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  • Mental Mondays #4 Crossword & puzzles by Hannah
  • myti
    Free Member

    The stiff yard broom I got from my grandads shed after he died. I’ve replaced the handle 3 times and the head 5 times but I’ll never buy a new one as there’s too many happy memories of him with that broom. :'(

    Free Member

    Yes watched because my home town made a showing tonight. Good ole Huntly and Palmers. Also really want a packet of biscuits now! Never buy the things though so will have to make do with some dark choc with salt.

    Free Member

    Why do you need to take it apart? FYI I had an issue with my personal pure dab radio that I’ve had for a couple of years at least. It’s in my pocket all day every day at work and was well used but I thought why not send them an email direct. They asked me to send it in and a couple of weeks later a brand new version of the latest model arrived with new charger and headphones! It’s £80 new. Well chuffed.

    Free Member

    Got a 56 plate trafic, short wheel Base, 55k miles on it 2 years ago for £4.5k. Lovely clean van inside and out and had no issues with it apart from the radio dying every winter when it gets below a certain temp. Have to pull the fuse and reenter the code each time. Lovely and nippy to drive compared with my previous transit. Love the van hope it continues to run well.

    Free Member

    [/url]BK by My Ti[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Well today we did a test run with the dog (she’s never been in a canoe) for our dordogne adventure in 2 weeks. 3 days of very relaxed paddling as per the previous post.

    After a wobbly, excited start she took to it like a duck to water and could move about from the front of the boat to the back without rocking it and eventually curled up between my legs in the very front of the boat. She was also much more nimble than me at getting in and out. Can’t wait for the hol now!

    Free Member

    It does make everything better. Long may it last!

    Free Member

    My lab is a bit red and itchy in a similar spot at the moment definitely not fleas as she’s treated. My vet has advised frontline is no longer always effective as the fleas have built up immunity. So check that.

    Free Member

    Liking the Sven vath sets best. Lots of layers.

    Free Member

    £1200 on getting a 1970 vw camper through

    Free Member

    Cheers it’s been a long while since I listened to anything like this and it’s taking me right back to that sweaty dance floor!

    Free Member

    Needed some tunes to listen to and vaguely remembered this thread and found it by searching for dance music. Absolutely loving that Op. Could be a late night!

    Free Member

    We got the otty a couple of months ago cheaper than simba and you get 2 amazing pillows with it. Best mattress I’ve ever slept on. Used to get very sweaty on the previous memory foam but not on this one. It’s supportive yet gives where it needs to.

    Free Member

    Everything out of the loft? When I bought my house from a couple of lovely gentlemen I found a box of Christmas decorations, a game of trivial pursuit and a large black dildo in the loft 8O

    Free Member

    I had a feast recently after not having one for years. Either my taste buds have changed or they are now shit.

    Free Member

    Just caught up on the onimbus. Laughing my face off at work at Freddie and Jonny getting loved up on pills. Oh how the Archers have changed! Some of the older listeners must have been tutting.

    Free Member

    The restaurants must love you! Do you go anywhere regularly? Do you find the service has gone down hill?
    So restaurants want to put off regular income then because of a bad tipper? They must have too much business?!

    Well yeah the restaurants I normally go to you have to book way in advance and when you’re in there there is a fairly regular stream of people being turned away who haven’t booked so yeah they’d rather have a decent customer who appreciates what they do. It’s a two way street in any service situation in my opinion. Be a good customer and receive a good service and vice versa whatever the industry. Rather than the attitude of customer doing the business a favour by gracing them with their custom.

    Free Member

    I never tip in the UK.

    I find it strange that people will tip the person who carries the plate from the kitchen to the table but not tip the chef who created their meal.

    The restaurants must love you! Do you go anywhere regularly? Do you find the service has gone down hill?

    The tip is generally split between waiting/kitchen staff. Not sure it goes to the chef though as they will be on a much higher wage.

    I tip 10% in any eating establishment where you are served at the table unless the service is bad or unfriendly. Yes it’s a silly system and I’d rather it was just spread across the overall cost and staff wages were adjusted but unless there is a nationwide law passed this is the system we have and it’s unfair to penalise the staff because you disagree with something.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Booked marked this thread and have just ordered Hyperion. We need a STW book exchange! If anyone wants to read hyperion after me I’ll send it to you and you send me something back?

    Free Member

    Fish, chips and mushy peas and 2 pints of Aspalls at the pub…lovely!

    Free Member

    Lol my man loves those yogurts! Should I be worried?!

    Free Member

    Ewelease is amazing. Stunning views and their own beach and fires are allowed which is a must! It’s like a mini festival site.

    Free Member

    Enjoying this thread as planning a 2 day South downs hike with wild camp myself. Anyone got the MONTANE Ultra Tour 40 Multi-Day Trail Pack? Would this work for a bit of bike packing too? Not got any bike frame bags and don’t intend to as it’s not really my thing but might be nice to join friends on the odd overnighter.

    Free Member

    Stop worrying about losing weight and enjoy the summer, ride lots and enjoy lots of fresh summery food and maybe you’ll lose and maybe not but if you’re healthy that’s the main thing.

    Free Member

    This came to my mind recently. Not private schools but all schools. The easter hols were bliss and then back to rush hour hell right after. I live in a city with heaps of public transport and drive past several schools each morning choked with parents dropping their secondary/college age kids off. I walked, cycled or bused to school from primary age and i’m not so old that you would say I was born in a different time. Grrr.

