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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • nach
    Free Member

    I’ve used for 2032s, and when something went wrong once they gave good customer service.

    Free Member

    You are Devin Wenig and I claim my £5.

    Free Member

    Don’t use the app. Automatically adds all that stuff. List via desktop, but be sure to select advanced listing tool (it defaults to the quick listing tool).

    Yeah, even on desktop and with the advanced listing tool it was enabling best offer by default for me. I contacted support to complain and ask how to set it to always be off, just got a load of PR boilerplate back (“blah blah, best offer results in faster sales, blah”), but they might have done something because it seemed much better behaved for a recent batch of listings.

    They have shareholders cracking the whip, which means up to a point they don’t care if users sell at a loss, because they still make money. I reckon it’s worth complaining, because if they hear it enough times for long enough and that gets escalated, it might get a bit less shit.

    Free Member

    Automatically adding Argos delivery options to your listings as a seller… even for items that Argos will just bin if you send to them. Fun.

    Ooh, what kind of things? Not had this problem with that yet…

    Free Member

    Had similar selling experiences recently with automatically added and re-added best offer options summoning roughly one million **** to my inbox.

    I knew a bunch of people with small ebay stores a decade ago, and between that kind of thing and the seller fees going up, they’ve all quit. One got better margins with less hassle by taking all her stock to a car boot sale.

    I’ve heard Ebay get away with it all because any company that starts to look like a rival, they buy.

    Free Member

    The Yorkshire Calder used to have a large population of mink

    Some still there – saw one where the Calder and Hebden Water meet a few years back.

    Free Member

    The ones I got with the XA Elites were a bit fragile. A hundred or so metres of a trail down a rocky stream bed put about five holes in the tread at the back, when other tyres cope just fine with it. The tread is fine for a back tyre though.

    Free Member

    Does anyone make them and if not, why not?

    CO2 compressed to liquid has a pressure of something like 830PSI. That’s not a typo. I wish anyone DIYing this the very best of luck :D

    Free Member

    Yes, I did the grouptest. I’ve run these and some alloy XA Elites without encountering that axle clearance issue.

    Free Member

    I think a bunch of this depends on your weight as well as riding preferences. Not to mention the differences can be hard to pick out without back to back testing of different wheels – subjectively, they feel smaller than the difference between a good and bad day to me, but back to back, the differences between wheelsets in that grouptest were night and day.

    At just over 5’7″ and 72Kgs kitted up, I find the compliance in the carbon Mavics perfect for me, and that seems to translate into grip and confidence. They don’t give me any line choice headaches. I seem to like similar compliance in frames and handlebars too.

    Free Member

    I used a drain snake after the cables in this started rattling. Trimmed to length so it fills the downtube and sits well clear of the steerer and BB. Epoxied a loop at each end to hold it together and make it easier to pull in or out. Had to give it a haircut too before it would fit. The paracord you can see hanging down near the bottom bracket is what I used to pull it from the head tube to the BB cable port.

    Downtube cable rattle gone. I’ve had to rerun one brake line since doing this. Used the old hose to pull the new one through with a wrap of electrical tape, didn’t have to take the drain snake out.

    Snakes in a frame

    Free Member

    I’m a size 44, and the 44 Moab Low AMs are just right for me.

    Free Member

    Usually just a rinse to get the worst off, then WD40 the chain to push the water out, ready to relube before the next ride. Unless I’m riding it again the next day, in which case I’ll just knock the dry mud off it then.

    I only properly clean a bike with soap if I’m taking it somewhere far away – helps reduce the spread of tree/plant diseases.

    Free Member

    If some of you are going to harass people, maybe read up on the likely risks and don’t post about it on public forums? The CPS have a helpful guide:

    It sucks that some of you have lost money, and the people responsible should face consequences for that, but the hunger in here to chase down someone, anyone and make them pay: that sucks too.

    You don’t know how aware, unaware, naive, lied to or cunning any given person was at any level below the directors of that company. Those are things you won’t find out by chasing them down on social media. Stalking people is a bad time for everyone, including you, and it’s not going to get you any closure.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Are there particular tools you use a lot? Particular bike maintenance jobs you do regularly, or enjoy more than others? Ones you aren’t equipped for but have been wanting to try? I think those questions should inform your choices.

