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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • nacho
    Free Member

    I work from home for a US company in sales. I log onto my PC in the US for my work stuff, access here on my home PC so I’m prety sure that unless they come over thye can’t see what sites I’m on. And my sales are OK so they have no reason to check up on me. I do only log on here if it’s quiet 😆

    Free Member

    Phil, next time I’m up for a STW (or other with Torm) ride can I come over to yours to visit? Nice red wines in the cupboard 😈 😆 and they have probblay have had time to age?

    Free Member

    ask someone else suggested, have you checked home contents? You might have a chance with that. Friend of mine holed his Mojo frame in Spain, they wouldn’t cover it under warranty but got a new frame under contaents insurance, different scenario I know but worth looking into

    Free Member

    kaiser – my chiropractor is in Exeter! Devon obviously has the best chiropractors!

    Free Member

    Yeah good luck!

    Free Member

    Just got back from a ride and read this post with some interest. I suffered bad shoulder / neck pains for years following a fall playing football. I had seen at 4 different physio’s, an osteopath and a couple of GP’s. none could cure it. My chiropractor did in 6 visits. Before I went I was as sceptical as Cougar. She fixed a “pregnancy” problem my wife had that was causing her considerable pain and she persuaded me to go. A friend I bike with told me they fixed his back (I didn’t know he went until I met him once in the waiting room)
    This is in defence of chiropractors. I have no idea of the science but I have seen it works at least for some people. Fact.

    Free Member

    Whyte have excellent service. Cracked my E5 frame (2007 model) last year and they gave me a new one no messing.

    Free Member

    Did no one mention Steve McQueen? Class!

    Free Member

    Coule of coyotes in the San Diego hills. A deer jumped out of a hedge and missed me by inches, frightened the life out of me.

    Free Member

    Bloody cows giving nice badgers TB, shoot the cows. 😈

    Free Member

    When I lived in Spain the Spanish couldn’t pronounce Nigel very well so they all called me nacho

    Free Member

    I had a great day cheer, thanks to thisisnotaspoon for leading us through his pain – glad to hear it doesn’t sound too serious, phil for organising it and torminalis for pre-ride accomodation and entertainment 😆
    P.S the medium pace was fine for me! Cheers
    nacho (blue SC heckler)

    Free Member

    If you can already stop then without doubt the dropper post. When it’s working 😕 best upgrade I have had for my bike (just keep your old seatpost for if your dropper has to go for repair!)

    Free Member

    + 1 @ CG.

    Free Member

    I liked Smiley Culture and his music and it’s sad has died whatever the circumstances. I don’t agree with selling drugs on the street although I am pro-legalisation. Anyway we talk about drug dealers ruining peoples lives when one of societies biggest debates is the sale of cheap alcohol and the misery it causes people. Does that make Tesco, Asda, your local off licence etc drug dealers and peddlers of misery? If not don’t judge people who sell drugs as any worse than your average liquor retailer

    Free Member

    I’m coming for the social side of it so just stick me in the same group as Torminalis, if he’s in a faster group I’ll bring my HT and try to keep up!

    Free Member

    kids don’t care about bike quality at that age, pick up something form your local tip and he’ll probably love it (I did) althoguh you ahve to watch out for them not being able to use brakes!! If you want something quality (as every STW contributor will tell you) it has to be Islabike – – great resale values as well. As soon as my just turned 4 daughter can appreciate having a good bike I’ll be buying her one, for now she wants anything pink!

    Free Member

    As a casual (ie not regular) member of this forum I say stay, but I ahve one question – can you please tell me what a fanylion is?
    Also has Surf Mat gone? Not seem him for ages but it could be me not spending enough time on here 😆

    Free Member

    Not seen anyone saying they made purchases on Merlin/Wiggle etc then had their cards compromised, surely this has got to be more than coincidence?

    Free Member

    Does anyone from CRC post on here? Would be nice if they commented, this thread has put me off using them for now…….

    Free Member

    Whyte bikes. Purely on the basis I snapped my 2006 E5 frame last year. I had a replacement 2007 frame delivered to the LBS within a week.

