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  • Podcast: Taiwan, crap 90’s bikes and Benji makes mudguards great again
  • myti
    Free Member

    See u there.. Will be on a fluro yellow stumpy

    Free Member

    Also had the blank text I had to exist and reload the website

    Free Member

    We were in Oz last year which was loads of salads, prawns and a huge snapper cooked on the bbq so this year we’re going traditional with an organic free range turkey from the local butcher and probably a ham too. Something light and seafoody for a starter and nigellas white choc raspberry cheesecake for dessert which involves several killos of dairy!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Lol played Cod for years but keen to learn the intricacies of operations just find it hard to pick up what’s what. Hadn’t realised until yesterday that you could be brought back to live by a medic if you don’t reswpawn. Think I need some instructions with this game!

    Free Member

    So what is a spot flare meant to do? Also I don’t have a headset is this a must for these operations?

    Free Member

    Oh yes only played death match!

    Free Member

    Just getting into mutiplayer having completed campaign. Not played any Battlefield before so am mostly dying at the mo. Seem to do best with the sniper as a scout rather than with either of the machine guns just can’t seem to kill before being killed ever if I start shooting 1st. Any tips on tactics. hel27 on xbox if anyone wants to play with a level 3…

    Free Member

    Had a really nice loft conversion with en suite loo and sink, dormer on back and 3 velux on front for 20k about 7 years ago. Stairs took up part of downstairs bedroom but well worth it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    M and s £10 meal deal..whole roast in the bag chicken with side of mash and mud pie for pudding oh yeah and will throw in some cabbage and kale to counteract the bad stuff

    Free Member

    Did anyone see Ben Fogle using a chain saw in his new lives in the wild program the other day? I was wincing. His only protection was a pair of safety specs and he was wearing shorts. Cutting a tree near face height and the saw was jamming in the cut and he looked quite uncomfortable. Thankfully the other guy took over.

    Free Member

    Which format are you used to? We just got an xbox and loving it so far.

    Free Member

    Cedar… Doesn’t really trip off the tongue though. Ps my lab is called Beech

    Free Member

    Scully! Yes…good to shout out in the park and original

    Free Member

    I like lupin the rest are goping

    Free Member

    The colour purple… When you’ve had too much beetroot soup!

    Free Member

    I’d like the recipe cougar

    Free Member

    A venison and red wine pie to my employee for lunch

    Free Member

    Only a pie for lunch at £3

    Free Member

    Wave accounting is really good for your accounts and invoicing and it’s free!

    Free Member

    Western Australia last winter… Only holiday I haven’t wanted to come home from and cried when I got home.

    Free Member

    No it wouldn’t bother me. Think you need to get out more.

    Free Member

    What sort of thing would you cut with it out of interest. Feel some diy coming on this Christmas :-D

    Free Member

    It’s for mower/hedge cutter blade not knives I wanted it and general diy

    Free Member

    Thanks! Was looking to buy a dremel soon so have ordered it. So can you now tell me all the cool things you can do with this. I just wanted something for sharpening blades so have no clue what else you can use this gadget for.

    Free Member

    Loved it! Wish it was a Netflix series and that was just part one. The time flew by in the cinema which often doesn’t happen for me.

    Free Member

    I dread it the day before and the longer the break the more the dread but then once I’m back actually it’s fine and I usually enjoy being back after a rest. Just build it up in my mind.

    Free Member

    Another aspect that I’ve just remembered is that in order to be ready for the physical challenge that we would undergo in a year’s time we did regular fitness training including doing the police fitness test at our local police head quarters which I failed and at the end we went to our local fire station and did their fitness test. World challenge also organised a long weekend on dartmoor hiking, navigating, first aid and camping in the most abysmal weather I’ve ever camped in and this is part of the total cost. So there was a lot more to it than a 4 week trip. It was our way of life and our goal to work towards for a year beforehand. I do understand it was a privilege not everyone could afford but that exists in all aspects of life and like others have said if some can’t afford it that is a lesson to do well at school and earn so you can afford it later in life.

    Free Member

    There is a lot of cynical and bitter sounding off on this thread. God forbid a company made money running these trips! We happily shell out on expensive stuff for ourselves and kids which companies sell and make money from giving employment to people.

    At least these companies are also providing life long memories and some experience of other cultures and giving something back that is really worthwhile. So if you’re wondering whether to encourage your child to do something like this and don’t want to ‘diy’ it to save money here’s my experience.

    At the age of 17 in the 90’s I went to Peru for 4 weeks with world challenge. I think the cost was somewhere between 1000-1500 and we fund raised about half. My parents who were fairly well off paid the rest for me to have an experience that I vividly member now. It was in no way a cushy holiday. It was a serious culture shock and very challenging experience, trying to source food and accommodation in a language we didn’t know well (we did Spanish lessons once a week for a year beforehand) each child had to take turns being leader for a day and I absolutely dreaded my turn as a very shy child. We had physical challenges of hiking remote mountains and carrying all our stuff, sleeping under the stars, cultural experiences in the cities and towns, we stayed with a lovely family in the Amazon jungle, hiked the inca trail to machu picchu and built a play ground for a remote village School. We experienced physical hardship, sickness and a month away from everything and everybody we take for granted (no mobiles or Internet back then though) I cherish that experience but had never been so happy to see my mum and English bread in my life since. I know that it’s possible to experience these sorts of things perhaps in a gap year but as a very shy, anxious female I know I wouldn’t have done these things on my own and never will again.

    To address the free holiday for teachers aspect:I went to a very big, well performing secondary and none of our teachers were able to or wanted to come so we had a teacher from a nearby primary come instead and our world challenge leader was an absolutely brilliant guy who I’ll never forget.

    Free Member

    Xbox and doom for when the mud sets in.

    Free Member

    ^ lol. That reminds me of my school ski tripto Austria when I was 15.I seem to remember a teacher making a very drunk kid drink salt water to make him puke!

    Free Member

    Forgot to get anything and had some kids at the door…they weren’t too impressed with the offer of a power bar each!

    Free Member

    Stihl bg86 here. Not too pricy and for domestic use should go on forever.

    Free Member

    Best haloumi I’ve had was soaked in milk then beer battered and deep fried. Very tender and not salty.

    Free Member

    Looking to upgrade from 360 to xbox one as a Christmas present to self. Haven’t bothered with the online gaming side for years as got bored of being wiped out within 2 seconds of reswpawning in cod so have just played games like gta v and skyrim offline but is it worth buying these games nowadays without the online element?

    Free Member

    I’m 35 and exactly the same. Manual job for the last 15 years takes it’s toll. No pill is going to help I’m need to get into yoga!The mattress idea is a good one too. I switched to memory foam and that really helped.

    Free Member

    We’re both on here which was only slightly annoying when I wanted to post a ‘what present for our 5th anniversary’ earlier this week but had to actually use my imagination instead.

    Free Member

    Not sure on availability but Xtendital did my loft conversion not so far from you…

    Free Member


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