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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Emma Osenton
  • myti
    Free Member

    Countryside doesn’t have to be sanitised to make it navigable. In France the routes are often marked with tiny paint marks on any available surface to keep you on the right track and the tracks themselves blend into the surroundings but are kept open.

    Free Member

    This country is pretty rubbish isn’t it! I was amazed when I went to France. Can’t wait to do some exploring over there again.

    Edit. oh county…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Groovy short for Grooverider. One of 4 kittens that a pregnant stray gifted me and my housemate at the time. We named them all after d and b dj’s as weren’t really planning on keeping them but Groovy won us over with his affectionate personality and the others were rehomed.

    He’s ten now and it hurts when he jumps up for a cuddle as he weighs 7.6kg (not fat) Note he’s too big for laps really…

    [/url]IMAG0260(1) by My Ti[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Free Member

    Canaries can be pretty cloudy and windy at that time. I’ve been to Cape Verde twice for cheap winter sun but Sal where we went is very barren so depends what you like. If you’re happy with beach life and not heaps else it’s great.

    Free Member

    Absolute legend and my favourite actor when I was growing up. Started with Mork and Mindy and I then made it my ambition to watch every film of his. For some reason the films that stick in my mind are Moscow on the hudsen, awakenings, dead poets and good morning Vietnam. I’ve listened to him speak in interviews and radio programmes and he came across as a lovely human being (alien). Very very sad he felt he had to go.

    Free Member

    Nice sausage

    Free Member

    I was very surprised when at renewal time my current insurers managed to match the price I got elsewhere coming down by £170. This hasn’t happened in 10 years!

    Free Member

    ahsat = tasha

    Normally I’m ahsatb, but I joined stw when just starting to go out with p20 (10 years ago now) and decided to make it slightly more complicated for him to work out who I was and dropped the b. Don’t think I’ll make a spy!

    In my head I always heard that spoken as arse hat. Was this wrong?

    Free Member

    Around when I joined I was rather excited about my 1St ever Titanium bike I was about to build. Also no one had it and I thought it sounded cool.

    Free Member

    Never watched star gate so that could keep me busy.

    Free Member

    Oh firefly is another favourite. Rarely find a film or series as good if I’ve read the book 1St particularly Sci fi as the imagination is so much better than any cgi could be.

    Free Member

    Lol oh yeah!

    Free Member

    If you are up at 6.30 every day in my opinion you already are a morning person. I also think that you need to look at reducing your work hours to create more time to exercise as trying to squeeze more exercise into your already overfull day will eventually lead to you running yourself down and getting ill which is not productive and can take a long time to come back from.

    8 hours sleep per day is best for your health and lack of sleep can increase risk of heart disease and cancer.

    I have a very manual job and recently have had to work much more hours per week and have had to reduce the time I have for riding which is really annoying as I am losing cardio fitness but I am aiming to reduce hours in the new year so that the balance is back to where I want it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    If the dog is definitely cat friendly and won’t jump on the cat have you tried shutting them in a room together. I had my cat 2 years before I got the dog. Cat was freaked and ran away every time so I shut us all in the sitting room and sat down to watch TV for the night instructing dog to ignore cat. Cat eventually realised dog not a threat and now will sleep together and cat cleans dogs ears.

    Sometimes we have various friends dogs over and cat will disappear. If we are dog sitting a friends dog I repeat the locking in process so cat is forced to get to know the new dog is safe. It may seem cruel but it worked and is less cruel than shipping them off to a cats home. I’ve volunteered at rspca and it’s sad how many cats are stuck in little pens there.

    Free Member

    Love my otty memory foam pillow that came with the new mattress. Best pillow I’ve ever had!

    Free Member

    Thread hijack…where does one start to go about finding a financial advisor for advice on inheritance tax and capital gains. Need to get advice for my mum and i as she has quite a few assets including a rental property which we share at the moment. Not got a clue about financial matters and as she gets older I think we should get some advice.

    Free Member

    Because the plants will be most effected by length of day and amount of good sunlight. Starting now when nights start drawing in just won’t work. Unless of course you fancy trying some hydroponic chillies. If not dry the seeds. Wait till next February. Germinate by putting the seed on a moist kitchen towel under a plate and keep somewhere warm. Keep moist and once sprouted plant in a seed compost until bigger then pot on in normal compost. I started mine in Jan with a little extra artificial light and have already harvested enough chillies to last me a year. They keep great in the freezer.

    Free Member

    It’s the longest running soap ever. Must be the only thing I’ve continously followed on TV or radio since I was about 7!

