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  • Fresh Goods Friday 661 – The Hard Lining Edition
  • myti
    Free Member

    Once women are no longer to able to question a male body in a (formerly) female-only space, there is nothing to stops perverts abusing the law to gain access to that space.

    That is a lot of effort to go to be a pervert. Surely a pervert will be a pervert wherever and whenever and with whichever gender floats their boat. It just seems like a non issue to me. As a child I remember having a picnic in a park with my mum and some pervert coming up and waving port mags in our face and her chasing him away. I really can’t imagine he’d be legally changing his gender to gain access to public toilets in order to more easily carry out his perversions.

    Free Member

    Looking forward to attending Brighton pride parade at the weekend but the event as a whole is too commercial and an excuse for a massive pissup/drugfest and trashing of Brighton’s streets by visitors so possibly losing it’s way somewhat.

    Free Member

    Cornwall. I can’t imagine wanting to spend a week in Brighton with kids and I live here. Beaches are packed and not particularly nice and the place is full of drunk tourists and stag do’s.

    Free Member

    It has a log burner. Surely that’s worth 25k over asking to any STWer?!

    Free Member

    My eating patterns have certainly changed in this weather. Can’t be bothered to cook that much and had a pic nic for dinner last night in the garden. Quiche, olives, stuffed peppers, pork pie, salmon pate and half a bottle of nice white wine. Really hit the spot and no washing up either!

    Free Member

    I heard that programme on radio 4 today. Really interesting and made me search out some of his tunes this avo.

    Free Member

    Nearly had a heart attack there 😌

    Free Member

    Ooo…reminds me I have an audible credit to use. Got to do them in order so book 2 for me at work tomorrow.

    Free Member

    The texture was so good I actually made a sandwich with it which I rarely do as usually it’s a little dense and mostly I make it the night before so it’s not so fresh.

    Think I’ll stick with the lower hydration for now and then be a bit more careful with my starter. Since summer hit I’ve been much busier and tend to feed my starter once a week, keeping it in the fridge and I’ve been pretty slap dash with the bread making as not really paying attention to timings.

    Free Member

    http://DSC_0585 by My Ti[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    http://DSC_0583 by My Ti[/url], on Flickr

    This is 50 wholemeal spelt 450 white, 270 water. Much easier to get out of the banaton than my usual 340 water. Lovely crust, lovely texture quite light but a close crumb rather than big holes which I don’t mind as it’s better for spreading butter on but I’m wondering how the big holes holes are achieved. Could be my starter is not that active or maybe over proved slightly.

    I didn’t really have time to try the mixing methods in the vid although I did take some tips from them and my finishing method is similar to the one in the last vid. Baked on a tray as it was too big for my le cruset. I made 3 crumpets with 130g of starter discard and half a teaspoon of sugar, quarter salt and quarter bicarb. They were really light and deliciously cheesy despite no cheese in there! My starter is Rye so I was surprised the crumpets were so light.

    Free Member

    Nickc definitely needs some drugs

    Free Member

    Can you rig up a sheet/canopy of some sort suspended just above car height to catch the crap. Then clear it off at intervals.

    Free Member

    Yes but I only generally let it out at people I spend the most time with so partner and work mate get the brunt. If you find a solution that doesn’t involve being on mind altering drugs*let me know.

    *not that I would know like but I heard someone say they chill you out and open your mind so all the stupid annoyances suddenly don’t seem to matter anymore

    Free Member

    Sounds like a bargain!  At least 8.50 here!

    Free Member

    I feel great! I never get ill in summer. Does that help? X

    Free Member

    Can’t say I’ve noticed it but since eliminating them from my diet for reasons of gut health I’ve realised how many are hidden in things particularly since the introduction of the sugar tax on drinks. I bought a non diet lemonade and discovered it was in there along with sugar and is in all but the most expensive premium cordials.

    I have noticed I don’t need to go to the loo in the night since stopping having it but could just be coincidental.

    Free Member

    It’s commando time of year at my gardening job!

    Free Member

    Ok great all your measurements are the same as mine but I normally do 340g of water with that so will try less water and see if I can get a better result. If it comes out like yours I can’t see why you would go higher hydration.

    Free Member

    Yum. My flat half spelt loaf was really tasty this morning. Don’t find they go sweaty just stops it going too dry and I only loosely wrap it in the bag.

    I have been told to go straight from fridge to oven for more oven spring which I’ve not tried tried so fingers crossed for a pretty loaf at the weekend.

    What weights are you using now?

    Free Member

    Wow looks great.

    I’ve been quite busy since the nice weather so haven’t put much effort into mantaining my starter and have just done a few rather rushed loaves.

