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  • Mental Mondays #9 The yes, we know it’s Tuesday, edition
  • myti
    Free Member

    1.Blade runner. Visually and audibly stunning at the imax.

    2. Lion. Incredibly moving true story.

    Free Member

    I suffer from what I recon is SAD. On a sunny day life is wonderful! I feel confident and alert and happy. This autumn/winter until recently I’ve not suffered too badly but we were having quite a few sunny, crisp days between the grey ones.

    We’re at the shortest day point now and the last couple of weeks have been really grey and damp and I’ve been feeling much more sluggish and anxious. I’m sitting next to my sad lamp now. I also have a dawn simulator alarm clock. I think it helps me get up easier on those dark mornings. Other coping mechanisms to help me through the next few months will be membership for a health club/gym, playing on the x box to make the long dark evenings pass quicker and a holiday in the sun in February.

    Tomorrow we’re off to America where the forecast is bright sunshine and minus temps and slightly longer daylight so I’m quite interested to see how my mood changes with this.

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    Free Member

    [/url]DSC_0894 by My Ti[/url], on Flickr[/img]

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    It’s going to be an interesting one for us as my dad and step mum who’s American recently moved to Rhode island so we’re off to stay with them for 10 days on Christmas Eve with a few days in NY city in a friend of theirs apartment in Greenwich village. Very excited about visiting those places with a local rather than as a tourist staying in hotels but the Step mum can be very trying/neurotic at times and we’ve not spent more than 2 nights staying with them before so the bars local to their house have already been checked out on Google!

    Free Member

    Rey doesn’t have a ‘special’ lineage. It’s basically one of the major threads throughout the entire film.

    I don’t think it’s as straightforward as that. I’m actually erring towards half brother and sister at this point so perhaps just the love child of Han.

    Free Member

    I rescued a tortoise that a family had got for their kids who got bored of it. They really are very dull pets and surprisingly complicated to look after well. I researched how to look after her online and am a member of a the equivalent of stw for tortoises! She is currently asleep for 4 months in the fridge which is much safer than traditional methods.

    Free Member

    I have jam most days for breakfast. Bovril on toast for main and jam on toast for pudding.

    Free Member

    One was more expensive and was just a price with no breakdown so we asked for a breakdown, nothing, emailed and phoned several times, nothing.

    Reads to me as up to their armpits in work so can pick and choose the best jobs to work on. If you have too much work then some narrowing down will take place. The trades person will be assessing you just as much as you think you are assessing them. So possibly asking for break down to them maybe a warning flag that you are going to quibble on price so you go to the bottom of the pile. It sucks but if they are highly recommended and busy but have been messed about by customers in the past they may be using criteria to decide if they want the job the same as you have your criteria as to whether to hire them.

    Free Member

    Get your boiler serviced in summer when they are much quieter.

    As a gardener I get frustrated that everyone waits until peak growing season to get work done on their garden and get annoyed that they have to wait several weeks for the work to be fitted in when very often the work could be in quieter times. This has made me appreciate that some other trades have busy times so I generally get my chimney swept and boiler serviced in summer. The chimney guy was well chuffed and said he charged less in summer but still everyone normally waits till September/October and then the phone goes mad.

    Free Member

    Han, you remember that year when I got really fat, then all of a sudden got thin again. Weird eh?”

    Omg seriously? I’m not suggesting Leia doesn’t know she had a daughter but that she was given away for some as yet unexplained ludicrous reason like the rest of the ludicrous plot.

    Free Member

    Yeah no excuse for that other than you completely forgot the job /forgot to put in diary in which case fess up and apologise.

    Free Member

    If they were brother and sister I think Leia and Han might have known about it!

    Not if she was taken or sent away as a baby for some as yet unexplained ludicrous reason.

    Free Member

    Yes maybe 4 or 5 to be honest

    Free Member

    Went in with no expectations and not looking for faults but thought it was utter guff! Contrived and ludicrous at times (Mary poppins moment had me and the other half looking at each other going WTF)

    It was too long and very cheesy. The only bit I thought was good was the moment the ships smashed and it went silent that was cool.

    I’ve only skimmed the other comments but can’t believe people are falling for believing Ren telling Rey her parents are nobody’s!! He only did that to try to draw her to the dark side.

    They are blatantly brother and sister, maybe twins so rehashing that again like everything else from this and the last film and saving the big reveal for the next film.

    This is the first time I’ve come out of a star wars film feeling completely cold and that I will not bother with cinema for the next one. I’ll give it a generous 6 and accept that in my mid 30’s I’m no longer the target audience for Star wars.

    Free Member

    Who moved in first the tree or you? If planted by your neighbour after you moved in then I would be a bit more sympathetic to wanting it reduced more. Ultimately the professional has pruned it to the safe amount and it’s a bit late to change your mind now.

    Is it shading the whole garden or just part? Make a feature of the shaded area with shade loving plants/bark and clear up the leaves in autumn… not really the end of the world?

    Free Member

    Well I decided to have a day off and on the end my total carb intake consider of a small piece of cold toast and a bit of mashed spud.
    So not a lot.