    Free Member

    Most of the women I know hate all the pinkified/purple bike stuff. I went for stealth black, raw Ti and then oh so main stream fluro yellow for my bikes. Actually bike manufacturers are giving women more choice in colours these days.

    Free Member

    Well I am getting hope from a lot of the comments that things will hopefully change for the better over time just perhaps more slowly than I would hope.

    I dont feel I’ve had a raw deal in life but then I did have very liberal parents who certainly pushed back against gender stereo typing. Even so when I was younger I desperately wanted to be a boy because I enjoyed doing the things that society deemed boyish. I didnt want to wear dresses and have long hair as I liked riding bikes and climbing trees. Luckily my parents helped me see that I could do all those things as a girl and that gave me the courage to go into a very male dominated career. I’m speaking from the perspective of a woman who likes to do more traditionally male things but the same goes for men who would prefer to do more traditionally female things. I hope both genders get the opportunities to just be who they want to be without feeling out of place.

    Free Member

    Doctor p.Have you seen the programme though I think if you did you would be sad for some of the girls. It’s not about making everyone the same and actually a lot of what you think is biological is actually not. Boys and girls brains are the same at that age but even as tiny babies boys and girls are played with and spoken to differently. Please watch it’s well done with a scientific basis.

    Free Member

    Tomato picking in a giant green house. 5am till 12.30 6 days a week in my uni hols. Minimum wage plus bonus for fast picking. Never got a bonus. The eastern Europeans who made up the majority of the work force got good bonus but we were too busy having tomato fights and chatting.

    Free Member

    A good opportunity to teach the young one that your own moral compasse and common sense can override what is technically illegal. Just do it and leave no trace. Homosexuality was illegal but now that is considered to have been wrong so just find somewhere that you want to camp that’s out of the way and head over in the evening and leave early.

    Free Member

    The etesia always fills the box to bursting even when wet. Sooo much better than my old Honda.

    Free Member

    We had a brilliant, dry spring and early summer on the south coast but yes rather damp and autumnal since the school holidays! Still keeps it all growing…

    Free Member

    Etesia. Really good at cutting in the wet which you will have to do plenty of if you’re doing it for business. Also get yourself on the landscape juice forum for far better inudepth advice about everything relating to garden business.

    Edit just seen Glasgow Dan recommend juice. Hi Dan GGGC here!

    Free Member

    Foraged figs stuffed with goats cheese and wrapped in Palma ham for starter, veggie roast and then foraged blackberry and apple crumble with cream. I do love free food!

    Rose wine that was in the cupboard.

    Handmaids tale…chilling sound track.

    Free Member

    Very slow

    Free Member

    Was slow

    Free Member

    Wave accounting is great and it’s free.

    Free Member

    Dirty Dancing

    Free Member

    That’s hilarious! How could a festival that is dog friendly possibly sell chicken on the bone! For the love of God, think of the puppies etc

    Free Member

    its not fair to give the bare legal minimum but obvs it is legal

    Yeah ok. Tell that to all the small business owners and self employed. I think working for 11 months out of 12 and getting paid all year is very fair and anything more is a bonus.

    Free Member

    If she is part time she isn’t entitled to 28 days so we would need to know how many days holiday she gets. But yes it’s fair and legal that she will have to take the bank holidays out of her entitled amount.

    Free Member

    I really struggle to get comfortable when camping and recently tried one of the thicker self inflating mats listed above but was still really uncomfortable. I’ve now found the perfect solution albeit a bit convoluted but almost as comfortable as home. Single flocked air bed for a tenner off amazon pumped up nice and firm so it doesn’t roll, then a memory foam topper (I made mine by peeling the memory foam off an old mattress and cutting to size but I think you can buy toppers) then a bed sheet over the two. Pillow and duvet from home. Warm and toasty and a good night’s sleep with ear plugs and eye mask if necessary.

    Free Member

    I m amased how many people post holiday pics on social media, if they are a director their home address is posted online

    Hopefully people feel safe enough that their own friends aren’t going to burgle their houses when on holiday though. Yes a Google of my name would probably give u my address but how is that linked to your social media? This is what privacy settings are for.

    Free Member

    Since the final week or so in June, proper nice days have been few and far between, I’ve noticed my SAD wooly feeling coming on ~6 weeks earlier than it should.

    Feeling this myself. On the South coast we’ve had an awesome summer until the last 2 to 3 weeks and now it’s turned to shit. Thankfully off to southern France for a week so that will help. Can’t stop fantasing about moving further south tbh.

    Free Member

    I may be wrong here but haven’t you already replaced it 3 times?

    Whoosh indeed! Must be young!

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