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  • nach
    Free Member

    I’d be really interested to hear what problems you have with a chest mount and camelbak. What kind of straps does it have? Do you want it mounted centrally or off to one side?

    Free Member

    It was early, I meant to be a bit more sympathetic to you OP. I’ve seen a woman weeping and screaming “help me” (people did) after a doberman savaged her dog in a park. Given the massive differences in breeds and reasons people own them, DTFU advocates should do something else that ends in TFU.

    I did wonder if there was a sob story behind a house with a broken fence and loose dog, and the one you related is very believable nowadays. I wouldn’t worry about whether it’s true or not. Provided my dog was okay, I would buy him a rope and some kind of anchor point and take them round (or some things to patch the fence with). I know it seems counter intuitive, but it wouldn’t be expensive and it goes right around any claim of poverty whether it’s true or not. If he’s actually poor it’s an act of compassion and good for your neighbourhood, and if he’s just lying and can’t be arsed, it’s something else you can tell the council.

    Free Member

    thegreatape – Member
    I’m sure as a child I read in the SAS Survival Handbook that you should poke your finger up its arse in this situation.

    This is something I’ve heard too, a pit bull grabbed the throat of a friend’s labrador at a dog training class, and it’s apparently exactly what the trainer did. She said the dog let go instantly.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Solution: DPM/waterproof shorts, bibs underneath, stone/tile/wood floors between the front door and the shower.

    Free Member

    Buy cheap lights, but get better batteries (XTAR, torchythebatteryboy etc.) and a Nitecore charger.

    Free Member

    The trig point above the house I live in. I thought Stoodley Pike was higher, but it turns out it’s a few hundred feet smaller and I already live partway up the bigger climb.

    Free Member

    When it comes to left wing voters, there may be a lot of people mistaking “**** ed over, excluded and disillusioned” for “non-existent”.

    Northwind – Member
    That’s terrible- she should invent her own Twitter competitor and… no, never mind.


    Free Member

    Yep. Connections and patterns reveal all kinds of stuff about us, it’s not just letting something access your phone number, contacts or address.

    It’s the kind of thing that can easily **** over someone who, say, has a secret to keep from their extremely prejudiced family members, or lives in a country where being gay provokes a death penalty (The Ashley Madison hack has exposed someone to precisely this risk; cheating isn’t the only reason people used a site that promised security and discretion), or people who’ve had a stalker and don’t want to be online with their real name, etc. We should demand better for the sake of those people, but instead, it’s a bunch of “I don’t personally feel at risk so I don’t see the issue with handing mine and others personal data over to some bunch of dickheads running a startup”.

    Free Member

    Helmet rack:

    I’m quite proud of two things: Apart from a drill, I made it with hand tools, including planing the angle into it with a Stanley number 4 after discovering a skillsaw wasn’t up to doing the cut (I miss having a table saw). Also, all of the fixings are hidden. The standoffs are screwed into the wall, the rack is then screwed into the standoffs, and the pegs cover the screws. The pegs have threaded inserts and M3 bolts that go through angled holes in the back of the rack. Took a bit of jig making and adjustment to get everything lined up and drilled at the correct angles and depths, especially without a pillar drill, but it worked and can be dismantled.

    Free Member

    Ahhhhhhh, gotcha.

    Free Member

    I think the cycle lane that meanders around the road, bus stops and parking spaces on Manchester’s Curry Mile is my least favourite bit of “infrastructure”.

    Free Member

    It’s been an hour and no one’s yet told Louise Mensch that it’s entirely her own search history on Twitter that’s creating these autocomplete search suggestions:

    Free Member

    I’d be very wary of those helmets now.

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    I usually use a beaker.

    *high five*

    Free Member

    If you want length rather than girth, Answer Stein 143’s might do it for you.

    I rode with someone who was trying them out, he said they were comfy under his hands, but too long for his hands so pushed his controls too far inboard.

    Free Member

    No one ever complements me on my scrotum shaving skills.

    Free Member

    I’d love to have been a fly on the wall for all the panic, but that would have totally violated their privacy :D

    Free Member

    I may be missing the point entirely here, but simply having a phone with contacts, pictures, whatever in it, means somebody out there has access to your movements and anything you’ve got on your phone.

    Phone companies and governments aren’t run by a bunch of indiscreet rich kids who think office slides are the shit.

    Free Member

    The issue isn’t that Spotify have some sinister agenda, or even that they might sell data. It’s that startups and social networks repeatedly pile up vast amounts of private data while demonstrating an extremely blasé attitude toward privacy and what happens to that data in the future.

    Facebook and Uber have been some of the biggest offenders so far. Uber (at least in the past) have let any employee access customer data and have broadcast certain people’s locations in realtime at public events. Facebook, despite having to be audited over privacy by the US government every year until sometime in the 2020’s, because of how badly they’ve abused confidential user information before, are still ultimately in the business of selling that data to other people and forever poking at the boundaries of what’s legal.

    Loads of other startups are piling up the data with little regard for edge cases. Outside of startups, there are (for instance) free torch apps on Google Play that ask for a ridiculous number of permissions during installation, then harvest data and pass it on to the developer for sale. All of these things expose not only your own data, but anyone’s data you happen to have a copy of.

