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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 13: Tailfin Bike Luggage Bundle
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    dazh – Member
    God forbid we might have an outbreak of real democracy. Are you really saying that a process that has gained the party more members than ever before, has motivated more union members to affiliate than ever before, gained a huge number of supporters who want to have a part in the party’s future, and which has energised and transformed the leadership debate and potentially transformed politics in the whole country, is a shambles? From where I’m sitting it looks like an unbridled success, but I guess that depends on whether you think normal people should be involved in politics or whether we just leave it all to our masters to decide what’s best.

    I agree with all of that. The Blairites seem determined to massively **** it all up though.

    Free Member

    After seeing some aerial photos of the aftermath in daylight, and that workers dormitories in the port facilities have been mangled, I’m finding it hard to believe the official figures on deaths and casualties so far :(

    Free Member

    Why can he not win a general election? It’s not like the tories have a massive majority, he presents a direct challenge to the SNP hegemony in Scotland, he has many policies which will attract former libdem supporters, and he appears to be mobilising huge support from the labour base support, the young, and apathetic voters. When you add all that up I’m not sure you can be so sure.

    Also, the naysayers are apparently people who thought Ed did have a chance.

    This leadership election has been like a clown car, especially reading Alastair Campbell yesterday saying it’s the media who are making it into a circus.

    All the opposition to Corbyn is just galvanising his support, and

    I think one reason why Jeremy Corbyn is doing well is that his words don’t sound like they’ve been signed off by daleks.

    Free Member

    The Oathkeepers are kind of a complex bunch and not your usual wingnuts. Some are full blown conspiracy theorists, others far more measured. At times, they’ve apparently been welcomed in Ferguson and at other times they’ve been asked to leave.

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    Free Member

    Malvern Rider – Member
    Now – simply ‘having fun’ wearing sports garb deemed unfashionable/horror-inducing may be borderline OK (as someone stated) for 8-9 yr olds, but as an adult not so much. I’ve heard the same argument levelled at cyclists ie ‘bikes belong in the park/are ok for kids, when you going to grow up?’

    Yes, it took a while to root that thinking out of myself due to where I grew up. Expressions like “Too much time on your hands” are similar; pissy ways of venting negativity at someone doing a thing they care about. As you say, the UK feels increasingly judgemental and stuffy, and **** that.

    Free Member


    I may have picked the correct fork here, but it was Chipps who had the foresight to leave his bike pointing back down the correct trail when we stopped in the clouds at the top :)

    Free Member

    Inflatable knee pads – on it :D

    Free Member

    The sad thing is if I’m really honest they make me feel a little self-conscious, even if they do normally attract smiles and ‘I’d like a go on your space boots!’ type comments but you do get some snorting derision/unkind laughter. I know for sure in my twenties and thirties I would have just gone for it and if anyone gave me shit I’d have lamped the Vs as I cruised past. Have hardly used them as intended/hoped for (ie daily) and I’m also wondering whether wearing bib-shorts with them would be a no-no? What say other middle-aged men? How do you get over creeping self-consciousness in these fashion-obsessed times?

    Sorry to hear that. People can be such shits. I think if I had a problem with my feet and they solved them, I’d go for it. The extreme ends of fashion, off of catwalks, seem to be about bottling up high enough levels of “I don’t give a ****” to set off in public in something people are likely to stare or laugh at. On that basis I’d suggest not adding anything in attempts to appease onlookers.

    I grew up in a city where anyone dressing unconventionally gets heckled or laughed at, and I’ve since lived places where people don’t seem to care. Much prefer the latter, and if I see or hear the former, just remind myself those people are publicly broadcasting the fact that they’re petty, insecure arseholes (Edit: if you tell them you have arthritic feet and the shoes help, some at least will die a little inside).

    It’s impossible to not get comments if you stick out. Some will be friendly, others not. You’re probably better off building resilience to the latter by wearing them in contexts where you’re likely to get more support and understanding first.

