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  • The Best Bits from iceBike* 2023
  • myti
    Free Member

    Fascinating and heart breaking.

    Free Member

    Try this: drive out straight then a very gentle turn in and creep back till your back on your drive as close to your hedge/gate post as possible (I see why you park so close to her side so people can get to your front door) but if you come out from as close to your hedge as possible does that help? Also carpet down has to be a winner if there is still a little clipping.

    Free Member

    Loads of my friends are the opposite sex. Beers or bikes including weekends away without partners is the norm. I hope some of the answers here are a joke or trying to shock.

    Free Member

    Funny exact same thing happened to me halfway home from the pub. Doubled up with pain in gut, hot face, feeling sick give then back at intervals. Was having visions of crouching in a gutter but just made it to another pub in time. Then right as rain after that.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed it and was compelled to keep watching but thought plot wise it was a bit silly and unbelievable and had holes in if you look too deeply. Like no one else living in those houses would not shut the front door?!

    Free Member

    Hsa 86 for not much more than the cost he paid for one cut of his hedge and would last him a life time. Buying cheap is a false economy and will make the job 4x as hard or where you end up paying someone else anyway as it’s such a chore.

    Free Member

    Did mine today and being doing customers for a couple of weeks. Makes me very happy that spring is definitely here and my job becomes enjoyable again.

    Free Member

    Stihl battery hedge cutter is brilliant and that’s for pro use so would be no issue for your hedge. Battery lasts us all day or more.

    Hsa 86.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear you’ve been ill so long. Feeling unwell for a prolonged time is unbearable especially when you have no idea why because this means so much uncertainty and can consume your thoughts. You say you gave up diary, wheat, sugar, processed food and fruit 4 weeks ago which seems like a bad idea to me. It could be quite a shock to your system. If you think a dietary intolerance might be making you feel unwell why not eliminate one thing at a time for a few months just to see if you feel healthier. What one person can tolerate another can not but cutting out every item that anyone has ever had an intolerance too seems silly and could cause you more unnecessary stress with meal, planning, limiting enjoyable social eating situations and removing the chance of a nice treat now and again (slice of cake after a ride for example). It just seems to me like another chance to stress out and set yourself up for failure if you don’t end up sticking to your new diet.

    Nothing wrong with choosing, healthy balanced diet to boost yourself though.

    I find that eating a lot of organic vegetables from my veg box makes me very bloated and gassy and that toast for breakfast is the only thing that doesn’t make me want to have a nap after breakie but I doubt this information will spark a sudden fad of vegetable free, toast based diet plans! ;-)

    For me the only cure for the brain fog, tired achy spells I get is sunshine and exercise combined but that’s been hard to come by of late. Good luck and best wishes.

    Free Member

    Do you have a cat? Flea larvae are small black worms

    Free Member

    At £75 a day he’ll not even be on minimum wage as self employed once unpaid holiday, sick and expenses are accounted for.

    Free Member

    I guess they are useful if you use them the right way to remind you/incentivise you to move and link with my fitness pal but last time I went to my parents my step mum had one on and as is the norm for her she barely left her chair or the house in the two days we were there so seemed utterly pointless for her!

    Free Member

    Started great but all got rather ridiculous and unbelievable with too many holes or improbable events for me to call it a great show. Watchable but not great like Stranger Things.

    Free Member

    I live a 100m or so from the south downs national park and while I appreciate my local area I am certainly guilty of taking it for granted. This programme just made me fall in love with this place a bit more. Can’t wait for summer now!

    Free Member

    Just been watching series 6 of game of thrones and thought one of the Dothraki widows sounded awfully familiar….racked my brains missing 10 minutes of the episode trying to place her voice and knew it must be radio as didn’t recognise her face and finally realised it it Usha! As you were…

    Free Member

    Sadexpunk..wave is not just an app for accounting it’s an online accounting software system that connects to your bank account so that all income and outgoings for the business are automatically logged a few clicks on the mouse categorizes the transactions. You can also use it to create professional looking invoices which send automatically every month if you have regular customers. Ive been using it for years and it’s saved me heaps of time and makes sure I never lose track of payments as they get attached to the relevant invoice as they come in. Still can’t believe it’s free and any ads are more low key than on this site.

    Free Member

    I’d go along to Dorset or Devon at least.The coast in Sussex and Hampshire is a bit boring and Portsmouth is a bit grim in my opinion. Depends whether you want rural beauty or or more town/city based though. Corfe castle and durdle door are lovely. Some great camping near Weymouth and good mix of nature and town there.

    Free Member

    How do you know who’s female or not. Not every female has a gendered username.

    Free Member

    Paying £30 a month for basic TV, phone and 100 mb broad band. Phoned up for a discount though. Why are you paying 10 a month for landline to landline? Do you not have good mobile signal? Most mobile packages calls to landline cost nothing. Our tivo box is a bit slow and clunky but records fine and yes a simple setting change will record new only episodes. Think I might try and talk them into sending out a new box soon but certainly won’t pay for it.