    These things aren’t a massive a threat at all for most of us, and probably won’t become so, but the things they do with data can become a massive threat to vulnerable people. If you think for a second you, one of your friends or family couldn’t become vulnerable or have a need for privacy within the course of a few days or hours, then you’re naïve at best.

    Free Member

    I will laugh, and laugh, and laugh, at anyone saying “If you’ve nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear”.

    Free Member

    Oh come now, there was that other weapon once too:

    Free Member

    DrJ – Member
    Jamba has taken over the role of jhj

    It was only you posting this that made me realise they aren’t the same person and those are two different usernames.

    Free Member

    the fairness and integrity of the Segment Leaderboards.

    Choked on my tea.

    Free Member

    b r – Member
    We buy Chillblast PC’s at work; they’re well built and seem to be a reasonable brand – unsure of price vs performance etc.

    I’ll second that; we used Chiliblast PCs to run games at a festival last year, and they were flawless.

    Free Member

    If you’re looking for something a bit easier but without such a big premium as Alienware, I have game developer friends who swear by One had his water cooling die and told me their warranty support is very good too.

    Free Member

    Not that I’m very experienced or would have much knowledge to offer, but it’s hard to know what you’re talking about without knowing what your’e working on and how it’s currently behaving. Is it a Phantom, or a home built one with a custom flight controller you designed and etched yourself?

    Free Member

    teasel – Member
    I think the GPU issue mentioned above was finally addressed by Apple. I have rMBP 15″ that just managed to fit into the serial numbers that were affected. Even though I didn’t have any symptoms and the machine was two years old when I managed to get it into one of their Bars, they still gave me six years should anything go wrong. That’s pretty fair, IMO.

    Ah, that’s interesting and kind of good to hear. At the time mine broke, they seemed to be ignoring the problem and I needed to get a computer immediately for work.

    Free Member

    Wicked site Ben!

    JulianA – Member

    I’ve spent some time poking around in Welsh mines as well – great fun. Just take a look at the roof of any tunnel that you plan to enter and make a call as to how long it’s going to stay up before you go in! The silica mine at Glyn Neath is good for a bit of snorkelling if you fancy it – gin clear water…

    Oh, yeah, forgot I did some levels in the Lakes with friends. Our hardhats and caving helmets all paid for themselves in about thirty seconds flat. We found a good one near Seathwaite with multiple levels and chambers, only one we didn’t fancy as boulders the size of cars were leaning on each other around the entrance.

    Free Member

    I used to explore a lot of caves in Nottingham. The year after I did loads of that, the council started replacing a lot of iron bars with reinforced steel ones, there was hardly a set of iron bars around that someone hadn’t forced apart with a bottle jack.

    At the time, having a camera was a fairly good excuse for being somewhere you shouldn’t be. Not so much nowadays. Church Rock Catacombs (they were never finished or used for burials):

    Free Member

    gofasterstripes – Member


    stick it in the oven

    I almost did reflow it, but read people saying they tended to have to do that again every 1 – 3 months. There were also some non-computer factors that meant the best thing was to sell it spares or repair. Thanks to it having the upgraded screen and getting it to at least boot to the sad face icon on the ebay photos, it went for twice the money I was expecting.

    Free Member

    dickie – Member
    I finished a bottle of Stans lastnight. I cut the bottle open & there was a huge rubber ball in the bottle – looking for an alternative too now.

    I’ve had small bottles of Doc Blue arrive with those in as well. It’s made by Stan’s.

    Free Member

    They’ve always had quality issues, their approach to them varies though.

    There have been things they’d replace out of warranty (iMac screens that slowly went yellow IIRC), and things they wouldn’t. There was an entire batch of early 2011 MBPs that the GPUs tended to die on, and their stance on that was “Nope, lalala, not listening”.

    Free Member

    That’s wonderful :D

    Some sysadmins I know once shared a house, and had an IRC channel dedicated to discussion of what takeaway to order from, just so they didn’t have to leave their rooms.

    Free Member

    When our Labrador become fat as a barrel, the vet immediately asked “Have you been feeding her Baker’s Complete?”

    Apparently that was the cause of almost every dog she saw that had put on a lot of weight. Changed the food and the dog slimmed back down within a few months.

    Free Member

    Buying lightbulbs I can control with pretty much any gadget I have to hand, just so I don’t have to get out of bed and go to a switch.

    Free Member

    The shoulder mount is terrible. It can’t tilt very far back, so mostly points at the ground, especially when you’re descending.

    Free Member

    I have one, it’s fine as long as you service it periodically (not a difficult job but you might have to get a couple of new tools). The cable can still rub your frame a bit, but a patch of heli tape or one of those spiral rubber fibrax thingies sorts it.

    I’ve compared it to a Kronolog and an Uptimiser, and the KS beats them both for me. The red lightweight cable KS ship with some of their posts was crap though (yes, I did double check I’d set it up correctly), and it worked much better after I replaced it with a standard cable.

    Free Member

    Yep. Yet somehow, all three are stumbling on as if they can win against Corbyn and each other.

    Free Member

    The FT can be a pretty good source of news, yet somehow I arrive at completely different conclusions to THM :D

    Free Member

    dazh – Member
    Back on topic…

    Looks like Burnham has finally given up the pretence of civility and joined in the gutter politics.

    If he’s resorting the ‘silent majority’ argument, things are pretty bleak already. Not really looking forward to seeing what three weeks of desperation and infighting will do to them all.

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