    As mentioned, Wera and Knipex are good quality. If you do go for something expensive, I would make it something you use a lot.

    After a cheaper set picked up some rust spots, I got these Wera stainless allen keys, and they’re a pleasure to use every time.

    Free Member

    I usually stick a matchstick in to fill an oversize hole enough for a screw to bite, but in this case it might be a faff getting your doors re-aligned.

    Not sure if any wood filler can do that without coming out over time. Epoxy maybe, but if it and the wood are different densities, your drill bit will probably deflect off the harder material into the softer one (clamping a drill guide in place might help).

    Drilling out and sticking some dowel in isn’t a bad shout. Other than that, if in a rush I’d probably just rehang the doors with the hinges moved slightly up or down to get fresh holes though.

    Free Member

    Dunno. Both of us got the images off facebook :)

    Free Member

    Stick not like bike
    Stick not like bike :(
    Stick not like biek :((

    Free Member

    Thanks so much for your advice everyone.

    The Lamy Safari seems just right, comes in her favourite colour, and even has a left-handed nib option (which I’d forgotten she’d prefer until I saw it). Perfect, got that from Cult Pens along with a large heap of cartridges for her.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Any power saving mode in Android tends to turn the GPS off whenever the screen is off – this might be the case regardless of individual app settings.

    My last phone was a HTC with off-mid-high power saving accessible by the quick settings pulled down from the top of the screen. Anything but “off” resulted in exactly what you describe, bob_summers. I only realised after getting my phone out mid-ride, then later seeing strava had recorded wherever I had the screen on, but straight lines between those sections.

    Free Member

    Ordered brake pads Wednesday, arrived today.

    Free Member

    Messaged you

    Free Member

    You’ll get an absolutely massive Evans branded mug though.

    Free Member

    Camaro neoprene. Even the thin ones are so warm you’ll sweat in them midwinter though. Warm and wet rather than cold and wet.

    Free Member

    which is not the same as not causing pain, just no one may have collected the evidence yet.

    Ageism is also an issue in our society, but if you think people in their 40’s not wanting to bang a dude who’s nearly 70 is ageism, I have some great deals to offer you on bridges.

    OOB: thanks for all the very clear indicators for everyone to ignore your whataboutery.

    Free Member

    Pointing out there’s a vast body of medical and cultural evidence for one causing people intense psychological pain, but not the other, is dodging the question? Jog on :D

    Free Member

    Wow, yeah, it’s almost like transphobes have some sort of agenda to give such edge cases disproportionate attention and repeatedly shove them in our faces, eh? hmm, oh my god, why would they do such a thing. I’m not going to repeat myself, even if you do.

    Are you referring to gender or sex?

    I used gender there but it affects both. Obviously they’re not the same thing but they interact.

    Free Member

    I haven’t seen anyone do that in this thread (I might have missed it), but can you spell out the difference so nobody makes that mistake in future?

    It’s so multifaceted I’m unlikely to do it in a post, but here are a few bits. There are something like 17 different chromosomal abnormalities that make gender incredibly complicated. Some of these are edge cases that affect people invisibly without them ever fully realising. Some are more obvious edge cases that lead parents and doctors to make early decisions that can become incredibly distressing for people later in life. None of this is in any scientific dispute, it’s evidence, not ideology that’s put this in our laws and the NHS.

    In the nineties I said something ignorant, and it was a conservative Christian nurse who set me straight on how complicated and non-binary gender can be. A lot of her peers and beliefs had been stacked against her understanding or acknowledging that, but she chose to go with the facts of what she’d seen and had to deal with professionally.

    Thirty years later we still have gender essentialist idiots on forums though, who tend to take the bit about identification and make hilarious jokes about it. If they actually looked into the GRA and process of changing gender, or knew any trans people well at all, they’d understand that it’s absolutely hellish and no one commits to it for a giggle.