    Free Member

    What a relief!

    Free Member

    Getting out the door is the hardest bit for me particularly this time of year. I recently also got a new xbox so this appeals more than cold and mud at the mo. I’ve been using a 0 to 5k run training app to get me out and raising my heart rate 3 x a week. I feel great afterwards and there is no faff with kit and I’ve kept feeling fit and motivated so now the end of winter is in sight I feel it won’t be so hard to get out on the bike. My last ride was just before Nye I think. The other thing I tell myself to get out is that if I feel crap or don’t enjoy it I’ll just stop and come home but that never happens. So just force yourself to go and remember that you will feel so much better for it. If I don’t get some kind of hard exercise even just 30 mins every few days I feel like a zombie, groggy and low.

    Free Member

    Matt this is what I’m considering:
    Day 1: Argentat > Beaulieu 18 km
    Day 2: Beaulieu > Vayrac 23 km
    Day 3: Vayrac > St Sozy 18 km

    Free Member

    Found a good 3 day trip on the dordogne which looks a better length than the one I was initially considering. As suggested 32k over 3 days does seem rather short! Is the dordogne likely to be less busy than Ardeche. Perhaps we could combine this with a visit to the coast..

    Free Member

    Thanks very useful that! We are certainly not wanting it to be serious all day paddling but the mucking about on the river and enjoying the surroundings and camping.

    Free Member

    This was what I was looking at:Descent “La Farniente”- 32 km 3 days

    Three days to enjoy quietly this marvelous natural site.
    From Vallon Pont d’Arc to Saint Martin d’Ardèche. Recommended time 3 days.

    Free Member

    Yeah just looking for flat water, scenery and bimbling along to the campsites. Not too fused about it being busy really but will look into those other suggestions. I’m guessing the 3 day trip is pretty relaxed pace as it’s aimed at tourists and families etc.

    Free Member

    Very useful thanks for the info

    Free Member

    Looks lovely. Guess we better get booking asap!

    Free Member

    I hate mud, wet and cold riding… picked the right sport to be into eh! Love a good snow ride but bring on summer!

    Free Member

    Was the flat bread gluten free?

    Free Member

    [/url]DSC_0732 by My Ti[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Beech scrambling the rocks to the end of Worms head

    Free Member

    Professional gardener here privet does grow back well but the way that’s been cut it may not green up where the bare stems are as the side branches have been removed but the top will keep growing. It would green out better lower down if you loped the outer most stems to about 3ft. I’d be annoyed too but this happens a lot. One morning a man with a chain saw appeared in the middle of my conifer hedge cutting a huge chunk out halfway along. My neighbour and I share a double row (one row on my property and one on theirs)of conifer around 7 to 8 ft high which give us privacy in our gardens and from looking into each others houses when in the garden. But they decided they couldn’t be bothered to maintain their side anymore so instructed a butcher to deal with it including my hedge. I stopped him but it’s full of holes that will never regrow as it’s conifer.

    I wouldn’t put posts in that will cause hassle with your neighbour and may damage the roots of the hedge. I would maybe plant a few bare root privet whips in the bald spot and tell him you’d like to maintain your privacy from the lane and please do not cut anything past your boundary line.

    Free Member

    Battlefield 1 for sure. Although I was was ill with a really bad cold for a week recently and hardly played it as it does need a clear mind and good concentration.

    Free Member

    Turn on radio 4, make a tea, take back to bed and browse stw.

    Free Member

    I never bother with the packaging instructions they like to cover themselves and always get you to overcook it. Jamie Oliver is who I take my instruction from Re cooking meat. He says a good quality free range bird needs much less cooking and a lower temperature inside than cheap poultry. I’d probably do it for a little over an hour at 220. But use a meat thermometer myself to decide when done.

    Free Member

    Had mine in for a year now I think. It’s amazing and I would urge anyone with condensation and mould problems to get one. We used to have mould on ceilings and corners of rooms, clothes in the walk in wardrobe would be musty even our bedroom wall would be wet in the morning on cold nights. Now it’s all gone, redecorated and no new mould has grown. Slightly chilly on the landing but well worth it and I don’t hang out on the landing anyway!

    Free Member

    Flaperon can you link me the one please. Had a look on Amazon and still confused. Does it not have to be an actual tacx dongle then?

    Free Member

    Bit late to the party and not got time to read all the pages. But today I got a tacx flux smart. Need to get the dongle thing for zwift but a bit confused about which one. Any recommendations? Managed to create a workout on my mobile using the tacx app and it turned out to be rather brutal for a first go and the kitchen floor ended up with a pool of sweat!

    It automatically sent the workout to Strava but recorded 0 elevation despite showing 1800ft on the app. Anyway to get elevation to log to strava or does that only happen with zwift?

    Free Member

    In her bed in the kitchen but she’s allowed up on the bed for the weekend lie in with the cuppa. Also goes mad at night if foxes about.

    Free Member

    Beer and coffee I really want to like it but every time I try I just hate the after taste. Cider is my friend

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