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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • myti
    Free Member

    I thought the breathing technique thing was a bit suspect.

    Free Member

    I’ve been in August twice for a couple of days each time on the way to Bike Village. Stayed right on the lake at Talloires so a bit less hectic than the main town. Beautiful, busy, lush food, lovely walks and swimming. Dordogne lovely also. We did a canoeing trip down it a couple of summers ago.

    Free Member

    You can treat moss in winter as long as no risk of frost so depends what your forecast looks like. Too late to scarify though

    Free Member

    Ah OK I’ll try the easy thing 1st! Thanks for the advice everyone.

    Free Member

    It’s on my amazon wishlist so maybe after Christmas if I’m lucky.

    Free Member

    I’m still only on chapter 3! I keep getting majorly distracted and spending hours not progressing the game. Yesterday I literally spent an hour just trying to bag a perfect squirrel and failing. Today in real life at work I saw a squirrel and my immediate thought was to go for my bow and arrow 🙄

    Free Member

    I’ve been getting this too it’s really annoying. Yes I use Google to search for things it normally works well for me but instead of coming up with a list of search results it’s bringing up a page full of photos of shopping items

    Free Member

    One of my favourite pubs is called The Office

    Free Member

    I thought Caroline lucas came across very well and spoke alot of sense in the c4 debate. Not impressed with Labour tonight which I find troubling. Mogg had nothing intelligent to say.

    Free Member

    Who’s speech was it?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    If you’ve got the van why wooden you?

    Free Member

    "DSC_0002"<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>”>http://DSC_0002<script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>

    Free Member

    I live within my means and always have. I think it’s down to my parents attitude to money and debt. When I was on minimum wage, young and single I lived extremely cheaply as a lodger in someone’s house, thought carefully about every penny I spent, would only have one or two drinks if out at the pub, chose value range food shopping but would get treated by my parents to a holiday or meals out sometimes and a nice birthday present so I felt very privileged and they paid for my uni education so I was lucky not to be saddled with debt when starting out in life.

    I did take on a small amount of debt when starting my business and over the years as my income has risen so has my spending though I had to actually consciously tell my self to stop watching every penny and enjoy my earnings once I was better off. Having had a partner with a very good job and no kids for several years now things are much more affordable and I don’t really want for anything but we’re still sensible as hoping to go part time in a few years.

    Free Member

    How do you tell if an animal is perfect before you hunt it? I’m taking my time on this game and only in chapter 2 so I’m on a hunting mission later for some kit upgrades.

    Free Member

    Wasn’t going to but last thing last night remembered I was planning on buying a Sony zx2 compact in the next month or so so thought I might as well see if anyone had a deal and much to my surprise (as there’s normally sod all I want on offer) it was available on giff gaff £50 cheaper than cheapest I could find anywhere else and a free pair of £120 wireless headphones included.

    Free Member

    Wave accounting is a free online platform that can do this. I’ve used it for years and my accountant can access it to produce my end of year accounts. It also saves a lot of time compared with manually filling out a spreadsheet.

    Free Member

    I’ve made riding friends directly through strava as there weren’t many women on it at the start we messaged each other after being the only ones on the leader board. My partner has made riding friends through single-track when he was new to the area. They are the nicest people you could have for riding buddies!

    Free Member

    Finisterre and rapanuyi votes here

    Free Member

    OMFG the state of that gammon on channel 4 news just now and his hand puppet daughter!

    Free Member

    Sorry but he’s no Simon Reeve.

    Free Member

    That takes the biscuit mate. I’d have mixed feelings about another kitchen based purchase.

    Free Member

    I’ve had an Otty for about a year now and it’s the best mattress I’ve ever had or slept on. More than twice what I’ve previously spent on a mattress though. Got 2 free memory foam pillows with it which are great too.

    Free Member

    Don’t do this. It’s a female facebook page for a reason. That reason is not likely for dudes to go shopping for a partner on it.

    Oh dear tongue in cheek doesn’t work on here does it? I’m a member on there but no pimping yourself might not really be the best idea but I believe anyone can join not just women.

    Free Member

    Join the girlmtb Facebook page and post up a wanted ad? Go on group rides and races where you might meet females?