    Free Member

    I would say I have more than I can list but with quite a few regular favs but even those will be varied ingredient wise. Pinterest is great for recipe inspiration. Just search an ingredient or two plus the word recipe and you get loads of lovely pictures of meals come up. Other thing to do is go to a health food shop and browse the shelfs for unusual ingredients which will then inspire a new meal. This does take time obviously. For example last weekend I picked up a couple of new things I’ve not cooked with before…black rice and amaranth. Black rice pudding with coconut milk and mango (Pinterest) and not tried the other ingredient yet.

    Free Member

    She will do about 12 to 15 miles before running out of steam
    This sort of thing baffles me. Measuring the distance your dog goes, like it’s some kind of competition. And 15 miles on a mountain bike, what’s that? 2 hours running? Don’t get it. Even when my GSP was at her fittest an hour was easily enough to have her trotting home knackered.

    Dezb not sure why you think that is a competitive statement. I was simply giving info of my experience with my dog who I love like a family member. I’ve known her all her life and spend pretty much all day everyday with her at work and play so I know what she can manage and would not do anything not in her best interest. She gets so many comments on her health, energy and physique from strangers. As a black labrador most of the ones I see about here are obese and i’m sure will struggle far more with their joints and health.

    Not sure what relevance your dog being tired from an hours exercise has to me and my dog and 15 miles would probably take us 2.5 to 3 hours as I keep the pace gentle so she doesn’t over stretch herself and we have breaks for water. These longer rides are also limited to winter /autumn temperatures and softer ground conditions. A summer ride would probably be nearer 6 miles.

    Free Member

    Sounds dreadful. Have you had the night sweats yet. I had flu last year and was drenching the sheets every night for 2 weeks! Hope you start to feel better soon. Call some friends or family to walk the dog and bring you supplies. Make sure they wash their hands after.

    Free Member

    Looking good!

    Free Member

    if you wear jeans and a checked shirt to a first date, you deserve to be celibate for ever

    My other half of 5 years wore that to our first date!

    Free Member

    I met my other half of 5 years on pof. Living together very happily now. There’s lots of dross on there so be strict and filter out at the profile or messaging stage. I filtered any who couldn’t be bothered to reply in proper English, didnt meet my criteria, Didn’t have a picture or a detailed profile. This saves a lot of wasted time on dates.

    It’s hard work and can be demoralising but if you keep at you may find your life partner on any of these sites. I think you need to be in the right place and frame of mind to be successful though. If you are wounded and bitter you will end up making yourself feel worse.

    Make sure to write a really good detailed profile also.

    Free Member

    Started small slow bike rides with my lab around 6 months old. She is a great trail dog now and it’s absolutely her favourite thing in the world. She shreaks with excitement whilst you’re getting the bike out. When out she is not interested in smelling things, other dogs or any distractions and if we’re on a fireroad she runs up to the entrance to the single-track and looks at me with begging eyes to go down it. She will do about 12 to 15 miles before running out of steam. She runs just ahead or just behind depending on who’s more tired or how fast we’re going and will tuck in behind by jumping to the side if she is getting tired. She also cheats by cutting the corners.

    She’s nearly 8 now with no mobility issues and is slim and muscley unlike most of the fat labradors I see hobbling about.

    Free Member

    Had a friend looking after our dog whilst I had a birthday day out in London yesterday and when we got home she had not just dropped the dog home but done a big pile of washing up we’d left!

    Free Member

    Listened to an interesting podcast from This American life yesterday about testosterone and it’s affect on personality and behaviour. They had a man on who due to some ailment stopped producing testosterone and he said it was the strangest feeling. He lost all his personality and desire for anything. It really shock him as he thought that his personality was part of him and fixed thing not something caused by some hormones floating around his body.

    They also had a woman who transitioned to a man by taking testosterone who found that he became so incredibly horny that almost anything could turn him on and he felt so weird about that.

    Things like post natal depression also show what terrifying strong changes can happen to a person due to hormones. So less of the stop whinging about your periods or shut up and take the jokes thanks. Women also have to put up with years and years of taking hormones that increase risk of cancer and depression so blokes don’t have to wear a jonny.

    Free Member

    I had my cat 3 years then got a lab puppy. I introduced them and kept the doors shut so the cat couldn’t just run away and kept a close eye/told puppy off if too much interest in cat. It wasn’t long before the cat was sleeping on top of puppies crate when she was in there. Fast forward 7 years and they will curl up together and the cat washes the dogs ears most mornings.

    Cat is boss though. One playful swipe is enough to send the dog running.

    Free Member

    My only insight to this is that my dad was the oldest child in his family and his youngest brother was born 20 years after and they are not close at all. Don’t think they’ve seen each other in years but then they never lived in the same home. Also I can’t imagine the stress and strain of child birth when most women are entering the difficult menopause phase.

    Free Member

    I think it’s brilliant. I like the slow pace of and all the mundane details. I like that you really aren’t sure where it’s going until it happens. Why do people have such short attention spans these days and just want constant action?

    Free Member

    I do pretty much everything in the garden but I am a gardener by trade and the other half wouldn’t do it right if I let him anyway. He’s quite good at watering though! I don’t mind though as we tend to divy up the tasks and stick to our strengths so all my bike maintenance gets done for me :-)

    Free Member

    Well done for challenging it. It maddens me. Even if everyone did come back and pick it up as there are so many people constantly walking dogs at various times of the day there will inevitably always be some bags of poo sat there looking ugly. I think a certain group of people just pick it up as people are watching and then hurl it in the nearest bush when alone. Death is too good for those people. More poo bins 5 to 10 mins from the start of popular walking spots would be good but obviously more hassle and expenses for council. Perhaps a dog tax is on order? Ps dog owner here.

    Free Member

    My neighbours did a very similar thing to my hedge :-( well half of it as I caught them in the act and stopped them

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