    Feeling guilty now

    Don’t beat yourself up or obsess over diet. Life is too short to guilt trip yourself for eating a potato.

    Free Member

    Similar issue for us in our bedroom. Very thin poorly, insulated wall as the bedroom is in the roof (chalet style) meant the wall was the coldest place in the house that water would condense. Wet and then would go mouldy. We fitted the positive pressure vent ourselves rather than pay £700 for the company to do it so it was around £250. Totally solved the problem.

    Free Member

    Toy drones they can have ariel battles.

    Free Member

    Pyracantha if you want to be evil. Otherwise privet, euronymus or eleagus are fast growing dense hedge plants to make a nice screen. Or put up a fence on your side?

    Free Member

    Never mind the pylons are they seriously saying that dress is white and gold not blue and black?

    Free Member

    Online OS maps subscription. It’s great for finding new walks.

    Free Member

    This thread is ace. Waiting with bated breath. I’ve sent and received with my hermes in the past but will think twice next time.

    Free Member

    Also agree on the fridge magnets, dvds and cds also no longer required. we will never watch them again now we have Netflix and firestick. I like minimal but my man has a tendency to hording/mess.

    Free Member

    If you like the coast how about moving to Brighton instead? It’s called London by the sea….Cheaper rent and a great place to be young. Even great for cycling if you do decide to get back into it when you get bored of clubbing.

    Lots of buses here too.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    And me though I think cute rather than hot…

    Free Member

    Since the advice in this thread a year ago I’ve progressed to sourdough as it has so much flavour and is nothing more than flour water and salt. Sometimes some seeds. It’s a long process but really easy. I’ve totally ditched dried yeast now and have a jar of starter in my fridge.

    After reading a lot of confusing recipes and info on sourdough I found this foul proof, no mess recipe that produces a perfect shiney crust:

    Free Member

    How old are you? Personally I would not think you’d want to be grafting in that job much past 40 unless you plan to have employees. Round here there are a lot of tree surgeons competing for work but I’d say not enough gardeners and landscapers which can bring in similar money.

    Gardening work is more secure too as you can have regular contracts bringing in fixed monthly income unlike tree surgery which can be feast or famine. Both are hard work but gardening there are more options to pick and choose easier or harder jobs as you age.

    In terms of white finger and other problems from vibrating tools mentioned. This should not be an issue for someone starting now with better health and safety and the option of battery tools with much lower vibes. I switched due to carpal tunnel.

    Free Member

    Smoked mackerel salad with seeds and few spuds for a big filling evening meal. Big healthy meals so you don’t need to snack. Cottage cheese on Rye or whole meal sourdough also very healthy and filling.

    Free Member

    I’m wondering if there’s any passive affect too as my work mate vapes in the van with the window cracked but I still get wafts of strawberry over my side.

    Free Member

    Cash gift or bottle of wine/chocolate that loyal customers give you on your last visit before Christmas break to show they appreciate the hard work you’ve done throughout the year.

    Free Member

    That sounds really cheap! Minimum rent here in Brighton would be about £400pm. Competition for rooms is very high here so I can imagine looking now would be a smart move.

    Free Member

    I reckon I would make a killing as a trade just by doing what I said I would when I said I would

    I find this! I’m a tradesperson and find I can pretty much be garenteed of getting the job by turning up when I say I will for the quote. Often people have already tried several others with no shows.

    I don’t advertise and am mostly word of mouth and have taken my phone number off my website due to too many calls when trying to work. Much prefer an email enquiry I can answer in my own time in the evening.

    I’m about to downsize the business due to the difficulty in finding employees so am sadly having to cull a load of regular customers and the first to go will be late payers and ones who don’t offer tea or Christmas tip. If you find a good tradesperson let them know you appreciate them as being self employed there is no one but your customers to tell you that you’re doing a good job and even a small gesture like a bit of cake can tip the balance.

    Free Member

    At least the recruitment lady admitted she voted wrong and was mislead.

    Watched this as I lived in bognor for a while and did tomato picking in my hols from uni. Just me and one other brit working there and lots of eastern Europeans. They could pick about 3 times what we did and earned a nice bonus for it. I hope more young people can be encouraged into the work. It was hard work for low pay but fine as a starter job whilst living cheaply at home or as a lodger and as many free tomatoes as you could fit in a carrier bag!

    Free Member

    Forks and spoons up so you can fit more in and see what’s what when you need to grab one to eat something and knives down so you don’t jab your hand when rushing to grab a utensil to eat something. Except for my best sharp knife which is put separately on the drainer so it doesn’t get blunted on other utensils.

    Free Member

    That’s mega expensive! Are you really young? Have you any ncb? Trawl all the comparison sites for the best quotes. I do this every year for 2 vans. Transit is about £300 a year with max no claims. Trafic is a about £350 with 2 years ncb. Both commercial. Switch every year to get the best price.

    Free Member

    Good to know.

    Free Member

    Disco Pete! Seen him out and about many a time!

    Free Member

    Another vote for etesia here. Great for long, wet grass and fill up the box really well so you don’t have to empty too often or put the mulching insert in and no collecting required.

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