    Free Member

    I reckon it’s about 3.2 metric faffs, but I’m estimating because it’s been a while since I had my faffometer calibrated.

    Free Member

    Yeah, the singletrack near the top of Pendle Hill was unbelievable!

    My knee has now swollen up nicely. Can’t believe I hit it that hard, through a kneepad, on a climb :x

    Free Member

    Chipps and I on our way over soon. Can we do the same first descent through the woods we did last time? It was ace.

    Free Member

    The only time I’ve heard something similar was about a guy who landed very hard on his top tube, and apparently he needed a catheter permanently after that.

    Yours doesn’t sound anywhere near as bad, but definitely get to the doctor to talk about it.

    Free Member

    My uncle is memorable enough that he once got a letter addressed to “Buzz – somewhere above the shops in Marske-by-the-Sea”. It had a population of about 10,000 at the time.

    Free Member

    RBS took six weeks, so the first thing I did with the account was close it. When I told them I’d moved banks due to their repeated screw ups, their business manager said “Oh well these things happen”. HSBC got me set up in an afternoon and cards arrived within two days.

    Unfortunately, quality of business banking and ease of account setup can vary massively from branch to branch, I’ve friends who’ve had the exact opposite experiences with the same banks in different cities.

    Free Member

    The one I put in links to the streetview for me.

    Free Member

    belugabob – Member
    I simply can’t imagine what they were thinking when they came up with this…,-0.202494,3a,75y,260h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9CBTXDxaIgYyj5q70YFyYg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    (Fixed link).

    That’s hilarious.

    Free Member

    jivehoneyjive – Member
    you might want to read through the thread in it’s entirety…

    OR… flay my own scrotum with a hacksaw blade. I think the above might be a winner for most unhinged JHJ quote.

    Free Member

    That’s the one. It’s nice but short. I wish it didn’t turn into a straight line made of gravel as it gets to the rubbish tip, but the section before that is good, a little less techy than the Stoodley sheep trail.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I had some, they didn’t warp any less than standard ones, and the spider rubbed the fork leg. Not great, went back to steel ones.

    Free Member

    We’ll probably all survive Sam :)

    Free Member

    I’ll be there.

    Free Member

    The first and last bits of that Sabden route were brilliant. The middle involved me breaking a seat clamp, a climb that felt eternal, and Gaz screaming “Don’t follow me!” from the bottom of a hill :D

    Free Member

    Everything up round the Pike and Penny Steps was mostly dry and sandy yesterday. Hopefully see you all later.

    Free Member

    As someone who read a single thin book on hypnosis in my teens, I am hereby a forum authority on the subject: Hypnosis works sometimes, but only on certain people. It’s not as simple as those people just being suggestible.

    Free Member

    (Glad you’re ok, Quirrel. I thought that was a green mamba at first. Just the idea of a snake that poisonous gives me the willies).

    Free Member

    Lock everything else down with substantially different, new passwords and, if possible, two-factor auth.

    It might be nothing, or it might be someone fishing around with the aim of progressing onto faking other bits of your identity. A facebook profile in your name would be ideal to fish for info from relatives, friends, etc.

    Free Member

    Aww, sorry to hear that esselgruntfuttock. Sounds like it was at least peaceful.

    Free Member

    brooess – Member
    The cyclist’s initial comment was fair enough and the response was not. Scary how ill-informed the driver was, and how badly he took the comment…

    Mind you, a good, solid primary position would’ve kept him behind in the first place, and a narrow, residential street with a junction coming up and cars parked either side is a perfectly justified place to take primary IMO

    That’s perfectly true, but it doesn’t necessarily help control a drivers emotions. I’ve had similar reactions while taking the primary position. Dude once razzed up behind me and sat on the horn until we were clear of about 15m of parked cars. In that instance he wasn’t willing to follow through on his threats, but the guy in the video above is a rare example of someone who is.


    crankboy – Member
    I don’t know about go pro camera angles but objects did not appear to be stretched or distorted and it looks to me from the video as though there was enough room to pass .

