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    Free Member

    If you are interested in the environmental aspect of losing that hedge then plant a nice native hedge along your side of the fence. Then when her fence rots or blows over you’ll still have a nice bit of screening.

    Free Member

    We had the parquet floor in our house resanded and treated recently. It’s come up absolutely beautiful but now we have to put yoga mats everywhere if someone visits with their dog 😞

    Free Member

    Park4nite for all your FLT needs.

    Free Member

    Shitu would be more apt imo

    Free Member

    Horrible plant. Compost it

    Free Member

    No mow May followed by massacre June seems daft to me but better than nothing I suppose. Not that I think everyone in every circumstance should have to turn their lawn into a wilderness. If you have the right area which doesn’t need to be used for leisure purposes then just leave it all summer.

    I started a few years ago with my front lawn which is a chalky slope and on the edge of the South Downs National park with a meadow further down the street so prime candidate. The bank is shared with the neighbour who has a grass cutter shave their half own to an inch every 2 weeks and is mainly moss.

    I’ve gradually seen more variety appearing including one year a bee orchid. I got more proactive last year by scattering loads of yellow rattle and poppy seeds and was pleased to see that a few areas have yellow rattle flowering now and lots of poppies about to come out.

    It’s so much less hassle than cutting the awkward slope and beautiful blowing in the breeze and sunshine. Lot’s of insect life too. I’m disappointed all the other semis in the row haven’t followed suit seeing how attractive it is. I’m thinking of having a small information board about the meadow and some of the species to see if it inspires passers by.

    Free Member

    Was just saying the same this weekend. I think because it’s not rained for 3 weeks and been really sunny the blossom has lasted longer and been more plentiful

    Free Member

    I went for 4 weeks when I was 17 and had an amazing and challenging time that I remember well to this day. Serious culture shock compared with life in Berkshire but it was an organised school trip and a long time ago. The world is full of amazing places that you could never visit all of in one lifetime so if you’re not excited by the idea of a place why bother? Go somewhere that you are really passionate about visiting.

    Free Member

    Awww. that’s sad but yes it’s quite a climb up into the cab!

    Free Member

    Nevermind cats what about the carbon footprint of children and all the new houses required to house them? That must kill loads of birds. Actually let’s all just commit suicide as we obviously can’t possibly all exist together without someone getting upset.

    Free Member

    Interested in updates on how they get on as I hope my partner and I will still be motorhoming when we reach those ages in about 30 years time!

    Free Member

    Have you ever tried yoga? I am a gardener and can get very sore and achy and I’ve been doing a u tube yoga 2 or 3 times a week for the last 5 months and I think it helps a lot.

    Free Member

    We’ve finally had a settled week of weather here on the South Coast and some lovely hot sunny weather. Met office definitely struggling though at the moment as they keep predicting rain until about a day before then suddenly cancelling the rain.

    Free Member

    Yes just keep the rabies jabs updated in an EU country. Spain and Portugal are cheap and easy to get these done but check they do a 3 year booster as a lot of EU vets only do the 1 year.

    Free Member

    Yellow rattle. Pleased to see it coming up in my meadow after sowing seed last year.

    Free Member

    The plant in the centre.

    Free Member

    Another one…

    Free Member

    Just don’t give it what it feeds on and it will go back under it’s bridge.

    Free Member

    Carpenter bee fly

    Free Member

    Pretty obvious that it’s not a second home but aren’t there planning laws about what you can build on your property? Shouldn’t the council use those laws if they have a problem with the cabin? Surely holiday cabins that bring in extra tourists without using up proper housing stock are exactly what they would want?

    Free Member

    Good one. I voted Green. That site came up with ‘hard to call, vote for your preferred progressive party’ Sadly I think we’ll be Tory again as our local councilor is quite proactive on the local Facebook group dealing with bin complaints and people round here love to hate on the loony lefty Greens running the council and putting cycle lanes everywhere.

    Free Member

    Yes liked the plaster colour but not the streaky effect and need to paint over the metal edge bits too. Anyway I did a test patch and the paint went on really well. Colour is great and I could almost get away with a single coat! 2.5l used up on a 12m sq room. Second coat tomorrow. I’ll report back in a few years if there’s any flaking but as my plasterer had said don’t worry about a mist coat and his plastering is shit hot I decided to give the white Wickes trade base coat a miss. Not used Craig and Rose paint before but it seems quality.

    Free Member

    I wonder if it depends on the plaster type?

    Free Member

    That’s what I thought originally but we recently had a ceiling plastered and the plasterer and another DIY enthusiast said don’t bother with a mist coat it’s not needed so I skipped it and just did 2 coats of Wickes bathroom Paint no peeling or coverage issues at all.

    Free Member

    Hi all, how is everyone doing on the old cbd. Has anyone got a good source?
    Popped into Holland and Barret and by crikey it’s expensive.

