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  • Bikemon Go! Your June Ride Inspiring Download
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    Here we go again…

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    When I originally submitted this post it had all the photos and two people had replied. It then disappeared for 20 mins and said it was in moderation. Now it’s reappeared without the photos and replies 😤

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    Where did my post on the Matterhorn go? Did a successful post with several photos and it had 2 replies and has now disappeared.

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    Good to hear that; it’s in my List… I do love the Netflix street food and taco programmes so had high hopes for this.

    I’ve not watched those. They sound like documentary food progs? This is a fiction show but with lot’s of meals scattered throughout. Episode called illness was particularly lovely one for me, to do with collecting special ingredients from traditional producers to make a particular regional udon dish. I’m finding the story quite captivating too. Just so different from a Western teen show. Having to look up some of the words that don’t get translated to get a better understanding of some parts (the 2 M words in the shows title for starters

    Free Member

    I have found something really different that I’m just loving on Netflix right now. It’s maybe a bit niche (feel like they have made this just for me) called The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House. If you are interested in Japanese culture and in particular cooking watch this. It’s also just a delightful, gentle thing to watch if life is getting too heavy. Make sure to watch in original Japanese not dubbed though. Also don’t watch when hungry.

    Free Member

    I’m old enough to have fond memories of the eighties spy thriller No Way Out. Probably haven’t seen it in thirty years…

    Oh that used to be one of my fav films back in the day. I did have a serious crush on Kevin Costner in that one.

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    Not many in our Morrisons, although did get two packs of plum tomatoes. Found two packs of slightly out of date ones in the fridge, so they’ve gone in the bolognese sauce for my lasagne tonight !

    So much wrong with this sentence! Tomatoes should never be in the fridge for a start and dates shouldn’t come in to it. They are either good to eat however you want or are going rotten.

    Free Member

    I really enjoyed it. Good ole Hugh.

    Free Member

    Really we need to start eating more seasonally for fresh fruit and veg. It’s terrible for the environment. It’s hard getting used to not having all the things your used to but I’ve switched to getting a Riverford veg box and whilst they do bring some veg over from Spain in the winter that’s the furthest it will have traveled and only from carefully chosen farms that respect the local environment.

    Having to experiment with different kinds of veg has been really interesting actually and yielded some really delicious and nutritious meals. Yes it takes a bit more effort but now I don’t miss all the plastic encased out of season stuff and when something is in season it’s actually exciting and you really value it then. I will be sowing my cherry tomatoes in a couple of weeks and when those start to fruit in June it’s almost a drug like rush the 1st time you harvest them. Then by the end of the season there’s so many they are going in to batches of tomato chilli jam so that I can still have a little hit of summer in deepest winter. Down to my last 2 jars now 😱

    Free Member

    Funnily enough I’ve decided to get back into skating recently. Used to blade in the 90’s loads. Skate parks, street and hockey. I’m booked in for a skate fitting at loco skates on Friday.

    I had a go on my 20 year old pair the other day, they were cheap ones and really uncomfortable and left me with a blister so I’m going to treat myself to a decent modern pair.

    Anyone skate around the Brighton area?

    Free Member

    As a woman who has had to carry the burden and unpleasant side effects of contraception for over half my life I’m all for having an option for the man to have a go instead. Obviously not for use with someone you don’t trust but then why would you have unprotected sex with them anyway.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure the floor dropping would effect the join between the roof and flashing. It doesn’t look that way in the photo. Also that roof is just made of thin polycarbonate so I would not be putting any weight on it. I recently had a similar leak in my porch though a proper tiled roof and redoing the flashing has fixed the leak.

    Edit I also don’t see any sealant above the flashing in the photo

    Free Member

    I don’t think whatisname was joking…

    Op I’m quite a lot like you I think when it comes to risk and thinking all this is smoke and mirrors. I don’t even have a pension but I do do the basics of moving my savings about to get the best interest rate so my money isn’t reducing in value as much. That’s not hard. Go on Money supermarket and pick the savings accounts or ISAs with the best rate. Have you really left your money in the same isa for 15 years? Basically after the 1st year the rates turn to shit don’t they? I have some in premium bonds as a no risk but added frisson of excitement of becoming a millionaire. Other than that I’m investing money in my property so that it will not need much doing when I’m retired (if I retire) I’m self employed and enjoy my work though will have to gradually reduce as I age because it’s a physical job. I have no intention of going into a care home and will make plans before I’m too old to make sure that doesn’t happen. I know this isn’t fool proof but that’s the plan and the house could pay for it if necessary as no children to leave it to like yourself. I’m also not worried about needing lot’s of money in retirement as I know I can live frugally as long as my house is paid for, which it is.