    Every process in our society has a minority of bad actors, but in respect of gender, reactionary and alt-right types point to them in attempts to imply all trans people are insincere or wrong or something. That car insurance thing for instance: it’s a story about the law being an ass. There are equally ridiculous loopholes in other parts of the law, which is inevitable in such a complex system, but this one happens to relate to gender. Good luck to “David” if she’s being disingenuous and ever has to make a claim – the insurance company will be all over that. The story fundamentally tells us nothing about trans people and isn’t about them, but by association transphobes can use it as a wedge to try and drive their hateful views deeper into society.

    In this way, the 69 year old guru campaigning to legally change his age has more in common with transphobes than trans people.

    Free Member

    He’s an “entrepreneur”, so probably just permanently looking for ways to get attention. This is obv. a pretty good one.

    For those of you equating this frippery with transgender people, I have no words to describe your ignorance within the forum rules.

    Free Member

    (as long as your wheel is true, I guess)

    Spin the wheel with the tool to use the same reference point and you don’t have to worry about this.

    Free Member

    I second Quinta da regaliera, and the area is lovely, but between it and the train it’s going to take up a whole day if you’re staying centrally.

    Free Member

    As BadlyWiredDog says, it’s a lot more complicated than “plus tyres good!” or “plus tyres bad!”. Those Maxxis ones in the article aldo56 linked are the first ones I’ve liked in mud, and even then, I wouldn’t run the DHF on the front.

    The problem is that giving plus tyres big enough tread to grip in mud and clear it, along with sturdy sidewalls, makes them really heavy. Most manufacturers seem to shy away from that and make plus versions of their lighter, balder tyres (presumably because, in theory at least, that supports both OEM deals and after market sales better than “hey everyone, look at our really heavy tyres”). Particularly with the kind of low tread, optimist tyres brands spec on complete bikes, UK riders then end up shit out of luck on nearly bald plus tyres that skate right over mud.

    As I said in the article, climbing on those Maxxis ones is absolutely no fun with a hangover, alright if you’re in the mood to muscle up, but they’re an absolute steamrollering hoot downhill and through slithery corners. That bike’s been back on 27.5″x2.4″ for the summer, but I’ve been looking out the window and thinking of putting the 26+ fun tyres back on these past few weeks.

    Free Member

    Oh, it’s definitely going to be a bait and switch if it takes off. If it’s more than nothing, whatever they’re giving away will end up equivalent to a $10 gift card and a room full of investors laughing.

    Free Member

    I’d guess they’re trying to build a massive user base they can then use to pitch for investment. Probably nothing, but signup is trivial and doesn’t ask for anything like bank details.

    [edited link out because I missed the 96 hour hurry hurry hurry in their sales pitch. Looking forward to my eventual 20p]

    Free Member

    It depends on the driver and the place. DPD are by far the best courier where I am in Yorkshire, but I hear nothing but griping and contempt about them from friends in London.

    My favourite bit of incompetence so far has been UPS tracking: go to site, punch in number, site says tracking requires registration. Register, then get “We will send your login code by post”. The letter arrived the day after the parcel, opening “Welcome to our innovative new tracking service” :D

    Free Member

    Done, and posting to bump this.

    Free Member

    Too busy tidying my room to watch this, soz.

    Free Member

    The BBC isn’t left-or right-wing. It’s establishment. It will report whatever supports and maintains that establishment.

    Yes, a lot of news orgs have a bias to the status quo, which then gets perceived as bias to left or right depending on who’s listening.

    The BBC in particular are guilty of false balance, which leads to assorted quacks, fascists, antivaxxers, sock puppets, “climate sceptics”, and PR agencies getting a lot of airtime and column inches they just wouldn’t if any reporters really still had the time to dig into things.

    “Sources are claiming” etc. are also great ways for more partisan news organisations to not get sued – once you look for it you’ll notice a lot of things getting couched like this.

    Things have been changing for decades. This parting op-ed from Al Jazeera America is worth reading, mainly about a job advert from Vox that’s ostensibly editorial, but actually just about sneaking content from advertisers into editorial work. The final line got removed, but it was:

     “And so we who are about to die here at Al Jazeera America salute you, our enterprising Vox masters, with one last upward thrust of our expiring middle finger.”

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