight then explore the others

    Free Member

    Same here, great bikes and great back up. I have had a couple of their HT’s and an E5 a few years ago. I broke the frame of the E5 (after maybe 3 years?) and had a new one delivered to the LBS within a couple of days. I think their frame warranties are only 5 years now, not “life”
    Rode the T120 and 146 last year on a demo day, I really liked them but no money for another bike ATM. Apparently the new T129 is awesome.

    Free Member

    ha ha! Cheers didgy2, I have heard of that now you mention it, seen a thread on here before. It will be a few months before it affects my riding – I’m recovering from a knee op so still on slow short non-technical rides (and I wasn’t fast before the op)
    Would be nice to know what I am doing though, I just won’t tell anyone else!

    Free Member

    I have just started road riding to help recover from a knee injury. Going round corners at any sort of decent speed on those skinny tyres is scary. Especially in the wet!
    Give me MTB wheels and tyres for cornering anyday.

    Free Member

    Some trolls or twunts on this supposed cycling forum should grow up. OK we might not all have bothered reporting it but fair play to the OP for doing so. If they had hit the OP’s arse knocked him off his bike, maybe hit him with the car then what? Worst case scenario another cycling casualty on our roads. And some of you give him grief? Unbelieveable.

    Free Member

    At least the majority of his country voted for him so he was democratically elected – better than we can say for our leader.
    Althought the violence in most S and C American states is horrendous, the most scary part of the world I have travelled, I guess most of that is down to the white powder produced there?

    Free Member

    Poor girl, can’t believe a couple of the smart ass comments here, at 18years old you should be able expect whatever you are served in a bar is not going to cause your stomach to explode.
    Based on some of my teenage antics I probaby shouldn’t be here anyway!

    Free Member

    Throwing metal things out of a window at you. Even if you were in the wrong (and I’m not saying you are!) it’s gotta be reported. Could have caused avery serious accident.

    Free Member

    Yeah I saw it, does make you realise how lucky you are. The council came to bulldoze their “houses”, so all the families that could quickly disassembled them, the,n once the bulldozers had gone set about rebuilding them to start all over again. And the guy selling books for R250 saying they were the hard workers, yet if they were caught they would be “fined” R2500 and probably get a beating as well, just trying to feed themselves……and 90% of workers in India are out of the system and responsible for 2/3 of GDP

    Free Member

    Listen to the excitable1

    Free Member

    Look at the bidders, is Yunki bidding on it? 😆

    Free Member

    My first thought was as PP above although I’m not sure I would have chased him down!

    Free Member

    my mate who works in the LBS (and was a bit 29erist) rode the T129 at a Whyte demo day and said it was brilliant. I would like to test one when the opportunity arrives

    Free Member

    labsey – been doing plenty of that 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s not just me then! I think it’s a plan from STW towers to get everyone on the t shirt n tenner offer

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