    Free Member

    More info please, We had chillie plants from garden centre last year which we were still harvesting in December, absolutely ace. Seeds ? indoors ? chillies all year round? the holy grail

    for super hots like habenaros sow in January in a heated propagator. Other milder chillis can be started later. The earlier you start the earlier you can get a harvest. I actually use a grow light for my seedlings to get a better start. There’s a good Facebook group for all things chilli. UK chilli growers. I’ve got habenaros, lemon drop and biquino on the go

    Free Member

    Delivery driver for Riverford? Or anything in organic/regenerate agriculture growing food.

    Free Member

    No need to throw away food. Make a family’s worth of portions and freeze some.

    Free Member

    I was struggling with that feeling through dec/jan. Getting outside helps for sure. Now the weather has picked up I’ve been feeling much better as have been getting out of the house more. Not riding at the moment but walks and gardening. Always feel great when I’ve done something in my garden. Another thing that gives me joy daily is tending to my house plants. Growing things from seed is ridiculously satisfying. My 1st batch of chillis have just popped up and I like checking their progress every day. Nurturing them from a seed right through to a delicious home made hot sauce is awesome.

    Free Member

    I had this once. It was the expansion vessel. I was able to pump it back up with a bicycle pump and it worked fine after.

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    Aw happy memories of 1st year at Uni. 4 of us lined up in a row on the single bed in halls of residence. We literally had a 5 inch box of screen each as Andy’s tele was tiny but we didn’t care. Not sure I’d want to revisit it now. I’d like to keep it as a special memory and I’m on PS4 anyway. Still having fun wasting time gaming with new friends but they are in a different house these days.

    Free Member

    Yes if you go for a month or 2 you’ll get some good weather. Canaries and Southern Spain for a week holiday this time of year is always a gamble as you can get a cooler or rainier week. It’s still winter there. I was in Granada area for a month last January and we had amazing weather. Low 20’s no rain. Apparently it was unusual though and looking at the weather this week it was only 10/11 degrees high with lows of 3.

    Free Member

    Anyone, no matter how bad a cook can make soup

    Lol my mum makes terrible soup! It’s such a shame as she grows lot’s of lovely veg on her allotment then just piles in a random bunch of veg, doesn’t pay any attention to seasoning, stock or herbs and waits for it to cook down into a mush. I avoid it when offered now after being presented with a bowl of what is more like baby food than soup. She’s mostly not a good cook and I used to get things like boil in a bag beef with gravy as a child so I started learning to cook in my early teens. Ready Steady Cook with Ainsley Harriet got me started and then on to Jamie Oliver. A good friend who I lived with in my 20’s went to catering college and taught me some things especially how to do a good roast and gravy and then it’s gradually become a passion over the last 20 years. Now I find I don’t get too many dinner invites as people are intimidated 🤣

    So yes it takes time like decades I’d say to become a really good cook but also requires that you have a deep passion for it because it is time consuming if you want to get more elaborate and have a large repartee.

    Free Member

    100% inheritance tax? What, so the Tories can splaff it on their pals for spurious and unworkable (insert any recent government scheme) projects? How does that address inequality in our society?

    That’s exactly what I was thinking! Who’s to say the money left to kids won’t go to making a better society? As an only child with parents who split and both remarried I may end up with an inheritance. I don’t have children and plan on using that money to do good things and will leave all my assets to various charities when I die but I want to choose which ones.

    Free Member

    Ours is set to 14 minimum. Boosted to 17 in the morning for an HR or so. Wood burner in the evening. Doesn’t often come on at that temp but has a couple of times recently. I’d love to insulate our flimsy upstairs bedroom walls like Koroman has as it gets cold up there but can’t face the disruption or cost at at the moment.

    Free Member

    Thank you for sharing tj. I’ve done the survey. I also know someone who committed suicide in a way that was distressing for her family because she was not willing to go through a long drawn out ending after a cancer diagnosis. It didn’t need to be that way. I like to think I would have the courage to choose my ending in similar circumstances but there’s no guarantee of having the capacity if left too late.