    Still using CBD hash as a pain killer and sleep aid for period pain. I order online from Hemp elf or the CBD centre.

    Free Member

    Finished Beef. Now onto Colin from accounts. Lot’s of giggles. Loving it. Love a bit of Ozzie humour and not much makes me laugh out loud.

    Free Member

    So who’s watching Beef then? Trying to resist binge watching it but have done 6 episodes over the long weekend.

    Free Member

    The callousnous and schadenfruede on display on this thread really is something to behold. I really hope none of your kids go through something like this. Have a word with yourselves.

    Lol, what a drama queen! They’re spending a bit more time on a coach than originally planned, they’re not being conscripted to join an army FFS

    And this thread was literally started by a parent going through this who is more calm about it than dazh who seems to be having a serious ‘won’t someone think of the children moment’ on behalf of them. 😱

    Free Member

    I didn’t like it either. Might give it another go in a different mood but just couldn’t see anything in it worthy of the hype. Loved EEAAO and so was pleased to see it winning the awards instead.

    Free Member

    No idea but thanks for the lolz 😅

    Free Member

    Yes I miss my lovely lab. 13 years together and a life full of adventures. Treasure every moment.

    Oh dear posting those pics has set me off.

    Free Member

    Only child here and parents split at 7 so lot’s of traveling between 2 homes. Can’t say I ever wished for a sibling but I did have a best friend from a young age who had 2 siblings and his mum was my child minder so I spent lot’s of time after school with their family. I was very upset when they all moved to Kenya but quite quickly found a new best friend who I ended up living a few doors away from.

    She had a brother and we all used to play together after school and had walkie talkies to call each other and would sometimes run across the bottoms of neighbours gardens to the others house. We stayed as best friends right up to uni days but now as adults we’re really different and I consider her more like a sister as we have such long history together. We both moved from our home town to the same city.

    I was quite shy when I was younger and really enjoyed interacting with either a small group of close friends and also adult company but I gradually gained confidence from uni onwards.

    My rambling, nostalgic point is that children are adaptable and as long as you can facilitate them having lots of time with friends I’m sure they will be fine. Like anything there will be plus and minuses for each choice. I have benefited greatly from having the financial support of my separate parents.

    My only minor concern as an adult now is when my 2 sets of parents and step parents start to develop age related issues it could be a lot to deal with. Though thankfully I have a supportive partner and they are all well off so care costs will not be an issue.

    Free Member

    I believe Mont Cervino is also in this pic that I took from the top of Lancebranlette on the French Italian border in Aug 2020.


    We’re hoping to go back to Lancebranlette this summer as a sort of memorial to our lab Beech who we said goodbye to in October. She climbed it with us aged 12.


    Free Member

    For perspective this was the original photo that I had zoomed in on. So it’s quite far away from our actual flight path.

    Free Member

    Had to Google Mont Cervino to discover it is the Matterhorn!

    Free Member

    I doubt you saw it on the way from the UK to Austria

    I was on the way to Egypt but the internet suggests the flight path would have been over Austria though the view of that peak was quite far in the distance back towards the direction Italy etc would be in.

    Free Member

    Definitely just play it really careful and not on the road or when it’s hot.

    My Beech used to absolutely adore going out with us. It was the most excited you would ever see her. It’s really addictive for her and for us to see her so happy and excited and so you do get tempted to over do things or take them when you probably shouldn’t.

    I’m not one for living a life avoiding all risk so there were a few occasions where we made a mistake such as a short local woods loop on a hot evening where she ran her paws raw. She’d run those surfaces and distance many times but the evening was a bit hot and she had sweated through her paws which then caused the issue. If I remember rightly we’d bumped into friends in the woods and they were riding faster and she always wanted to be front of pack. We felt terrible and carried her home and bandaged her paws.

    She also developed arthritis about age 8 and we stopped all riding and ball throwing. She was still climbing mountains age 12 though and we said goodbye to her in October age 13. I truly believe if we could ask her if she wanted a very controlled and careful life but no arthritis Vs the adventure packed life spent doing all the things we did together but some pain in her later years she’d choose the latter.

    I would think twice about taking another dog riding though. I mean if you get them into it they see you putting the gear on and go crazy, it’s hard to resist but if they never knew about riding they wouldn’t miss it.

    Free Member

    Picture heavy opening posts get filtered by the anti spam, I published it but there were no photo links. No idea why.

    It posted fine with the pics and some replies then disappeared. Odd

    Free Member

    This outline from online source seems to match pretty well…

    Free Member

    Yeah I was disappointed by that news of the iconic chocolate bar of my youthful travel days. It was always a real excitement to buy one of those giant bars in duty free. Proper break your teeth solid they were back in those days.

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