    The wide angles on cameras like gopros make things look much further away than they are. The rider may be a sanctimonious arsehole, but that driver was being dangerous.

    Free Member

    That was a refreshing first post yunki, and contrary to my expectations :D

    In my case, a lot of internet use is a kind of procrastination. My dad used to do it with the TV when I was a kid, and I recognise it in myself with the web. I have a set of sites I visit like twitter, facebook, here, etc., and by the time I’ve done one pass of them, a load of new stuff will have popped up at the beginning of the cycle. At it’s very worst it can become a kind of rolling fugue state.

    I like to remind myself of what I’m checking out of, like social relationships or, right now, a spreadsheet about 300 people have submitted work to for me to look at.

    Free Member

    @spawnofyorkshire: I admire your patience. Don’t think I could be around a friend like that.

    fin25 – Member
    Adam Goodes is a high profile indigenous Australian who is not afraid to remind people what has been done in their country, and what continues to be done in their name. A lot of people struggle to understand or empathise with indigenous Australians’ experiences, so resort to good old fashioned racism.

    Well put. The amount of “He’s a dick, so that makes racism acceptable” in response to him, and that’s it’s repeatedly presented as journalism, is mind-boggling.

    Free Member

    I hope that’s the case. I’ve seen too many jerkoffs use the tone argument sincerely though, sometimes directly to friends of mine who are affected by racism or other forms of discrimination.

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member
    I’m not racist. Some of my good friends are various shades of brown. What really pisses me off is when they get all uppity about racism – can’t stand people being mouthy about it. They should complain in a culturally sympathetic manner for crissakes. They’re just getting professionally offended on behalf of all the other members of their race. It’s about time the more moderate members of the indigenous community came out and distanced themselves from this fellow.

    A bit like how cyclists should ask nicely to not get run over?

    “We’re sorry about the internment camps and the widespread racism, institutional discrimination, etc., but really you should ask nicely because we don’t like your tone when you complain about this stuff”.


    Free Member

    OP is right. I’ve ridden with someone who was trying out long grips and couldn’t get their shifters or brakes in quite the right position as a result. If you set your levers up for single finger braking, long grips can be a really bad idea.

    Free Member

    It’s just banter aphex_2k, like when someone hurls an incredibly personal racist comment, with centuries of historic discrimination behind it, from the stands at a football match.

    Free Member

    aphex_2k gets some kind of special prize for not reading the story.

    a rival fan was removed for allegedly telling him to “get back to the zoo”.
    The unidentified man said his ejection was an “overreaction”, and described the current uproar as “political correctness gone mad”.

    aphex_2k – Member
    It’s got sod all to do with the colour of his skin

    Reading the story linked onward[/url], the fan sounds like a classic racist **** who’s been given a platform to repeatedly attempt excusing himself.

    “I’m not a racist, it’s just banter” *eyeroll*

    Free Member

    Robdob: A chuck key with a spring in the end can go a fair way toward safety, as well as no long sleeves or ties, etc. I’d do as Northwind did, or find someone to do some kind of introductory training with you.

    I had a few hours training in a hackspace by making an aluminium plumb-bob under instruction, and can now figure out ways to do most cuts I want, but there are certain ones I can’t do very well yet.

    If you’re looking for something bigger and don’t care about metric thread, Myford Super 7’s are lovely machines.

    Free Member

    If I recall, Sheffield came out top in that survey :P

    It’s just a bit of a pain in the arse when it comes to railway connectivity, compared to Manchester and Leeds.

    Free Member

    If you put some other kind of tape around the roll of gaffer to mark your desired width (on what’ll be the offcut side), it makes it much easier to trim and you end up with an entire roll just right for your rims.

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