    Free Member

    I’m really looking forward to the Swinley ride + meeting some STW massifas I think the only person I’ve ridden with from STW is Torminalis (Swinley a few years ago) apart from the odd person I meet down ‘ere in Devon who says they post on here as well.

    Free Member

    I’m a hobbit – I ahve 2 breakfasts. I get up with thre kids @ around 6.30-7. We have a plate of various fruit depending on what is in the house – banana, orange, grape, apple etc and a (home made) breakfast bar (oats, dried fruit etc)
    Then once I start work (I work at home) brekkie # 2, could be porridge, toast, crumpets, muffins, pancakes etc and a pot of strong black coffee.
    Weekends/days off add bacon, egg, mushrooms, beans into the equation.
    Breakfast is the best meal for me, especially on the weekend

    Free Member

    cheers iDave, not a goner but c’mon Arse

    Free Member

    Comment on the ukuncut site:
    “A cabinet of millionaires have decided that libraries, healthcare, education funding, voluntary services, sports, the environment, the disabled, the poor and the elderly must pay the price for the recklessness of the rich.”

    Free Member

    I’m getting goosebumps reading this thread. I got into rave in ’89 (I was 23) and partied on a reasonably regular basis until about 5 years ago (kids, sensible wife and crap quality recreationals)
    They were the best times! What would it be like tryin to recreate now? No idea until you try! I’d be in to the STW revival weekend (family ties permitting)

    Free Member

    Got £820 for my Works on e-bay couple of weeks ago, had the Maverick upside down forks and original Hope brakes.

    Free Member

    I have a mudguard on my Heckler FS and Whyte 19. I can sometimes go to the pub after a ride without changing my shorts and offending the landlord. People with mudguards are less vain and more practical than people without (they also prefer not to be hit with various trailside bits of dog eggs, horse manure, rotting corpses, puddles of cow urine etc) as from what I can see the only reason people don’t use them is because of looks!

    Free Member

    “But all of whom (corporations and individuals) are paying their tax as required under a tax regime set up by the last (Labour) government. A bit rich blaming the Coalition for this…”

    I can blame who I like – although I might be wrong 😉

    I don’t have the article to hand but the 6 BILLION Vodaphone tax write off came after a meeting betweem some (current) government bod and the head of Vodaphone.
    I don’t think Labour would be much better but people who say there is no money are completely wrong. And the coalition say “there is no money so we have to tax everyone more”. Except of course our richest friends and cronies who we will tax less.

    Free Member

    Those who say there is no money available are wrong. There is plenty of money available, it’s just kept by the large corporations and the nouveau rich, non of whom pay anywhere near the percentage of tax we pay. This government are the worst I can remember in my lifetime. A bunch of rich idiots looking after their toff friends. The scrapping of the Vodaphone tax bill, Barclays only paying 2.5% tax on profits of several billion, even footballers setting up companies to avoid paying a percentage of their taxes. Tax is for us poor hard working sods to pay not the rich.

    Free Member

    “Rooney should have enough of a brain”
    Post by Tim that made me laugh!

    Free Member

    I have an XC HT and a Heckler FS. Both great fun to ride but different and I wouldn’t want to give up either. Tend to ride the HT more in winter and the Heckler in summer. I constantly get overtaken all the time on both bikes, especially going up! (I do sometimes overtake as well 🙂
    I ride for fun and don’t race

    Free Member

    I’m in. Got my licence to roam form Mrs Nacho. C u all there

    Free Member

    Seems very good news for the FC methinks. When you coming to Devon Torminalis? 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m a man and I wear flats?

    Free Member

    +1 for the coil shock, love mine

    Free Member

    B. The mods can stop it if it goes too far.

    Free Member

    +1 what steveh said

    Free Member

    Wow, seems like the whole country is sick. Mrs Nacho has had a deep cough for around 3 weeks and had severe chest pains and difficulty breathing the other day, suspected pleurisy but we think she is OK now. I have had flu like symptoms for a week and now a cold sore has come up this morning on my nose. Kids have both been full of coughs for 2 weeks and my little boy came out with chicken pox yesterday! I haven’t ridden my bike for a week 🙁

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