    This mornings was rather flat as I’d started it yesterday lunchtime and then ended up at the pub till past midnight so it was very over proved and was trying 50% wholemeal spelt too.

    I will study those vids when I get a chance a maybe try your methods next weekend.

    Re going stale I keep mine in.a plastic bag but also I only really find homemade sourdough is good as toast unless it’s only a few hours old.

    Free Member

    No you mustn’t damage the plant/tree or you are liable for replacement. How that’s enforceable I don’t know! Had the same with my neighbours.  Shared hedge of 2 rows and found a man with a chainsaw one morning hacking into my side. Told him to stop and look at the boundary (semi detached house) they removed their row and put in a 4ft fence but because the 2 rows had intertwined ours was very patchy in places. Since then I’ve been feeding mine and watering in dry periods and have planted climbers to grow through the gaps. There were also some weed elder trees coming through which I used to chop to ground level but I let them m grow up and they are  5 times more vigorous than the hedge.

    People are weird and lazy.

    Free Member

    I avoid them like the plague. I would only go to one now if it was a really close friend or family and probably not if it was overly traditional.

    Free Member

    Animal friends gold policy for my 8.5 year lab is only £27 and I’ve had various claims over the years all paid no problem.

    Free Member

    Comes and goes for me. Sometimes I’m rubbish on technical stuff and really tense and keep thinking about crashing and some days it all just flows and I feel like Rachel Atherton!

    Free Member

    The risk of cancer with this is so small I believe it’s less than alcohol and we are talking about putting it on the patio not drinking it! If anyone’s worried about the cancer risk with glyphosate they really need to make sure they are eating only organic food.

    Free Member

    Glyphosate used in the correct manner (non windy or wet day and not near a drain) to treat weeds on a drive is not environmentally unfriendly and will have zero affect on your dog. Your dog is more likely to be exposed to glyphosate in their dog food unless you feed grain free.

    Free Member

    Size of hedge and stumps? It’s the busiest time of year for a seasonal job so you will pay a premium. Get it done in the off season next time if you want to save money. Stump grinding is a specialist job requiring expensive machinery to be purchased or hired.

    Agree it’s hard finding tradespeople to do work though so maybe it doesn’t pay well enough to encourage more people into these jobs?

    Free Member

    We can you get the Rev grips in the UK?

    Free Member

    Bikebouy but we’re allowed to at the moment. I’m talking post Brexit.

    Free Member

    I think the problem with the increase in intolerances (particularly wheat)is to do with modern farming and food processing methods. In the West we are extremely reliant on wheat in our diet and a very few strains of wheat that have been bred as they are the most productive. Wheat is in so much stuff and it’s highly processed.

    It’s possible that over exposure to this could cause these intolerances in some people. The best possible diet is therefore one that is massively varied. Not necessarily eliminating anything but not being so reliant on one food type.

    Some people who react badly to normal bread can handle spelt or sourdough. So if you are suffering with intolerances or digestive problems have as much variety as possible and reduce processed food and work on gut health with fermented foods to reintroduce the good bacteria. Kefir has 30 to 50 different bacteria which will colonise the gut whereas supermarket yogurt has only a few that do not and are eliminated from the gut in 24 hours.

    Free Member

    Other half works from home quite a bit and i’m able to take the dog to work (gardener) most of the time. We have a dog walker for occasional times that we both can’t have the dog for the course of an 8 hour day. Happy to leave her for 4 hours at a time on the weekend or evenings and occasionally for up to 6 hours for a big day out on the bike.

    Free Member

    http://BK by My Ti[/url], on Flickr


    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies!  Idiotdog I was looking to try paleoridge actually as the quality looks great and I really like the idea of the packaging.

    Free Member

    There seems to be growing evidence that a diet and lifestyle that supports a diverse gut bacteria is the way to go for general health and mental health even. There is a series of 3 radio programmes called the second genome on iplayer about it. It’s the reason I’m making and consuming more fermented foods and reducing the processed crap in my diet.

    Free Member

    Very good and he’s lovely.

    Free Member

    I just use a zip lock freezer bag. One for tools and one for underwear, wallet and phone when commuting.

    They seem to last relatively well and at £1 for 50 I don’t really care if they get holes in them every 10 or so rides.

    Tut tut think of the planet!

    Free Member

    If you’re considering mulching mower. Check out etesia. I have 2 of different sizes. Cut in all weathers.

    Free Member

    Gardening fits your description for sure. Bit of learning to do at first if you’re not currently green fingered. Do some courses or just get a job with a gardener for a year then set up your own thing.

    Free Member


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