    Free Member

    So how much did they quote? I’m in horticulture and a constant bug bare on the hort fb group I’m in is that our trade is not respected as other trades are. There have been many posts in the past from garden designers in particular coming up against customers unwilling to pay a decent living for a design or time wasting and stealing ideas before paying for anything. It seems to have left a lot of garden designers very wary and having to be very careful about who they give their time to and no longer offering free initial sketches etc.

    Free Member

    I nearly cried when I went to get my usual 4 for 3 bottles of Aspalls in Asda earlier. No deal just £2.30 each now and £2.50 for the imperial. It’s gone beyond the pale now 😞

    Free Member

    The roofer that sealed the flashing to the house recently also replaced the tile as that one had a hole in. It made no difference. It’s not the window as the render is fine below the window. Though I will make sure that it’s properly sealed under the window sill. The photo above shows clearly why the rain is getting under the flashing when windy so I’m going to work on temporary prevention of that whilst trying to get some more quotes in.

    Free Member

    Yes the lead is sealed into the house. The roofer tried that as an emergency repair. Also if it was coming in there it would do regardless of the wind direction. I’ve taken a photo at night with a torch and can now see it’s definitely blowing up the tiles as they are so gappy and the lead doesn’t sit flush against them. It’s definitely also coming in along the edge. I’ve just had a 5th roofer round and he is doing a quote hopefully by end of week and says most of the timbers will be fine once dried out and treated and that we should use a different kind of tile that’s flat.

    Thanks for all the advice. I think maybe I will try and get a tarp over the whole roof and tie it down as this guy says 5 weeks till he can do it.

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    More pics

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    Yes the felt definitely needs redoing but water was streaming down the wall too so it’s also getting in at the top somehow. Trying to decide whether to just get it sorted now or try and bodge something to give us more time. All the lower timbers are rotten. 3 of the sloping beams still look pretty good.

    Free Member

    I don’t think that will solve our problem. There is flashing and the roofer that came by resealed where it goes into the wall as a stop gap but it still leaks when the wind is strong. We’re very exposed so it seems to be blowing up under the flashing and tiles. We could try using it inside the porch on the concrete plinth above the door.

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    Vaccines innit

    I don’t expect anyone on here to even consider it as a possibility. But it’s a possibility

    No evidence for that. This discusses the reasons for Xs deaths.

    From that link:
    ‘Finally, figures up to June 2022 looking at deaths from all causes show unvaccinated people were more likely to die than vaccinated people’

    While this data on its own can’t tell us it’s the vaccine protecting people from dying – there are too many complicating factors – if vaccines were driving excess deaths we would expect this to be the other way around.

    Free Member

    Covid and the after effects of the pandemic and lockdown

    Free Member

    Kitchen cabinet and food programme. Also food chain. You get my main interests 😄. Love Jay Rayner. He does a good podcast of his own called out to lunch where he takes celebs to lunch and talks to them. That’s not on sounds.

    Free Member

    Kefir and sauerkraut are the easiest and tastiest in my opinion. Needs to be homemade for the greatest variety of strains as the shop stuff only has a few strains. Kefir is dead easy and certainly doesn’t leave any waste or require loads of milk as someone suggested above. It’s similar to yogurt in that all the milk becomes kefir and you only need to drink a small amount each day. As others say need to combine that with a really healthy diet. Avoid ultra processed food and drinks.

    Free Member

    Why not use sounds? You can download tonnes of BBC content to listen to offline. Comedy, docs, drama, plays etc.

    Free Member

    This was an interesting read that relates to this dilemma. It might make you feel less bad about your screen time if nothing else.

    Free Member

    Got 2 left… could easily have binged. Gritty and real. Like.

    Free Member

    I’m not fussed and can’t be doing with all the enforced kissing and hugging everyone at midnight…..but had an absolutely lovely evening with 5 friends that was much needed and lifted the spirits. Couple of pints at friends local, then back for dinner and a silly game which went totally off track and ended up with everyone drawing on each faces in non permanent black marker and lot’s of giggling. So a good excuse to get together with friends and make an effort at a crappy time of year.

    That French party sounds awesome too!

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