    Free Member

    Sounds awesome! Not sure on the details but I think you might struggle buying a vehicle without an American licence. My Dad and American Step mum who’s lived in the UK for 20 years have bought a house in America to spend winters there but they had to hire a car at great expense for 4 months as apparently couldn’t buy one because her American driving licence had lapsed.

    Free Member

    Onesie! You can thank me later.

    Free Member

    Yes it’s absolutely spot on in Friston forest in East Sussex today. Almost dusty, fast rolling but just enough moisture in the ground to make it grippy. Making the most of it and I hope it lasts for Afan next weekend.

    Free Member

    Had my medium mk3 Bronson about about a month now and coming from a small 2014 Stumpjumper I’m absolutely blown away. It’s heavier and so much longer I was worried it might be hard work climbing and in my tight twisty local single-track but it’s just hands down better in every situation I’ve thrown at it. Prs galore and tackling drops I’ve not felt confident to do. I can see how it could make you a lazy rider I suppose as line choice doesn’t seem to matter but the thing is you can go at stuff so much quicker and for me I’m searching out steeper more techy stuff that I’d not done before.

    Free Member

    Those drinks only have one or two types of bacteria in them so unless you are lacking those they won’t make any difference to you. You can get a more diverse gut bacteria and there are studies that show benefits to conditions like ibs from improving your gut diversity.

    To improve gut diversity foods like kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut can help but they need to be homemade version’s not supermarket versions as these have usually been pasteurised. I make kefir. It’s really simple and contains dozens of bacteria, yeasts and viruses that live in a symbiotic colony.

    The other is to live a healthy lifestyle of wholefoods, lots of veg and minimal processed stuff, good sleep and reduce stress.

    I’ve found my digestive health has improved since taking kefir. No more diarrhea.

    If you’re on Facebook UK fermented foods is a good place to learn.

    Free Member

    I’m looking forward to it this year. I’ll be in the air when it arrives on the way to see family in Oz. We don’t do presents or anything over the top any more just nice food and good company. What’s not to like?

    Free Member

    It’s an acquired taste for sure, but any “heath aspects” have no basis in fact. Aspartame is one of the most heavily tested foodstuffs on the planet, in part because of the volume of chain-letter scare stories doing the rounds. In any case, any health concerns would be insignificant compared to consuming huge quantities of refined sugar, at worst it’s the lesser of two evils.

    It wasn’t aspartame though it was sucralose and isomalt and as I don’t consume huge quantities of sugar the health comparison you made doesn’t apply. There have been studies showing that artificial sweeteners can impact the gut microbiome and i’m quite into improving that as there are a lot of good studies showing the importance of it to overall health.

    It’s incredibly hard to do good quality long term studies on impact of dietary items so my approach is to play it safe and eat as natural as possible as much of the time as possible. Sometimes I still want something quick and processed but I would rather it was made up of generally naturally occurring compounds like sugar than man made like sweeteners. Any my main point was it tasted disgusting.

    Free Member

    2nd job?

    Free Member

    Dogsbollox fossy? I had one when I was at uni. It got knocked over in the hall by someone and caved in the ultra thin steel top tube :-(

    Free Member

    Fine well don’t come crying to me next time you need a a quick sugar hit on your ride and start tucking into your favourite chocolate bar only to find its made of sweetener and kittens tears.

    Free Member

    Full fat Friday fail here tonight. Turns out butterkist salt and sweet has no sugar in it just sweeteners…rank

    Free Member

    I’m a gardener and when I’ve been strimming long grass I ask my work mate to blow me off.

    Free Member

    I would get checked.  My housemate years ago was drinking a lot of water and was then diagnosed with type one diabetes aged about 30. I would drink half a litre max in an hour if not hot weather.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    We’ve very little appreciation of good bread in the UK,

    I totally disagree with that statement but yes like most things supermarkets are not that great on the whole. Local bakeries and the artisan bread scene produce a fantastic range of all bread types from bog standard farmhouse to French boule, sourdough, ryes and high quality flours are easy to purchase if you wish to make your own.

    My experience of bread in France is that you can get a couple of types pretty much just crusty white which I get bored off and feel is pretty unhealthy and makes crap toast. Much easier to purchase a range of lovely and healthier breads in the UK imo.

Viewing 40 posts - 881 through 920 (of 1,723 total)